Chapter 327 Delicious
"The Absolute Immortal Sword?"

The big black dog came over, and when it saw the dilapidated fairy sword, it couldn't help blurting out.

"Extreme Immortal Sword? Big Black Dog, do you know this Immortal Sword?" Chen Hao couldn't help asking.But he didn't notice that the system next to him looked at the big black dog with surprised eyes.

"Wang! Call me Lord Tiangou!" The big black dog gave Chen Hao a very unhappy look, and then said in a deep voice: "Of course I remember, this Juexian sword is the personal magic weapon of the Juexian Emperor. No wonder I can't find it." It turned out that this fairy sword was placed here. I really want to eat it."

The big black dog looked at the Juexian Sword, drooling all over the place, if it hadn't been concerned that this place was in the Juexian Great Formation, it would have pounced on it a long time ago.

"Big black dog, how long have you lived?" Chen Hao couldn't help asking again.This fairy mound has existed for an extremely long time, and the big black dog has known Immortal Emperor Juexian, and it has lived long enough.

"Wow! I forgot, your uncle Tengu only eats and sleeps, who knows how long it has been?" The big black dog kept looking around, but found that there was nothing to eat, so he looked unhappy.

"Excellent Immortal Sword, one of the Four Great Immortal Swords. Together with Zhuxian Sword, Immortal Killing Sword and Immortal Trapping Sword, they are four extremely powerful immortal swords! The Great Immortal Formation arranged by them can easily kill even the top experts in the heavens. "At this moment, the system said slowly.

Hearing this, Chen Hao couldn't help thinking of what the system had told him about the Great Immortal Formation that day.

Only the Great Immortal Formation arranged by the four top immortal swords can be called the Great Immortal Formation of the Peak, which is the most powerful formation.

Is this Absolute Immortal Sword one of those four Immortal Swords?

Chen Hao frowned slightly and looked at the system.

The system nodded.

"The Absolute Immortal Sword is the most powerful of the four Immortal Swords. With one sword in hand, one can be immortal! It is conceivable how terrifying the power of the Absolute Immortal Sword is. However, it is obvious that this Absolute Immortal Sword has been damaged. One-tenth of its power cannot be exerted." The system said with a regretful face.

There is one sentence that the system did not say, if it is a complete Great Immortal Formation set up by the Absolute Immortal Sword, let alone them, even the powerhouses at the level of Immortal Emperors will be killed the moment the formation is triggered!

"Immortal Emperor Jue Xian, why did the Jue Xian Sword fall into his hands? How did he fall with the Jue Xian Sword?" This doubt flashed in Chen Hao's mind, and then he looked at the big black dog who was drooling at the Jue Xian Sword Said: "Sigou, how did the Immortal Emperor Juexian fall? Since he is an Immortal Emperor, he should be very powerful, right?"

The big black dog looked at the Juexian sword, drooling.Hearing this, it said disdainfully: "Who knows how he fell. I was young at the time, so I don't have much memory. This guy must have been besieged and killed by people. It must not be a good bird to be besieged by so many people."

Chen Hao's face darkened suddenly. Apart from eating, this foodie big black dog didn't know anything else.

However, even if the big black dog didn't know anything, Chen Hao could still imagine how terrifying the Immortal Emperor Juexian was back then.This guy was an existence at the level of an immortal emperor, but he was still killed, and it was even possible that the Juexian sword was also disabled in that battle.

If such a horrific battle was placed in the realm of comprehension, one hundred and eight thousand realms of cultivation would be shattered by the aftermath of their battle.

Immortal Emperor Juexian knew that he was about to fall, so he entered this fairy mound, placed his golden palace here, and arranged a great formation of Juexian to protect his body.

By the way, corpses.Since Immortal Emperor Juexian has fallen, what about his corpse?Even if immortal emperor level existences are dead, their bodies will not be destroyed.Unless it was killed by a great supernatural power.

Could it be eaten by the big black dog?A bad premonition welled up in Chen Hao's heart.

"Big black dog, did you swallow the body of Immortal Emperor Juexian?"

"Wang! Everyone said to call me Uncle Tiangu, and then call me Big Black Dog, be careful I will turn against you!" Big Black Dog barked at Chen Hao a few times, and then said angrily: "I ate the body of the Immortal Emperor. The most delicious food ever.”

Chen Hao and the system couldn't help but staggered.

