Chapter 313 Gathering
Although relics often appear in the sea, there are endless wealth.However, the realm of self-cultivation in the mainland is also huge. Even now, the places that monks can explore are less than one percent.

"The real black demon is very powerful. Although he is only in the middle stage of transformation, he can kill the strong in the late stage of transformation. He has come. It seems that we can't monopolize this relic." A middle-aged man said in a deep voice.

"Swallow the ruins all by yourself? Just rely on you, a little monk in the early stage of transformation?"

Hearing the middle-aged man's words, Master Hei Mo sneered, and looked at the middle-aged man with a murderous look.

The middle-aged man couldn't help but backed up a few steps in fear when he caught the eyes of the real black demon.

"This relic is the private property of my true black demon. The real person will kill anyone who dares to set foot on the ruins today." The real black devil said loudly with murderous intent.The huge sound rolled out like thunder.

"The ruins are hundreds of thousands of miles in size. Even though you are so powerful, real black devil, how can you occupy the entire ruins?" The middle-aged man who spoke earlier said that although he was afraid in his heart, he still opened his mouth.

As long as you can enter this ruin, it is an opportunity.Maybe there are some natural treasures, top-quality skills and so on.If he had to just give up like this, he couldn't just let it go.

"Do you have an opinion?" The real black devil looked at the middle-aged man and asked sinisterly.

"Treasures in the world, the virtuous live in them, you black devil..." Although the middle-aged man was afraid in his heart, he still spoke.

"Treasures in the world, the one with the big fist will get it, boy, go to hell with me." The real black demon grinned, stretched out a big black hand, and grabbed the middle-aged man directly.

The middle-aged man was also a cultivator in the stage of metamorphosis, and he couldn't help being furious when he saw that the real black demon directly attacked him.He didn't even say the following words, only to see him roar, and instantly increase his limit strength.

Seventy horned dragon phantoms appeared in the void above his head out of thin air, roaring ferociously.And he punched it hard.

"Out of control."

The real black demon sneered, his big hands covered the sky, shattered the sky, and quickly pressed down.

With a bang, the phantom of the seventy-horned dragon above the middle-aged man's head was shattered into powder.But the big hand of the real black devil is indomitable.

There was a loud bang, and the middle-aged man who was in the early stage of transformation didn't even make a sound, and was directly smashed into a ball of meat sauce by the real black demon's big hand, and he couldn't die any more.

"Who else thinks that treasures are virtuous?"

After slapping the middle-aged man to death with one palm, the real black demon's eyes flickered fiercely and shot around.

Seeing the eyes of the real black devil, these monks nearby were directly forced out by the ferocity of the real black devil, and no one dared to speak out.

It's a joke, even the monks in the early stage of transformation were slapped to death by him, they must not dare to continue to resist.

"Very good, you all get the hell out of here." The real black devil nodded in satisfaction and shouted loudly.Then he rose into the air and flew towards the island.

With a swish, the real Black Demon appeared on the island.

Just as he entered the range of the island, he touched the island's restriction.All of a sudden, countless gray rays of light appeared out of thin air, strangling towards the real black devil like a stormy sea.

"***, you bastards actually set me up, and when I get out, I'll kill you all."

Seeing countless gray forces strangling towards him, the face of Daoist Black Demon turned green.From these powers, the real black devil felt a strong breath of death.

"Want to fuck me? Break it!"

The real black devil is worthy of being a super strong man. Those monks who entered the range of the island were bombarded and killed by the gray light before they could even react.

But at this time, when the gray light strangled the real Black Demon, it didn't kill him for a while.

"It's over, the real black devil will take revenge. At this moment, he must think that we have cheated on him. Once he comes out, we will surely die." A monk's face turned pale in an instant.

"Want to kill us? Whether he can come out is still a question." Another person said with a sneer.

Above the island, the devilish energy billowed, soaring into the sky, covering the sky and blocking out the sun.This is the black demon real person who broke out his limit power and fought against the strangling gray rays of light.

Roar again and again!

