The Best Red Packet System of Rebirth

Chapter 310 Candidate Holy Son

Chapter 310 Candidate Holy Son
"Xu Tianzong's candidate saint son Ma Tiancheng."

The young man sneered, and took a step forward. The violent power exploded, crushing the void and collapsing the earth.

The aura like a stormy sea squeezed towards Chen Hao crazily, trying to crush Chen Hao directly.

"Candidate Holy Son?"

A strange smile appeared on Chen Hao's face.He had only heard of the Chief Disciple, the Holy Son and the Holy Maiden, but had never heard of the alternate disciples.

Seeing Chen Hao's weird smile, Ma Tiancheng immediately flew into a rage.He is one of the few geniuses in the younger generation of the Xutian Sect, and he has cultivated to the stage of transformation at a young age.

Just that, few people in the entire comprehension world can compare.

In the realm of comprehension, he is also second only to the Chief Disciple, the Holy Son, and the Holy Maiden.Apart from those three superpowers, his strength, Ma Tiancheng, is also at the forefront among the rest of the geniuses.

However, even though he has good aptitude, his cultivation base is also very strong.But there is always a huge gap with Ma Tianyun, the chief disciple, and their holy son.

Therefore, he can only be ranked No.60 in the Dragon and Phoenix Ranking, far behind Ma Tianyun who is ranked eighth in the Dragon and Phoenix Ranking, and also not as good as the Holy Son of Xutianzong.

In fact, the one who put it nicely is the candidate Holy Son.Apart from him, Xutianzong also has several candidate saint sons.

Ma Tiancheng has been living in the shadow of his brother Ma Tianyun.Ma Tianyun is the well-deserved No.1 of the younger generation of Xutianzong!
Although his aptitude is good, it is far inferior to Ma Tianyun, so his brilliance is always covered by Ma Tianyun.Even, he was able to become a candidate for the Holy Son, and many people thought it was because of his brother's relationship.

Therefore, when he saw Chen Hao's weird smile, he thought that Chen Hao was really mocking him.

"Chen Hao, die for me! As long as I kill you, I will be qualified to become the Son of God." Ma Tiancheng grinned, stepped in the air, shattered the void, and killed Chen Hao.

During this process, he stretched out his big hand, grabbed it in the air, and quickly grabbed Chen Hao's head, intending to kill Chen Hao in one fell swoop.

"If you kill me, you are qualified to become the Holy Son?" Chen Hao's smile stopped, his eyes narrowed slightly, and a murderous intent flashed across his face.

But soon, he laughed: "If you want to become a holy son, you just need to go back and kill your holy sons. Then you can become a holy son directly. However, in my opinion, with your strength, you can't do it at all." You can’t kill your holy son. Of course, you can’t kill me.”

After a pause, Chen Hao looked at Ma Tiancheng who was rushing towards him with murderous intent in his eyes: "Boy, you are tired of life, how dare you come to kill me, you are looking for death, do you know? You are looking for death! "

"Damn it, you're still yelling and talking so much nonsense when you're about to die, so die to me." Ma Tiancheng roared angrily, and slapped it down with his big hand.Immediately, endless divine light erupted, tearing the sky apart, and was about to kill Chen Hao.

Chen Hao was taken aback for a moment, and then his face was full of murderous intent.

What Ma Tiancheng said just now seemed to be what he often said before, but now it was said by the other party.How can this embarrass him?

"In that case, then I will help you." Chen Hao snorted coldly, and his profound kung fu was running, and layers of black power suddenly rose from his whole body.

Endless black power lingered on Chen Hao's body surface, exaggerating him like a demon god.

With one punch, the sky collapsed and the earth shattered, and the void was directly shattered.

After the loud noise, Chen Hao's force and Ma Tiancheng's big hand shattered into pieces.At the same time, the two of them were blown away by the terrible impact.

"Chen Hao, you are indeed not bad, but today you will definitely die." Ma Tiancheng was blown away several miles away.He was so shocked that his blood boiled.

However, he grinned grinningly, stretched out a big hand like a mountain, covered the entire sky, enveloped Chen Hao, and snapped it fiercely.

"You are not my opponent." There was a strange look in Chen Hao's eyes.

Ma Tianguo is indeed worthy of being the candidate son of Xutianzong. Although he has only reached the middle stage of transformation, he seems to be stronger than the head of the Fang family.

However, he was still not Chen Hao's opponent.

After the first battle with the head of the Fang family, although Chen Hao's realm has not broken through, but after absorbing the experience of that battle, his strength has increased again, much stronger than before.

If he were to fight against the head of the Fang family now, it would not take that long to kill the head of the Fang family.

