Chapter 295 Search
The sound of power explosions, the screams of dying, the unwilling, angry roars.One after another.

One after another burst out of power, tearing the sky and the earth, erupting in the void like gorgeous and bright fireworks, containing the terrifying momentum of destroying the world, blasting towards the opponent frantically.

"Kill them all." The man in black at the head, who was also the man in black who killed the old man of the Su family, suddenly ordered at this moment.

After receiving the order, those men in black from the Bada Chamber of Commerce who hadn't killed them before suddenly became violent as if they had been injected with chicken blood.

One by one, the strength soared, pouring the strength into the fist or weapon in the hand, and killing all directions!

A master in the early stage of the Su family's transformation, in front of the man in black who suddenly erupted, he was cut in half by a sword before he could support three moves, and was killed directly.

Not long after, another master of the Su family's metamorphosis was torn into pieces by a man in black.

Not long after, the five masters of the Su family's metamorphosis were all killed.

In front of the man in black, these metamorphosis masters of the Su family are simply not enough to look at.After a big battle, only one man in black was slightly injured.

Looking at these extremely fierce men in black, Chen Hao secretly wiped the cold sweat from his forehead.These men in black are not only powerful, but the most important thing is that they kill without blinking an eye, but they are extremely skillful.

It seems that these people should do this kind of thing often.

In fact, Chen Hao's guess was right, and he already knew the identities of these men in black.The man in black must be a dark force of the Bada Chamber of Commerce.

Otherwise, as the largest chamber of commerce in the cultivation world, the Bada Chamber of Commerce has many enemies.In this cruel world of comprehension, who will do business with you fairly?Healthy competition?
Even though the major chambers of commerce are friendly on the surface, they must be having a good time secretly.And the man in black is a powerful force of the Bada Chamber of Commerce, specially doing things for the Bada Chamber of Commerce that are not easy to do on the surface.


After the man in black killed the master of the Su family's metamorphosis period, under the bombardment of endless thunder, the entire Su family has gradually turned into ruins.

Even those masters in the tribulation period couldn't withstand the bombardment of the endless tribulation thunder, and almost all of them were killed.And there are also some masters in the tribulation period who want to escape, but they are just pointed out by those men in black, and they are directly smashed to pieces.

As for the monks below the tribulation period?Although there are many people, who can resist the endless thunder?
Not long after, the entire Su family was destroyed!And the three major families in Luoxing City have also become two major families at this time.

From the beginning to the end, except for the members of the Su family, none of the remaining two major families dared to make a move.It wasn't that they refused to save him, they wanted to kill Chen Hao in the first place.

However, when the man in black killed the Su family's transformational master like a gust of wind sweeping away fallen leaves, the masters of Zhang and Zhu fell silent.

If they dared to attack, they would follow in the footsteps of the masters of the Su family and be killed.

The friendship between the three of them is good, and they usually work together in collusion.But it is not worthwhile to let his family be buried in the hands of these men in black.

At this time, when entering the ruined Su family, everyone around them watched quietly and did not leave.Because Chen Hao and the man in black did not leave.

"Chen Hao, do you want to destroy the Zhang family and the Zhu family by the way?" The leader of the men in black walked up to Chen Hao and said so.

Hearing this, Chen Hao, including the onlookers, couldn't help being surprised.But the members of the Zhang family and the Zhu family were taken aback.

If these men in black really wanted to make a move, their two families would definitely be destroyed in an instant.Because, they vaguely felt that these men in black were not as few as they appeared on the surface.

In the dark, there must be many men in black hiding.

"These guys are just going to destroy two families by the way?" Chen Hao felt ashamed in his heart, feeling that compared with these men in black, he was still far inferior.

"Chen Hao, there is no quarrel between us. No one in our family has ever shot you. The trash you killed, our family had to deal with it, but we are grateful to you for killing it." What about you. Moreover, our family has decided that we will never make things difficult for you in the future."