This dead dog even ate the body of the Immortal Emperor. I really don't know whether it is better to say that he is a foodie or that he is bold.After all, even if the Immortal Emperor died, he was still an Immortal Emperor, and even Da Luo Jinxian couldn't get close to their corpses!

How did this big black dog get close to the remains of the Immortal Emperor?And how was it eaten by him?
Chen Hao's teeth were itching with hatred, and he had the urge to kill the big black dog to see his stomach.However, in the end he still didn't kill the big black dog.

However, another doubt appeared in Chen Hao's heart.

The Immortal Emperor Juexian is a top powerhouse in the fairy world. Although his body is also in the fairy tomb, it is far away from the palace complex in the center of the fairy tomb.

So, what kind of existence are those palace groups?Could it be that there is a more terrifying existence buried there? Even an existence at the level of an immortal emperor dare not be presumptuous?

Although he didn't know what was inside the palace complex, Chen Hao knew that the things there were definitely much more advanced than the Immortal Emperor Juexian.

After all, after the death of Immortal Emperor Juexian, only one golden palace was left behind.But there are indeed countless palaces in the palace group.It is conceivable how amazing wealth is buried there.

However, they can only watch when they appear in the realm of comprehension where even the immortal emperors dare not enter.

Not to mention the world of comprehension, even in the world of immortality, few people would be able to break into the depths of the fairy mound.

"System, is there a way to collect this Absolute Immortal Sword? Is there a way to restore it?" Chen Hao asked after a long time.

Since it is one of the Four Immortal Swords, even the dilapidated ones have extremely terrifying power!Chen Hao didn't want to waste it.

The system nodded: "Of course, you can collect it now. However, if you want to repair it, it may be difficult, but it is not impossible."

"Where there is possibility, there is hope." Chen Hao said.

Therefore, the system is ready to start collecting the Great Immortal Formation.

"Big Heigou, after breaking this Great Immortal Formation, there will definitely be many people chasing and killing you, so you have to be careful." When the system was collecting the Absolute Immortal Sword, Chen Hao turned his head and said to Big Black Dog.

"Wow! Who dares to kill Lord Tengu? I'm going to devour them all. Wang!" The big black dog said angrily.But when he thought about leaving the Great Immortal Formation that had trapped him for countless years, the big black dog drool all over the place.

"There are a lot of bad people out there, and they all like to eat black dog meat."

"Wow! Uncle Tengu is not an ordinary dog! I will swallow anyone who dares to eat me." The big black dog barked fiercely with its eyes ruthless.

Chen Hao secretly laughed in his heart. Although this big black dog is only in the stage of transformation, his physical body seems to be stronger than his own, and his strength is not bad.

If he could have such a strong person by his side... he would undoubtedly have an extra boost.


The Great Immortal Formation trembled for a while, sending out extremely terrifying fluctuations.Sword lights shot up into the sky, tore through the restraint of the fairy tomb, and shot straight to the nine heavens.

The body of the big black dog trembled, and the black hair of the dog stood on end again, looking very frightened.

"This dead dog was abused a lot back then." Chen Hao looked at the big black dog gloatingly.


The formation continued to tremble violently, and under the systematic efforts, the Juexian Sword began to come out slowly from the ground.

The formation trembled unceasingly, and hundreds of millions of sword lights shot up into the sky unceasingly, tearing the sky and cracking the earth, earth-shattering, very terrifying.

Originally planted quietly on the ground, the Immortal Immortal Formation Eye Immortal Sword of the Absolute Immortal Formation came out with a "swoosh" and was taken away by the system.

At the same time, the whole body of the system and the Juexian sword turned into a stream of light, entered Chen Hao's body, and disappeared.

At the same time, the Great Immortal Formation that had been trapped here for an unknown number of years finally fell apart. After the Absolute Immortal Sword was collected by the system, the entire Great Immortal Formation collapsed in an instant.

At the moment when the Great Immortal Formation collapsed, the power that clearly enveloped the entire canyon seemed to disappear.However, no one could discover that the canyon, which was already unable to fly, could fly at this time.

"The formation disappeared, and the old man came out."

When seeing the sword light all over the sky, it suddenly disappeared.And Chen Hao and the big black dog who were originally inside the formation also showed their figures at this time, and the people outside were suddenly ecstatic.

