Chapter 304 Heartbreak
Xue Chen's heart was about to break.

Although he is fine, these are almost his entire collection.He had never used some immortal artifacts at all, but now they were completely shattered by these tribulation thunders.

"Chen Hao, I will kill you in this life!" Xue Chen gritted his teeth, looking at Chen Hao who was shrouded in thunder in front of him with red eyes.If Chen Hao is lucky enough not to die this time, no matter where he escapes to, he will pursue him endlessly until he kills him.

If Chen Hao hadn't cheated him again, how could he

Seeing Xue Chen throwing out one fairy weapon after another as if he didn't want money, the people watching from afar couldn't help feeling sorry for Xue Chen.But at the same time, they were shocked by how many immortal weapons Xue Chen had.

Chen Hao is known as a mobile treasure house, but it seems that Xue Chen is a mobile treasure house, and everything he throws out is a fairy weapon.So far, he has destroyed fifty or sixty sword celestial artifacts.Moreover, now he continues to sacrifice immortal artifacts.

At this moment, Xue Chen was filled with incomparable anger and a trace of fear.

Although he has many immortal artifacts, they are also limited.But these tribulation thunders seem to be endless. If this continues, as long as his immortal weapon is exhausted, he will be blasted to pieces by the tribulation thunders.

"This is the last celestial artifact. If the tribulation thunder hasn't dissipated, then we have to use it." Xue Chen sacrificed the last celestial artifact, but his heart became more and more angry. It's getting tougher.

He kept throwing countless fairy weapons to block the bombardment of the endless tribulation thunder.Chen Hao on the other side didn't make any moves.At this time, Chen Hao's surroundings were already covered by countless thunderstorms, Xue Chen couldn't see Chen Hao at all, let alone what he was doing inside.

"Boy, it's best that you don't die." Xue Chen thought murderously in his heart.He didn't want Chen Hao to be struck to death by Jie Lei, he wanted to kill Chen Hao, and he could vent his anger towards him only by killing Chen Hao himself.

All the immortal artifacts that Xue Chen sacrificed were smashed to pieces.

Xue Chen was taken aback, and just when he was about to use his real trump card, the thunderstorms that filled the sky had already enveloped him swiftly, drowning him directly.

"[I] Fuck!"

Xue Chen couldn't help shouting violently.At the same time, an aura that was dozens or hundreds of times more terrifying than his peak erupted violently.

Terrible power erupted, sweeping the world in an instant.With Xue Chen's body as the center, the terrifying scene swept in all directions.

chi chi...

The terrifying tribulation thunder that blasted the Immortal Artifact like nothing before, was instantly annihilated like a piece of paper in front of the terrifying power emanating from Xue Chen's body!

The void was shattered, and the tribulation thunder was directly annihilated!Even the Jieyun in the void quickly disappeared under the action of this terrifying force.

I don't know whether these robbery clouds dissipated automatically when the time came, or were shattered by the terrifying power transmitted from Xue Chen.

"This is the breath of a fairy!"

At this moment, in Luoxing City in the distance, after each powerful monk felt the terrifying power, expressions of astonishment appeared on their faces.

Immortal breath!
Could it be that there are immortals here?

The faces of many monks in the metamorphosis period changed drastically.

Immortal, that is a terrifying existence that is beyond reach.Although, in the realm of comprehension, there are countless metamorphosis monks, and there are also one-step immortals and half-step immortals.

But the fairy is still a legend!
Now, the aura of immortals appeared outside the city. Could it be that immortals appeared there?In an instant, the person who felt this breath quickly left Luoxing City and flew towards the outside of the city.

The robbery thunder dissipated, and Chen Hao, who had been submerged by countless robbery thunders, also showed his figure.At this time, Chen Hao's whole body was chopped like black charcoal again, and his black hair stood on end, looking extremely ferocious!

Even his body, which has reached the level of the eighth-grade spiritual weapon, has shocking wounds with deep visible bones.

Chen Hao exhaled a foul breath, and countless thunder and lightning sprayed out from his mouth and nose, but it was the waste gas left after he swallowed it in and refined it.

