Chapter 305 Unbearable
Xue Chen quickly returned to his original form, no longer as powerful as a fairy.

He looked shocked.

The power just now is indeed the power of a fairy!Even if he meets a half-step immortal, he can still slap him to death.

However, the power that erupted from Chen Hao's body actually shattered his power, and even severely injured him!It was a force several times more terrifying than his immortal power.

What is that power?
Xue Chen stood up from the ground in embarrassment and looked in Chen Hao's direction.It's just that Chen Hao has long since disappeared.

"He escaped again." Xue Chen's face was extremely gloomy.Even though he used his biggest trump card, he still couldn't kill Chen Hao, which made him very upset.

"Cough cough..."

Xue Chen coughed up a few mouthfuls of blood and glanced around.At this time, many strong men were already attracted by the immortal aura that he had just erupted.

With a flash of his figure, he rose into the air and flew towards Luoxing City.

He knew his own business, and the power of the immortal was not used whenever he wanted, and every time he used it, it would cause great damage to him.Moreover, now that he was severely injured by Chen Hao, countless bones were broken.

If he still dared to stay here, he might be killed by someone else.

In this cruel cultivation world, there is hardly any reason to kill you.

"The breath of a fairy has the power of a fairy, and Xue Chen can't kill Chen Hao. What is the power that Chen Hao finally revealed? Is it his power or a magic weapon in his body? Or is it a strong man? gone?"

Many people who witnessed all this, and those who saw Chen Hao turning the tables and repelling Xue Chen at the last moment and then escaped calmly, couldn't help but have this thought in their hearts.

However, don't say they don't know, even Chen Hao, who is the person involved, doesn't know about it at all.

At this time, Chen Hao had already appeared in the ninth-grade spiritual vein of the Extreme Heaven Realm.

At this moment, except for a sliver of strength, his entire body, meridians and bones have been shattered, and he has completely become a useless person.

"What kind of power is so terrifying that it repelled Xue Chen? Since when did I have such terrifying power?" Chen Hao lay in the ninth-grade spiritual vein, thinking strangely in his heart.

"This power seems to emanate from the dantian." Chen Hao's spiritual thoughts quickly entered the dantian.

Unlike the whole body shattered, Chen Hao's dantian was in good condition without any damage.

As soon as Chen Hao entered the dantian, he discovered that a very strong breath of life emanated from the dantian, which was very powerful and mellow.

However, this breath is very strange, and Chen Hao has never been in contact with it.

"Ah? What's the situation?" Chen Hao just entered the dantian, and then exclaimed.

In the dantian, the hearts transformed from nine black lotuses were beating "thumping", but it was not these that surprised Chen Hao.Instead, he saw that his dantian seemed to be leaning on a tree.

In fact, it is not right to call it a tree.It's just a black branch more than one meter long, as thick as an adult's arm, taking root in the dantian.

And on this branch, there is a fresh and tender leaf.

"This is a fire stick, and the fire stick has sprouted and grown leaves?" Chen Hao looked at the branch with only one leaf in shock, with a look of horror on his face.

This fire stick was bought by Chen Hao at an extremely low price during the auction in Shangqing City that day.At the beginning, the system said that this might be the branch of the tree of life, the number one sacred tree in the world.

Ever since the branch of the so-called tree of life was photographed, it automatically entered Chen Hao's dantian, and there has been no abnormality.

Chen Hao has even forgotten its existence.

And now, it has sprouted!

Moreover, that kind of powerful life-like power emanates from the tree of life.

"Is it really the tree of life?" Chen Hao thought suspiciously, looking around the tree of life.However, except for the black branch and the newly sprouted leaf, he couldn't see anything.

The power in the dantian was continuously swallowed by the tree of life and entered, and then sprayed out again.The power sprayed from the tree of life contains extremely amazing life force.

