Chapter 320

"Void blockade."

The moment Chen Hao appeared, a figure flew towards him from a distance.After shouting loudly, a void mirror emitting faint white light suddenly appeared in the void above the person's head.

A terrifying power erupted from the void mirror. At this moment, Chen Hao suddenly felt that he had been cut off from the red envelope of the system.

Blocked in the void, unable to teleport, unable to enter the system red envelope.

"Haha, it's the void mirror, Chen Hao, you're going to die today." The candidate saint son of Tian Yanzong laughed.

"I, Chen Hao, have enemies all over the sky, but I have survived to this day. Since you still can't kill me, today, I will kill you all." Chen Hao grinned grinningly, stepped on the military formula, and rushed towards Tianyan like a ghost. Zong's candidate son.

Bingzi Jue, the speed is unparalleled in the world.But limited to Chen Hao's strength, it is far inferior to the speed of teleportation.

But now, this void is blocked by the void mirror, and these metamorphosis monks cannot teleport!Although their speed is not slow, they are far inferior to Chen Hao, who is stepping on the art of soldiers.

The candidate Holy Son of Tianyanzong was shocked, punched out, and retreated violently at the same time.

"Great Vajra wheel print!"

Chen Hao drove back the candidate son of Tian Yanzong with a single shot, and with a loud roar, he directly hit the Great Vajra Wheel Seal.Immediately, a Great Vajra Wheel Seal like a sacred mountain appeared out of thin air, carrying the terrifying aura of destroying heaven and earth, and directly suppressed and killed the candidate son of the Ziyan Sect who was closest to Chen Hao.

The alternate Holy Son of the Ziyan Sect sneered, and sacrificed his own magic weapon to directly meet the suppressed King Kong Wheel Seal.

"Die." Chen Hao grinned grimly, and at the same time he made the Great Vajra Wheel Seal, he had already pounced on the Ziyan faction's candidate saint son.


After the loud noise, the magic weapon of Ziyan faction's alternate saint son was directly blown away by the Great Vajra wheel seal.But he himself vomited blood and was beaten to the ground.

But at this time, Chen Hao had already rushed forward and stabbed out with a spear.

The candidate saint son is powerful, and he is an elite disciple of the younger generation of the major sects.It is the existence second only to the Holy Son, the Saint Daughter and the Chief Disciple.

Just like Ma Tiancheng back then, he was one of Xutianzong's candidate saint sons, so powerful that he almost killed Chen Hao.

However, it was obvious that those who besieged Chen Hao were all at the level of candidate saint sons, but their strengths were mixed.Some may be able to enter the dragon and phoenix list, but some are far inferior.

In terms of fighting alone, everyone here is Chen Hao's opponent.

It's like the candidate son of the Ziyan faction, although he is powerful, he is definitely not Chen Hao's opponent.

The void mirror blocks the void. Although it can fly, it cannot teleport.Facing Chen Hao, who has unparalleled speed in the world, they can only hold a candle to him.

With a single shot, the sky collapsed and the earth shattered, and even the void was pierced with a huge hole.The alternate son of the Ziyan Sect was shocked, and retreated immediately.

However, his speed pales in comparison to the unparalleled speed in front of him.I saw Chen Hao stepping on the military formula, turning into a streak of light, and rushed up quickly.However, the long spear in his hand had pierced through the obstacles of billions of time and space, and appeared in front of the Ziyan faction's alternate son.

Although the spear hadn't pierced the Ziyan sect's candidate son yet.But the terrifying aura emanating from the spear made the hairs on the body of the Ziyan sect's candidate saint stand up, his heart was terrified, and his soul trembled.

"Chen Hao, you are courting death!"

At the same time, the rest of the dozen or so people shouted loudly at the same time, using terrifying power to tear apart Chen Hao, encircle Wei and rescue Zhao.

Chen Hao snorted coldly, and sacrificed the Qiankun Yinyang Cauldron to float above his head.I saw the Qiankun Yinyang cauldron hanging down, and the Yinyang fire enveloped Chen Hao inside.

Apart from that, Chen Hao didn't even look at the alternate son of the Ziyan sect who was chasing after him at a high speed.

"kill him!"

The rest of the people were greatly surprised.Chen Hao obviously resisted their attack and forcibly killed the candidate son of the Ziyan faction.

In joy, but with a trace of anger.Chen Hao is really too arrogant, does he think he can forcibly resist the attacks of his dozen people?
Involuntarily, he strengthened his strength and bombarded Chen Hao swiftly.

