Chapter 296 Crash
Although he ransacked a lot of shops before, the flying sword inside was enough to provide everyone.Therefore, among the [-] members of Chaos, there are still quite a few people who do not have the magic weapon flying sword at hand.

And this time, the various flying sword magic weapons obtained from the Su family, although most of them are magic weapon level, they are barely enough.

After all, with Chen Hao's current financial resources, it is really far from enough to equip all 10 people with flying sword magic weapons of the spiritual level at once.It can even be said that even the top ten sects have never been so bold!
Among the hundreds of thousands of disciples of the top ten sects, those who can have spiritual weapons are only a relatively small part.Moreover, these people are either related to the sect, or they are some geniuses who have made great contributions to the sect or are mainly cultivated by the sect.

"If you want to equip 10 people with flying swords and magic weapons at the level of spiritual weapons, you still need to struggle." Chen Hao sighed, and now he is too embarrassed to let members of Chaos appear in front of the world.Just imagine, a large group of masters at the fusion stage all holding magic weapon-level flying swords... How embarrassing it is.

"Well, we need to rob these powerful forces more in the future." Chen Hao was thinking in his heart, preparing to leave the system red envelope world.

"Unexpectedly, unexpectedly, the Su family has such a treasure." Just as he was about to leave, the voice of the system came to his ears.

"What? Even the system can't help but praise it?" Chen Hao felt strange and walked over.

In the meantime, the system was holding a elixir with a faint radiance in its hand. It wasn't Huiyuan Pill or Breaking Realm. It was a kind of elixir that Chen Hao had never seen before.

"Breaking Tribulation Pill!" the system said before Chen Hao could ask.

Breaking robbery pill!It turned out to be the Breaking Tribulation Pill!

Chen Hao was startled for a moment, and then he was overjoyed.

The Breaking Realm Pill can break through the realm, as long as there is enough spiritual energy and breaking the realm, the monk can break through to the fusion stage in one fell swoop.However, the peak state of the fusion period is their peak state.

Although there is no side effect of taking Pojing Dan.However, it is much more difficult for monks who have taken the Breaking Realm Pill and reached the peak of the Fusion Stage to enter the Tribulation Crossing Stage from the Fusion Stage than those who have naturally cultivated to the Fusion Stage.

Although it is not impossible to break through this realm for life, it is only several times more difficult than ordinary monks.

It's just a few times more difficult, and it doesn't seem to be anything.However, one must know that it is extremely difficult for a monk in the body-fit stage to step into the realm of the tribulation stage!
The vast majority of monks are stuck in the realm of the fusion stage and cannot break through to the tribulation stage for life, let alone those who take the breaking realm pill to improve their cultivation?
Unless some aptitude is very against the sky, it is very likely that you will not be able to break through to the tribulation stage in your life.

However, it is different with the Pojie Pill.The Tribulation Breaking Pill has only one function - it can allow the monks in the fit stage to break through to the tribulation stage smoothly.

There is enough aura, and there is a pill to break the robbery.In other words, in the near future, there will be a large number of masters in the metamorphosis period under Chen Hao.

At that time, he will have one hundred thousand transformation masters.

With such a terrifying force, who in the entire cultivation world has such a big arm?At that time, Chen Hao only needs to rely on the power of chaos to run rampant in the entire cultivation world.

What ten sects?Swept directly!
Of course, this is just an assumption.It is extremely difficult to form an army of masters in the metamorphosis stage. Even if there is the Breaking Tribulation Pill and the Eternal Transition Pill, not everyone can successfully break through to the metamorphosis stage.

Of course, as long as there are these pills, Chen Hao has this possibility.Moreover, the members of Chaos are now tempering their bodies in the thunderstorm almost every day, and they have developed a little resistance to the thunderstorms, which will help them a lot in surviving the four or nine days of calamity.

"Haha, God is helping me, I can come to whatever I want." Chen Hao laughed loudly, he was worried about where to find the Pojie Pill.

Who would have thought that he just destroyed a family at random, and got this robbery pill?
This is called breaking through the iron shoes and finding nowhere to come without any effort!In other words, it was unintentional, and if it wasn't for the transformational master of the Su family to attack Chen Hao, based on his original plan, he would have wiped out the Zhang family.