"Finally over." Chen Hao stretched out his hand to wipe off a drop of cold sweat on his forehead, secretly calling out luck in his heart.If Jie Lei was longer, he wouldn't be able to hold on.At that time, like Xue Chen, he will sacrifice countless treasures to resist the bombardment of Jie Lei.

However, even so, Chen Hao was severely injured.If he hadn't transferred many of the thunderbolts that bombarded him to the system red envelope, it would have been a disaster by now.


A terrifying breath of terror that almost shattered his soul came from the front.Chen Hao was taken aback, turned his head and looked over, but saw a monster whose whole body was like black charcoal, with bristling hair slowly walking towards him.

"Who is this person? Could it be Xue Chen?" Seeing the other party's incomparable appearance, Chen Hao almost laughed out loud!However, the terrifying aura emanating from the opponent's body made Chen Hao's soul tremble and he was almost shattered.

Even his physical body, which had reached the level of an eighth-grade spiritual weapon, began to crack inch by inch under this terrifying pressure.The coercion of this breath is even more terrifying than the ninth level of tribulation thunder just now.

The person with the cool look is Xue Chen.At this moment, he looked towards Chen Hao with a murderous look.

As soon as he stepped out, the earth immediately collapsed, and the aura emanating from his body was even more oppressive, and the void around him was constantly shattered, which was very terrifying.

Under the coercion of this terrifying aura, Chen Hao's body began to shatter quickly, and even his soul began to shatter.At this moment, Chen Hao couldn't even think of resisting.

His whole body was seized by this terrifying aura.

Swallowing with difficulty, Chen Hao showed a look of horror in his eyes.

"Is this Xue Chen's true strength? It's too terrifying. It's even more terrifying than the aura of a step-by-step immortal!" Chen Hao thought in shock.

"This is the aura of an immortal, and you are totally vulnerable with your current strength." The anxious voice of the system rang in Chen Hao's ears.At this time, the void had been suppressed by that terrifying aura, even if Chen Hao wanted to go back to the system red envelope, it was impossible.

Even the system, at this moment, cannot open the system red envelope and take Chen Hao into it.After all, the system has not yet returned to the fairy realm.

Under the coercion of the immortal, Chen Hao couldn't sacrifice all kinds of treasures even if he wanted to.

"The breath of a fairy! Damn, this bastard is a fairy no matter how you look at it, do I really want to hang here today?" Chen Hao showed a bitter smile on his face.

"Chen Hao, you are very good and powerful. Your growth rate shocked me and made me feel scared. But I have one advantage of being a person, that is, I will kill anything that is afraid of me with my own hands!"

"I said, you will die today." Xue Chen walked towards Chen Hao slowly, slowly stretched out his big hand towards Chen Hao and wiped it.

At this moment, Xue Chen has the power of a fairy.With one palm, the void was directly shattered.Don't say that Chen Hao's physical body has only reached the level of an eighth-rank spiritual weapon, even a ninth-rank spiritual weapon will be smashed into powder by a fairy's finger.

This is the gap between Fan and Xian!
"Today, no one can save you." Xue Chen said with a sneer as he clapped his hands down slowly.He didn't kill Chen Hao immediately because he was sure that no one in the cultivation world could save Chen Hao from him.

Moreover, Chen Hao cheated him a few times, making him lose face, and even burned all his collections just now, which made him extremely hateful.

He wants to kill Chen Hao slowly, and he has to watch Chen Hao slowly turn into powder under his hands in order to eliminate the hatred in his heart!
The big hand hasn't been clapped yet, but just the escaping power has caused Chen Hao's powerful body to continuously crack open a series of shocking wounds with deep bone visible.

And Chen Hao's bones were broken inch by inch under this terrifying pressure until they were shattered.Even his meridians were constantly being crushed into pieces.

A physical body at the level of an eighth-grade spiritual weapon is completely vulnerable in front of Xue Chen!The flesh body, bones, and even meridians were all shattered under the pressure of terrifying force.

There was no escape, and Chen Hao didn't even have the possibility of entering the red envelope of the system.Because, Xue Chen's immortal power has already sealed off the void.

Even Chen Hao had a feeling that his mind was too oppressed to move.

"Am I really going to die here?" Chen Hao laughed inwardly.Xue Chen's current strength is really too strong, so that he can't even raise his mind to resist.

