The Best Red Packet System of Rebirth

Chapter 326 Want to conquer

Chapter 326 Want to conquer
"If the Tengu can be subdued..." This thought flashed through Chen Hao's mind, but soon his expression changed.

Tengu can eat anything, he has been locked here for so long, so what else is there in the Golden Palace?I'm afraid everything was eaten by this guy, right?

Thinking of this, Chen Hao couldn't help a burst of heartache.But as long as he can subdue the Tengu, then everything will be nothing.

"However, it's not easy to tame this big black dog with a dirty mouth." Chen Hao pondered for a moment, thinking about how to tame him.

"It's been a long time since I've eaten such a delicious thing, boy, hurry up and let your lord have enough." The big black dog looked at Chen Hao, drooling.

"This silly dog ​​is so greedy, why not..."

Chen Hao made up his mind as soon as he thought about it, so he looked at Tiangou calmly and said, "Tengu, you have been trapped here for so many years, you must be bored with this place, right? Everyone around here is trapped by the Great Immortal Formation Come on, you must be very lonely and hungry, right?"

Tengu is a foodie and dares to eat anything.Moreover, what he ate was not just for satiation, but also for cultivation.Ordinary monks practice by absorbing and refining the aura of heaven and earth, but the tengu just devours it.

After eating everything and refining those things, his strength will increase.

Tengu was trapped here, and I don't know how many years have passed.With the tengu's heart, he might have eaten up everything that could be eaten here.

However, because of the Great Immortal Formation, Tengu couldn't leave here.

Of course, if the Tengu is strong enough, it can swallow the entire Great Immortal Formation in one bite.However, he is only in the stage of metamorphosis now, and his physical body is also very strong, and the general metamorphosis masters are directly swallowed by him.

However, there was nothing he could do about the Great Immortal Formation.

The most important thing is that there is nothing in the Great Immortal Formation that he can eat.Without something to eat, his strength naturally couldn't continue to grow.

Unable to grow, naturally also unable to leave the Absolute Immortal Formation.Although the tengu has a long lifespan, sooner or later it will die of old age.

"Wang! Boy, what do you want to say? Let the fart go, you are very hungry." The big black dog looked at Chen Hao, drooling, wishing he could pounce on him and eat Chen Hao directly.

"I just walked in from the outside. See? There are many monks outside the big formation, and after leaving here, there will be countless monks. If you can leave here, then you can eat whatever you want."

Chen Hao started Chunchun to induce the big black dog.

The big black dog looked outside the formation, his eyes were shining, and his mouth was drooling: "Unfortunately, Master Tiangu can't leave this formation. Boy, why don't Master Tiangu not eat you?"

Chen Hao secretly smiled in his heart, this big black dog was almost cheated by him.

"Is it enough to catch a few people? Life in the cultivation world outside is colorful. Besides monks, there are countless powerful beings. As long as you have the ability, you can eat a lot of things. Of course, if you don't want to leave If you want to, you can stay here. However, I think if you continue to stay here, you may not survive for long."


The big black dog barked unhappily.His lifespan is long, but his death is not so fast.But if he stayed here, he had nothing to eat, and that was the most depressing thing.

"Boy, can you leave this big formation?" The big black dog raised its head and looked at Chen Hao.

"Since I can come in, of course I can leave. If you also want to leave here, I can also consider taking you away." Chen Hao pretended to ponder for a while before saying.

"Really?" The big black dog's eyes lit up immediately, and it ran over, constantly running beside Chen Hao, with one tail dangling, looking very happy.

"However, I have a condition. As long as you can agree to my condition, I will take you out, otherwise you can stay here." Chen Hao said with a smile.

"Of course, don't say one condition, even if it is ten or hundreds, I will agree." The big black dog replied quickly.He has been trapped here for an unknown number of years, and he has long faded out. Now that he heard that he could leave this damn golden palace, how could he not agree?

"You will follow me from now on." Chen Hao smiled.

The big black dog quickly nodded his big dog head, thinking: "Isn't it just to hang around with you? It's no big deal, it's better than staying here."

"Very good, you will be called Xiao Hei from now on." Chen Hao stroked the big black dog's head with a smile.