"System, hurry up and come up with the recipe of this breaking pill. It's best to mass-produce it quickly. I want to form an army of metamorphosis masters, haha..."

Chen Hao laughed.

Seeing his flustered look, the system had the urge to slap him.

However, the system is obviously happy.

After being happy, Chen Hao was worried again.

As the strength of everyone becomes stronger and stronger, the resources consumed every day will also increase.The most important thing is that Chen Hao still needs to equip them with some magical weapons.

After thinking about it, Chen Hao felt a little depressed again.However, as long as he thinks that he will have a group of metamorphosis masters in the near future, he is still too excited.

In the following time, the system went to find the recipe for the Pojie Pill.Chen Hao, on the other hand, started to inspect his subordinates like a leader.At the same time, the weapons and magic weapons obtained this time were distributed.

However, Chen Hao, who was in the red envelope of the system, knew that people from the various sects outside had almost dug the valley three feet into the ground because of their sudden disappearance.

With the Pojie Pill, with the magic of the Qiankun Yinyang Cauldron, I believe that the formula of the Pojie Pill will be available soon, and mass production will be available at that time, and soon after, even if the members of Chaos cannot break through to the metamorphosis stage for a while, But their strength will also skyrocket.

At the same time, many sects have turned the nameless valley outside Luoxing City upside down!Nothing at all.

And at this time, they realized that they had been tricked by Chen Hao before they knew it.

However, no one dared to trouble Chen Hao because of this.After all, the strength of Chen Hao's man in black is obvious to all, so terrifying.

The Su family, one of the three major families in Luoxing City, was wiped out as soon as he spoke.No one dared to offend Chen Hao again, maybe they would be the next Su family.

Therefore, when Chen Hao appeared in Luoxing City again, although many people talked about him, he attracted attention.But no one has come to trouble him.

Even the Zhu family and the Zhang family did not dare.At least, on the surface, they dare not.As for secretly?It is estimated that many people would hate Chen Hao so much that their teeth itch. If given the chance, these people would definitely do something secretly.

"Uncle, is this Luoxing City, one of the five major cities in the cultivation world? This is really many times bigger than Anyi City." It was Li Feng's precious son, Li Ling, who spoke.

This guy's current strength has reached the stage of distraction!
Unlike other members of Chaos who relied on the Breakthrough Pill to improve their strength, Li Ling did not take the Breakthrough Pill.

He originally had a very powerful physique—the God of War Physique!Although this kind of divine body is incomparable to Chen Hao's chaotic celestial body, it is also an extremely rare physique.

Here, Li Ling's aptitude is against the sky!Therefore, during these hundreds of years of red envelopes in the system (Li Ling received special care from Chen Hao, although you did not devour the Breaking Realm Pill, but time continued to accelerate, directly pushing his realm to the distraction stage!) Li Ling Ling's strength has reached the stage of distraction.

Moreover, Li Ling was systematically thrown into the tribulation thunder every day to temper his body. Therefore, although his body was not as good as a seventh-grade spiritual weapon like Chen Hao's, it also reached the terrifying third-grade spiritual weapon level!

At the stage of distraction, with a physical body at the level of a third-grade spiritual weapon.Only this is enough for Li Ling to walk in the world of comprehension.Therefore, this time Chen Hao brought him out of the system red envelope world.

Since it was the first time for this guy to walk in the realm of comprehension, whenever he saw something different from the secular world, he couldn't help but make a fuss.

In fact, when he was in Anyi City, Li Ling was only three years old, and at most he had only walked in Anyi City.

"Uncle, I want to go and see for myself, okay?" After walking with Chen Hao for a long time, Li Ling finally couldn't help but said.

"Alright, but you must be careful. If you encounter any danger, crush the jade slip I gave you as soon as possible, you know?" Chen Hao pondered for a moment, then agreed.

After all, Li Ling also needs to experience in the realm of comprehension in the end, and it is impossible to follow him all the time, which is not good for his growth.

"Yes, I will definitely, then I'll go first." After getting Chen Hao's promise, Li Ling couldn't be happier.But he also kept Chen Hao's advice in mind.

Don't think that his current realm is even bigger than Chen Hao's, but he knows that even if there are ten, he is not Chen Hao's opponent.

