The Best Red Packet System of Rebirth

Chapter 312 Overseas Relics

Chapter 312 Overseas Relics
However, Ma Tiancheng also wrapped himself up with the soul-calling banner, roaring again and again.

Sitting cross-legged on the ground, Chen Hao swallowed many Huiyuan Dans before restoring his cultivation to its peak state.Just now he sacrificed the system red envelope to take Ma Tiancheng in.

Even though it was just a short moment, it exhausted all of Chen Hao's strength.Therefore, after Ma Tiancheng was taken away, the first time Chen Hao entered the red envelope of the system was to restore his strength and cultivation base.

"Can't kill you? Can't refine you? In my world, I am the master, and I will refine you now." Chen Hao stood up, sneered, and walked towards Ma Tiancheng.

In the system red envelope world, Chen Hao is the master! Although Ma Tiancheng's soul-calling method is powerful, he was imprisoned the moment he entered the system red envelope.

At this moment, he could only growl continuously, unable to move at all.kill you. "Seeing Chen Hao approaching, Ma Tiancheng roared angrily and kept struggling.

Chen Hao sneered, and with a thought, he stretched out his big hand and grabbed the soul-calling flag directly.

Ma Tiancheng sneered unceasingly: "I have already refined the Soul Calling Banner, recognize the Lord, and you want to take it away."

Chen Hao sneered, and stretched out his big hand to grab the soul-calling banner.Then, with Ma Tiancheng's furious expression, the soul-calling banner was directly snatched away by him.

"Although the soul-calling banner is evil, it is an extremely powerful magic weapon. It is a waste of heaven and earth in your hands, and it will belong to me from now on." While speaking, Chen Hao's spiritual thoughts went straight into the soul-calling banner, and the horse Tian Cheng's brand inside was directly erased.

"Chen Hao, you stole my magic weapon. I will never live with you in this life, and I will kill you." After the brand mark was erased, Ma Tiancheng grunted, but his heart was wounded.

Chen Hao held the soul-calling banner, and suddenly felt a wave of evil and violent power continuously entering into his body, wanting to assimilate himself, turning himself into a murderous demon without blinking an eye.

A look of surprise appeared on Chen Hao's face.

Although the power of the soul-calling banner is not much, it is endless. If it goes on for a long time, and those who are not strong enough, they will be directly assimilated by the soul-calling banner and become a murderous devil without blinking an eye.

Obviously, Ma Tiancheng's mind is not very good, and his mind has been taken away by the soul-calling banner, and he has been assimilated.

Chen Hao snorted coldly, and shattered the power of the Soul Calling Banner that had invaded his body.

"Although the summoning banner is very powerful, it cannot be used much." Chen Hao thought in his heart.

This magic weapon is really too weird, too evil, and it is easy to steal people's minds.Still, it's a good choice for occasional kills.

Chen Hao smiled and took away the soul-calling banner.But it made Ma Tiancheng growl continuously. If eyes could kill, Chen Hao would have been killed countless times.

"Ma Tiancheng, you have done a lot of evil, you can die." After taking away the soul-calling banner, Chen Hao sneered and looked at Ma Tiancheng.

The Qiankun Yinyang Cauldron appeared out of thin air above Ma Tiancheng's head, and then slowly suppressed it down.

A breath of death rose from the bottom of Ma Tiancheng's heart.This was the real breath of death, and he felt death.At this moment, Ma Tiancheng was terrified.

He knew that if the Qiankun Yinyang Cauldron was suppressed, he would be turned into ashes.

"Chen Hao, you can't kill me. I am the candidate saint son of Xutianzong, and my brother is the eighth super master in the dragon and phoenix list. If you kill me and they find out, you will definitely die." Ma Tiancheng He yelled at Chen Hao in horror.

Chen Hao shook his head, and looked at Ma Tiancheng with pity: "You don't know, I'm not even afraid of Xue Chen, who is the third in the dragon and phoenix list. At the beginning, I was only in the reincarnation period and made a big fuss about Xutianzong. At that time, I was not afraid of Xutianzong , let alone now?"

"As for that brother of yours, it would be better if he didn't come. If he dares to trouble me, I will send him down to meet you. Today, even the king of heaven, I can't save you."

Chen Hao sneered, but the Qiankun Yinyang Cauldron still suppressed it.

With a "poof", under the yin and yang fire that could burn the whole world, Ma Tiancheng couldn't resist at all, and was directly burned to ashes.Not even ashes.

