Chapter 335
As long as Chen Hao takes him out of the Extreme Heaven Realm, it will agree to anything!Even an idiot would not unconditionally agree to Chen Hao's conditions.

There is definitely something wrong with this guy.

Seeing Chen Hao's eyes, Fire-Eyes Golden Ape's heart jumped suddenly: "He won't go back on his word and take himself out of the Extreme Heaven Realm, right?"

"What if he really doesn't take himself out of the Extreme Heaven Realm?" The Fire-Eyed Golden Ape suddenly became anxious.If it doesn't leave the Extreme Heaven Realm as soon as possible, then its life will be in danger.

"My lord, let's leave the Extreme Sky Realm quickly? I can't wait." The Fire-Eyed Golden Ape looked at Chen Hao impatiently, with a hopeful look on his face.

"You really can't wait." Chen Hao smiled and looked at the Fire-Eyes Golden Ape with a smile on his face.If he didn't see that there was something wrong with the Fire-Eye Golden Ape at this time, then he would be an idiot.

"Wang~ my lord, don't take this gorilla out, let me eat it." The big black dog yelled a few times, ran up fiercely, opened its mouth to the fire-eyed golden ape, and made a gesture. A look of devouring.

"Sigou, I'm not as knowledgeable as you right now." The Fire-Eyed Golden Ape just gave the big black dog a disdainful look, and then turned to look at Chen Hao.

Chen Hao looked at the Fire-Eye Golden Ape with a smile on his face, which made the Fire-Eye Golden Ape feel hairy.

"Golden Ape, it's okay to take you out of the Extreme Heaven Realm. But I have a question that I need you to answer." Chen Hao said with a smile.

The Fire-Eyed Golden Ape smiled mischievously, scratched the back of his head, looked at Chen Hao and said, "My lord is asking questions, and he knows everything with a smile."

"Why are you in such a hurry to leave the Extreme Heaven Realm?"

The fire-eyed golden ape was about to speak, but at this moment, a deep roar came from the depths of the extreme sky realm.

The voice is low, but it contains very terrifying power.

boom! boom! boom!
At this moment, Chen Hao, the big black dog, and the fire-eyed golden ape were all impacted by the low-pitched roaring sound waves, and Qi Qi was sent flying, falling dozens of miles away.

"What's the situation?" Chen Hao turned pale with fright, while the Tengu, especially the Fire-Eyed Golden Ape, was even more frightened, showing a panic-stricken look.

Who on earth has such a terrifying method?I don't know how many miles away, just relying on a low roar, the three of Chen Hao were sent flying.

In fact, Chen Hao even saw that many nearby monsters were directly shaken by the deep roar and exploded into blood mist.

Chen Hao turned his head to look at the Fire-Eye Golden Ape. This guy was about to be scared to death at this moment, so he definitely knew what was going on.However, before Chen Hao had time to ask a question, a roar came from the depths of the Extreme Heaven Realm.

"Fire-eyed golden ape, why don't you hurry up and let me eat it?"

A terrifying sound came, and bursts of terrifying sound waves rushed in one after another like a tide, shaking Chen Hao, the big black dog, and the fire-eyed golden ape to churn up like a river.

At the same time, the Nine Heavens Void above their heads suddenly burst open, and then a big hand covered with black hair directly protruded out, grabbing the Fire-Eye Golden Ape with lightning speed.

The big hand shattered the void, covering a distance of hundreds of miles, and everything within the coverage of the big hand was the target of the big hand.Together with Chen Hao and others.

"Who is this? It's so scary." Chen Hao was shocked again when he saw this big hand.Facing this big hand, he couldn't think of resisting at all.

Because the aura emanating from this big hand is really too terrifying.Powerful and suffocating.It is hundreds of times stronger than the power of the immortal that Xue Chen erupted.

At this moment, Chen Hao only had one thought.

With a thought, Chen Hao grabbed the big black dog and the fire-eyed golden ape one by one, and then disappeared out of thin air.

After entering the system red envelope world, Chen Hao was afraid that this terrifying existence would find out about the system red envelope.So he hurriedly passed the teleportation array in the red envelope of the system, and left the Extreme Heaven Realm.

As long as it is a monster in the Extreme Heaven Realm, no matter how terrifying its strength is, it cannot leave the Extreme Heaven Realm.

The moment Chen Hao just disappeared into the Extreme Heaven Realm, that big black hand had already grabbed it.With a sharp grab of the big hand, the void with a radius of hundreds of miles exploded with a "bang", and was crushed and exploded directly.

"Fire-eyed Golden Ape, you ran away, damn it!" The dull voice continued to spread from the Extreme Heaven Realm, causing the void to collapse continuously, and the mountains to shatter continuously, which was very terrifying.

