Chapter 311

"It's impossible to break the attack of the Soul Calling Banner. It's simply impossible." Ma Tiancheng looked at Chen Hao in shock and anger, and growled.

Just now, the big invisible hand that was pulling Chen Hao's soul out was directly burned by the yin and yang fire.However, Ma Tiancheng's mind was shaken by this, and he spurted blood wildly.

Compared to Ma Tiancheng's fury, Chen Hao breathed a sigh of relief.If he hadn't sacrificed the Qiankun Yinyang cauldron in time, and if the Yinyang fire hadn't been able to break the soul calling flag, then he would have almost died.

Because, just now, more than half of his soul has been torn out by that big invisible hand.If Chen Hao was a few moments slower, his soul would be completely ripped out of the soul space, and he would die unexpectedly.

"Fortunately, Yin-Yang Huo can restrain the soul-calling banner. Otherwise, you will definitely die today." Chen Hao breathed a sigh of relief, and then looked at Ma Tiancheng with a murderous look.

If he didn't have the Qiankun Yinyang Cauldron, he would have been killed by this guy long ago.Even if he has a system red envelope, he may not be able to escape.This is why, why Chen Hao didn't enter the system red envelope immediately.

"I didn't expect you to have such a strange and terrifying magic weapon. However, from today onwards, the soul-calling flag has changed its surname to Chen Hao. Ma Tiancheng, you can die." Chen Hao showed a smile on his face, looking gloomy , Murderous intent splashed.

Ma Tiancheng's face was gloomy, terrified but extremely angry.

"Calling Soul Banner, Calling Soul Banner, kill me! Kill! Kill!" Ma Tiancheng didn't believe in evil, and poured almost all his strength into the Soul Calling Banner, urging the Soul Calling Banner vigorously.

Ma Tiancheng's strength was not weak in the first place.The Soul Calling Banner, which was vigorously urged by him, quickly grew in size and became thousands in an instant, tens of thousands of miles in size, covering the sky and the sun, covering the void.

The magic flames billowed, and murderous intent burst forth.

Just when Ma Tiancheng was urging the soul-calling banner with all his strength, within the range covered by the soul-calling banner, the souls of countless monks and animals were directly caught by the soul-calling banner and died unexpectedly.

These people didn't even know how they died, they didn't react at all.Even the plants within ten thousand miles around are withering quickly.

Plants are also life, and nature also has a soul.And under the soul-calling banner, all the souls of life are called away, which is very terrifying.

Countless souls were captured, and then turned into streaks of black light, rushing towards the soul-calling flag.It was directly swallowed by the soul-calling banner.

After devouring these souls, the power of the soul-calling banner became even more terrifying, and even continued to expand.

"Ma Tianyu, you should die!"

Seeing that in this short moment, countless souls were drawn out of their souls and died unexpectedly, Chen Hao was very furious.

In the small town just now, and within a radius of ten thousand miles nearby, the number of people killed by the soul-calling banner this time was several million, or even tens of millions.

There may be many villains among these people, and there are more than enough to die.But there are also quite a few people who are not bad people, but they were all killed by Ma Tianyun!

The soul-calling flag was shaken, and the souls of all beings in a radius of ten thousand miles were drawn out, crushed, and swallowed by the soul-calling flag.

Too brutal, too evil, too perverted.

Although this is the world of comprehension, the area with a radius of ten thousand li is not small.Adding several small cities, and some small sects nearby, there are at least several million people.

If you count all the animals and plants, there are probably over [-] million lives that were killed by Ma Tiancheng's wave of the soul-calling banner.

Hundreds of millions of lives!

The corpses were laid down for thousands of miles, and there was no life in the land of thousands of miles, and all of them died unexpectedly.

Since his debut, countless people have been killed by Chen Hao.However, everyone deserves to be damned, and everyone is his enemy.He never killed innocent people indiscriminately.

However, Ma Tiancheng was different.Shake the soul-calling banner, and directly kill more than [-] million lives!

This made Chen Hao very angry.

Too much indiscriminate killing of innocents.

Of course, if it wasn't for the Qiankun Yinyang Cauldron, Chen Hao's soul would have been pulled out long ago, and he would have died an untimely death.

Seeing that Chen Hao was standing in front of him safe and sound, the soul-calling flag had no effect on him.Ma Tiancheng couldn't help being shocked and angry.

"Chen Hao, let me see how you resist!"

Ma Tiancheng roared angrily, shaking the soul-calling banner desperately.

Because it has swallowed many souls, the power of the soul-calling banner is dozens or even hundreds of times stronger than before.After Ma Tiancheng's full urging, the soul-calling banner quickly enlarged.Even, the scope covered by the soul-calling flag has surpassed the radius of ten thousand miles, covering the past in the distance.

