The Best Red Packet System of Rebirth

Chapter 300 Awareness of Strength

Chapter 300 Awareness of Strength

However, now that the Qiankun Yinyang Cauldron has not been obtained, he obviously does not want to fight with Xue Chen.The most important thing now is to kill Chen Hao first, then grab the Qiankun Yinyang Cauldron and run away.

As long as the Qiankun Yinyang Cauldron is in hand, not to mention a mere Xue Chen, he will not be afraid even if he faces the entire Wuji Sword Sect.

"How dare you touch the ancient cauldron, you really don't know how to live or die, let me die." Xue Chen scolded with a cold face, burst out with strength, and quickly slapped it down.

"Xue Chen, don't think I'm afraid of you." The old man in black was furious, and gave up attacking Chen Hao, gathering his strength to bombard Xue Chen.

"Overestimating one's abilities." Xue Chen sneered, his big jade-like hands pressed down like a sacred mountain.Terrible power erupted rapidly.

The power blasted by the old man in black was instantly shattered.

As a master in the metamorphosis stage, Xue Chen is much stronger than him.

Xue Chen sneered, turned his palm into a fist, and punched out!The sky collapsed, the earth was destroyed, and the momentum was terrifying.

The face of the old man in black suddenly changed, he let out an angry roar, instantly condensed his extreme strength and fists with both hands, and then slammed out fiercely.

But, the gap between the two is really too big.The strength of the black-clothed old man was so vulnerable that it was smashed to pieces.

The body of the old man in black shook violently, spouting mouthfuls of blood.And there was even a look of horror on his face. With a flicker of his figure, he flew towards the distance with a teleportation, and even escaped.

"I'll see where you're running away." Xue Chen sneered again and again, slashing at the sky with his big jade-like hands.

A sword beam emitting dazzling white light appeared out of nowhere, and then quickly slashed at the fleeing old man in black.

A punch of blood mist suddenly burst out in the void hundreds of miles away!Then two figures fell out of the void—it turned out to be the corpse of the old man in black, which had been split in half.

A master in the metamorphosis period was beheaded by Xue Chen just like that!

Xue Chen's strength is terrifying!
Even though the beheaded man in black was just an ordinary transformation master, he was also a transformation master, and his strength was terrifying.

However, Xue Chen's strength is even more terrifying.

"This is the third existence in the dragon and phoenix list." Seeing this scene, the crowd continuously heard the voices of admiration and envy.

In the distance, Chen Hao stabilized his body and looked at Xue Chen floating in the void with a gloomy expression.This guy's strength is stronger than he expected.

But even so, so what?The stronger the enemy, the stronger he is.

"Overestimating one's abilities." Xue Chen sneered and looked at Chen Hao.I don't know whether it is the old man in the metamorphosis who was beheaded by him or Chen Hao.

"Submit the ancient cauldron obediently and abolish your own cultivation, and I will spare your life." Xue Chen looked down at Chen Hao and said indifferently.

Chen Hao sneered: "Sorry, I don't like to do it myself. If you want it, then do it yourself."

A cold light flashed across Xue Chen's eyes: "If that's the case, then I will fulfill you."

Before the words fell, Xue Chen had already slapped him.

The big hand like a white jade traversed the void, shattered the void, covered the sky and covered the sun, and quickly shot towards it with a terrifying murderous intent, it was very terrifying.

I couldn't even bear the attack of the old man in black, but Xue Chen was stronger than the old man in black, so I couldn't bear it by myself.

Chen Hao pondered in his heart. At the same time, he had summoned the Qiankun Yin-Yang Cauldron, suspended above his head, and covered Chen Hao with streaks of Yin-Yang fire.

At the same time, Chen Hao stepped on the military formula, increased his speed to the limit, and retreated violently.

Xue Chen sneered, his big hand shattered the void, like a gangrene attached to the bone, he slapped Chen Hao fiercely like a shadow.


At this moment, twenty condensed horned dragon phantoms appeared above Chen Hao's head out of thin air.Immediately, a vast and terrifying aura emanated from the horned dragon, and the black horned dragon with distinct scales was extremely ferocious and terrifying.

Gather the power of 25 horned dragons in your hands and pour them into the Hundred Birds Chaohuang Gun.

With a low growl, a shot stabs out!
A huge mountain-like gun light tore out, containing extremely terrifying power, and blasted the big hand that was slapping Xue Chen.