However, no matter what, the Fire-Eye Golden Ape always ran away, and even though it was extremely powerful, it didn't find the location of the Fire-Eye Golden Ape at this time.After all, stepping in the Extreme Heaven Realm, one cannot extend one's big hands out of the Extreme Heaven Realm and explore into the Realm of Cultivation.

Otherwise, with this person's strength, it is unknown whether there is an opponent of this person in the cultivation world.But most of them are no one with such terrifying strength.

"Damn it! Damn it!" The demon king in the depths of the extreme sky kept roaring angrily.Suddenly, the big hand was raised violently, and stuck out again.

Suddenly, in a forest tens of thousands of miles away from the space where Chen Hao and others appeared before.

All of a sudden, a big black hand suddenly protruded from the sky above the sky, skimmed through layers of void, and grabbed a demon king who was cultivating cross-legged.

If the three of Chen Hao saw this scene, they would have discovered that the captured demon king was somewhat stronger than the big black dog and the fire-eyed golden ape.

However, such a powerful demon king was directly caught by this black hand, and he was taken away without even having time to react.

"What the hell is that?"

In the red envelope world of the system, Chen Hao, the big black dog, and the fire-eyed golden ape stood on the ground with lingering fear, while Chen Hao looked at the fire-eyed golden ape and asked in a deep voice.But the big black dog was panting from the side, looking at the fire-eyed golden ape with malicious intent.

The fire-eyed golden ape still looked around with lingering fear, for fear that he hadn't left the extreme sky realm, and would be caught and eaten by that existence.

It should be noted that that existence is indeed terrifying.As long as it is within the scope of the Extreme Heaven Realm, it cannot escape his poisonous hands.

"Don't look at it, this place has already left the Extreme Heaven Realm. Even if that guy is ten times stronger, he can't do anything to you." Chen Hao said in a deep voice as if seeing the worry of the Fire-Eye Golden Ape.

The Fire-eyed Golden Ape breathed a sigh of relief, and after pondering for a while, it spoke slowly.

"That demon king is said to be the Lord of the Extreme Heaven Realm, and his strength is extremely terrifying. It is a nightmare for us demon kings. He usually sleeps most of the time and wakes up every 100 years..."

The Lord of the Extreme Heaven Realm has not known how many years it has existed, nor does it know what level its strength has reached.In short, it is very terrifying, even if all the monsters in the Extreme Heaven Realm are united, they are not its opponents.

Normally, the Lord of the Extreme Heaven Realm is fine in his deep sleep. No matter what happens in the Extreme Heaven Realm, and no matter how fierce the battles between the demon kings are, as long as they are not awakened, they will be fine.

However, every 100 years, the Lord of the Extreme Heaven Realm will wake up once!
And every time he wakes up, it is a nightmare for all the demon kings in the extreme sky realm.

Because, every time the Lord of the Extreme Heaven Realm wakes up, he will devour a demon king-level monster alive!It only eats monsters at the level of the demon king, and other monsters that have not reached the level of the demon king will be dismissed even if they are sent to the lord of the extreme sky.

"This so-called Lord of the Extreme Heaven Realm has such a nasty appetite that he even supports demon beasts at the level of the demon king. In the future, Master Tiangou will only eat people at the level of the demon king." The big black dog said with a gloating smile, drooling It flowed all over the place.

Unfortunately, today is the official day for the Lord of the Extreme Heaven Realm to wake up, and the food for the Lord of the Extreme Heaven Realm is obviously the Fire-Eye Golden Ape.

"It's just you? Demon King?" The big black dog walked around the fire-eyed golden ape a few times, and then two white lights spewed out of its nose, and said something disdainful.

"I am the demon king. Although I am the lowest demon king, I am indeed the demon king." The fire-eyed golden ape looked at the big black dog in displeasure, wishing to beat it to death with a stick and eat the black dog meat.

"It just woke up, why must it be you?" Chen Hao asked puzzled.

The Fire-Eyed Golden Ape said with some depression: "Actually, the Lord of the Extreme Heaven Realm had chosen me 100 years ago. Stepped into the realm of the demon king."

"Unlucky child, haha, these 100 years must be difficult." The big black dog stood up, patted the shoulder of the fire-eyed golden ape with a dog's paw, and smiled happily.


The Fire-Eye Golden Ape let out a yell, and sent the big black dog flying with a stick.

"Since you don't want to be eaten by it, you can die as long as you don't let it succeed." Chen Hao looked at the Fire-Eye Golden Ape suspiciously.

The Fire-Eye Golden Ape became even more depressed.

"In the extreme sky realm, even if I want to die, I can't do it. As long as I am selected as food by the master of the extreme sky realm, there will be a powerful demon king who will always monitor the selected demon king to prevent it from being eaten by others. Kill or commit suicide."

