Chapter 301 Xue Chen
At the beginning, when he was only in a short period of recovery, he injured Zhuang Ningguang, the suzerain of Xutian sect.

At that time, Chen Hao thought that the heads of the top ten sects were nothing more than that, it was no big deal.It's just that Xue Chen is just one of the holy sons of the top ten sects, and his strength is already so terrifying, let alone those suzerains, the existence of the Supreme Elder level?

What's more, there are some old monsters who can't be seen in these sects!

"It's time to raise the level." Chen Hao pondered, then closed his eyes, and began to break through with all his strength.

Chen Hao is a chaotic celestial body, and realm and the like are not a problem for him at all.As long as his strength is sufficient, he can break through the obstacles of the realm in one fell swoop and break through to the next realm.

However, Chen Hao's strength is getting stronger and stronger, and the strength required for each breakthrough is also getting stronger.

Just like now, since the last breakthrough to the out-of-body period, Chen Hao's realm has not been able to continue to break through.This is because he doesn't have enough strength in his body to allow him to break through to the next level.

Even if there is a Breaking Boundary Pill, it won't work.

If you don't have enough strength, you can't break through even after eating the Breakthrough Pill!After all, the Breaking Realm Pill does not contain powerful aura, its function is only to help break through the barriers of the realm.

Chen Hao now wants to devour enough aura and refine it into his own power, so that he can break through to the distraction stage in one fell swoop.

After Chen Hao started to practice, the aura that had been liquefied into water was swallowed by Chen Hao from every pore.

At this time, Chen Hao had already activated the "Chaotic Celestial Record" crazily.

The aura that entered Chen Hao's body one after another, after being transformed by the "Chaos Celestial Record", became Chen Hao's black power, that is, the power of chaos.

However, after transformation, at most [-]% of the spiritual energy swallowed by him has been transformed.As for the remaining [-]%, it is the mottled and impure turbidity contained in the aura.

After removing the turbid air, only [-]% of the power is transformed into chaotic power.However, what made Chen Hao a little depressed was that most of the [-]% of the power was distributed to his limbs and bones, constantly tempering his body and meridians.

Although, as Chen Hao transformed more and more powers, his physical body and realm became stronger and stronger.In particular, the meridians are constantly being widened.However, Chen Hao's strength grew extremely slowly. If he continued to grow at this speed, he didn't know when he would reach the peak of the out-of-body stage, or even break through the barriers of the realm, and rush into the distraction stage.

This is because Chen Hao is already in the late stage of the out-of-body stage, otherwise, if he breaks through to the clone from the early stage of out-of-body stage, the power required will be even more terrifying.

"If things go on like this, when will we be able to accumulate enough strength?" Chen Hao rolled his eyes and said helplessly.At this time, he especially missed the chaotic power in the depths of the magic mountain.

If he was practicing there at this time, he might be able to break through to the distraction stage in one fell swoop in a short time.However, the chaotic spirit vein is deep in the forbidden area of ​​the Demon Mountain.

With Chen Hao's current strength, he couldn't get in at all. Of course, if he used the system red envelopes to sneak in secretly, it was still possible.

It's just that now all the monsters of the Demon Mountain have been born, those powerful monster kings, and even the fierce man who crossed the tribulation back then!Chen Hao was not confident that these people would not find himself sneaking in.

Although the strength is gradually improving, it is too slow.

Chen Hao suddenly opened his mouth wide, and saw that the aura in the Ninth Grade Spirit Vein seemed to go crazy, turning into huge rivers and being swallowed by him.

"It's still not fast enough." Seeing that the transformation speed of the power in his body was countless times faster, Chen Hao still thought it was too slow.So, he took a deep breath, and immediately, he sucked in even more terrifying aura.

I don't know how long it has passed, five days?Ten days or half a month?

Under Chen Hao's frantic devouring, the power in his body finally reached the limit of the peak in the late period of out-of-body period on this day.Chen Hao sucked in a wave of spiritual energy forcefully again.


Chen Hao only heard a sound like glass breaking from inside his body.Then, he saw that the barrier that had blocked him for a long time, the barrier between the out-of-body period and the distraction period, was broken by his own power.

At this moment, a breath that was more than ten times stronger than before burst out from Chen Hao's body, which was very terrifying.

At the same time, Chen Hao's body, which had already reached the seventh-grade spiritual weapon, began to transform under the tempering of power, and quickly rushed towards the eighth-grade spiritual weapon.

