Chapter 318
All the young people play are forbidden.

After noticing the strangeness of the young man, Chen Hao stopped and observed secretly from a distance.At the same time, Chen Hao's divine sense also escaped, covering the valley in front of him.

However, he didn't find anything.

"Could it be that there are some kind of spiritual veins under this valley?" Chen Hao pondered, watching the young man keep pushing the restraints into the ground one by one.

"I want to see what the hell you're up to." Chen Hao didn't leave at all.

Half a day later, the young man had already hit countless restrictions, which seemed to form an amazingly powerful restriction.After finishing it, the young man jumped into the air immediately, and after checking around for a while, he found no one, and then walked into the valley again.

Then, Chen Hao saw a scene that left him dumbfounded.

I saw the young man slapped himself fiercely, and his clothes were torn apart by the powerful force.

At the same time, he didn't know where he got some blood and smeared it on himself.

At the same time, he even left a few flying swords of the spirit weapon level and a few sealed spirit veins beside him.

After doing all this, the young man fell to the ground with a plop.

"Come on, help me, I'm about to die. Help me." The young man fell to the ground and shouted feebly, but his voice was heard far away.

Chen Hao turned pale with shock, he finally understood.This product does so much, it is clearly to deceive people.

If Chen Hao's guess is correct, as long as someone gets close to the young man and enters the restricted area, the young man will activate the restraint without hesitation and kill him.

After killing the opponent, the good things on the opponent will naturally become his.Moreover, the young man will not worry that no one will come to rescue him.Because the spiritual weapons and spiritual veins around him are enough to attract countless monks to pass by.

Of course, it doesn't matter whether he really saves him or takes advantage of the fire to rob him.No matter what the situation is, it is the young man who benefits in the end.

"This bastard is so proficient, he must have done a lot of things like this. He casually threw out some spiritual weapons, and this guy has a lot in stock." Chen Hao pondered for a while, then walked out from the hiding place, Slowly walked towards the young man.

Nangong Yuan's eyes suddenly lit up, he never thought that just after he had done all this, someone would take the bait.I saw him ### talking while looking at the person coming.

This is a black-clothed young man in his twenties, rather handsome, with a faint smile on his face, walking towards him slowly.

Suddenly, Nangong Yuan's pupils shrank sharply, because he saw the black spear on the back of the young man in black.

"Immortal Artifact! I earned it this time." Nangong Yuan couldn't suppress his excitement.Although the black spear on the back of the young man in black didn't reveal a very astonishing aura, Nangong Yuan could tell at a glance that it was definitely a fairy-level existence.

Immortal artifacts, even in his Nangong family, there are not many.Although, with their strength, they couldn't activate the full power of the fairy weapon, but they swept all the spiritual weapons.

"With the black spear on his back, could it be that he is that Chen Hao?" Nangong Yuan was stunned, then overjoyed.If the young man in black is really Chen Hao, it is important to kill him, and he will definitely have astonishing wealth.

"I'm about to die, brother, just hit me, I'll definitely be rewarded." Nangong Yuan thought in his heart, but on the surface, he was constantly ###, seemingly in great pain.

The young man in black is Chen Hao.

At this time, Chen Hao approached Nangong Yuan, but he did not enter the restricted range.He looked at Nangong Yuan with a smile on his face and said, "Brother, what are you doing?"

"I am Nangong Yuan from the Nangong Family. I was attacked by someone and was seriously injured. I hope that my brother will save me. My Nangong Family will be rewarded." Nangong Yuan said in a deep voice.

Chen Hao sneered in his heart: "Great reward? As long as he enters the restricted area, he will be bombarded and killed by the restriction immediately, and what a fart he will be rewarded."

"Well, it's not impossible to save you. However, I'm worthless, and this is a fairy tomb. There are many crises, and I can't even recover my strength. I need my spiritual veins to restore my strength."

Nangong Yuan ### took a moment, then grabbed a few spiritual veins and threw them to Chen Hao, saying: "These spiritual veins are all rewards for you. If you save me, I will have a richer reward."

Chen Hao took these spiritual veins with a smile on his face, and then he looked at Nangong Yuan with a look of embarrassment: "I have many enemies, and I fight every day. Although these spiritual veins are quite a lot, they are still not enough. .”

