The Best Red Packet System of Rebirth

Chapter 309 The Tree of Life

Chapter 309 The Tree of Life
The Fang family, a second-rate sect in the realm of comprehension, is not very powerful, but it is not weak either.

In fact, Fang's family has three monks in the realm of transformation, which are very powerful.

In the world of comprehension, no matter if it is a family or a sect, as long as there is a monk in the stage of transformation in the power, he can become a first-class sect.

However, there are also strong and weak points among first-class forces.Just like the Fang family, they can be regarded as the bottom among the first-class forces.However, the Fang family is the overlord of this big state.

As the overlord of a large state, the Fang family's strength is not weak, and the wealth they searched must be extremely large.

As a good young man who never grows a blade of grass when he passes by, Chen Hao will never let go of the wealth of the Fang family.

At this time, outside Fang's house, tens of thousands of men in black had already surrounded them.

All men in black, all in the Transcending Tribulation Stage state, a powerful and terrifying aura emanated from them, sweeping the world, it was very terrifying.

This is a pair of troops full of killing spirit, an army composed entirely of monks in the realm of crossing the catastrophe.

A total of 1 men in black surrounded Fang's family. This formation and the terrifying aura made people feel chills in their hearts and trembled in their souls.

Among the Fang family, there are also monks who have transformed into the initial stage.In addition to this, there are dozens of monks in the Transcending Tribulation Stage realm.Except for them, the rest of the Fang family are not strong.

Facing the menacing man in black, the faces of the Fang family members all changed.Everyone panicked and looked at the men in black outside in horror. They didn't know who they were and why they surrounded the Fang family.

"Could it be that the Fang family has offended a sect that cannot be offended?" Many people in the Fang family were almost scared to death.

However, while many people are almost scared to death, some people are not.Just like their only remaining monk in the metamorphosis period——Fang Tong.

At this time, Fang Tong slowly soared into the air with a gloomy face, looked at the men in black in the Fang family, and said in a deep voice: "Everyone, what do you mean? Why do you want to surround our Fang family?"

"Of course I want to destroy your Fang family."

A faint voice came from the crowd, and then Fang Tong saw a young man in black walking out from among the men in black.

A cold murderous intent flashed across Fang Tong's eyebrows, and he looked at Chen Hao coldly, murderously: "Destroy my Fang family? You are so arrogant!"

Chen Hao is only in the state of distraction, and Fang Tong can tell at a glance.However, the tens of thousands of men in black around them didn't show up, they were uniformly dressed, and they didn't even say a word.

But although this young man in the state of distraction is dressed in black, he is not the night clothes of the men in black—obviously, this young man of low level is the leader of the men in black.

"What? Do you think I'm incapable of destroying the Fang family?"

This young man in black is Chen Hao.

"The head of your Fang family, and the one named Fang Hai have already been killed by me. Although the Fang family is powerful, but you are the only one in this stage of transformation, right? But all of my people are in the transcending tribulation stage. Do you think I have the ability to destroy your Fang family?"

Fang Tong's face changed slightly, and he looked at Chen Hao with murderous eyes.

In fact, he also knew that Chen Hao was telling the truth.The moment the head of the Fang family and Fang Hai died, he already knew that the two of them had been killed.

Originally, he thought they had offended a strong man who couldn't afford to offend, but he didn't expect to be killed by Chen Hao.Of course, he didn't think Murong had the strength to kill Fang Hai and the others.

It must be the person behind Chen Hao who killed the two elders of the Fang family.

The relationship between Chen Hao and the person behind him must be very deep. As long as Chen Hao is taken down, the Fang family's crisis may be resolved.

Thinking of this, Fang Tong smiled ferociously, his figure flickered, and he disappeared out of thin air.

When he appeared again, he had already come to Chen Hao's side!He stretched out his big hand and grabbed Chen Hao's head in the air.

"Overestimating one's abilities." Chen Hao let out a low growl with his face unchanged, and then punched out swiftly.

After the loud noise, Fang Tong, a monk in the metamorphosis period, was blown away directly, and his whole body drew a long trace in the void, floating into the distance.

In the process, he spurted blood even more.