Seeing Li Ling bouncing away like a child, Chen Hao couldn't help but shook his head and smiled wryly.This child was caught by himself in the red envelope of the system when he was three years old. If the time acceleration is counted, he is already hundreds of years old, older than his parents and his grandfather!
However, his experience is just like that of a child.In fact, if time acceleration is not counted, Li Ling is only about four or five years old at this time.

"You are Mr. Chen Hao, aren't you? Our holy son welcomes you." Just as Chen Hao watched Li Ling's back disappear from his sight, a voice rang in his ears.

"Your holy son? What holy son?" Chen Hao turned his head and looked over, but saw a young man who looked like a servant standing respectfully beside him, with a respectful expression, but a hint of arrogance.

"The holy son of the Wuji Sword Sect, Xue Chen, who ranks third in the Dragon and Phoenix Ranking, is my young master!" While speaking, the young man looked arrogant, as if the third in the Dragon and Phoenix Ranking was not Xue Chen, but him.

Chen Hao frowned slightly, he had no interaction with this Xue Chen at all.Strictly speaking, he still has grudges with this Wuji Sword Sect.

At the beginning when he was in the Extreme Heaven Realm, he also blocked and killed the members of the Wuji Sword Sect.

Logically speaking, the Wuji Sword Sect should wish to kill themselves, so why did this so-called Holy Son find him?
Everyone knew that Chen Hao blocked and killed the disciples of the three sects in the Extreme Heaven Realm.If Chen Hao hadn't triggered the Heavenly Tribulation and disappeared after killing tens of thousands of monks, he would have been hunted down by these three sects long ago.

Soon after, Chen Hao reappeared in the cultivation world.But at that time, there was another chaos of monsters in the Demon Mountain, and the members of the three major families had no time to chase and kill Chen Hao.

"Could it be that this so-called holy son wants to do something to him because of the events of that day?" Chen Hao's face darkened, and after thinking about it, he always felt that this was a grand banquet, and it would be better if he didn't go.

"Sorry, I don't know your holy son, and I'm not interested in meeting him." Chen Hao glanced at the young man lightly, then turned around and was about to leave.

The young man's originally haughty face instantly darkened.Xue Chen is the holy son of the Wuji Sword Sect, the third super master in the dragon and phoenix list.Which one doesn't want to get acquainted with him after cutting his head?

Now, he personally sent someone to invite him, but this Chen Hao didn't have the slightest bit of face to give.

insult!This is simply an insult to Xue Chen.

The young man was furious, stepped forward quickly, stopped Chen Hao, and said with a cold face: "Chen Hao, don't be shameless, you don't want to be toasted, you don't eat fine wine. Our holy son invites you to go over because he thinks highly of you, you If you dare to refuse, maybe I can only take you back."

Staring blankly at this unknown young man, Chen Hao suddenly laughed, a bit sinister.Then, I saw him pointing at the young man, and said disdainfully: "What are you? You're just a dog slave. I don't even pay attention to your **** master, let alone you, a bitch? Go back and tell you If you want to see me, that holy son of Lao Shizi, please come and invite me in person, I might think about it."

Chen Hao said a lot, and the young man who scolded him turned blue and red.Chen Hao has always been the only one who is arrogant towards others, how can others be arrogant towards him?
What's more, this guy is just a dog slave.

Besides, even a dog slave is so arrogant, I don't know what to say, let alone Xue Chen who is the master?
After being scolded by Chen Hao, the young man couldn't help being furious, and he growled: "I'll take you back now for giving shameless things."

While speaking, the young man shot out angrily, and slapped Chen Hao hard with his palm.

Not to mention, although this guy is just a dog slave, his strength is not low, and he has reached the state of distraction.It must have been under Xue Chen's favor, and he ate a lot of medicinal herbs and herbs.

However, although the distraction period is a big realm higher than Chen Hao's out-of-body period.But for people of this level, Chen Hao can beat as many as they come.

His eyes narrowed slightly, Chen Hao sneered, took out the Hundred Birds Chaohuang Spear that was carried on his back with his backhand, and smashed it hard with one shot.

The second came first, and Chen Hao shot the young man on the shoulder.

At this moment, the young man felt as if he had been hit hard by a mountain.A huge force surged in and knocked him to the ground unexpectedly.

"A dog slave dares to attack me, he really wants to die." A cold light flashed across Chen Hao's brows.Even the notorious himself dared to make a move, let alone other people?
(End of this chapter)

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