Chapter 324
With a thought, the young man will burst out with strength and break Chen Hao's big hand.After all, he is in the state of integration stage, wouldn't it be as easy to break an old man in the stage of distraction?

However, the next moment, the young man was shocked.

The power gushes out, but it is like a mud cow sinking into the sea, without any news.No one even shook Chen Hao's sleeves, let alone smashed his hands.

The young man turned pale with shock, and he realized instantly that he had encountered a master.However, before he could react, he felt the rapid change.

When he reacted, he found that he had already been thrown thousands of miles away from where he was originally.

A distance of one thousand miles means that they have already entered the "forbidden area".The young man was horrified immediately, and immediately increased his strength to the limit, unfolding as fast as he wanted, and quickly flew towards the rear.

"Well, there is no danger, is it?"

After throwing the young man out, Chen Hao looked out, but at this time the young man was still safe and sound, and there was no mutation in front of him.

"Could it be that you haven't reached the dangerous area yet?" Chen Hao was a little depressed, and glanced at several people nearby.

Sensing Chen Hao's gaze, the people nearby involuntarily backed away, leaving Chen Hao far away.Although this old guy is only in the state of distraction, he must be a pervert pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger, otherwise he would not be able to easily throw out a monk in the state of integration.

Judging by his expression, it seems that he is not satisfied with losing one person, and it seems that he will lose a few more people.These people retreated immediately, not daring to approach Chen Hao.

"This guy is too smart, but he is still far behind the old man." Chen Hao said with a smile.He did have the intention of catching another person and throwing them out before, but as long as these people were not his enemies and did not take the initiative to provoke him, he would not act recklessly.

"Well, no."

Suddenly, Chen Hao frowned slightly.His divine sense had been paying attention to the young man he had thrown in before. At this time, he was surprised to find that the young man who was about 25 or [-] years old now had gray hair and the skin on his face was like The dried orange peel is generally wrinkled, very scary.

Chen Hao even felt a strong sense of death from him.

Only people who are about to die will have death energy, and the closer they are to the limit, the stronger the death energy will be.


The young man suddenly fell down like this, his white hair was gray, his face was like a dried orange peel, and he didn't make a sound.


Chen Hao was taken aback.

Just now, he clearly saw that it took only a few moments for the young man to go from being thrown in by himself to when he wanted to escape.Even, after the young man reacted, he immediately took a step forward... and he just raised this step, and before he even had time to take it, he was already dead.

No one shot, and there was no power to kill.Everything is as if the lifespan has passed to the end and died.

At this time, Chen Hao noticed that there were countless corpses lying on the ground not far from the youth.All of them are gray-haired, like dried orange peels.

Shouyuan is exhausted and dies!

In the world of comprehension, the appearance of an old man is rare.After all, many monks will maintain their appearance after practicing.Most of them will fix their appearance on the appearance of youth, and there are quite a few middle-aged people.

But the elderly are very few.

Except for some people who have not changed their appearance, another part of the old people are people whose lifespan is close to life.Even though the strength of these people who are close to lifespan is terrifying, they cannot maintain their youthful appearance because their time limit is approaching.

After all, after a small success in cultivation, one can already achieve the basic beauty and eternal youth.

"In just a few moments, a monk in the state of fusion was consumed to death. The passage of time here is really terrifying." Chen Hao's face changed.

It should be noted that at the end of cultivation, the general monks in the state of integration have at least 6 to [-] years of lifespan.Although the young man just now is not very strong, he has at least tens of thousands of years of lifespan.

In a few moments, tens of thousands of years of lifespan were exhausted.In other words, in those few moments, the time there has already passed tens of thousands of years.

A thousand years at a glance!
"It's no wonder that the dead are all gray-haired, no wonder no one of these people dares to go in, the passage of time is so terrifying there, who dares to go in?"

Chen Hao thought for a while, and with his current lifespan of 200 million years, he would definitely die if he went in.

"This fairy tomb will come to an end here." Chen Hao shook his head, and Shi Shiran left here.Except for those who have unlimited lifespan or eternal life, who would dare to enter there?
Especially those old monsters in the transformation period in the comprehension world.These guys dare not approach even more.After all, after they enter the metamorphosis period, their longevity has been fixed.