"How is it possible? He was just distracted! How could he hit me hard with one move?" Fang Tong was extremely horrified.Not only was he sent flying by Chen Hao's punch, but even the big hand that he stretched out just now was shattered.

And Chen Hao's strength broke countless bones in his body, causing him to spurt blood wildly.

"Did he suppress his cultivation? Yes, this bastard pretends to be a pig and eats a tiger." At this moment, Fang Tong was shocked.

"I'm sorry, I really didn't pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger. I really only have the state of distraction." Chen Hao stepped on the military formula and chased after him like a shadow, and his faint voice was even more clear. The sound came to Fang Tong's ears.

Fang Tong was even more shocked: "Impossible, who are you, and why did you destroy our Fang family?"

From the moment Chen Hao made his move, Fang Tong knew that the Fang family was doomed this time.The Fang family only relied on their three metamorphosis monks. Now that the head of the Fang family and the two of them were killed by Chen Hao, I am afraid that it would be difficult for him to escape the fate of being killed.

Once the three of them die, the Fang family will collapse and be uprooted directly.

"I forgot to tell you, I am Chen Hao. You can die in peace." Chen Hao said lightly, and at the same time punched out.

With one punch, the sky collapsed and the earth shattered, the terrifying power even shattered the void, and was crushed to collapse.Like Fang Hai, Fang Tong, a monk who has just broken through to the metamorphosis stage, is far behind the old metamorphosis monks like the head of the Fang family.

One punch!
With just one punch, Fang Tong was blown away by Chen Hao.

For monks of this level, Chen Hao didn't even need any combat skills, and could kill them with just one punch.

"The second patriarch is dead."

On the ground, countless Fang family children watched Fang Tong being blown away by Chen Hao.One by one was shocked and angry, and at the same time more panicked.

Frightened and restless, I was afraid that Chen Hao would kill them too.

Only resistance?Even the metamorphosis monks were punched to death, and there were tens of thousands of people in black outside the Fang family.They dare not even move, let alone resist.

After killing Fang Tong, Chen Hao looked at the Fang family below without changing his face, and then said: "I, Chen Hao, am not a villain. The reason why I killed your patriarch was that they attacked me first. Remember, all this It was all caused by that Fang Xiong of your family."

"If it wasn't for them, I wouldn't have done anything to you at all. Therefore, you are to blame. Now I give you a choice, leave the Fang's house. If you haven't left the Fang's house after half an hour, you will be killed!"

Chen Hao has no grievances with these people, and there is no need to destroy them all. He surrounds the Fang family, and only cares about the Fang family's wealth.

Hearing Chen Hao's words, the members of the Fang family didn't hesitate, and rushed outside one by one.I was afraid that Chen Hao would kill him if it was too late.

Chen Hao naturally did not stop him.

In less than half an hour, the Fang family was emptied, and all the people had left, leaving no one behind.

"Move away everything that can be moved." Zhang Ao waved his hand, and immediately, the surrounding men in black, that is, members of Chaos rushed into Fang's house with a "shua".

Like the Su family in Falling Star City, the Fang family also has its own treasure room.Although it was kept secret, it was quickly found by Zhang Ao and others.

However, there is still a big gap between the Fang family and the Su family of Falling Star City.It is far inferior to the Su family, and even has only one first-grade spiritual vein that is close to drying up.

For these wealth, Chen Hao naturally no longer looked down on them.However, no matter how small a mosquito is, it is still meat. In the end, Chen Hao moved all of them into the red envelopes of the system, leaving none behind.


Just when Chen Hao was about to leave the treasure room, he suddenly found a yellowed parchment in a corner of the room.

There was only a palm-sized parchment, thrown in a corner, nothing special at all.

However, when Chen Hao saw this sheepskin scroll, he vaguely felt that this sheepskin scroll was extraordinary, and there was a vague aura revealed.Just like the sheepskin scroll he bought at Taobao Street in Luoxing City back then.

"Does it have something to do with that parchment?" Chen Hao reached out and took the parchment.

It was the same texture as the sheepskin roll he bought on Taobao Street in Luoxing City.

Chen Hao took out two parchment scrolls and compared them, and then he found that the two broken parchment scrolls should be broken pieces from the same parchment scroll.

"It seems to be a map, but it is not connected." Chen Hao pondered.