After these forces dissipated from the dantian, they began to repair Chen Hao's meridians. The bones are the flesh!Wherever it passed, the damaged body began to recover rapidly.

Chen Hao was lying in the Ninth Grade Spirit Vein.The spiritual energy like a stream of water continuously nourished his body.

However, because Chen Hao's physical body has been completely smashed, the meridians and bones have also been shattered.Even though the dantian is fine, but he can't use his mind to practice.

If there were no accidents, it would take a very long time for Chen Hao to recover his physical body and so on.


In the dantian, the branch of the tree of life has sprouted a small leaf at some point.And the power in the dantian is constantly being swallowed by the tree of life, and then spit out again after transformation.

This is a green force.

It was the same as the power breath that shattered Xue Chen's power suppression earlier.Chen Hao estimated that it was these forces that saved him just now.

However, what puzzled him was that the power just now was so terrifying, did the tree of life really have such a powerful power?No matter how you look at it now, the tree of life doesn't have this kind of power.

Not long after, the power of the entire dantian has been transformed into green power.This is because there is no relationship of more power entering the dantian.

At the same time, Chen Hao saw that the green power had overflowed his dantian and began to enter his body.

When these green forces touched the damaged body, bones and meridians, something shocked Chen Hao...

Whenever the green power passes by, his damaged body will quickly recover and return to normal.It is more than a hundred times more terrifying than his recovery speed at his peak.

Within a few breaths, all the damaged places near the dantian had been restored.

Chen Hao was shocked.

"Is this the power of life? Such a terrifying recovery ability!" Chen Hao thought in shock.

Now, there is still little power in the dantian, and there is only a small wisp of power overflowing the dantian.However, even a trace of it has such a terrifying cultivation speed.

What if it was at its peak? If my whole body was covered with this kind of green power, then my physical body at the level of an eighth-rank spiritual weapon was smashed to pieces, and I am afraid that I could recover in a short time!
Moreover, the tree of life has just germinated now. If the tree of life grows up in the future, and even returns to the towering tree of ancient times, wouldn't Chen Hao become an unbeatable person?
Of course, this is just Chen Hao's current thoughts.Not to mention whether the tree of life can be restored to its original towering tree, even if it can really grow, then how can he accommodate a big tree with his body?
But in any case, those are things for later.The most important thing now is to restore the physical body first.

Looking at the strands of extremely tiny green power, Chen Hao felt a little depressed.Although the repair ability of green power is terrifying, it is too little after all.If things go on like this, you don't know when you will be able to restore your physical body.

Chen Hao is too greedy.If it wasn't for the branches of the tree of life to germinate at a critical moment, otherwise there would be no power of life from the tree of life to repair his physical meridians, etc., and he would be useless in this life.

Although the power of life is small, at least it can repair Chen Hao's injured body and meridians.

"First get through a meridian, so that you can run your mind, devour the external power and transform it into true energy, and strengthen your life force."

Chen Hao pondered for a while, and began to control the tiny life force to repair one of his meridians.

The recovery speed of the power of life is indeed terrifying.

It only took half a day to restore a shattered meridian completely.

A complete meridian is connected to the dantian, so that Chen Hao can already use his true energy.

Immediately, Chen Hao began to devour the power of refining the ninth-rank spiritual veins outside while running the "Chaos Celestial Record".

A large amount of spiritual energy was continuously swallowed by Chen Hao's meridians and entered, and then entered the dantian.Then it was absorbed by the tree of life, and after being transformed by the tree of life, it became a green power, and then overflowed the dantian, and was controlled by Chen Hao to repair more meridians.

As the devouring power increases, so does the green power.There are more and more green powers, which means that Chen Hao's monk ability is getting stronger and stronger.

Over time, the second meridian was also repaired - more power to transform.

Article three, article four...

There are more and more powers being repaired, and more and more green powers, and Chen Hao's repair speed is also getting faster and faster, and so on.