Even if it is a moment, they don't want to waste it.

Even if they waste a moment of kung fu, they may not be able to become immortals, and eventually their lifespan will be exhausted and they will die.

As Chen Hao said, many monks in the metamorphosis stage have already left the fairy tomb.If you have that time, you might as well go back and absorb the spirit energy to refine your body and become a fairy as soon as possible.

"What's in it? It's protected by such a terrifying restriction." Chen Hao pondered.

There must be extremely astonishing treasures in the palace complex, and it is precisely because of this that such a terrifying ban was placed outside to prevent anyone from entering.

"If you can get the treasure inside..." Chen Hao just dismissed this thought as soon as he thought of it.Although he has 200 million life yuan, he can go in and "feel" the pleasure of the rapid passage of time.

However, no one thinks that he has a long life, and so does Chen Hao.Moreover, if Chen Hao is close to the restriction, he may not die from exhaustion of life energy, but everyone in the red envelope of the system may die within a few moments.

"Since you can't enter here, let's go to other places in the fairy tomb first, and search for more spiritual veins." Chen Hao unfolded his body and left here.

Along the way, Chen Hao collected a few more spiritual veins.This harvest made Chen Hao frowned, "It's still easy to rob."

Only a few low-level spiritual veins were harvested, but after Chen Hao solved a few strong men on the road, he easily obtained dozens of spiritual veins.

Of course, these are the powerhouses of the metamorphosis stage.

Apart from these people, the strength of the monks in the Transcending Tribulation Stage could barely collect low-level spirit veins.Cultivators below the tribulation stage have no ability to collect spiritual veins, even low-level ones.It can only be achieved by uniting the power of many people.

Therefore, although there are many immortal veins in the fairy tomb, almost all of them are in the hands of those strong men and great sects.


Suddenly there was a burst of terrifying fluctuations ahead, as if peerless powerhouses were fighting in front of them.

Without any hesitation, Chen Hao stretched out his body and flew away.

Not long after, Chen Hao entered an extremely huge canyon. At the entrance of the canyon, Chen Hao had to lower his figure.

Because, there seems to be a special prohibition shrouded around the canyon-no flight.

However, Chen Hao's speed is not slow either, as fast as flying.It didn't take long for him to enter the depths of the canyon.

Not far ahead, there is a huge open space.At the end of the canyon is a huge palace rising from the ground.And on the open space in front of the palace, a large group of people are fighting.

Obviously, the goal of these people is the golden hall - the hall in the fairy tomb, even the most ordinary ones represent amazing wealth!
When Chen Hao came to the front of the main hall, he found that the door of this resplendent and resplendent hall was closed and no one entered.On the open space in front of the main hall, there are some strong men fighting.

"Xue Chen, Hu Tong, women in white clothes covering their faces, um, Zhiqing is also there." Chen Hao looked over, and soon found some acquaintances in the crowd.

In addition to Xue Chen and Hu Tong, the top powerhouses of the younger generation, there are other powerhouses whose strength is not inferior to them.Presumably, he should also be a strong player at the top of the Dragon and Phoenix list, but Chen Hao didn't know him.

However, these strong men did not do anything. Although those who did it in the open space were considered strong, they were far behind Xue Chen and others.

Xue Chen, Hu Tong and others were frowning as they looked at the Golden Palace in front of it.

He must have been trapped in front of the Golden Palace again and couldn't get in.

"Shouldn't this golden palace be as terrifying as the one in the middle of the fairy tomb?" Chen Hao Shi ran over, thinking deeply in his heart.

"Everyone, why don't you go in?" Chen Hao walked to Yinxian Valley, beside Zhao Zhiqing, and asked.

Zhao Zhiqing just glanced at him indifferently, but the people around Zhao Zhiqing, especially those male monks, glared at Chen Hao.

Chen Hao was depressed, he just came to ask, why do these people treat themselves as enemies?
However, what Chen Hao didn't know was that because of Zhao Zhiqing's relationship, there were countless people who came to strike up a conversation along the way. These people made Zhao Zhiqing feel bored, even the people around her were very tired of such people.