The dead can't be dead anymore.

But at this time, the cultivation world was once again shaken by the soul-calling banner.

Within a radius of tens of thousands of miles, all lives were convulsed and died violently.More than ten million people died for monks alone.

Suddenly, Ma Tiancheng, the candidate saint son of Xutianzong, directly surpassed Chen Hao in cruelty, and became the number one villain in the cultivation world.

A big battle directly killed tens of millions of monks and monks, and even hundreds of millions of other lives.This is definitely the behavior of the devil.

In the world of comprehension, there has never been a shortage of some devils who kill innocent people indiscriminately.These demons have killed countless people, but they are far less than Ma Tiancheng.

Moreover, after this incident, the world even discovered that not long ago, many places in the cultivation world were also exterminated, and those people were also plucked out of their souls and died unexpectedly.

Tens of millions, or even over [-] million monks died directly at the head of Ma Tiancheng.

Such a cruel thing directly turned Ma Tiancheng into the number one devil.

Many people were angry, especially some monks who were filled with a sense of justice questioned Xu Tianzong one after another.In the end, facing strong pressure from the cultivation world, Xutianzong, one of the top ten sects, had no choice but to announce the removal of Ma Tiancheng's status as a candidate saint son, depriving him of his status as a disciple of Xutianzong, and expelling him.

Otherwise, even if Xutianzong is one of the top ten sects, it will not be able to withstand the pressure of public opinion.

Of course, depriving a disciple of his identity is not a big deal for a sect like Xutianzong.But Ma Tiancheng's older brother, Ma Tianyun, is the chief disciple of Xutianzong. He is powerful, and he is the No.1 of the younger generation.

Ma Tiancheng did a lot of evil, and he would be gone if he died, but Ma Tianyun was a real genius, and Xu Tianzong didn't want to create any gaps with Ma Tianyun.

After all, not long ago, they expelled a genius Chen Hao.In just a few years, Chen Hao has grown to an extremely high level, even ranking among the best among the younger generation.

Seeing Chen Hao grow from a monk in the transformation stage to a young strong man who can easily kill the masters in the transformation stage in less than a few years, Xu Tianzong would be lying if he said that he had no regrets.

"Chen Hao, you will definitely die."

Xutianzong, on the top of a mountain, a young man stood on the top of the mountain facing the wind.But the clothes on his body were automatic without wind, and a sharp murderous intent came out through his body, which was very terrifying.

He is Ma Tiancheng's elder brother, Ma Tianyun, the chief disciple of Xutianzong.

Ma Tianyun slaughtered thousands of miles and killed hundreds of millions of lives.To Ma Tianyun, this was nothing.Even if Ma Tiancheng killed billions of lives, he would not frown.

Because Ma Tiancheng is his only younger brother.

His younger brother Ma Tianyun can only kill, but cannot be killed.Anyone who dared to kill his younger brother would suffer mad revenge from Ma Tianyun.

"Chen Hao, an abandoned disciple of the Xutian Sect, a despicable existence, if you kill my brother, you will surely die." Ma Tianyun's expression was flat, and he could not see the sadness of Ma Tiancheng's being killed at all, only endless murderous intentions.

Suddenly, Ma Tianyun stepped out with one foot, flying in the air, away from the top of the mountain.The second part stepped out and disappeared in place.

Xutianzong, in the main hall.

Zhuang Ningguang looked at Ma Tianyun, and said in a deep voice: "Ma Tianyun, I will not stop you from leaving the mountain. But Chen Hao is cruel and scheming, even Xue Chen couldn't kill him, and made him escape many times..."

"It's just a chicken and a dog, and Xue Chen is also a waste. I must kill Chen Hao, otherwise this will be an obstacle for me to become a fairy." Ma Tianyun said lightly.

In the end, Zhuang Ningguang did not stop Ma Tianyun from leaving the mountain.The fact that Ma Tiancheng was killed by Chen Hao has indeed become the demon of Ma Tianyun's marching into the immortal.

Only by killing Chen Hao can Ma Tiancheng move towards the immortal faster and ascend to the immortal world as soon as possible.

As for other aspects, Zhuang Ningguang didn't worry too much. Ma Tianyun's strength is the No.1 of Xutianzong's younger generation, so he naturally has his extraordinary strength.

Although Xue Chen couldn't kill Chen Hao, it didn't mean Ma Tianyun couldn't.