Before Chen Hao could speak, a master from the Zhang family came out and said at the same time.Immediately, a master from the Zhu family also came out and said something similar.

Chen Hao sneered in his heart, this is the face of the so-called big family.These two families obviously hated themselves to death, but now they were worried about being wiped out by the man in black, so they said these ridiculous reasons.

"Am I the one who killed your family? You really don't hate me?" Chen Hao said with an inexplicable smile on his face.

"Haha, those trash, die as soon as they die. How can we hate you because of that trash?" A master of the Zhu family said with a smile.

Immediately, these two masters said a lot of good things to Chen Hao, nothing more than that they would never trouble Chen Hao in the future.Chen Hao and the people around him were disgusted.

"Sorry, you heard it too, they all said they won't trouble me, so I don't need to kill them." Chen Hao turned his head to look at the leader of the man in black, and said with a smile.

"It's a pity." The leader of the man in black sighed, looking very sorry.But it made Chen Hao and others feel ashamed.

However, the Zhu family and the Zhang family breathed a sigh of relief. After the two masters secretly wiped off the cold sweat on their foreheads, they jumped into the air and went back to the family.

Chen Hao will never offend him!

Not to mention Chen Hao's powerful pervert, but the men in black behind him are even more terrifying.Because until now, no one had discovered the identity of the man in black, so they naturally thought that these were the forces behind Chen Hao.

With such a terrifying backer, who would dare to provoke Chen Hao?

"Search for me, dig three feet into the ground." At this moment, Chen Hao suddenly growled.

Almost at the same time that Chen Hao's voice was still falling, black shadows rushed out from the darkness near Su's house, and one by one began to search the ruined Su's house.

It's the man in black again!
However, these men in black are not as powerful as those men in black who appeared earlier.But all of them are in the state of the integration period, a unity of the same state.

These are the members of Chen Hao's "Chaos".Originally, he wanted to use this incident to let these members come to an actual battle.

However, these members of the Su family were too unbearable. These members of Chaos had no time to make a move, and they were all blasted to ashes by Jielei.

Now, they can only search for the things left by the Su family.

Not long after, a member discovered a secret passage, and it was obvious that under the secret passage was the existence of the Su family storing various things.

After discovering this secret passage, Chen Hao jumped down.There are too many things inside, and if there are too many things, you must use the system red envelope to take them away at once.

Seeing that Chen Hao had discovered this secret passage, everyone around them couldn't help showing their hearts moved.The treasure room of one of the three major families in Fallen Star City, whoever gets it will get rich overnight!
Even, many people are already ready to move.

As for the men in black from the Bada Chamber of Commerce?They didn't leave immediately, but stood guard on the ruins, preventing anyone from coming to make trouble.

As for the treasures of the Su family?The man in black didn't seem to have seen it.Their mission is only to kill people, and they don't pay attention to other things.

"I've made a lot of money, I've made a lot of money."

Under the secret way, Chen Hao has transferred many ocean-like Huiyuan pills and other pills into the system red envelope world.

And in the process, he even discovered ten spiritual veins!

Although the highest grade is only a third-rank spiritual vein, there are ten spiritual veins!That's a spiritual vein, not a Huiyuan pill.

After sweeping away the secret passage, Chen Hao smiled all over his face.

This Su family is worthy of being one of the three major families in Luoxing City, and their wealth is no more than that of some top-notch factions.

"Hey, it's a big loss." After discovering the terrifying treasure of the Su family, Chen Hao suddenly felt a little bit at a loss.That's the case with just one Su family, so what about the other two that are also three major families?
If I had known that I had agreed to the man in black, I would have wiped out the remaining two major families in one fell swoop.But after thinking about it, he had to make a break with the two big families. Their things would be his own sooner or later.

He just needs to wait for his own strength to come up, and then destroy those two families.

After raiding the Su family, Chen Hao walked out with a smile on his face.

Seeing Chen Hao's satisfied expression, the people around him secretly sighed.