But the male monks around Zhao Zhiqing, that is, the male disciples of Yinxian Valley, all regarded the people who came to strike up a conversation as their rivals in love... But these guys didn't know that Zhao Zhiqing was Chen Hao's woman.

Apart from Chen Hao, Zhao Zhiqing would not pretend to talk to the second man.

"A great array of immortals."

Zhao Zhiqing looked at the restriction ahead and murmured.

Chen Hao's body shook, and then he looked forward.

Absolute Immortal Formation!

Another Great Immortal Formation!

There is a formation in front of the main hall, and it is this formation that blocks everyone's progress.Although the Great Immortal Formation is not as terrifying as the restrictions in front of the palace group, these people dare not break into the Great Immortal Formation.

For the Great Immortal Formation, Chen Hao set up one at the Qingxuan Peak of the Hidden Immortal Valley, as a great formation for protecting the mountain.However, Qingxuan Peak's Great Immortal Formation is a bit insignificant compared to this Great Immortal Formation.

The Great Immortal Formation of Qingxuan Peak is Xiao Wu.

Even, the Great Immortal Formation in front of him is countless times more terrifying than the Great Immortal Formation that he encountered in the Extreme Heaven Realm that day.

"Although this Great Immortal Formation has been corroded for countless years, it has been damaged. But its power is terrifying. Even if an immortal enters, it will be smashed to pieces." At this time, the system said to Chen Hao .Just now, with the help of Chen Hao's eyes, he had already seen clearly the Great Immortal Formation in front of the Golden Palace.

"This is a real Great Immortal Formation! Although it is not the most powerful Great Immortal Formation, no one in the cultivation world can break into it." The system continued.

Chen Hao frowned slightly, the system said so, they can't enter?
"Could it be that you can't enter?" Chen Hao asked in a deep voice.How could the inside of the golden palace protected by a great immortal array be simple?Maybe the entire Golden Palace is full of immortal artifacts and elixir.

The prohibition in the palace group is terrifying, and it consumes life energy, Chen Hao has no choice.But what is in front of him now is a formation that he is familiar with.

Even though this formation is powerful, Chen Hao will not be reconciled if he just leaves like this.

"In the whole world of comprehension, even Da Luo Jinxian would not dare to break into this formation. But..." The system pondered for a while, and did not continue.

"But what? Can I go in?" Chen Hao was a little speechless, and he was most afraid of everything.

"It should be fine to be careful, try not to trigger the restriction. Otherwise, Daluo Jinxian will be bombarded and killed." The system observed the Great Immortal Formation again, and then said.

"In this case, let's go and have a look." Chen Hao smiled slightly, and did not recognize Zhao Zhiqing, but directly stretched out his body and rushed straight into the Great Immortal Formation.

There is a distance of about a hundred miles between the Golden Palace and the open space in front of the Golden Palace.And the Great Immortal Formation is arranged over this distance of a hundred miles.

Of course, if you only think that the Great Immortal Formation is only a hundred miles in size, you are really wrong.

When Chen Hao stepped into the Great Immortal Formation, he seemed to have entered a vast and boundless space.Boundless, huge.

Here is the space of the Great Immortal Formation.

Chen Hao glanced at the back, but found that the way he came from had disappeared.He knew that as long as he took a step back, he could leave the Great Immortal Formation, but he didn't dare to make any changes.

If you step out with this foot, if you make a wrong step, Chen Hao will be bombarded and killed by the Great Immortal Formation in an instant!And he wasn't sure that his foot was right.

After all, although he had arranged the Great Immortal Formation, those were just simplified versions.This is the real Great Immortal Formation, a terrifying formation that even Da Luo Jinxian would not dare to enter.

Seeing that Chen Hao rushed directly into the Great Immortal Formation, everyone in the open space just glanced lightly: "This person is dead."

Since the discovery of this golden palace, many people have recklessly broken into the Great Immortal Formation.But they were all killed.

These people had just stepped into the Great Immortal Formation and triggered the killing intent of the Great Immortal Formation, and they were directly blasted into powder.

"Huh? You haven't started the formation yet?"

What's different from the past is that Chen Hao has already gone in for a few breaths, but the Great Immortal Formation still hasn't been triggered.

(End of this chapter)

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