At the same time, the meridian, which was already huge, started to grow again after he broke through to the distraction stage.

"In the early stage of distraction, you must continue to practice and strive to enter the integration stage in one fell swoop!"

Seeing that he had entered the stage of distraction, Chen Hao did not stop practicing immediately, but started to run the "Chaos Celestial Record" more quickly, and at the same time began to devour the spiritual energy outside.

Originally, the speed at which Chen Hao devoured spiritual energy was already terrifying.However, after breaking through to the distraction stage, it was even more terrifying!

Early stage of distraction, mid stage of distraction, late stage of distraction, peak of late stage of distraction!
Under Chen Hao's crazy practice and with the support of enough aura, his realm has entered the peak of the late stage of distraction.

Finally, after entering the peak of the late stage of distraction, the power in his body has reached its limit, and he can no longer hold more power.

However, relying on these powers alone is not enough for him to break through to the fit stage.

Because of his physical body, his meridians have reached their limit!It is impossible to accommodate more power. If you want to accommodate more power, you must increase the level of your physical body.

At least reach the level of eighth-rank spiritual weapon.

Chen Hao stood up, feeling the powerful power in his body, not only did he show a gleam of joy on his face: "With the current power, even if I am in the realm of the Transcendence Tribulation Period, I can kill him with one punch!"

"However..." Chen Hao frowned slightly, "Even an ordinary metamorphosis master can fight without relying on various treasures. However, it is far below Xue Chen's level, and I am still not Xue Chen opponent!" Chen Hao frowned slightly.

"However, I am only in the stage of distraction now. As long as I cultivate to the stage of integration, I will have the power to fight with Xue Chen. If I practice to the stage of crossing the catastrophe, I can crush him to death. If I can practice At the metamorphosis stage, the cultivation world is so big that I am invincible."

Thinking of this, Chen Hao suddenly burst into pride.

With a flash of his figure, Chen Hao disappeared into the Ninth Grade Spirit Vein, and appeared on the ground of the Extreme Heaven Realm shortly afterwards.

The moment Chen Hao appeared, the void above his head was covered by an incomparably thick cloud of calamity, and lightning flashed one after another, exuding an incomparably terrifying coercion, shocking the heavens and the world.

"Is it going to be struck by lightning again?"

Looking at Jie Lei in the sky, Chen Hao showed a smile on his face.Let the monk talk about the catastrophe, but Chen Hao actually smiled at him!
If it were someone else, if they knew they had passed the tribulation, they would probably be scared to death.Only a pervert like Chen Hao would dismiss these robbery thunders.

This time the Heavenly Tribulation may be many times more terrifying than the Thunder Tribulation when he entered the out-of-body stage, but for him now, it does not pose any threat.

"Do you want to go to the Wuji Sword Sect to cross the catastrophe? Let them also give you a thunder?" Chen Hao suddenly had this idea in his mind.However, he quickly dismissed this idea.

There are at least tens of 10 people in the Wuji Sword Sect, and among them there are many terrifying existences like Yiyixianren.If there is a catastrophe there, those catastrophes will be hundreds of times more terrifying than the last catastrophe that killed tens of thousands of people at the gate of the Extreme Heaven Realm.

At that time, even if Chen Hao has a system red envelope, he may be directly blasted into powder.

"However, although I can't pass the tribulation in the Wuji Sword Sect, I want to find a few people to share the tribulation thunder. Well, it is the real thunder that everyone thunders together." A strange smile appeared on Chen Hao's face, and then disappeared Within the Extreme Heaven Realm.

All these tribulation thunders are different from the tribulation thunders summoned by Chen Hao.The power of the tribulation thunder summoned by Chen Hao is only controlled by Chen Hao, and will not increase due to the number of people.

However, this kind of tribulation thunder that broke through the realm is different. At the beginning, Chen Hao relied on this coat to kill tens of thousands of people from various sects!
Now, looking at Chen Hao's weird smile, he must be trying to trick someone.

"Son Xue Chen, your grandpa Chen Hao is here, hurry up and come out to seek death!"

It has been more than a month since Chen Hao made a big fuss in Luoxing City, not only destroying the shops of their Wuji Sword Sect under the eyes of Xue Chen, the third master of the Dragon and Phoenix Ranking, but also escaped unscathed in the end.

On this day, an extremely arrogant shout came from outside Luoxing City.