All of a sudden, the power flew across, the void was shattered, and the sky was shaken, which was very terrifying.


Chen Hao let out a low growl, and the long spear in his hand shook violently, and it had already pierced into the Ziyan sect's holy son.A powerful force erupted from the spear, and the Ziyan sect's candidate son only had time to let out a shrill scream, and his whole body was already shattered to pieces.

At the same time, the full blows of more than a dozen candidates at the level of the Holy Child were still enveloped, directly drowning Chen Hao.The terrifying power shattered the void, and the brilliant light even drowned Chen Hao, making it impossible to see his figure clearly.


The void in the realm of comprehension could no longer bear the horror of their power.In an instant, the void with a radius of thousands of miles centered on Chen Hao's body was shattered by their terrifying power, tearing out a huge hole.

With so many strong men attacking at the same time, with such a terrifying power, even a monk in the late stage of metamorphosis would turn pale in shock and flee in a hurry, not daring to fight recklessly, let alone Chen Hao?

"Chen Hao will not be torn into pieces, right? I wonder if his treasures will also be torn into pieces?"

Seeing that there was no sound in front of them, this thought came to everyone's mind.At the same time, they slowly approached the past.

Even, in the process, everyone looked at the people around them vigilantly.

Their goal was to kill Chen Hao and take his treasures.Before killing Chen Hao, they were a temporary alliance.

However, once Chen Hao was killed, their alliance would cease to exist.

They are going to snatch Chen Hao's treasures, and even fight each other!

The gorgeous light gradually dissipated, and the torn void was quickly repaired.

One after another figures turned into streaks of light, and quickly flew towards Chen Hao's front. Everyone wanted to take all of Chen Hao's treasures as their own.

The gorgeous light completely dissipated, and then a murderous figure appeared in front of them.

"No, Chen Hao is not dead!"

A candidate for the Holy Son roared, and retreated immediately.But at this time, five or six of them had already approached Chen Hao.

"You all die to me." Chen Hao's indifferent voice spread far away.At the same time, the Qiankun Yinyang Cauldron floating above his head was shaken violently and enlarged rapidly.

A terrifying breath emanated from the Qiankun Yinyang Cauldron, sweeping in all directions like a tide!The strange flames of two colors swept all directions!
The yin and yang fire will burn the whole world!

With a bang, with the Qiankun Yinyang Cauldron as the center, the Yinyang Fire began to sweep away in all directions. Wherever it passed, even the void was burned into huge holes.

chi chi...

Chen Hao's recent candidate sons who relied on him didn't even have time to react in front of the yin and yang fire that could burn the whole world, and they were directly burned to ashes, and the dead could not die anymore.

After killing these people, the Yin-Yang Fire spewed out even more quickly under the urging of Chen Hao, intending to burn all the people in several sects.

"Today, all of you are going to die!"

Chen Hao's icy voice spread far away, making people's hearts chill and their souls trembling.At the same time, Chen Hao's figure flickered, and he stepped on the military formula, and his whole body turned into a stream of light, and shot away.

"Calling the Soul Banner, Calling the Soul!"

At the same time as Chen Hao flew out, he once again raised the soul-calling flag.Immediately, the demonic flames billowed in the void, full of ghostly aura, and the terrifying power directly grabbed everyone's soul.

Because the Calling Soul Banner and Qiankun Yinyang Ding are both related to Chen Hao, under Chen Hao's control, the Yin Yang Fire did not attack the Calling Soul Banner.In this way, the power of the summoning banner can be fully exerted.

The Soul Calling Banner's attack is weirder, more terrifying, and faster than Yin Yang Huo.Where the summoning banner passed, the candidate saint sons of several sect families were vulnerable to a single blow, they were directly rushed out of their souls, and died unexpectedly.Afterwards, their soulless bodies were directly burned to powder by the Yin-Yang fire that followed.

Under the effect of the void mirror, these candidate sons could not teleport at all.They couldn't teleport, and their speed was far behind Chen Hao.

Under the effect of Yin-Yang Fire and the Soul Calling Banner, especially the Soul Calling Banner, it is simply vulnerable.

Chen Hao rushed up directly, and directly beat the candidate Holy Son of Hehuanzong into a blood mist.Immediately, he stabbed out with a spear, and then stabbed the head of the candidate Holy Son of Hidden Immortal Valley, killing him directly.

The figure kept shaking, and Chen Hao stabbed out one after another.