Terrible aura is constantly coming out, shocking the world.The powerful impact spread far and wide, causing the sky to shatter and the earth torn apart, even the sea was almost evaporated.

Those monks who were far away from the island were constantly forced to retreat by the terrifying breath of the real black demon, and retreated far away for tens of thousands of miles.

"Ah! I, Daoist Black Demon, was hunted down by the Tianji Sect for hundreds of years without dying, but I am going to die here today. I am not reconciled, I am not reconciled."

After fighting for a long time, the real black demon still couldn't get out of trouble.His strength is rapidly weakening.The black light all over the sky was also compressed to the point where it could only linger on the body surface of the real black demon.

And the breath of the real black devil is getting weaker and weaker.As long as he can't get out of trouble, he will be killed in a short time.

Sure enough, not long after, there was only a loud bang, and the murderous person, the real black devil, was finally crushed by those dozens of gray rays of light, and he couldn't die anymore.

"Even Daoist Black Demon has been killed." The expressions of the monks nearby changed again and again.

Even Daoist Black Demon can't get out of trouble, let alone people like them?

"With our strength, we can't enter the ruins at all. I'm afraid we will miss this ruin." Many monks sighed, with expressions of unwillingness on their faces.

A relic with huge wealth is right in front of him. It seems that he can get the wealth in the relic with his hand, but he just can't reach out... No one would be reconciled.

However, although these people were unwilling, few of them left.On the contrary, more and more people came from all directions.

Countless monks and strong men from countless sects dared to come, wanting to enter the ruins to hunt for treasure.

A few days later, the ruins were surrounded by countless monks.Even people from the top ten sects have already arrived.

However, these people are all just standing outside the ruins, no one dares to enter the ruins.

Because, in the past few days, countless monks who wanted to rush into the ruins were bombarded and killed by the prohibition of the ruins.

Above the island is a huge and incomparable restriction.A huge restriction reaching hundreds of thousands of miles in radius.It is this prohibition that prevents everyone from entering the island, which is the ruins.

Within half a month, the entire comprehension world was startled by this new relic.Numerous sects and aristocratic families came here one after another, even members of the top ten sects were no exception.

However, at this time, these people were gathered outside the ruins, and could only stare at the ruins.

Because of the existence of this restriction, as long as the restriction is not broken, it is impossible to enter the ruins.Anyone who dares to break in will be directly killed by this terrifying restriction.

No matter how powerful you are, you will never be able to enter.

In the past half a month, countless monks have died tragically in this restriction.

Otherwise, how could the monks of these sects look at a ruin and not go in?

"This restriction is really too strong. A single sect may not be able to break it. We can only combine the strength of several of our sects to break through an entrance and enter the ruins to search for treasures."

All ten sects gathered together to discuss how to break this restriction.

This restriction is too strong, even if the top ten sects do not join forces, they cannot break it.Even if they join forces, they are not sure to break the entire restriction, they can only blast an entrance to make it easier to get out.

"Combining the power of the ten sects to tear up the prohibition, but only the disciples of our ten sects can enter. As for other people who dare to enter, they will be killed without mercy." An elder of the Tianji sect said with murderous intent in his eyes.

Everyone nodded, discussed for a while, and then began to break the ban.

At the same time, other sect families have also begun to unite and break the ban.After all, this ruin is hundreds of thousands of miles away, almost equivalent to a magic mountain.

Even the top ten sects could not monopolize this relic.

However, not everyone can enter the ruins to hunt for treasure.After all, how many sects can have the strength to tear the prohibition around the ruins and enter it?

boom!Boom! Boom!
Almost at the same time, in different directions around the ruins, many people have already joined forces to break the ban.Although they couldn't break the entire restriction, it was still possible to tear the restriction open.

"What a big grave!"

A light flashed across the distant sky, and then a young man in black appeared in the crowd.After seeing the restriction in the distance, the young man in black couldn't help but exclaimed.

This young man in black is Chen Hao.

After refining Ma Tiancheng that day, he wanted to go to Yinxian Valley.But on the way, they heard the news that the ruins were born.Therefore, he did not go to Yinxian Valley, but went directly to the East China Sea ruins.

