Chapter 325 Evil Dog
"Does he know how to crack this formation?" someone thought so.

"It's nothing more than a blind cat meeting a dead mouse, so many of us can't see why, just because of him, an old man?" Some people sneered in their hearts.None of them believed that Chen Hao would crack this formation.

But it doesn't matter whether you believe it or not.Chen Hao's entry into the Great Immortal Formation did not immediately trigger an attack from the Great Immortal Formation, and undoubtedly attracted the attention of everyone in the open space.


Just when everyone was paying attention to the formation - they couldn't see everything inside the formation, and of course, they couldn't see outside the formation either.

All of a sudden, hundreds of millions of sword lights soared into the sky from the Great Immortal Formation, which was amazing.But at the same time astonishing, it also carries an incomparably terrifying murderous intent.

"It's over, the old man is dead."

Seeing these sudden flashes of sword light, everyone in the open space couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Yes, with a sigh of relief.These people have been trapped outside the Golden Palace for a long time, and none of them thought of a way to enter the Great Immortal Formation.

If Chen Hao really passed the Great Immortal Formation... This is what they don't want to see.They would rather Chen Hao die in the formation.

If he alone got the treasure in the Golden Palace, they would have no share and could only watch.

I can't get the treasures in the Golden Palace, and neither can others.This is their psychology.

In the Great Immortal Formation, Chen Hao had already sacrificed the Qiankun Yinyang Cauldron, and he even sacrificed the system red envelopes and put them on top of his head.

And he had already activated the glow shield of the purple ribbon fairy clothes.It can be said to be armed to the teeth.

Chen Hao had to be careful, he almost took a wrong step just now, triggering the attack of the Great Immortal Formation.If he hadn't seen the opportunity quickly and retreated in an instant, he would have been almost killed by the Great Immortal Formation.

Wiping off the cold sweat from his forehead, Chen Hao said to the system with lingering fear, "How sure are you?"

"[-]% sure. This Great Immortal Formation is much stronger than I imagined. If I were at my peak, I could blow it up with a single punch. But right now, it seems a little dangerous."

Chen Hao was speechless.

At the peak of the system, although it is not as good as Zhao Yun, it is almost the same.Don't say that this is just a broken formation, even if it is complete, he will blow it up with one punch.

Of course, if it's the peak Immortal Formation, the system wouldn't dare to mess around.This is what he said to Chen Hao personally before, the peak of the immortal formation, even the powerhouses of Zhao Yun's realm can be easily killed.

"The person who arranged the formation is not weak, and he is proficient in formations. On the basis of the Great Immortal Formation, he has added many techniques of his own, so it is a bit difficult. However, this can't help me." While speaking, the system has already come out of the system red envelope.

"Follow me carefully, don't take a wrong step, or the consequences will be disastrous." After giving an order, the system began to break the formation.


As soon as the system stepped out, it triggered the attack of the Great Immortal Formation again.

Immediately, the sky full of sword light soared to the sky again, very gorgeous and terrifying.

"He's not dead yet?"

Seeing the sword light soaring into the sky, everyone in the Great Immortal Formation couldn't help being surprised.They are very familiar with this kind of sword light, it is the sword glow that erupted from the great formation after the Great Immortal Formation was triggered.

What shocked them was that this was the second time that the Great Immortal Formation had been triggered. Could it be that Chen Hao hadn't died yet?


Just as they were hesitating, the Great Immortal Formation was triggered again, and the endless sword light soared into the sky again, tearing the sky and the earth apart.The terrifying aura spread far away, forcing the strong outside the formation to keep retreating.

"How is it possible? He's really not dead?"

Outside the formation, everyone looked gloomy at the Great Immortal Formation in front of them, which continuously erupted with sword light.If Chen Hao is really not dead, it means that he can decipher this formation.

If he could really crack this formation, then he might get all the things in the Golden Palace.How does this make other people happy?
However, they were also helpless, this Great Immortal Formation was so terrifying that they didn't dare to take half a step closer.