Chen Hao is here again, and he even pointed out that he will single out Xue Chen!
When they heard Chen Hao's roar, all the monks in Luoxing City showed strange expressions.Chen Hao, who was just out of his body, threatened to single out Xue Chen?
It must be known that Chen Hao was not Xue Chen's opponent at all more than a month ago, and finally escaped.

Could it be that within half a month, Chen Hao's power has risen to a level of terror that could rival Xue Chen's?If this is the case, then it is truly terrifying.

Just, is it possible?

There are four major realms between the out-of-body period and the metamorphosis period!Moreover, Xue Chen is not an ordinary metamorphosis period.

Even if Chen Hao broke through to the metamorphosis stage within more than a month, he would not be Xue Chen's opponent.Besides, who is so terrifying to be able to break through from the out-of-body stage to the metamorphosis stage in more than a month?
Maybe he found a backer.Otherwise, how could he be so arrogant?If he hadn't had something to rely on, how dare he single out Xue Chen?
In an instant, various thoughts flashed through the minds of countless monks.However, no matter what they thought, they immediately soared into the sky and flew towards the outside of the city.

"I can't find you in every possible way, but you jumped out of your own accord to seek death. I will kill you today!" Just as Chen Hao's voice spread throughout Luoxing City, Xue Chen's extremely cold voice, containing terrifying murderous intent, also spread far away. open.

At the same time, Xue Chen also soared up from the shop rebuilt by the Wuji Sword Sect, and flew towards the outside of the city.

"This Chen Hao is back again? Could it be that he has found some way to deal with Xue Chen?" On the side of Luoxing City, Hu Tong, the fourth in the Hundred Flowers List, smiled slightly, as if a hundred flowers were in full bloom, but with a hint of Foxy.

If someone picked up Hu Tong's smile at this time, they would definitely be deeply addicted to it and couldn't extricate themselves.It's just a pity that besides Hu Tong, there is only Hu Wei left here.

"Miss, Mr. Chen Hao is back? Do you want to go out and have a look too?" Hu Wei looked at Hu Tong and asked with a smile.

"Of course I do. I'd like to see what this Chen Hao is capable of. But this guy has always been scheming. If he is not sure this time, he probably won't take the initiative to trouble Xue Chen." Hu Tong said with a smile.

"Sister Qingqin, Chen Hao is back again, aren't you very interested in him? Why don't you go out and have a look?" A young woman said to Qingqin with a smile in the property of the Hehuan Sect in Luoxing City.

Qingqin is the saint of the Hehuan Sect, the fifth most beautiful beauty in the Hundred Flowers List.

Qingqin's eyes turned bright, she didn't say a word, she just soared into the air, and flew towards the outside of the city.

"Oh, sister Qingqin, don't be so fast, just wait for me." The woman who spoke before said coquettishly, immediately rose into the air, and rushed out after Qingqin.

At the same time, above the void of Luoxing City, a woman covered in white clothes also flew out towards the direction where Chen Hao's voice came from outside the city.

At this moment, quite a few monks in Luoxing City left Luoxing City.After all, Chen Hao came back again this time and singled out Xue Chen, maybe there is really some way, it is impossible for them to miss their fight this time.

What's more, Chen Hao also has the legendary magic weapon of space that can carry living people.

Thousands of miles away from Luoxing City, Chen Hao was floating in the void, looking at the direction of Luoxing City with cold eyes.At this time, a relatively fast monk had teleported to Chen Hao's vicinity.

Everyone looked at Chen Hao with greedy eyes, this guy is a mobile treasure house, if he can kill him, then he will become rich overnight!
It's just that these people only dared to look at Chen Hao from a distance, but no one dared to make a move.Although Chen Hao couldn't beat Xue Chen, he was more than enough to deal with them.

These guys are even faster than the real master Xue Chen!

The monks rushed over like a tide.In the blink of an eye, the area around Chen Hao was full, on the ground and in the sky.

Looking at these people who like to join in the fun, Chen Hao sneered in his heart.

"Come on, come on, the more you come, the stronger the better."

The more monks there are, the stronger the strength will be. When Chen Hao releases the Heavenly Tribulation, the power of the Heavenly Tribulation will be even greater!If there were so many people at the exit of the Extreme Sky Realm back then, and the catastrophe caused by so many people, not to mention just one Xue Chen, even ten Xue Chen would be bombarded to death.

After all, the cultivators who appear here now are much stronger than those who exited the Extreme Heaven Realm back then.What's more, Chen Hao's tribulation thunder in the distracted stage is at least dozens of times more terrifying than the robbery thunder in the out-of-body stage.

(End of this chapter)

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