The Best Red Packet System of Rebirth

Chapter 319 Don't be afraid

Chapter 319 Don't be afraid
After bursts of shocking bangs, waves of incomparably terrifying, earth-shattering aura spread far and wide.All I saw was huge clusters of flames constantly erupting in the void, thunder and lightning all over the sky, strong winds that could easily tear monks apart, and huge ice blocks like giant mountains.

chi chi...

Just as Chen Hao stood firm, a series of weak streamers shot over again, trying to blast him to death on the spot.

Chen Hao was helpless, his figure swayed, and disappeared in place again.And just like just now, after these palm-sized streamers rushed into the void, they exploded rapidly.

Wind, fire, thunder and lightning, ice cubes, and sacred mountains falling from the sky one by one...

These are the attack methods of the rune gate.

Among the top ten sects, the power of the Shenfu sect may be far less than that of Yinxiangu, but it belongs to the end of the ten sects.But their attack methods are the strangest.

As the name suggests, their means of attack are runes.

The entire rune sect, whether it is a high-ranking half-immortal level existence, or a novice foundation-building monk, they have been making talismans all their lives...

Charms, a very weird method, usually integrate spells, prohibitions, attack formations, etc. into the spells with special starting points.

While fighting, they only need to throw these spells, and then the spells will explode immediately, releasing all kinds of attack power, prohibition and even formations that they have entered inside.

Just like the mountains falling from the sky, one after another terrifying hurricanes.

In the world of comprehension, many people would rather offend the disciples of giants like Xutianzong than the disciples of the Divine Talisman Sect.

Probably because the power of these spells is very terrifying, although they are one-off, they can't help but be in large numbers.Just imagine, during the war, these disciples of the God Rune Sect threw out these spells in handfuls, even if they were bombed, they would kill you.

And they are just throwing these spells, there is no need to consume their power at all.Besides, the disciples of the Divine Talisman Sect usually spend most of their time making talismans!Therefore, everyone has a large number of spells.

Because they don't need to fight directly, they can also mix well outside the fairy tomb, because they don't need to fight directly, and the power consumption is not much.

Long before this, Chen Hao had encountered a sneak attack by a disciple of the Divine Talisman Sect.That guy's strength is about the same as that of Ma Tiancheng, and he belongs to the existence of the candidate Holy Son.

It was Chen Hao's first battle with the disciples of the Divine Talisman Sect, and he almost suffered a big loss.But in the end he killed him.

Therefore, just now, the moment he saw the disciples of the Divine Talisman Sect make a move, he stretched out his body and retreated violently.Each of these people dropped a handful of charms... It's scary to think about it.

It can be said that in the Immortal Tomb, very few people provoke the disciples of the Divine Talisman Sect.Because of this, the disciples of the Divine Talisman Sect gained a lot.

"Chen Hao, if you dare to kill my disciple of the Divine Talisman Sect, you will definitely die today ###." The two youths in the metamorphosis stage rose into the air, surrounded Chen Hao one after the other, and said murderously.

Chen Hao couldn't help feeling a little funny: "Killers are always killed, but those who want to kill me can't be killed by me? What's the reason? Besides, if you want to kill me and take the treasures on me, then do it, don't It's so eloquently said."

Hearing this, the faces of the people in the Divine Talisman Sect suddenly darkened.Just like what Chen Hao said, they would not seek revenge from him for killing someone from the Shenfu Sect.

All they cared about was Chen Hao's mobile treasure house.

It's that simple to kill and seize treasure.

"Stop talking nonsense and die."

A metamorphosis cultivator gave a cold shout, waved his hands, and spells were cast out by him, covering Chen Hao like raindrops.

At the same time, the same is true for another monk in the metamorphosis period. They made up their minds to bombard and kill Chen Hao.

Chen Hao still has some headaches about these spells.However, just because he has a headache doesn't mean he's scared, or that he can't deal with them anymore.

With a thought, Chen Hao's body surface was covered by a layer of power shield.At the same time, he had activated the defensive effect of the Purple Ribbon Immortal Cloak, and a faint purple glow enveloped him inside, isolating everything.

"In the face of absolute power, your spells are vulnerable." Chen Hao sneered and punched out!