Looking at it from a distance, the entire huge ruins with a radius of hundreds of thousands of miles looks like a huge tomb.

Looking through the restriction, the trees on the island are verdant and flowers are in full bloom.But in the void, there are traces of gray power floating.

"This relic is an extremely huge tomb. Could it be that it is really the tomb of some important person?" Chen Hao's eyes flickered, and he looked at the huge tomb with his eyesight.

However, because of that layer of restriction, his eyesight couldn't see through the restriction at all.Chen Hao even doubted whether the scene of verdant trees and flowers blooming that he saw before was real.

In fact, except for Chen Hao, everyone saw what Chen Hao saw.Inside the ruins, hundreds of flowers are in full bloom and the trees are verdant.

Even, looking at it from a distance, it seems that this ruin is a huge tomb.

"This should be the fairy tomb. The tomb of the ancient immortal!"

At some point, the news that the relic was the fairy tomb spread beyond the fairy tomb, and even spread throughout the world of comprehension.

Ruins originally meant massive wealth and adventure.And when it was reported that this ruin was a fairy tomb, everyone was alarmed.

The tombs of immortals!

What is a fairy?Even the lowest-level immortal is an existence that everyone in the cultivation world looks up to.A half-immortal in the realm of comprehension, a one-step immortal is a half-step immortal, and is an ant in front of an immortal.

Even if an immortal blows his breath, he can blow to death the most powerful monk in the cultivation world!

And this fairy tomb has reached hundreds of thousands of miles in size, and there is an extremely terrifying restriction outside the fairy tomb.All this shows that the fairy buried in the fairy tomb is definitely not an ordinary person, but a fairy with a lot of background.

There must be a huge amount of wealth inside, all kinds of fairy-level magic weapons, elixirs, and even immortal skills.

In the realm of comprehension, although there are as many sects as there are sands in the Ganges River, they are inexhaustible.But the exercises they practice are not advanced.Being able to cultivate to the metamorphosis stage is considered a very advanced skill.

And if they can get the skills that this immortal practiced before, then they will have the skills to cultivate to the level of immortals, and they can cultivate more immortals!

All of a sudden, countless monks flocked here, wanting to enter the fairy tomb to find out.However, there are very few people who can enter the fairy tomb. After all, few people can break the restriction of the fairy tomb.

"There must be a lot of wealth in the fairy tomb, and even immortal skills are possible, but who can get these?" Compared to those monks who are hot-headed and want to enter the fairy tomb to find out, Chen Hao looks very different. calm.

Want exercises?
There are so many systems, and he can only practice the skill of "Chaos Celestial Records".However, in addition to the chaotic celestial body record, the system also has countless advanced exercises.

These exercises are all top-notch exercises, and any one that is taken out is much better than the immortal-level exercises.

However, it's not that Chen Hao has no idea about this fairy tomb.

He is poor.

Except for Zhao Yun leaving him a system red envelope, he has almost nothing else.Although, there are still some restrictions in the red envelope of the system that have not been lifted, and there may be a lot of pills and magic weapons in it.

However, a long time ago, when Chen Hao untied the first layer of restrictions on the system's red envelopes, a large number of pills appeared at that time.Chen Hao was shocked at that time.

However, now it seems that those elixirs are too few, and the total amount is less than one trillion!
But now, Chen Hao still has 10 people who need to be supported by him.These 10 people, the spiritual energy they swallow every day is an innumerable astronomical figure.

Although Chen Hao temporarily occupied the ninth-rank spiritual vein in Jitian Territory.

But he has no ability to collect that ninth-grade spiritual vein.Besides that, Chen Hao didn't have a few spiritual veins at all.The few spiritual veins are not enough for the throughput of Chaos members for a few days.

"Poor people." Chen Hao sighed, looking at the fairy tomb in the distance with bright eyes.

In addition to spiritual veins, Chen Hao also needs a lot of magic weapons!Now many members of Chaos are equipped with flying swords and magic weapons of the magic weapon level, and very few magic weapons of the spirit weapon level.

(End of this chapter)

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