Almost at the moment when Chen Hao and the big black dog showed their figures, many monks who were originally trapped outside the big formation still made a move. One by one, they stretched out their big hands, and grabbed Chen Hao violently.

Thousands of monks started at the same time.

Chen Hao has long been used to this kind of battle.However, this is the first time that the big black dog has encountered such a situation.At the beginning, the big black dog was taken aback, and those dog eyes even rolled up.

"They are so enthusiastic. Is this welcoming Lord Tengu?"

Looking at the overwhelming power coming from the bombardment, the big black dog said something with joy.Then, without seeing any movement from him, it suddenly rose into the air.


The big black dog flying in the sky opened its big mouth violently.In an instant, it was as if a huge crack had opened in the void, with criss-crossed teeth, eerie and terrifying.

Bite down hard.

Suddenly, a large piece of void was taken down by the big black dog.But the overwhelming power from the bombardment was directly swallowed by the big black dog.

"Delicious, delicious, is there any more?"

After swallowing an unknown amount of strength in one gulp, the big black dog patted its shriveled stomach, and looked at the people in front of it with unsatisfied interest.

However, seeing this scene, those people in front were stunned.

What is the origin of this big black dog?It was so terrifying, that it swallowed up the strength of so many of them in one bite?

Although they are not top-notch powerhouses, existences of Xue Chen and Hu Tong's level did not make a move.But there are also tens of thousands of monks doing it.

Even half-step immortals didn't dare to directly resist their power, but they were swallowed by the big black dog...


Absolute shock!
Even Xue Chen, Hu Tong and the others were shocked, and they all looked at the big black dog with incredulous eyes.Even Chen Hao next to the big black dog was ignored by them.

The big black dog completely overshadowed Chen Hao.

"Is this really a dog? What kind of dog? It's so powerful?" None of the shocked people made a move, but they all looked at the big black dog.

Seeing everyone's eyes focused on him, the big black dog was very proud.I saw it standing upright, and the dog's paws were running across its head all the time—as if a person stroked his hair, and put on a look that he thought was very handsome.

"You bastards, aren't you handsome Tengu? Are you fascinated by the handsomeness of Tengu?" The big black dog said very narcissistically.

"This bastard can still talk, and his mouth is dirty!" Everyone was a little surprised at first, and then furious.Because, they were all scolded by the big black dog.

In other words, the big black dog didn't scold them, but regarded them as its kind.

Only Chen Hao secretly laughed beside him, but then Chen Hao's face darkened.Because Zhao Zhiqing was also in the crowd, the big black dog even scolded Zhao Zhiqing.

"Damn, this dead dog is so hateful, I'm going to kill it to eat dog meat." A monk was furious, took a step forward, cursed at the big black dog.

The big black dog stood up, pointed its paws at the monk who was speaking, and said, "You are a ****."

The monk was furious: "You are the ****." When he spoke, he had already soared into the sky... In fact, he didn't know why he could suddenly fly here.Just seeing that the big black dog can fly, he naturally flew up.

"I am a ***, and you are also a ***." The big black dog came and went with just this sentence, but it made these monks so angry.

The big black dog is a tengu, but the tengu is enough, and it is also a ****.But these monks were all scolded by him.After being called a **** by a dog, these monks almost vomited blood.

"I'll kill you and feed it to the dog." The monk who rose into the air was furious, turned into a flash of light and rushed towards the big black dog.During this process, he stretched out his big hand and grabbed the big black dog.

Just now he saw the horror of the big black dog.Therefore, while he was attacking, he had already rushed over, even if his power was swallowed by the big black dog again, he could kill the big black dog at close range.

"Woof! You actually wanted to kill me, but you, Lord Tengu, swallowed you up first." The big black dog was furious.

With a sound of swish, the big black dog jumped out, turned into a black light and disappeared in place.

A large mouth appeared out of nowhere in the void.However, the cultivator who was rushing forward was unable to catch up, and the whole person rushed directly into the big mouth of the big black dog.

clack clack...

The big black dog chewed a few times, and then swallowed the monk.Immediately, its figure flickered, and it turned into a big black dog again.

Although it still looked ferocious, it was not as scary as before.


The sound of gasping for air spread far away.

What is the origin of the big black dog?
The monk who made the move just now may not be the strongest present, but he is also a monk in the stage of transformation.

(End of this chapter)

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