Within the Great Immortal Formation, terrifying fluctuations continuously came out, and hundreds of millions of sword lights shot up into the sky, crushing the void and rushing towards the sky.

This is because there are people in the Great Immortal Formation constantly touching the formation, and it is precisely because of this that the Great Immortal Formation will continue to erupt.It's just that, even though someone kept triggering the formation, it was obvious that the bursting Great Immortal Formation did not kill the person who triggered it.

"Who is this old man? How can he be so powerful?"

Outside the big formation, everyone looked at the continuously erupting big formation with gloomy faces, their eyes flickering with murderous intent.

Although the old man triggered the Great Immortal Formation, he was not killed.In other words, all the things in the Golden Palace behind the formation may be monopolized by him alone.

How does this make them happy?
"It's better if this one dies." Someone said in thought.In fact, most of the people present thought so.

But, obviously, Chen Hao will disappoint them all.

"The old man came out."

Half a day later, a monk suddenly exclaimed.Immediately, everyone looked towards the front of the Golden Palace.Not far in front of the Golden Palace, a man in ragged clothes appeared in front of everyone.

"He actually passed through this formation!"

Seeing this scene, everyone in front of the formation felt unwilling, but they had no choice but to watch the old man slowly walk towards the golden palace.

Chen Hao took a deep breath, looked at his torn clothes, and couldn't help but smiled wryly.

This formation is worthy of being the real Great Immortal Formation, although it is damaged.But even so, it still made the two of them suffer a lot.

In fact, the system is very familiar with this large formation.However, this formation has been modified.It was modified by the person who arranged the formation, and added his own stuff.

It is precisely because of this, coupled with the terrifying power of this large formation, the terrifying power that even Da Luo Jinxian can kill.Even though the system is familiar with this large formation, it is very difficult to decipher it.

After all, their strength is not even reached by the lowest immortals, let alone Da Luo Jinxian.And even Da Luo Jinxian couldn't crack this formation.

Along the way, there were many dangers, but finally walked out of the Great Immortal Formation without any danger.

Even so, Chen Hao's spirit also felt exhausted for a while.Along the way, although there was no battle, it was more tiring than a big battle.

"The system said that there might be a powerful treasure in the formation, and it is still studying the formation in the formation, and wants to crack it. Then, I have no choice but to go to the Golden Palace to have a look."

Chen Hao looked at the Golden Palace, then walked over slowly.

"There are vicious dogs inside."

Chen Hao stopped suddenly, staring at a plaque hanging beside the gate of the Golden Palace.

"What is this?" Chen Hao's face twitched involuntarily.What is the difference between this method and the mortal world?

In the mortal world, some places that do not want idlers to enter, there is such a plaque hanging outside.

"Even if there is a vicious dog inside, I'm afraid it would have died long ago."

Chen Hao shook his head, he didn't care at all, and went straight to push open the door.


The moment Chen Hao pushed open the gate of the Golden Palace, a sound of dog barking came from inside the hall.Then Chen Hao only saw a black shadow rush out from inside with lightning speed, and before he could react, he had already thrown him to the ground.

Chen Hao turned pale with shock: "Is there really a vicious dog?"

With a thought, just when he was about to explode with strength to send the vicious dog flying, a voice came, which shocked Chen Hao.

"You ****, today ### God is going to eat you."

If someone is near Chen Hao, you will see a very funny scene.A notorious vicious person in the cultivation world, who even killed countless super experts in the stage of metamorphosis, was thrown to the ground by a big black dog as tall as a person.

At this time, the big black dog opened its mouth wide and bit Chen Hao's head fiercely.

Is this guy a dog or a wolf?Cannibalism!

Chen Hao suddenly became furious, and sent the big black dog flying with one punch.Then he stood up murderously, looking at the big black dog with a gloomy face.

This **** thing is really too cunning.Just laying in ambush behind the gate, when Chen Hao opened the gate, he flew over.

Even Chen Hao couldn't react, and was thrown to the ground by him.

"To be thrown to the ground by a vicious dog, it's embarrassing. Fortunately, it's not my real face." Chen Hao smiled embarrassingly.