At the same time, in the depths of the East China Sea, which is hundreds of millions of miles away from the cultivation world.


In the originally vast and boundless deep sea, there were bursts of terrifying, earth-shattering loud noises suddenly.

Bursts of terrifying aura emanated from the depths of the sea.The oppressive surrounding seawater automatically recedes in all directions.


The sea water dried up, and a gigantic object suddenly rose slowly from the depths of the seabed.

Not long after, in the deep sea, which was originally boundless as far as the eye could see, there was a huge and incomparably large island out of thin air.An island with a radius of hundreds of thousands of miles, or even larger.

A wave of terrifying aura emanated from the island, frightening the heavens.

The noise caused by the birth of this behemoth was really too great.The trembling range was hundreds of millions of miles away, and this tremor was felt even farther away.

Right after this huge island appeared, figures flashed continuously in the distant sky.These are monks who heard the news.

"This is……?"

Seeing the huge island that appeared out of nowhere, everyone who saw him for the first time was shocked.All of them looked at the island in shock, too shocked to speak.

While shaking, a monk turned into a flash of light and rushed towards the island.

They are all monks practicing nearby. They have practiced nearby for an unknown number of years. This is the first time they have seen this island.

An island that has never appeared before, this is definitely a relic, and it definitely contains amazing wealth!
After discovering this huge relic that appeared out of thin air, the monks who heard the news couldn't wait to spread out their bodies, and flew towards the island.

A monk at the stage of integration was the closest to the island, and he stretched out his body, and while shaking, he still rushed to the sky above the island.

At the moment when the cultivator in the fusion stage rushed into the sky above the island, the void above the island suddenly distorted, and a gray light appeared out of thin air.

This monk in the state of integration stage didn't react at all, his whole body was directly torn into pieces by those gray forces.Even before the blood burst out, it was already smashed into powder.

Seeing this scene, the surrounding people were shocked.However, few people stopped.Even those cultivators in the realm of transcending the catastrophe launched a teleportation and rushed directly to the island.

Poof! Poof!puff!
It is no surprise that these people, whether they are monks in the state of integration or in the realm of crossing the catastrophe, were torn into pieces by the gray power that appeared out of thin air above the island the moment they entered the island.

He didn't even have time to let out a scream.

In just an instant, dozens of strong men were killed, not even scum left.This is only on one side of the island.In several other directions, the same thing happened.

Seeing that dozens of people with strong cultivation bases were directly bombarded and killed, finally, those hot-headed people gradually calmed down.

This island is undoubtedly an undeveloped relic.There is an astonishing wealth hidden in it.But although there is a lot of wealth inside, the danger is also extremely terrifying.

Even cultivators in the Transcending Tribulation Stage cannot enter the island.

"New ruins, haha, it's time for my ancestors to develop." At this moment, a loud laugh like thunder came from afar.

All I saw was a black light passing through the barrier of the void from a distance, appearing in front of the ruins.A powerful and terrifying aura continuously emanated from him, crushing the void around him into pieces.

"The real black devil."

Seeing this person who appeared suddenly, the expressions of the nearby monks suddenly changed.Immediately, they all retreated towards the distance at the same time, far away from the real black demon who was billowing with black energy all over his body.

"Unexpectedly, the real black demon was also alarmed. It is said that he is a strong man in the middle stage of transformation, and his strength is very powerful. He is usually domineering, ruthless, and kills countless people." One person secretly glanced at the real black demon, with a hint of fear in his eyes look.

"It is said that this guy used to be a member of the cultivation world in the mainland. Later, he offended the Tianji sect, one of the top ten sects, and was eventually hunted down by the masters of the Tianji sect. He came to the overseas cultivation world. Even Jijiao can't kill him." One person said.

In the world of Chinese comprehension, it is actually divided into two worlds artificially.One is the mainland cultivation world, that is, the cultivation world where the top ten sects and so on are located.

In addition to the mainland comprehension world, there is the overseas comprehension world.Of course, in the cultivation world, the vast majority of monks are in the mainland cultivation world.

But there are also many monks and sects in the overseas comprehension world.Even, some sects are almost comparable to the top ten sects.

But no matter what, they are all in the same world in the Chinese cultivation world.However, for a long time, very few people from the mainland's comprehension circle went overseas for training.

After all, there are very few continents in the overseas cultivation world, and most of them are endless seas.

In the vast sea, there are countless dangers hidden.

(End of this chapter)

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