The terrifying power erupted directly, and the incomparably powerful power directly blasted those spells that came lasing like raindrops.

boom! boom! boom!
However, although the talisman was shattered, the various restrictions and power contained in the talisman did not disappear, but erupted directly, tearing the sky and the earth, which was very terrifying.

Chen Hao punched out with punches, and blasted countless spells!All of a sudden, the power was vertical and horizontal, and the terrifying breath spread far away like a tide. The sky collapsed and the earth shattered, the void shattered, the sky shook, and it was extremely terrifying.

"It's useless. In your heart, your strength will always be exhausted." A master of the metamorphosis of the God Rune Sect sneered, and a lot of spells were thrown out with a wave of his hand.It actually exhausted Chen Hao's strength.

Chen Hao couldn't help laughing: "In Xianzhong, I feel like a fish in water. Here, instead of losing my strength, my strength is even stronger here. Now, let you see how I am. Blow you up."

"Endless tribulation thunder, destroy the sky and destroy the earth." Chen Hao shouted, summoned the tribulation thunder, and began to fight back.

All over the sky, thunder and thunder bombarded down like raindrops.The berserk power erupted, like blowing dry, directly smashing the spells of many disciples of the Divine Talisman Sect.

However, some powerful spells broke through Jie Lei's bombardment and rushed to Chen Hao's side.However, it couldn't hurt Chen Hao.

His whole body was filled with blood and energy, and a series of incomparably terrifying forces shot up into the sky, sweeping in all directions.With one punch, the sky collapsed and the earth shattered, blasting out a huge hole in the void.

As his figure swayed, Chen Hao turned into a flash of light, and killed one of the metamorphosis masters.

The face of this metamorphosis master remained unchanged, he gave a cold shout, waved his hands quickly, and threw out one after another spells as if they didn't need money, and bombarded Chen Hao.

Chen Hao sneered, and rushed over without dodging.


At this moment, there was a loud noise above the sky, and then a big hand protruded from the sky, carrying the terrifying aura of destroying the world, locked on Chen Hao and slapped it hard.

At the same time, in the distant sky, a sword light suddenly exploded, tearing the void, illuminating the world, forming a huge and incomparably white sword light, tearing the void, and slashing at Chen Hao.

"Haha, Chen Hao, die!"

A loud shout came, and a huge fist suddenly shattered the void, protruded out of the void, and directly blasted at Chen Hao.

The void in the distance burst, and then a golden pagoda emitting dazzling golden light smashed into the void, appeared above Chen Hao's head, and quickly suppressed it.

A huge deafening bell sounded, and everyone's heart was throbbing.Under the attack of this terrifying bell sound wave, some of the weaker monks in the fusion stage of the Divine Talisman Sect finally couldn't bear the aftermath of so many masters, and were shattered alive.


In an instant, more than a dozen masters had attacked Chen Hao.All of them are powerful, exuding a monstrous breath, shocking the heavens and the world, it is very terrifying, and they are all masters of the metamorphosis stage.

More than a dozen metamorphosis masters shot and killed Chen Hao at the same time.

"You are fine, fine."

Chen Hao laughed angrily, he didn't expect so many people to attack him.However, who let him be a mobile treasure trove.Although I didn't expect so many people to attack him at this time, this kind of situation is not uncommon.

However, the dozen or so people who shot were very powerful!The pressure on Chen Hao, who was overwhelmed by just their aura, increased greatly.

Immediately raising his strength to the limit, there were 75 extremely condensed horned dragon phantoms hovering in the void above Chen Hao's head.A strong and terrifying aura emanated from him like a tide, counteracting the coercion of everyone.

With a yell, Chen Hao held the Hundred Birds Chaohuang Spear, and blasted out with a blow that swept away thousands of troops.

More than a dozen monks in the metamorphosis stage, the force they blasted over almost at the same time bombarded Chen Hao in front of him.This is a very terrifying force, and the void is directly torn into a huge hole.

At the same time, on the other side, Chen Hao's power had been directly shattered by them.The terrifying power shattered the void, and even the tribulation thunder summoned by Chen Hao was scattered.

The dozen or so metamorphosis stage monks who shot were more terrifying than the dozen or so elders that Chen Hao killed when he first entered the Immortal Tomb.This is Chen Haoxin###now's feeling.

With a loud shout, the power of the 75-horned dragon gushed out, and suddenly slammed into the attacking power from afar.