Xue Chen's face remained unchanged, and his big hand moved forward to suppress it.

The gun light that exhausted Chen Hao's extreme strength was smashed into pieces like a piece of tofu in front of Xue Chen's big hand.Not even a block.

25 Although the power of the horned dragon is already very powerful, Xue Chen is a master in the metamorphosis period!The most rubbish masters in the metamorphosis period have the power of a seventy-horned dragon, which is much stronger than Chen Hao.

What's more, Xue Chen is a genius?At least more than 90 horned dragon power.

There is a difference of more than 90 and 25, a full seventy dragon powers, Chen Hao is simply vulnerable.

"Haha...Xue Chen, you are a majestic metamorphosis master, the third master in the dragon and phoenix list, you are really shameless to me, a little out-of-body monk." Chen Hao suddenly laughed.

Xue Chen's face darkened slightly, and then he sneered and said, "Chen Hao, if you abolish my follower, I won't kill you, just take you and abolish your cultivation base. Don't say that I bully the small with the big."

"Haha, it's still the same sentence, if you want to abolish my cultivation, then do it yourself. However, today I suddenly have something to do, so I won't play with you." Chen Hao haha, his figure flickered, and he disappeared out of thin air up.

The moment Chen Hao disappeared out of thin air, Xue Chen's big hand had already attacked.It's just that Chen Hao has disappeared, and it just collapsed a large area by bombarding the void.

Xue Chen's face turned livid, and his spiritual thoughts, like a vast ocean, escaped crazily, sealing off this void.However, no matter how hard he searched, he still couldn't see Chen Hao's figure.

At the same time, many experts who were onlookers or who were shocked by the battle here were shocked.Because they couldn't find out how Chen Hao disappeared.

It wasn't teleportation, and it wasn't that someone strong transferred him.Instead, it truly disappeared out of thin air.

"Chen Hao must have a magic weapon of space, and this magic weapon can also carry living people." Xue Chen thought so with a livid face.

Not only him, but many strong men also had this idea in their hearts.

There are many magic weapons of the space category, those storage bags and storage rings are all magic weapons of this type.However, storage rings and the like can only be installed in dead objects, that is, inanimate things.

Apparently, Chen Hao's magic weapon of space can carry living people.This kind of magic weapon can no longer be called a magic weapon, but a space, a small world.

The value is even many times higher than the Qiankun Yinyang Ding.

"Who is this Chen Hao? How come there are so many treasures?" The surrounding monks couldn't help guessing in their hearts.

"Chen Hao really deserves to be a moving treasure. The treasure in him is probably no less than that of a first-class sect, and even close to the top ten sects."

Space magic weapon, Qiankun Yinyang tripod, and all kinds of magic weapons that have appeared before.Chen Hao's magic weapon is simply endless.If it weren't for Xue Chen's strength is too great, otherwise Chen Hao could kill him with magic weapons.

"It turned out to be a magic weapon of space that can carry living people. I must get this magic weapon." In the void, Xue Chen's expression kept changing.

At the same time, many masters also had this thought in their minds.

If you have this kind of magic weapon that can carry living people, you will definitely have a few more lives.Just like Chen Hao, if he can't beat him, he will run away, and no one can do anything to him.

This is simply a must-have weapon for traveling at home, killing people, and escaping.

All of a sudden, countless people became eager.Everyone was thinking about how to kill Chen Hao by surprise, so as to seize the magic weapon of space.

At this time, everyone suddenly understood why Chen Hao could disappear out of thin air before? It was all because of this magic weapon of space.

"Send this matter back to the sect immediately, and closely monitor Chen Hao's movements. As soon as he appears, kill him immediately." Xue Chen and the monks of the various sects immediately reported the matter back to the sect.

And not long after, the entire comprehension world may once again set off a bloodbath.Even immortals would be envious of this kind of space magic weapon that can carry living people.

After all, with this thing, it is equivalent to a few more lives, and no one would like to have a few more lives.

Chen Hao disappeared out of thin air, and even the spiritual thoughts of the great masters could not find his trace.As a result, the people who watched the excitement around dispersed.

But, at this moment, on the other side of the street, there was a loud muffled sound.Then, waves of terrifying coercion came over.

Feeling the terrifying coercion, everyone was horrified, they jumped into the air one after another, and looked in the direction where the coercion came from.

Just at the end of this street, the place has been filled with thunderstorms all over the sky.