Under the effect of the soul-calling banner, the souls of these people were caught almost three-dimensionally, and at this moment, they were trying their best to stabilize the souls.

However, Chen Hao's speed is extremely fast. They were not Chen Hao's opponents in the first place, not to mention that almost all of their strength is now suppressing their own souls.

One shot one!
Like slaughtering chickens and dogs, these candidate sons were vulnerable to a single blow, and were repeatedly beaten to death by Chen Hao.

"Chen Hao, even if I die, I will drag you on my back!"

A metamorphosis cultivator from the Divine Talisman Sect roared angrily, waving his hands wildly, he threw out one after another spells, and bombarded Chen Hao, wanting to die with Chen Hao.

Chen Hao's face was indifferent, the corners of his mouth overflowed, he stretched out his hand to summon the Qiankun Yinyang Cauldron, and then directly suppressed it.

boom! boom! boom!
Under the action of the yin and yang fire that burned the world, these spells were directly burned to powder.

The Qiankun Yinyang Cauldron roared down, directly killing the candidate Holy Son of the Divine Talisman Sect.

"Chen Hao, you can't kill me. I'm the candidate son of Tianyanzong. If you kill me, Tianyanzong will never let you go!" A trace of despair.

A cold light flashed across Chen Hao's eyebrows, he sneered, and killed the candidate son of Tian Yanzong with a single shot.

Killing all directions, unable to teleport, fully suppressing the soul that was almost torn out of the body.The speed of these people is like the speed of a turtle, there is no way to escape.

Chen Hao stepped on the military formula, rushed up continuously, shot them one by one, and knocked them to death.

In the end, after killing the owner of the void mirror, Chen Hao slaughtered nearly [-] candidates of the sect.

Stretching out his hand, he took the Void Mirror into his hand, "The good thing is Murong from now on."

After taking back the Soul Calling Banner and Qiankun Yinyang Cauldron one by one, Chen Hao unfolded his figure and quickly disappeared into the distant sky.

And here, the burned void also quickly recovered.However, the land under a radius of ten thousand miles has been burned into a huge pit tens of miles deep, which is very terrifying.

cough cough...

Chen Hao appeared in the mountains, and after roughly setting up a few restrictions nearby, he sat down cross-legged and began to recover his strength.

At this time, if someone was by Chen Hao's side, he could see that Chen Hao's body was cracked, like cracked porcelain, which was very terrifying.

The joint bombardment of more than a dozen strong candidates at the level of the Holy Child, even if Chen Hao sacrificed the purple ribbon fairy clothes and the Qiankun Yinyang Cauldron, his physical body that had reached the eighth-grade spiritual weapon, almost reaching the ninth-grade spiritual weapon, was almost destroyed. Boom!

In addition, his body was also a mess, countless bones were shattered, and half of the meridians were directly blasted to pieces.

The injury was extremely serious.

In addition, in the end, he forcibly increased his own strength, and killed the candidates of the various sects, but made him more injured. At this time, he has been severely injured!
Xianzuo, close to the depths.

Suddenly, a gust of wind blew up nearby.

Like a tornado, gusts of wind crazily headed towards the same place. In the center of the gust, there was like a black hole, constantly and rapidly swallowing the surrounding gusts.

If someone is nearby, you can see these strong winds, but they are not winds at all.It's the black power floating around between heaven and earth—the power of chaos.

"This is like a situation where some people are crazily absorbing spiritual energy."

Since this place is already close to the center of Xianzhong, many people have already gathered here.After seeing this scene, many monks had this idea in their hearts.

Yes, this scene is not a devouring force like a black hole.It's a situation where a strong man frantically absorbs spiritual energy, while the surrounding spiritual weapons are devoured frantically.

However, this place is inside the Immortal Tomb, who would devour these powers here?Who has the ability?
It should be noted that for monks, these demonic energy cannot be absorbed at all, and the more and more they are, the more they are oppressed.

"Could it be that the strong men of the Demon Mountain Monster Clan are absorbing the demonic energy?" Some monks changed expression.

In the Devil Mountain, especially in the forbidden area of ​​the Devil Mountain, this devilish energy is everywhere.And the Devil's Mountain is called the Devil's Mountain by the monks precisely because of these devilish energy.

"Impossible. Although the demon clan of the Demon Mountain can absorb and refine demonic energy, it is impossible for them to absorb such a large-scale energy for refining. Even in the Demon Mountain, it is very difficult for them to absorb and refine demonic energy." A well-informed old monk said.

(End of this chapter)

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