One month later, all of Chen Hao's meridians and physical body had been repaired.Even the bones that had been shattered into dust grew back.

On this day, Chen Hao suddenly stood up, and suddenly, his whole body made crackling sounds.After exhaling a foul breath, Chen Hao disappeared in a flash.

When it reappeared, it was already on the ground of the extreme sky realm.

"In just one month, the already crippled self has recovered, and his strength has improved even more." Chen Hao stood on a peak, looking into the distance, with a look of surprise on his face.

If there is no tree of life, Chen Hao would have died long ago.Even if he is lucky enough to survive, he is still useless!Now, he appeared alive and well again.

The peak state of the distraction period!
Chen Hao felt his own strength slightly. He was still at the peak of the distraction stage, but his strength was several times stronger than before crossing the catastrophe.

After being crushed by Xue Chen, Chen Hao thought that his fleshy snake had already been abolished. Even after being repaired, his physical body would not be able to reach the level of the eighth-level spirit. device level.

But at this moment, his physical body is stronger than the eighth-rank spiritual weapon, and he has reached the peak of the eighth-rank spiritual weapon, and he is only one step away from buying a ninth-grade spiritual weapon.

"The power of life not only has an extremely terrifying recovery ability, but also can temper the body, making the body infinitely more terrifying than before it was broken!"

Chen Hao punched out with a smile on his face.

With just one punch, several mountains in front of him were smashed into powder.And even, a huge black hole was blasted out of the void.

This is just physical strength.

"Ordinary monks in the metamorphosis stage, I can kill a few with one punch!" At this moment, Chen Hao was full of confidence.

With a thought, dozens of power horned dragon phantoms appeared out of thin air above Chen Hao's head!
The power of 75 horned dragons.

Compared with the peak period of the out-of-body period, he has fifty more dragon powers. In terms of dragon power, Chen Hao is three times stronger than before!
75 dragon power, his dragon power is much stronger than ordinary metamorphosis monks.It should be noted that ordinary metamorphosis monks only have the strength of seventy dragons.

"These are just ordinary. The most terrifying thing is the lifespan. In the transformation period, it was at most 50 lifespans. At this time, I am afraid that there are already 200 million lifespans, at least 200 million lifespans!"

Two million longevity yuan, that is, two million years!
It should be noted that the average metamorphosis monk only has 50 lifespan at most.However, Chen Hao, who is only in the state of distraction, has already reached 200 million lifespan, which is not scary.

In addition to his own physique being different from ordinary people, there is also the relationship with the tree of life.The tree of life, after all, is a tree of life, possessing vast power of life, at least doubled Chen Hao's lifespan.

"I'm looking forward to it. If the tree of life grows into a tree, how much lifespan will it increase? How terrifying is it to restore power?"

With a flash of his figure, Chen Hao appeared in the system red envelope world.

After appearing next to the system, Chen Hao realized that the system looked sluggish, his breath was disordered, and his face was pale.Apparently it's a sign of severe trauma.

Without further ado, Chen Hao put one hand on the system's shoulder.Then the power of life like a tide emanated from his body and was transmitted into the system.

The vast power, the vast power of life.Where the power passed, the wounds suffered by the system were quickly repaired, and it didn't take long for it to be completely repaired, and it was still improving.

"This is, the power of life! Chen Hao, has the power of life grown?" Seeing that his injury recovered instantly, the system was startled for a while, and then looked at Chen Hao excitedly and said.

"A leaf has grown." Chen Hao said helplessly.

"Haha... the tree of life has sprouted." The system laughed out loud.Maybe other people don't know what the tree of life represents, but the system is very clear about the horror of the tree of life.

Even the Zhezi Jue in the Nine-Character Mantra is far inferior to this sacred tree!In addition to having extremely terrifying life force and recovery ability, the tree of life has many unknown powers.

"Aren't the others injured too? I'll help them recover." Chen Hao smiled, and then disappeared.

(End of this chapter)

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