The endless tribulation thunders raged, and everything within a few hundred meters of the radius was bombarded by the tribulation thunders, one after another exploded, and was bombarded and killed into powder.

"Bastard! A shop of the sect." Xue Chen looked over, but the next moment he roared angrily.Immediately, his figure flickered, and a teleportation disappeared in place.

"Haha, Xue Chen, this is a great gift from me. Well, there will be many gifts coming one after another in the future. Haha, I'm flashing." He took back the Qiankun Yinyang Cauldron, and saw that it had been burned by himself. The shop of the Wuji Sword Sect, Chen Hao was satisfied with the size of the shop.

"Chen Hao, you are going to die!"

Hearing Chen Hao's words, Xue Chen, who was teleporting, couldn't help but staggered, almost falling out of the void.At the same time, a terrifying sword light tore out from the void, and slashed fiercely in Chen Hao's direction.

It's just a pity that Chen Hao has already entered the system's red envelope world and disappeared.


The sword light that Xue Chen slashed out with anger contained several times more terrifying power than the one that killed the old man in the transformation stage in black before.With a single strike of the sword, the power of several miles in a radius was almost split into a deep space crack with no bottom to be seen.

The tribulation thunder dissipated, but the originally splendid and majestic shop of Wuji Sword Sect has long since disappeared, leaving only a huge pit.

"Chen Hao, I will definitely kill you!" Seeing this scene, Xue Chen's face was ashen, furious, and roared to the sky.

Horrific murderous aura erupted from his body, like a stormy sea, very frightening.

Chen Hao abolished his entourage and rejected his invitation. This was the first time he slapped him in the face.

He tried to snatch the Qiankun Yinyang Cauldron, but Chen Hao escaped unscathed. This was the second time he hit him in the face.And now, under his nose, Chen Hao destroyed the shop of Wuji Sword Sect. This was the third time he had slapped him in the face.

In one day, he was slapped in the face by Chen Hao three times in a row.And the other party is still a monk in the out-of-body period.An ant who is four realms away from him.

How can this not make him angry?He is the holy son of the Wuji Sword Sect, the third strongest in the dragon and phoenix list.How could he swallow this breath?
At this moment, Xue Chen danced furiously, the murderous aura on his body had almost materialized, and his anger was soaring.

He was about to be pissed off by Chen Hao, wishing he could grab Chen Hao and tear him into billions of pieces.

"This Chen Hao is quite interesting." In Luoxing City, on top of a tall building, a woman covered her face in white looked at this side with a hint of a smile in her eyes.

At the same time, on the other side of the roof, Hu Tong, the seventh in the dragon and phoenix list, had an inexplicable light and confusion in his eyes.

"What an interesting person, but it's a pity that his strength is a bit weak." On the other side, in a dark place, a woman whose face could not be seen clearly but with a graceful figure looked at the front and said in a low voice.

"Sister Qingqin, could it be that you are attracted to that Chen Hao?" A woman beside the woman suddenly said with a smile.


The Holy Maiden of the Albizia Sect, the fifth super beauty in the Hundred Flowers List.

Extreme Heaven Realm, underground cave, in the Ninth Grade Spirit Vein.

Chen Hao sat cross-legged in the Ninth-Rank Spiritual Meridian like a river, drifting with the flow.

"The strength is too weak. It is no match for the masters in the metamorphosis period, especially the masters like Xue Chen." Chen Hao said with a sigh of relief.

He is very powerful now, and he can kill monks in the Transcending Tribulation Stage at the stage of leaving his body.It has crossed three big realms and nine small realms!

With such a terrifying strength, even Xue Chen and others were far inferior to him.With Chen Hao's strength, it is only the most basic to say that he is invincible at the same level.

Crossing three big realms and killing enemies in nine small realms, he is simply a monster.

However, this was not enough for Chen Hao.

He has many enemies, and this time the system red envelope was exposed (outsiders only guessed that he had a space treasure, not knowing it was a system red envelope, but in this way, Chen Hao is already the enemy of the whole world.

His enemies will be formidable.

The younger generation has such terrifying powerhouses as Xue Chen.In addition to those leader-level figures, these strong men of the younger generation are also very powerful.

Even Xue Chen's strength is already comparable to that of an ordinary leader of a first-class sect.Moreover, many of the top ten sects are Chen Hao's enemies.

With Chen Hao's current strength, it is far from enough to deal with these people.

After seeing Xue Chen's strength, Chen Hao felt that he was too proud before.

(End of this chapter)

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