Because, he vaguely heard the roar of laughter from outside.

Although there is a big gap between them.But if this large formation is not touched, it is almost non-existent, and people's eyesight can see the side of the Golden Palace through the large formation.

"Haha, this old man was thrown down by a black dog, haha, I'm dying of laughter." Someone laughed out loud.

However, the expressions of Xue Chen and others turned gloomy.

Although Chen Hao's state is not very good.But he was able to pass through the Great Immortal Formation safely without being bombarded by the Great Formation, which meant that he had great strength.

However, even so, he was thrown down by the black dog.

It's not that Chen Hao is too weak, but that black dog is too strong.

At this time, Chen Hao also looked at the black dog with a solemn expression, because he found that the black dog had completely withstood his punch, but at this time it was as if nothing had happened.

Although he didn't hit that punch with all his strength just now, ordinary metamorphosis monks couldn't bear it and were killed directly.But the black dog's physical body is very powerful.

Metamorphosis period!Very powerful body!
Chen Hao looked at the big black dog with a solemn expression.

The big black dog stood on the ground, looked at Chen Hao with fierce eyes, and said: "You bastard, you can break through the big formation and come in. Your strength is not weak. If you eat you, it must be Great supplement."

Chen Hao staggered.This vile dog is not only powerful, but also has a dirty mouth.In other words, this product is taking advantage of Chen Hao.

The vicious dog was originally a dog, and if it said that Chen Hao was a prostitute, wouldn't it mean that Chen Hao was his offspring?
Chen Hao was furious: "You evil dog really wants to die, so I'll take you down and stew dog meat. Once the dog meat rolls, the gods won't be able to stand still."

Murong sneered, stretched out his big hand, and grabbed the big black dog directly.

"Boy, obediently feed your uncle Tengu to make up your body." The big black dog uttered words, and saw Chen Hao's big hand grabbing him, but he didn't make any movements.

Just when Chen Hao's big hand was about to catch him, the big black dog suddenly opened its big mouth.

I saw the big black dog's big mouth opened dozens of times in an instant, dozens of times bigger than his body, and then bit down.


The big black dog had criss-crossed teeth, eerie and terrifying. With one bite, a large piece of the void was directly crushed.But the powerful hand that Chen Hao grabbed was bitten off by the big black dog as if sent up automatically.

Click, click.

After biting off a large piece of Void and Chen Hao's powerful hand, the big black dog chewed it a few times with relish, and then swallowed it directly.Then he shook his head, and the big mouth shrank instantly, turning into an ordinary big black dog again.


Chen Hao was shocked!
This big black dog bit off his powerful hand, which is not so shocking, after all, the big black dog has that ability.However, the big black dog opened its mouth dozens of times in an instant, and even bit off a large piece of the void, which was shocking.

"Chen Hao, this big black dog is not an ordinary dog. If I guessed correctly, he should be the ancient alien beast Tengu." At this time, the voice of the system rang in Chen Hao's ear.Presumably, the system in the Great Immortal Formation also saw the big black dog, and the sound transmission came over.

In fact, not only the system saw it, but everyone who was hundreds of miles away also saw it.I saw the amazing mouthful of the big black dog.


It turned out to be a tengu!
Chen Hao was shocked again.

Few people have heard of the ancient alien beast Tengu.But to put it another way, many people know it.

Tengu Food Day!

In the mortal world, there has always been a saying that the dog eats the sun.Even the sun and the moon in the sky can be devoured by a tengu. One can imagine how powerful this tengu is.

Even, according to legend, the tengu in the peak state can not only eat the sun, the moon, but even the sky.However, this kind of strange beast is really against the sky, and it is the nemesis of everything.

Because Tiangu can also practice, and he is not a monk like ordinary monks.He only needs to devour things, monks, the moon and the sun, etc., but he can devour anything that has power, and then he can increase his strength.

Therefore, this strange beast has been unable to grow.Killed at an early age.

After all, if Tengu grows to the peak, then no one in this world can be his opponent.As long as he opened his mouth, he could swallow even the sky, let alone a monk?

(End of this chapter)

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