A murderous intent flashed in the depths of Nangong Yuan's eyes, "This bastard is really greedy. However, as long as you enter the restriction, what I give you, everything you have is mine."

He was furious in his heart, but on the surface Nangong Yuan still took out a few more spiritual veins from the storage ring with a look of pain on his face, and threw them to Chen Hao.

"These spiritual veins are enough for me to use for several days. However, it is still not enough. People from the top ten sects are almost chasing and killing me, and these spiritual veins are still far from enough."

After taking away these spiritual veins with a smile on his face, Chen Hao sighed and said again.

Nangong Yuan almost vomited blood.It's hard to get off now.Chen Hao has already taken more than ten spiritual veins from him, if he is not killed on the spot, then he will suffer a great loss.

Moreover, he really wanted to kill Chen Hao.Chen Hao's wealth is absolutely astonishing.

Nangong Yuan vomited blood, threw the few remaining spiritual veins to Chen Hao, and said viciously in his heart: "You are ruthless! Wait, as long as you step into the restriction, I will let you spit out all my things Come out, even more."

"This guy's wealth is really amazing."

Chen Hao had obtained more than a dozen spiritual veins from Nangong Yuan.Among them, there is even a sixth-grade spiritual vein!Just one spiritual vein is tens or hundreds of times ahead of all the spiritual veins on Chen Hao.

As expected, he is worthy of being the descendant of a great family, as long as he robs these people, he will gain more than hunting for treasure in the fairy tomb.

Chen Hao smiled, and collected all the spiritual veins into the red envelope world of the system one by one: "Oh, my enemies are flying all over the sky..."

Nangong Yuan vomited blood, he had already given Chen Hao all his spiritual veins, and this guy was still not satisfied, his appetite was too big.

"You're ruthless, even more ruthless than me!" Nangong Yuan vomited blood in his heart, and almost couldn't help but violently wanted to kill someone.However, he thought he couldn't kill Chen Hao, so he held back the thought of killing in the end, and said in a deep voice, "Brother, I have already given you all the spiritual veins in my body. As long as you rescue me, my Nangong family will definitely not treat you badly." of."

"Oh, my enemies are flying all over the sky. Although the spirit veins are almost ready now, I don't have any magic weapons, fairy weapons or the like. Master Nangong, I wonder if you have any magical weapons on you?"

"This bastard has a thicker skin than me!" Nangong Yuan gritted his teeth in his heart.Who doesn't know that Chen Hao is a mobile treasure house?All kinds of magic weapons emerged one after another, richer than the top ten sects.

Now, this one actually said that he didn't have any magic weapon or something, and he said it without changing his face.Nangong Yuan was willing to bow down.

As a last resort, Nangong Yuan took out a few high-grade spirit weapons from the storage ring and threw them to Chen Hao. At the same time, he said with a dark face: "Brother, is it enough now? You can save me out."

After receiving these spiritual weapons, Chen Hao took a look and found that there were ninth-grade spiritual weapons among them!But there is no immortal weapon.

With a smile on his face, he put these spiritual artifacts into the red envelope world of the system, and Chen Hao said again: "Oh, my enemies are flying all over the sky. It would be great if I have magic weapons of the fairy level. I wonder if you have any fairy weapons, Master Nangong?"

Nangong Yuan's face darkened. Although he is the descendant of the Nangong family, where is there any immortal weapon?Could it be that everyone is like him, a treasure trove?
"There are no fairy artifacts, and there are no spiritual artifacts. All valuable things are given to you." Nangong Yuan said with a dark face, gnashing his teeth in his heart.

"I see that Master Nangong's storage ring is pretty good. You see, I still use a storage bag." Chen Hao said while patting the decorative storage bag on his waist.

"Your uncle's Chen Hao, when you fall into my hands you will know how to write death." Nangong Yuan gritted his teeth, but he was already on the verge of riding a tiger. If he didn't continue, he would suffer a heavy loss.

As a last resort, he could only take off his storage ring and throw it to Chen Hao.

"As long as you step into the restriction, I will let you swallow everything." Nangong Yuan gritted his teeth in his heart and said, almost violently killing people.

"Haha, Young Master Nangong, if you continue to pretend here, I won't accompany you." After Chen Hao found out Nangongyuan's storage ring, he patted his butt, turned around and walked away.