The blood in the body was churning, and the black power was constantly lingering on Chen Hao's body surface.Waves of incomparably domineering aura emanated from him, sweeping in all directions.

"Thousand army elephants draw their fists!"

With a loud shout, Chen Hao displayed the Dragon Elephant Prajna Kungfu, and his whole body rose into the sky like a demon god, tearing the sky apart and fighting Ma Tiancheng.

Ma Tiancheng was not weak either, his whole body was steaming with qi and blood, and the blue power soared into the sky, piercing the sky.The vibrating heavens kept trembling, and the violent power kept smashing the void.

Although Chen Hao didn't take Ma Tiancheng seriously, he didn't underestimate the enemy. He almost raised his strength to the extreme and fought against Ma Tiancheng.

Ma Tiancheng fought like crazy!The strength of the whole body has been raised to the limit.And there are more than 80 phantoms of horned dragons hovering in the void above his head.The condensed cyan horned dragons are like mountains, hovering and roaring. The dragon head, dragon body, dragon tail and even the dragon claws all burst out with terrible power. Wherever they pass, the void is directly shattered.

Under his control, Horned Dragon Phantom suppressed Chen Hao even more, trying to tear Chen Hao apart.

However, Chen Hao is very powerful.Although it only has 75 dragon powers, it is about ten less than Ma Tiancheng's dragon power.But his horned dragon phantom is more concise and more terrifying.

I saw the black shadow of a horned dragon the size of a hill roaring, and the dragon's tail was pulled out violently.

The void was directly shattered by the dragon's tail!The dragon tail, which contained incomparably terrifying power, directly interrupted Ma Tiancheng's cyan horned dragon phantom in the middle.

Ma Tiancheng snorted.But it was because the Horned Dragon Phantom was interrupted, and he was shocked.

"If I kill you, I am qualified to be the Holy Son. As long as I kill you, I can prove that I, Ma Tiancheng, are also capable, and I don't all live under the protection of my brother." Ma Tiancheng roared, and the attack became more and more serious. Tragic.

"Haha, Ma Tiancheng, want to kill me? Go home and practice for a few more hundred years." Chen Hao laughed loudly, and he unleashed a series of combat skills, causing the sky to shatter.The sky that was hit seemed to be shattered, and the stars trembled.

Ma Tiancheng was furious, roared again and again, and raised his strength to the extreme, only wanting to kill Chen Haozhen.

However, Chen Hao shot calmly and calmly, and he played out a series of combat skills, which were earth-shattering and terrifying.Although Ma Tiancheng was so powerful, he couldn't do anything to Chen Hao.

Chen Hao stepped on the military formula, the speed was really too fast.The fast Ma Tiancheng's attack couldn't hit him at all.On the contrary, Chen Hao relied on the unparalleled speed of the Bing Zijue to continuously bombard Ma Tiancheng with terrifying forces, beating him until he vomited blood, his body cracked, revealing shocking wounds.

Ma Tiancheng kept roaring, startled and angry in his heart.He finally discovered that although he was powerful, he was ranked No. 60 on the Dragon and Phoenix Ranking, a full [-] places higher than Chen Hao!

However, Chen Hao's strength is really too strong, after the first battle, he was actually at a disadvantage.If things go on like this, let alone kill Chen Hao.On the contrary, he might be killed by Chen Hao.

"Call the soul banner, call the soul, kill me."

Ma Tiancheng forced Chen Hao back with a punch, then roared, and sacrificed a magic weapon that radiated black light all over.

This is a piece of soul-calling banner the size of a palm.It rose against the wind, and instantly swelled to a size of several miles, covering the sky and covering the earth, covering the world.

Strands of black demonic energy emanated from the soul-calling banner, covering the sky and the sun, and the demonic flames billowed, which was very terrifying.Even, in the magic flame, all the extremely ferocious demons bit Chen Hao with their teeth and claws, and came to fight.

At the same time, an inexplicable force gushed out, and the force that passed over Chen Hao's body surface went straight into his body.

At this moment, Chen Hao's soul trembled.It seemed that a big hand had penetrated into his soul space, trying to pull his soul out.

Chen Hao's soul trembled violently, and that big invisible hand seemed to tightly grasp his soul, pulling it out continuously.Chen Hao even felt that a part of his soul had been ripped out of the soul space by that big hand.

The soul, and the soul space are not actual existence, but a kind of nihility, invisible, but real existence, a very mysterious existence.

But all life has a soul.Without a soul, there is no life.Without a soul, even if you are a peerless powerhouse, you are still a dead person.