Under Chen Hao's bombardment, several strands of power were directly shattered by him.However, there were still several forces that bombarded him rapidly.

Even though the Purple Ribbon Immortal Clothes removed most of the power, Chen Hao was still so shocked that he couldn't help but vomit blood.

With a single shot, the sword light that soared into the sky will be smashed into pieces.At the same time, a destructive aura descended violently from the sky, but it was the golden pagoda that already carried the power of destructive power and suppressed it.

"Get out of here!"

Chen Hao roared, and the spear in his hand burst out with terrifying power, soaring into the sky.

After the loud noise, the golden pagoda shook violently, and was shot flying up by Chen Hao.However, Chen Hao was also having a hard time. A mouthful of blood spewed out, and his whole body was blasted to the ground by a huge force.

"Eat my punch."

A giant man grinned grinningly, and punched directly on the purple glow on Chen Hao's body.A terrifying power erupted, shaking the purple glow violently, as if it had been shattered.

And Chen Hao snorted, and was sent flying out.

A series of figures appeared beside Chen Hao out of thin air, firmly surrounding him.Ten monks in the stage of metamorphosis, one by one, released endless coercion and crazy coercion towards Chen Hao.

Chen Hao stood firm in the void, reached out to wipe away the blood overflowing from the corner of his mouth, and looked indifferently at the dozen or so people who surrounded and killed him.

His eyes swept across their faces one by one, and Chen Hao's face became more and more cold.

Among the top ten sects, except for the Xuanyue Sect who had no one, the disciples of the rest of the sects were all present.Including the disciples of Hidden Immortal Valley.Moreover, apart from these nine sects, there are also several strong young men who are also not weak.

They are all young, and they should all be strong players of the younger generation.Like Ma Tiancheng, they belonged to the level of candidate holy sons, and their strength was astonishing, second only to their chief disciple and holy son and saintess.

"Very good, nine sects, and you sects. It is very good that you join forces to attack me." Chen Hao's voice was cold, and a smile gradually appeared on his face as he spoke, but his eyes narrowed slightly, and the depths of his eyes Murderous intent splashed, murderous aura reeked.

"Chen Hao, you can't escape." A candidate saint son of Tianji Sect stepped forward, looked at Chen Hao with disdain and said.Now they have eighteen monks who are in the stage of transformation.Everyone's status in the sect is not low.The strength is even stronger than some elders.

They had reason to believe that Chen Hao would not be able to escape if they joined forces.Moreover, this is the Immortal Tomb, and it is very difficult to restore strength.Even if it is consumption, it will consume Chen Hao to death.

However, Chen Hao showed no fear, just looked at them coldly, and said, "You should all be the so-called candidate saints, right? Or the true disciples of the sect, I think, if I catch you all, all of you If you kill him, I wonder how your sect will react?"

"He's not ashamed to say it when he's about to die." The candidate Holy Son of the Divine Talisman Sect took a step forward, looked at Chen Hao and sneered.

"If you were at Xue Chen's level, maybe I wouldn't be your opponent. But what about you? In my eyes, you are ants, vulnerable. Today I will wipe you all out!" Chen Hao sneered.

"He's wasting time to recover his strength, so die to me." The Son of the Wuji Sword Sect shouted angrily, took a step forward, and slashed out with his sword!
The stunning sword before was precisely the handwriting of this person.If it were someone else, even a monk in the metamorphosis stage would be unable to avoid the power of this person's sword at all.

However, his opponent was Chen Hao.

With a flicker of Chen Hao's figure, he avoided the opponent's sword light attack.However, almost at the same time when Wuji Sword Sect, the candidate saint son, attacked, the remaining seventeen people attacked together, bursting out with the strongest force, intending to kill Chen Hao with one move.

Chen Hao's face became serious, and the eighteen masters in the metamorphosis stage blasted them together, and even he didn't have the confidence to stop them.With a flash of his figure, Chen Hao disappeared in place.

The moment his figure just disappeared, the force blasted by the eighteen strong men still smashed the void where he was originally!
With a bang, Chen Hao reappeared and stabbed the candidate son of the Ziyan Sect.

At the same time, the clouds of calamity in the void above their heads condensed again, and the endless thunder of calamity bombarded down like a torrential rain.

(End of this chapter)

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