"Wang! Your master Tengu is called Tengu! The incomparably noble Master Tengu!" The big black dog became angry instantly, and he glared at Chen Hao with a murderous look, looking very unhappy.

Chen Hao kicked his eyes: "Who is the uncle?"

The big black dog said awkwardly: "Of course, you are the uncle, you are my uncle."

Chen Hao nodded, and then slapped the big black dog away with his palm: "Your uncle, if you say that I am your uncle, then wouldn't I also become a dog?"

"Then I'm your uncle." The big black dog stuck out its big tongue and ran back salivating.

"I have nothing to do with you." Chen Hao was depressed and didn't know what to say.He is the uncle of the big black dog, so he also becomes a dog.If the big black dog is his uncle, then he also becomes a dog.

In the end, Chen Hao separated his relationship with the big black dog, didn't bother to talk nonsense with him, and walked directly towards the Golden Palace.

"Don't go in, I'll eat everything inside." The big black dog ran over and said.When speaking, there is still a look of indifference.

Chen Hao asked calmly, "What's inside?"

The big black dog thought for a while, and said: "This golden palace seems to be the palace of a guy named Juexian Immortal Emperor in the fairy world. This guy was hunted down and killed at the beginning, and finally died. All his things were put in the palace. All kinds of elixir, celestial artifacts, treasures of heaven and earth, etc. are countless."

At this time, Chen Hao had already entered the hall.

There is another space in the main hall, which is huge, about tens of miles in size.

At first glance, the entire hall was empty, and he even found that a few pillars that originally supported the entire hall were missing.

There are still tooth marks on the remaining pillars, and there are even some stains... Don't think about it, these must be the tooth marks of the big black dog, and those stains are the big black dog's saliva.

Seeing this scene, Chen Hao's face darkened immediately.

Even if the main hall of tens of kilometers is filled with all kinds of fairy artifacts and elixir, it is still an astronomical figure.Moreover, the treasures of the so-called Absolute Immortal Emperor must be in the storage ring, a magic weapon of space...

However, it was obvious that there was nothing in the entire hall.Even, this hall seems to be about to be demolished.

This big black dog is really damned.

Chen Hao's face was dark, and he turned to look at the big black dog with a murderous look.This big black dog has eaten so many things, his body must have been tempered very strong, and it is also very nourishing.

"Big black dog, have you eaten all the treasures of the Immortal Emperor Juexian?" Chen Hao asked in a calm voice.

"Yes, it's a pity that Immortal Emperor Juexian was hunted down by his enemies and consumed most of his treasures. Otherwise, I would have become a fairy long ago." The big black dog said a little unhappy.

"Then how much did you eat?"

"I don't know the specifics. Anyway, they are all top-notch things, many, many." The big black dog still said unhappily.

"I want to eat dog meat now."

When he thought that all the treasures of Immortal Emperor Juexian were killed by this foodie, Chen Hao felt like going crazy.That is the Immortal Emperor Absolute Immortal!
The emperor among immortals!

An existence that can become an emperor even among immortals, how powerful is he?This kind of existence, even if it's just a small gadget beside him, is an extremely powerful and terrifying existence. If it spreads out, it will cause countless immortals to fight for it.

But now, the treasures of Immortal Emperor Juexian, or many treasures have been eaten by the big black dog!
Such a waste.

Chen Hao was very depressed.

However, Chen Hao was a little shocked by the big black dog.This guy ate so much food that he didn't die, and his strength had only just reached the metamorphosis stage.

It really deserves to be an ancient alien beast.


The big black dog had eaten all the things in the hall, and there was not even a single hair left. Chen Hao turned around and left here, preparing to enter the Great Immortal Formation again.

"Wait a minute, don't forget about this hall, wait until Lord Tengu swallows him up." After leaving the Golden Palace, the big black dog said something, and then opened its big mouth...

An incomparably huge mouth several miles in size appeared out of thin air, and then bit down fiercely.

There was a click, but the Golden Palace had disappeared and was directly swallowed by the big black dog.

Beyond the Great Immortal Formation,

Everyone saw Chen Hao walk into the Golden Palace, and then left the Golden Palace again not long after.Just after he left, the hall also disappeared.