Although the soul is invisible and insubstantial, it is the most important thing in a life!
The summoning banner, as the name suggests, was intended to call away Chen Hao's soul.Chen Hao has no doubts at all, if his soul is grabbed out of the soul space by that invisible big hand, then what awaits him is death.

The moment the soul leaves the soul space, he dies instantly.

"How can there be such a magic weapon?"

Chen Hao was inexplicably horrified.He has never heard of this kind of magic weapon, it is too evil.Just imagine, even if you are absolutely strong, I just need to sacrifice the soul-calling flag and call your soul away.Well, without a fight, you're dead.

Too powerful, too terrifying, too perverted.

Chen Hao was horrified, half of his soul had been caught out of the soul space.

"Chen Hao, die for me." Ma Tiancheng grinned grimly and strode forward.Terrible power emanated from him, crushing the ground.

In his opinion, Chen Hao must surely die!Because, not long ago, he once sacrificed the soul-calling banner to kill an old monster-level powerhouse in the late stage of transformation.

In front of the soul-calling banner, the old man in the metamorphosis period didn't even have time to react, his soul had already been grabbed out of the soul space, and he died instantly.

It should be noted that the strong man who was killed by him was an old monster-level strong man in the late stage of transformation, and his strength was not known to be many times stronger than him.What's more, Chen Hao?
The soul-calling banner is a fairy weapon he got by accident!The power is too great, it is really his biggest trump card.If he hadn't been unable to fight for a long time today, he would never use this soul-calling flag.

Of course, after using the summoning banner, he was bound to kill Chen Hao.Because, it is impossible for him to let the fact that he has the soul-calling banner leak out.

At that time, there will be countless strong people, even those one-step immortals and half-step immortals who will attack him.

"It's not that easy to kill me."

Feeling that his soul was pulled faster and faster by that invisible big hand, and was about to be completely pulled out of the soul space, Chen Hao was shocked and angry.

This is just a moment of effort.If he still can't shatter that big hand, then he will be killed in just a few moments.

The true energy can't stop the power of the soul-calling banner at all, it's useless at all.

With a "bang", Chen Hao emitted an endless purple glow that soared into the sky, enveloping him inside.This is Chen Hao activating the Purple Ribbon Immortal Clothes.

However, although the Purple Ribbon Immortal Clothes can resist most of the power.But the power of the soul-calling flag is terrifying, invisible and qualityless, and there is no way to resist it.

The purple ribbon fairy clothes are also useless.


At the moment when the Purple Ribbon Immortal Clothes were activated, countless calamity clouds gathered above the heads of Chen Hao and the two of them, and then the sky filled with calamity thunder blasted down, trying to smash the invisible big hand and the soul-calling banner.

"Struggle to your heart's content, all your means are useless." Ma Tiancheng smiled grimly, and walked towards Chen Hao slowly.However, in the process, he still urged the soul-calling banner to turn into a sky curtain, blocking the sky above his head and blocking the endless tribulation thunder.

All over the sky, thunder and thunder bombarded down, and the bombardment's summoning banner vibrated violently.Waves of devilish energy erupted from the Soul Calling Banner, continuously obliterating the Jielei that had been blasted down.

Although the Jielei was terrifying, it couldn't shatter the Soul Calling Banner in a short time.Even if Jielei could really shatter the Soul Calling Banner, Chen Hao couldn't wait for that moment.

He was afraid that his soul would have been pulled out of the soul space before the Jielei shattered the soul-calling flag, and he was killed.

Even Zhiyang Zhilie, the most terrifying tribulation thunder, couldn't smash that invisible hand!Chen Hao roared involuntarily, he didn't want to be so aggrieved to be killed here, and his death was unclear.

"Since robbery and thunder can't smash the soul-calling banner, then I will burn it with Yin-Yang fire! The Qiankun Yin-Yang Cauldron will burn the whole world." Chen Hao roared in his heart, and immediately sacrificed the Qiankun Yin-Yang Cauldron.

As soon as Qiankun Yinyang Dingfu came out, it rose against the wind and became ten feet in size, hovering above Chen Hao's head.Continuously rotating, the Yin-Yang Fire that descended from Yin to Yang enveloped Chen Hao.

chi chi...

Wherever the yin and yang fire passed, even the void was burnt to create terrible cracks.The void in the realm of comprehension cannot resist the burning of Yin-Yang fire at all.

What's more, now it is Chen Hao who is fully mobilizing the Yin-Yang Fire, which can burn the whole world.

The moment the Qiankun Yinyang Cauldron was sacrificed by Chen Hao, Ma Tiancheng spat out a mouthful of blood.

(End of this chapter)

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