Within the range covered by the soul-calling banner, the souls of all living beings were drawn out of the body, torn apart, and swallowed, while the power of the soul-calling banner increased rapidly and became stronger and stronger.

At the same time, a wave of inexplicable force was overwhelming, like a torrent, constantly hitting Chen Hao.Howling ghosts and howling wolves, eerie and terrifying.

Even with the yin and yang fire body protection, Chen Hao still felt his soul trembling constantly, as if it might emerge three-dimensionally at any time.

Chen Hao was furious, and looked at Ma Tiancheng with murderous eyes.

"Ma Tiancheng, you killed innocent people indiscriminately, today I will kill you." Chen Hao was furious.I saw the Qiankun Yinyang Cauldron on his head, and the Qiankun Yinyang Cauldron hung down, and a series of Yinyang fires shrouded him inside, isolating the attack and killing of the Soul Calling Banner.

But Chen Hao strode towards Ma Tiancheng to attack and kill him.

Ma Tiancheng laughed loudly, raised his strength to the limit, urged the soul-calling banner with all his strength, and kept shaking it at Chen Hao, trying to pull out Chen Hao's soul, and then tear it to pieces.

Chen Hao's soul trembled violently.The closer he was to Ma Tiancheng, the stronger the vibration of his soul, almost unable to suppress it, and it became three-dimensional.


Chen Hao shouted loudly, and stabbed out with a swift shot.


A gun light containing terrifying power shot out from the body, tearing the sky and the ground, tearing towards Ma Tiancheng with teeth and claws, trying to tear him into powder.

Ma Tiancheng sneered, waved the soul-calling flag with both hands, and shot out a series of terrifying powers. The magic flames billowed, and the magic energy soared to the sky, directly smashing Chen Hao's attack.

After devouring hundreds of millions of souls, the power of the soul-calling banner is outrageously powerful.As a result, Ma Tiancheng's strength has increased several times compared to before, and he can even easily break Chen Hao's strength.

Chen Hao was shocked. The soul-calling flag could devour souls and continuously strengthened, and Ma Tiancheng's strength became stronger and stronger.And the power of the soul-calling banner is very strange, even a monk in the metamorphosis period cannot guard against it.

If Ma Tiancheng massacred countless monks in a frenzy to strengthen the power of the soul-calling banner.Then, the entire world of self-cultivation will be buried for thousands of miles, and countless creatures will be massacred.

"We must get the soul-calling banner, and we must kill Ma Tiancheng." Chen Hao thought in his heart.

The soul-calling banner is powerful and can directly attack the soul. It is a very perverted magic weapon. When Chen Hao discovered the soul-calling banner, he couldn't help but arouse the desire to kill and seize the treasure.

Later, because Ma Tiancheng killed innocent people indiscriminately, Chen Hao was even more determined to kill Ma Tiancheng.

However, now that Ma Tiancheng is getting stronger and stronger, it is becoming more and more difficult for Chen Hao to kill him.If he continued to let the summoning banner devour the soul and continue to strengthen, not only would Chen Hao not be able to kill Ma Tiancheng, on the contrary, he might be killed by Ma Tiancheng.

Now that Yin Yang Fire is suppressing, Chen Hao can hardly suppress his soul anymore.If this continues, he will really be unable to suppress the soul.Gengjia couldn't kill Ma Tiancheng.

"Ma Tiancheng must die." Chen Hao was furious in his heart, and terrifying forces tore out, wanting to beat Ma Tiancheng to death.

However, Ma Tiancheng kept waving the soul-calling flag, and easily dispelled his attack.On the contrary, now Ma Tiancheng approached Chen Hao with a grim smile, wanting to kill Chen Hao.

Chen Hao's face was extremely gloomy, and his whole body was full of murderous intent, with infinite murderous intent.

"The Qiankun bow, the sky-shaking arrow, kill me!"

Chen Hao shouted, took out the Qiankun Bow, and shot Ma Tiancheng with one arrow.

"Chen Hao, you are definitely not my opponent. Today ### will definitely die." Ma Tiancheng laughed loudly, waving the soul-calling banner and knocking out the approaching sky-shaking arrow.

However, the Sky-Shocking Arrow is still a Sky-Shocking Arrow, although it is limited by Chen Hao's power and cannot exert greater power.However, it is not so easy to break.

Even if it is knocked out, the sky-shocking arrow will come back again, and it will not stop until it kills the target.

Ma Tiancheng roared again and again, waving the huge soul-calling banner that covered the sky and the sun, blocked the endless tribulation thunder, burst out a series of terrifying and incomparable power, and even shook the sky-shaking arrow.

At the same time, Chen Hao even discovered that Ma Tiancheng's power turned black, which was the same as that of the Soul Calling Banner.An incomparably ferocious and ferocious aura emanated from him, and his eyes were even redder, revealing traces of a fierce light.