Even his strength could not tear these two broken sheepskin scrolls, but at this time they had already become pieces.

Who has such great ability to tear this parchment?
"Could it be that this is a treasure map or a map of a certain ruin?" Chen Hao thought.

"If it's really a treasure map or a map of the ruins, then the place the map points to must be unusual." Chen Hao's heart became hot.

A piece of parchment that even he couldn't tear apart, and it was also a fragment of a map.There are indications that this map is not simple.

It's just a pity that the map didn't know how big it was, and it didn't know how many pieces it was broken into. If you want to explore the ruins on the map, you need to collect all the maps.

However, the realm of comprehension is vast, where can I find these map fragments?
Chen Hao sighed, and threw the two map fragments into the red envelopes of the system.

"Search slowly. Since we have found two fragments, there must be other fragments. One day we will be able to find them." Chen Hao shook his head, and then left Fang's house.

After giving the Chaos members to the income system red envelope world, Chen Hao left here and walked in the direction of Yinxian Valley.

Since leaving Yinxian Valley last time, Chen Hao has not been back to Qingxuan Peak for several years, and he has not seen Zhao Zhiqing for several years.

This time, he decided to go back to Qingxuan Peak first, and then go to the Magic Mountain.

Now, although Chen Hao's strength has become stronger, his physical body has almost reached the level of eighth-rank spiritual energy.Ordinary metamorphosis monks are not his opponents.

However, he was still no match for Xue Chen and the others.

The world of comprehension is so big, besides Xue Chen and the young strongmen on the dragon and phoenix list, there must be all kinds of strongmen, even the strongmen of the older generation.

These people are so powerful that they even have the power to smash a ninth-grade spiritual weapon with their bare hands.

Just like Xue Chen, although Chen Hao's physical body is strong, but if Xue Chen explodes with the power of a fairy, Chen Hao can only be crushed and beaten, and it is even impossible to escape.

After all, after the void was blocked, Chen Hao didn't even have the chance to enter the system red envelope.

Therefore, he desperately wants to improve his strength.It's just that if you want to increase your strength, how can it be so easy?Even if there is a Breaking Realm Pill... Chen Hao is not willing to take a Breaking Realm Pill to improve his realm unless he has to.

After all, it is the most powerful, the purest, and the most stable foundation that I cultivated step by step.

The reason for going to the Magic Mountain is because of the tree of life.

Chen Hao's physical body is getting stronger and stronger, and his strength is also getting stronger.But there is another drawback.

His physical body is strong, absolutely sweeping the monks of the same level, and even those who are several levels higher than him are not his opponents.But the biggest disadvantage is that if his physical body is broken, it will be extremely difficult for him to repair it.

Just like the last time Xue Chen blasted his body, if it wasn't for the tree of life, Chen Hao would never have been able to restore his body, and would have already become a waste.

However, the power of life flowing out of the tree of life has a very strong repairing ability.

It's just that the tree of life has only grown a leaf now... It's not even a leaf, it's just a budding state.The power of life transformed by such a tree of life is really too weak.

Although the repair ability is very powerful, it is not enough in battle.

The tree of life is the first life in the world, born in the chaos, communicating with the world, possessing incredible power.If the tree of life in the dantian can be completely grown into a tree, or even a towering tree, then even if Chen Hao's body is smashed to pieces, it can be restored in an instant.

It's just that Chen Hao's current true energy is simply unable to make the tree of life grow quickly.

Only the purest chaotic power can make the tree of life grow rapidly.But Chen Hao only knew that there was a chaotic vein in the forbidden area of ​​the Demon Mountain.

He decided to use the aura of chaotic veins to grow the tree of life.

"You are Chen Hao? A traitor of Xutianzong?"

On this day, not long after Chen Hao arrived in a city, a young man with an arrogant expression appeared in front of him, looking at Chen Hao with disdain.

Chen Hao narrowed his eyes slightly, he sensed a murderous intent from this young man.

This guy has no good intentions for himself.

"Exactly, who are you?" Chen Hao sneered, this guy's strength is not bad, he has already reached the tribulation stage, but Chen Hao is still not in his eyes.

Chen Hao didn't know how many monks of this level had been killed.

(End of this chapter)

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