This guy has collected all the treasures that the entire Su family has plundered for countless years, can he not be satisfied?

Envy jealous hate!This is the portrayal of the mood of those people watching around.

Sensing all kinds of envy, jealousy, even hatred, greed and other emotions from the crowd around him, Chen Hao kept sneering in his heart.If these guys dare to snatch them, he doesn't mind killing them all.

Moreover, after seeing the terrifying strength of the men in black, it is estimated that these people will have to weigh carefully whether they dare to do it.After all, the strength of the man in black is too terrifying.

With a wave of his hand, the members of Chaos wrapped in black immediately soared into the air and flew towards the outside of Luoxing City.During this process, many strong men in Luoxing City rose into the air and followed the members of Chaos.

Seeing this, Chen Hao sneered again.These people just want to find Chen Hao's lair.Just, can they?Chen Hao was not worried at all.

After the members of Chaos left, the men in black from Bada Chamber of Commerce also left here one after another.As for Chen Hao, it was Shi Shiran who returned to the Bada Chamber of Commerce.

He is not afraid of others guessing what relationship he has with the Bada Chamber of Commerce. It would be better for those people to misunderstand that he has a great connection with the Bada Chamber of Commerce.In this way, Chen Hao will save a lot of trouble.And no one who doesn't have eyesight dares to trouble Chen Hao casually.

After returning to his own room in Bada Chamber of Commerce, Chen Hao entered the system red envelope world.A moment later, in a valley beyond the potential of Luoxing City, Chen Hao appeared out of thin air.

Not long after he appeared, the original members of Chaos entered the valley in great numbers.

Apart from anything else, Chen Hao directly took all these people into the system red envelope world, and at the same time, he himself entered the system red envelope world again.

Not long after, a series of figures tore from the distant sky, and soon landed in this valley.However, what made them feel weird was that the hundreds of men in black had disappeared out of thin air.

"It's strange, they obviously entered this valley but didn't come out, but now they are gone. Could it be that they really disappeared out of thin air?" A master said in a deep voice.

These people are the monks who followed the members of Chaos. They didn't dare to get too close. They saw that members of Chaos had entered the valley and hadn't come out for a long time. They finally stepped forward to check.

"Impossible, why did they disappear suddenly? Is there some mystery here?" Seeing a kind of person enter the valley but not come out, everyone was puzzled.

Since it is impossible to disappear out of thin air, there is no mystery here.Maybe there is some mystery under the ground, or there is a powerful phantom array here.

In the following time, countless sect experts came one after another, all aiming at the valley, looking for the legendary mystery.

It's just that these people never thought about it, this is just an ordinary valley that can no longer be ordinary, what's the mystery?

They were simply played by Chen Hao.

In other words, at that time, after Chen Hao received the system red envelopes from members of Chaos, he did not come out immediately, but was counting the various pills he had found from the Su family.

Various pills such as Huiyuan Dan, flying swords of the magic weapon level, flying swords of the spiritual weapon level, and various treasures of heaven and earth, there are almost countless.

Wan Zhao Hui Yuan Pill!The rest of the pills are also in the trillions.Among them, there are as many as [-] flying swords and magic weapons at the magic weapon level!Even in the world of comprehension, flying sword magic weapons of the spiritual level are extremely rare, and there are as many as [-]!

Not to mention the ten spiritual veins.

Just for these, Chen Hao made a lot of money by destroying the Su family this time.What's more, adding other things like natural materials and earthly treasures, the value is inestimable.

"Although I am still far inferior to the top ten sects, compared to some first-class sects, my financial resources are not far behind." Chen Hao laughed.

It should be noted that there are hundreds of thousands of Chaos members under him.The daily consumption of these people is an astronomical sum.Even if Huiyuan Pill was provided with the Ninth Grade Spirit Vein of Extreme Heaven Realm, Chen Hao was not too tight.But Chen Hao, the magic weapon of flying swords, was extremely lacking.

(End of this chapter)

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