At this time, Ma Tiancheng was like a demon who only knew how to kill!
"Oops, this guy has been assimilated by the soul-calling flag and has become a demon." Chen Hao was shocked.This soul-calling banner actually assimilated Ma Tiancheng, it was too terrifying.

The soul-calling banner can not only directly kill and devour souls, but also can assimilate Ma Tiancheng!Once Ma Tiancheng is completely assimilated, he will become a machine that can only kill.

Constantly killing, but the soul-calling banner is constantly devouring souls, and constantly becoming stronger.

"Ma Tiancheng must die!"

Chen Hao was shocked and angry in his heart. Seeing that even the shocking arrow could not kill it temporarily, Chen Hao's heart suddenly became ruthless.

"System red envelopes, covering the sky and the sun, devouring thousands of worlds, suppress it for me!"

With an angry shout, Chen Hao offered a system red envelope.

Rising against the wind, the system's red envelope instantly increased countless times, covering the entire world.It even enveloped the soul-calling banner.

In an instant, the land with a radius of several million, even tens of thousands of miles, suddenly changed from day to night.An incomparably vast but righteous force erupted, shaking the heavens and the earth, suppressing the heavens and the world, and deterring hundreds of millions of living beings.

"Why is it getting dark?"

Just when the system red envelope enveloped the sky, countless monks were shocked.Countless lives panicked, thinking that the sky was about to collapse and the world was about to end!
This is the first time Chen Hao sacrificed the system red envelopes to fight against the enemy!
The overwhelming red envelopes of the system were countless times larger than the soul-calling banners, and they directly enveloped him.At the same time, waves of terrifying but powerful forces burst forth, directly suppressing the Soul Calling Banner.

creak creak...

Under the suppression of the incomparably terrifying power of the system's red envelopes, although the soul-calling flag was full of demonic energy, it was constantly shrinking due to the suppression.

Even the soul-calling banner shrank rapidly.Soon, it was reduced from tens of thousands of miles to thousands of miles, thousands of miles, hundreds of miles, and finally turned into a big flag again, floating above Ma Tiancheng's head.

Ma Tiancheng yelled in surprise and anger: "Chen Hao, you can't kill me, you can't kill me."

"Can't kill you? A joke! Today I will refine you alive." Chen Hao was also furious, and with a thought, he immediately took Ma Tiancheng and the soul-calling banner back.

The moment Ma Tiancheng was taken away, the system's red envelope also shrank rapidly, and finally turned into a ray of light, which fell into Chen Hao's body.

With a flash of his figure, Chen Hao also disappeared in place.

Not long after Chen Hao entered the red envelope system, a huge stone tablet appeared out of thin air and was inserted into the ground.

Not long after, figures flew over from afar, arriving at the place where Chen Hao and Ma Tiancheng fought.However, Chen Hao and Ma Tiancheng had already disappeared.

Only a gigantic stele was left at the scene.

"Ma Tiancheng is here to refine the soul-calling banner and kill hundreds of millions of living beings indiscriminately. Today, I, Chen Hao, shot him to death for the benefit of all living beings." There are only a few words on the huge stone tablet.But above the stele, there is a constantly changing image.

It was the image of the battle between Chen Hao and Ma Tiancheng.Of course, the last scene where Chen Hao sacrificed the system red envelope to take Ma Tiancheng away was not recorded on the stele.

"The soul-calling banner, it turned out to be the soul-calling banner. This Ma Tiancheng is really insane!" After seeing this image, countless monks couldn't help being furious.

"It seems that Chen Hao, the big devil, has done a rare good deed." Someone said.

They would never doubt what Chen Hao said, and the authenticity of those images.Because those images were directly portrayed by people with great supernatural powers, it is impossible to create something out of nothing.

And Ma Tiancheng's appearance of killing the Quartet with a soul-calling banner is even more lifelike, no one doubts it.

"The soul-calling banner, but it may not be a good thing if the soul-calling banner falls into Chen Hao's hands."

Some monks who knew the soul-calling banner couldn't help but sighed.Chen Hao was able to kill Ma Tiancheng who was using the soul-calling banner, which proved that his strength was even more terrifying than Ma Tiancheng.

And once Chen Hao keeps summoning the soul, it will be dozens or hundreds of times more terrifying than Ma Tiancheng!Moreover, with Chen Hao's cultivation speed, once he becomes possessed, no one in the cultivation world can match him.

"Chen Hao, you can't kill me, you can never refine me."

In the system red envelope world, Ma Tiancheng's roar continued to spread far and wide.At this time, Ma Tiancheng had been imprisoned in a space by Chen Hao, unable to walk.

(End of this chapter)

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