In the system's red envelope world, the system's face was gloomy and terrifying.Of course he knew what happened outside, and he also wanted to open the system red envelope and take Chen Hao back.

However, his current strength is still not enough after all.Under the pressure of that terrifying force, he couldn't even open the system red envelope.



Seeing that Xue Chen's big hand was about to be photographed, at this moment, a crack burst out from the void above Chen Hao's head.Then a big hand protruded from the depths of the void and quickly grabbed Chen Hao.

"court death!"

Seeing that this big hand was going to leave Chen Hao from under his hand, Xue Chen immediately shouted.Then the big hand shook violently.

Xue Chen didn't directly attack the big hand that appeared out of thin air, but just shook it.A burst of force exploded violently, shattering everything.

Immediately, before the big hand touched Chen Hao's head, it was shattered by Xue Chen's burst of strength.

The moment the big hand was shattered, in the red envelope of the system, many members of the system and "Chaos" involuntarily spurted blood, each of them turned pale, like gold paper.

Especially the system, his aura became even more disordered, and he was obviously severely injured.

"The power of a fairy cannot be resisted in terms of numbers." There was a wry smile on the system's face.

Just now, he united with the [-] members of Chaos to open a crack in the red envelope of the system, and stretched out his big hand to take Chen Hao back.But it was easily broken by Xue Chen.

Although there are 10 of them, none of them with the highest strength has reached the tribulation stage, and no matter how large they are, they are still no match for immortal-level powerhouses.

"If I were at my peak, I would be able to stare at this kind of monk to death!" The system thought murderously in his heart.It's just that now he's getting more and more anxious.

If he couldn't save Chen Hao, then Chen Hao would definitely die today.

It's just that the power of the system has not been restored, and it has not even reached the level of a fairy.Even if the system red envelope is powerful, it cannot be used without strong power!

Burn the veins!

A resolute look appeared on the system's face.

He has a way to burn his power, which can instantly raise him to the level of an immortal, even countless times stronger than Xue Chen's.But once it is cast, he may fall into a deep sleep again or even die.

"Chen Hao must be rescued, no matter what!" The system became firm, and disappeared in place in a flash.Prepare to burn the power of the spiritual veins and improve your own realm strength.

However, just when he was about to refine the spirit veins, he stopped...

"Chen Hao, your growth rate makes me feel scared, so you must die today! You must die, understand? I will let you understand now what is called a gap. In front of me, you are not as good as an ant." Xue Chen sneered, and slapped down violently with his big hand, which was about to completely shatter Chen Hao.

At this time, Chen Hao's whole body was bleeding profusely, and his body surface was completely torn.All the bones in the body were also shattered into powder by the coercion.And his meridians have already been shattered.

Except that his dantian and head are still intact, he is no longer a person.Even if Xue Chen lets him go, Chen Hao will become a cripple, a cripple without bones and meridians.

Chen Hao sighed in his heart, but looked at Xue Chen coldly: "If I don't die today, then I will definitely repay the humiliation I suffered today a hundred times in the future! You and the Wuji Sword Sect will all be because of you today!" And to be buried with you! I will definitely crush the Wuji Sword Sect!"

Chen Hao could no longer open his mouth to speak, and he sent these words with his divine thoughts.

"You don't have that chance anymore." Xue Chen sneered, and quickly slapped Chen Hao into powder with his big hand.

The moment Xue Chen's big hand was about to touch Chen Hao's head, about to crush him into powder, a terrifying aura erupted from Chen Hao's body.

Powerful and life-like power erupted instantly like a tide, extremely terrifying.

Xue Chen was the first to bear the brunt.

At this moment, Xue Chen just felt that the sky above Chen Hao's head was covered by a powerful force, and his big hand was actually fixed in the void, unable to advance an inch.

At the same time, a force surged into Xue Chen's body.

As if a mountain fell from the sky, Xue Chen's face changed suddenly, and then his whole body was knocked away by that force.

With a "poof", Xue Chen spit out a mouthful of blood.In the face of that terrifying force, even though he had the power of a fairy, he was directly hit hard.

At the same time, Xue Chen's powerful and immortal aura receded quickly like a tide.

(End of this chapter)

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