"It can even be said that in the 100 years after being chosen as food by the Lord of the Extreme Heaven Realm, this demon king can do whatever he wants in the Extreme Heaven Realm and do whatever he wants! Not only is no one stopping him, but those powerful The demon king will also protect them. Otherwise, once the demon king chosen as food dies, the master of the extreme heaven realm will take his anger out on them."

A fox pretends to be a tiger!

It's just that this fox pretending to be a tiger is really too bleak.If given a choice, I'm afraid none of the monsters would choose to be so pretentious.

"What is the origin of this Lord of the Extreme Heaven Realm?"

"What's the matter?"

The fire-eyed golden ape was at a loss: "We just know that it is the master of the extreme heaven realm, but no one knows what it is."

Chen Hao couldn't help being a little speechless. This Lord of the Extreme Heaven Realm has ruled the Extreme Heaven Realm for countless years, but as the demon king in the Extreme Heaven Realm, he doesn't even know its origin?
In fact, this is also very normal.The Lord of the Extreme Heaven Realm is so terrifying, the demon king in the Extreme Heaven Realm can't resist under its lustful power, nor can he raise his mind to resist!
In this way, it is understandable for them not to know the origin of the Lord of the Extreme Heaven Realm.

"However, why haven't they heard about the Lord of the Extreme Heaven Realm in the cultivation world? Did they not know it at all, or did they know it and treat it as a secret?
In fact, every time the monks entering the Extreme Heaven Realm are under the distraction period, the monks in these realms cannot go deep into the Extreme Heaven Realm after entering the Extreme Heaven Realm.

It is even more impossible to deal with monsters of the demon king level.In front of the demon king, these human monks are just a group of weak ants.

Even if the Lord of the Extreme Heaven Realm happens to wake up, these people may be directly blown away.But with their strength and vision, they would only think that this is just a powerful demon king in the Extreme Heaven Realm, and they would never think of him as the Lord of the Extreme Heaven Realm.

The Lord of the Extreme Heaven Realm is much stronger than the Demon King, and may even be stronger than any monk in the realm of comprehension!That is to say, if the Lord of the Extreme Heaven Realm comes out of the cultivation world, then it is very likely that he will be No. 1 in the cultivation world, an existence that is invincible in all aspects of the cultivation world.

"Fortunately, the Lord of the Extreme Heaven Realm did not wake up for a very long time. Otherwise, we would not be able to enter and exit the Extreme Heaven Realm frequently in the future." Chen Hao pondered for a moment, thinking.

He left the fire-eyed golden ape, the food of the Lord of the Extreme Heaven Realm, and now he is not sure whether the Lord of the Extreme Heaven Realm has remembered him.It would be a tragedy if he missed it.

Anyone who is remembered by such a terrifying strong man will not be in a good mood.However, no matter how powerful the Lord of the Extreme Heaven Realm is, he can only show his power in the Extreme Heaven Realm.Even if he missed him, as long as Chen Hao didn't enter the Extreme Heaven Realm, he couldn't do anything to Chen Hao.

With Fire-Eyes Golden Ape, the Demon King in the Extreme Heaven Realm, even though he was only the lowest-level Demon King, Chen Hao still had a deeper understanding of the depths of the Extreme Heaven Realm.

In the Extreme Heaven Realm, there are countless demon kings!
Because although the Extreme Heaven Realm is just a secret realm, it is vaster than the Magic Mountain by many times.

The magic mountain is a million miles in size, but there is also a master of the magic mountain and ten demon kings.And there are similar existences in the Extreme Sky Realm, and they are even more powerful than the Magic Mountain.

"The Extreme Heaven Realm is extremely vast. In the deepest part, our powerful demon king dare not set foot there. He doesn't even know where the end of the Extreme Heaven Realm is. Perhaps only the Lord of the Extreme Heaven Realm knows, because it is from the depths of the Extreme Heaven Realm. Walked out." Fire-Eye Golden Ape said.

"It's so vast and boundless?" Chen Hao was shocked.So, isn't the Extreme Heaven Realm the same as the Cultivation Realm?The world of self-cultivation is also boundless, and even a half-step immortal can't go to the end of this world.

"It is said that there are immortals at the end of the extreme heaven realm! I don't know whether it is true or not. The place where you human monks usually haunt is just the outermost layer of the extreme heaven realm." Fire-eyed Golden Ape said.

"I didn't expect that the Extreme Heaven Realm would be so vast. Then, there must be a lot of spiritual veins in the depths of the Extreme Heaven Realm?" Chen Hao looked at the Fire-Eye Golden Ape and said.

"Naturally, there are a lot of spiritual veins. There are two ninth-grade spiritual veins suppressed under my training ground, and there are also a large number of other spiritual veins nearby. In the depths of the extreme sky, the last thing we need is spiritual veins." Huoyanjin Ape said a little depressed.

(End of this chapter)

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