"That old man took the Golden Palace away." Immediately, everyone thought that Chen Hao took the Golden Palace away.

"Golden Palace, there must be astonishing wealth in it, this old man is dead." Thinking that Chen Hao took away the Golden Palace, he also thought that there was astonishing wealth in it...

As everyone knows, all of this has nothing to do with Chen Hao.Many years ago, the Golden Palace might have had astonishing wealth, but it had been swallowed up by the big black dog.Moreover, even the palace was swallowed by the big black dog.

It has nothing to do with Chen Hao at all.Chen Hao just took the blame for the big black dog.

In fact, Chen Hao was also a little depressed. Except for this big black dog with dirty mouth, he got nothing.

"I hope there will be some gains in the Great Immortal Formation." Chen Hao said thoughtfully.Since even the system says that this big formation is not simple, there might really be something in the big formation.

"Follow me closely, don't make a mistake." Chen Hao ordered, and stepped into the Great Immortal Formation in one step.

The big black dog hesitated for a moment, but did not follow.He has lingering fears about this great immortal formation.This guy once wanted to leave the Great Immortal Formation and broke into it.

But instead of leaving the Great Immortal Formation, he was almost directly bombarded and killed by the Great Formation. In the end, he narrowly escaped with his life and recovered to his peak state after recuperating for countless years. In the end, he dared not approach the Great Immortal for many years It's been half a step.

This is a typical case of being bitten by a snake for ten years and being afraid of grass ropes.

"What? Afraid of death?" Seeing the big black dog not daring to follow, Chen Hao couldn't help laughing.

"Wang! How can you, Lord Tiangu, be greedy for life and afraid of death?" The big black dog glared at Chen Hao unhappily, and then stepped in.


The moment it just stepped into the formation, a terrifying wave erupted violently from the formation, and hundreds of millions of sword lights soared into the sky.

"Your uncle!" The big black dog trembled in fright, its shiny black fur stood on end instantly, and it immediately collapsed on the ground, almost dying of fright.

Facing the great formation of the Juexian, the big black dog was completely frightened...almost frightened to death.

It is conceivable that the Great Immortal Formation cast a huge shadow on him back then.

Seeing that the big black dog was almost scared to death, Chen Hao couldn't help laughing out loud.

"His uncle's."

After a long time, the big black dog stood up again with a resentful look on his face.Only now does it realize that it has not started the Great Immortal Formation.And the reason why the formation was triggered when he stepped into the formation was just a coincidence.

A coincidence that can no longer be a coincidence.

"Scared you to death, Mr. Tengu." The big black dog patted his chest with his paw, with a look of lingering fear on his face.Then he said angrily: "Which bastard triggered the Great Immortal Formation? Damn, I must swallow him."

The big black dog said viciously, and at the same time, he had followed Chen Hao and entered the Great Immortal Formation.

"Boy, walk slowly, don't walk so fast." The big black dog just followed Chen Hao, but he was afraid of making a wrong step, so he couldn't help thinking.

"To shut up."

Chen Hao finally couldn't bear the big black dog's thoughts, and couldn't help shouting: "If you talk again, I will keep you here forever."

The big black dog trembled, leaving it here, it will surely die.This guy cherishes his dog's life very much.So it closed its big mouth, and just followed Chen Hao silently, walking up and down in the Great Immortal Formation.

Not long after, Chen Hao came here.

Here is the eye.

When Chen Hao first appeared here, he saw a powerful but dilapidated sword standing on the ground.

Chen Hao vaguely remembered that the system once said that the eye of the Great Immortal Formation is a powerful magic weapon.Obviously, this somewhat dilapidated sword is the eye of the Great Immortal Formation.

This is the real Great Immortal Formation, a formation that even Da Luo Jinxian can easily kill.A formation arranged by an existence at the level of an immortal emperor!
This sword must be a very high-grade fairy weapon!Even though the fairy sword had been damaged at this time, the terrifying aura it exuded surpassed any fairy weapon Chen Hao had ever seen.

However, perhaps it was too dilapidated, or because a lot of spiritual energy was consumed to support the operation of the Great Immortal Formation, although the Immortal Sword still exuded a powerful aura at this time, it felt like it was near dusk.

(End of this chapter)

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