Feelings, this bastard has already seen his deception, but he cheated him of all his wealth!

Nangong Yuan vomited blood, three liters of blood!

"This is a big loss." Nangong Yuan wanted to cry, but he vomited three liters of blood.

However, what makes him unwilling is why he just cheated him of everything?
Most importantly, why does this guy always stand outside the restriction as if he knows his own mind?
"Chen Hao, why do you know?" Nangong Yuan gritted his teeth and asked unwillingly as he saw Chen Hao's back gradually going away.

"Sorry, I've been around all the time." Chen Hao's voice came with a smile, and finally disappeared from Nangong Yuan's sight.

Nangong Yuan vomited blood again, and then he flew into the air and flew towards the other side.

"Emotional bastard has been watching him set up restrictions, he has already known his own thoughts. He fucks, young master, I was cheated." Nangong Yuan was furious in his heart.

Hunting geese all day long, he was finally blinded by geese.Thinking that he was cheated out of all his belongings, Nangong Yuan wanted to die.

And now there is nothing tempting around him, so he doesn't lie here anymore.

Chen Hao is very happy now, cheating Nangong Yuan and getting all his things is more enjoyable than killing him and then getting things.

Seen from the outside, the fairy tomb is about hundreds of thousands of miles in radius.But in fact, there is still space inside the fairy tomb, which may be several million miles in size.

However, as long as the fairy mounds are not endless, at the speed of the monks, the distance of several million miles is not a distance at all.

A few days later, Chen Hao had approached the very center of the fairy mound.The closer it is to the center of the fairy tomb, the stronger the power of chaos here.Even, the power that was originally only gray has turned black at this time, floating in the sky and the earth very densely.

In the center of the fairy tomb, there are huge buildings here.It can be vaguely seen even outside the fairy tomb.Therefore, anyone who enters the fairy tomb aims at the center of the fairy tomb.

As it got closer and closer to the depths of the fairy tomb, there were more and more people on the road.There are more and more monks, and there are more and more battles.Along the way, Chen Hao encountered many monks.

As long as they are monks from the top ten sects, except for the disciples of Yinxian Valley and Xuanyue Sect, all the remaining disciples will be killed by Chen Hao.

As for the disciples of other sects, if they weren't particularly rich, Chen Hao would be too lazy to make a move.Of course, there were also many blind guys who wanted to rob and kill Chen Hao, but they were killed by Chen Hao instead.

Even so, the spiritual veins in Chen Hao's hand have already reached one hundred!
Although most of them are first-rank and second-rank spirit veins, this number is also very astonishing.However, compared to Chen Hao, the harvest of those big sects was even more astonishing.After all, there are more of them, and the probability of finding the spiritual pulse is much higher than that of Chen Hao.

"Chen Hao, leave it to me!"

A group of people stood in front of Chen Hao, looking at Chen Hao with murderous intent, their faces full of murderous intent.

Seeing this group of people, Chen Hao suddenly showed a smile on his face.

A group of dozens of people, uniformly dressed, should be disciples of the Shenfu Sect, one of the top ten sects.Among them, there are two monks who have reached the stage of transformation.In addition, the lowest strength is the integration period.

"There are so many people, and they are still in the stage of metamorphosis. They should have collected a lot of spiritual veins, spiritual grasses and elixir?" Chen Hao looked at them with bright eyes. He actively ignored these murderous people and had already seen them. It became a spiritual vein.

Apart from anything else, the moment Chen Hao stopped, the disciples of the Divine Talisman Sect had already launched an attack on him.

In an instant, one by one big hands, one after another sword light, and all kinds of magic weapons shot up into the sky, overwhelming Chen Hao, and hundreds of millions of rays of light directly overwhelmed Chen Hao.

Among these overwhelming forces, streamers of light made sharp piercing sounds and shot at Chen Hao.

"You guys are too unreasonable." Chen Hao snorted, stepped on the military formula, and retreated violently.

The moment he just left, the void where he was originally was shattered by the force of the sky, directly creating a crack thousands of miles in size in the void.

After the sky-filling power directly tore the void apart, the beams of streamer light hidden in the sky-filling power also shot onto the void, and then exploded violently.

(End of this chapter)

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