Chapter 336 No Nonsense

In fact, although there are many spiritual veins in the depths of the Extreme Heaven Realm, they generally do not use spiritual veins for cultivation.After all, once he cultivated to the level of Demon King, he might be ordered by the Lord of the Extreme Heaven Realm and become its food.

These people would rather not be strong than become a powerful demon king.

However, there are too many spiritual veins in the depths of the Extreme Heaven Realm, resulting in an extremely strong spiritual energy there.Even if they don't cultivate, or even if they suppress their cultivation, there are still many monsters who are constantly breaking through to the Demon King.

Therefore, in the Extreme Heaven Realm, the least valuable thing is the spiritual vein.

"So many spiritual veins..." Chen Hao's eyes lit up immediately.He doesn't need to practice spiritual veins now, but there are still [-] Chaos members.

Moreover, these spiritual veins can be exchanged for a large number of magic weapons!These are the most lacking of Chaos members.

However, Chen Hao just thought about it.Not to mention the possibility of offending the Lord of the Extreme Heaven Realm now, once he enters the Extreme Heaven Realm, he will definitely be slapped to death by the Master of the Extreme Heaven Realm.

Even if the Lord of the Extreme Heaven Realm fell asleep again, as long as Chen Hao appeared in the depths of the Extreme Heaven Realm and was discovered by those demon kings, he and the fire-eyed golden ape would definitely be beaten to death by these angry demon kings.

After all, the Fire-Eye Golden Ape escaped.But it was them, the demon kings, who endured the wrath of the Lord of the Extreme Heaven Realm.Now they don't know what kind of terrifying scene they are experiencing in the Extreme Sky Realm.

But these have nothing to do with Chen Hao.

With a flash of his figure, Chen Hao appeared directly on Qingxuan Peak the next moment.As for the fire-eyed golden ape and the big black dog, they were not released.

Otherwise, with these two being incompatible, the entire Qingxuan Peak may be smashed to pieces once a war breaks out.

With a sweep of his mind, Chen Hao found that there were many new faces on Qingxuan Peak.There are already tens of thousands of people.Moreover, under the effect of Chen Hao's large number of Huiyuan Pills and Breaking Realm Pills, the strength of these people is not bad.Most people have reached the integration stage.

It's just because there is no relationship between the Breaking Tribulation Pill and the Transcendence Golden Pill, but there is no monk in the Transcending Tribulation Stage, let alone a cultivator in the Transformation Stage.

Although there are no top experts yet, the comprehensive strength of Qingxuan Peak is already comparable to other peaks.

The strength of Qingxuan Peak is gradually becoming stronger.

It has grown to this scale in just a few years, and the speed is quite astonishing.Of course, it cannot be compared with Chen Hao's Chaos.

With one step forward, Chen Hao has already appeared on the highest peak of Qingxuan Peak.Standing on the highest peak, Chen Hao looked into the distance, but soon after, his face darkened.

Vaguely, Chen Hao felt that there were a few very obscure but very powerful divine thoughts sweeping across Qingxuan Peak.

And the Great Immortal Formation that I had arranged before couldn't stop these people's divine thoughts.

These people are all existences of the strong level in Hidden Immortal Valley.

Chen Hao's face was a little gloomy. He still doesn't know whether these people are monitoring Qingxuan Peak or protecting Qingxuan Peak?If he was protecting Qingxuan Peak, Chen Hao wouldn't say anything.After all, with the protection of these powerful people, Qingxuan Peak must be extremely safe.

However, if these people monitor Qingxuan Peak...

The corners of Chen Hao's mouth curled up slightly, revealing a sneer.If Hidden Immortal Valley can't see the rapid rise of Qingxuan Peak, he doesn't mind moving the entire Qingxuan Peak into the system red envelope world.

With a cold snort, Chen Hao stepped forward and disappeared in the same place the next moment.When it reappeared, it was already on another mountain peak of Yinxian Valley.

Above the peak, a woman is sitting cross-legged, perhaps she is practicing.

"Elder Huangfu, Chen Hao asks to see you." Chen Hao looked up at Huangfu Ranxue, who was above the peak, and said in a deep voice.

"So it's Chen Hao, please come here." Huangfu Ranxue's faint voice came without any fluctuation.

Chen Hao took a step forward and came to Huangfu Ranxue's side. Taking a look at Huangfu Ranxue, Chen Hao was startled.

When he saw Huangfu Ranxue for the first time, Chen Hao already knew that she was an elder from Yinxian Valley, and she was very powerful.He also met Huangfu Ranxue a few times later, although every time they met, Chen Hao's strength was stronger than before.

But all along, he has been unable to see through the strength of this elder.

But now, Chen Hao felt even more vaguely in his heart that Huangfu Ranxue's strength was so strong that he could definitely kill him instantly!

That is to say, even Xue Chen and other strong men of the younger generation will be instantly killed by Huangfu Ranxue!

Huangfu Ranxue's strength is definitely at the level of an old monster.

"Chen Hao, did you come here today, did you think about joining us in the Immortal Valley?" Huangfu Ranxue looked at Chen Hao with an inexplicable smile on his face.

Chen Hao was startled, and couldn't help but smiled wryly.Many years ago, Huangfu Ranxue seemed to let Chen Hao join the Immortal Valley.At that time, Chen Hao said that he would think about it, but in the end he left without saying goodbye.

He had almost forgotten about this incident, but Huangfu Ranxue still remembered it unexpectedly.

Smiling, Chen Hao said: "You Yinxian Valley has produced a large number of talents, the chief disciple is No. 1 in the dragon and phoenix list, and there are countless other genius disciples. Even if I join the Yinxian Valley, it is just like a drop of water falling into the ocean." , not outstanding at all. And now that I am used to being alone, I really don’t want to be restricted by joining a sect.”

"Don't you really think about it?" Huangfu Ranxue looked at Chen Hao with a smile on her face.

Chen Hao shook his head: "I have enemies flying all over the sky now. Once I join the Hidden Immortal Valley, it will cause trouble for you. And I really don't want to be bound."

"As long as you join the Hidden Immortal Valley, no one in the cultivation world will dare to trouble you." Huangfu Ranxue said lightly, but there was a glint of killing intent between the words.

Chen Hao was taken aback, "Could it be that the Hidden Immortal Valley is already so powerful? Even the remaining few sects that are the top ten sects are ignored?"

"I've made up my mind, so the elder doesn't need to continue persuading me. I didn't come here today for this matter." Chen Hao looked at Huangfu Ranxue and said calmly and firmly.

Although Huangfu Ranxue has reached middle age, she is a great beauty.Compared with Zhao Zhiqing, Hu Tong and the others were young and astringent, Huangfu Ranxue was a bit more mature and more attractive.

"I just want to ask, are the people in Yinxian Valley monitoring Qingxuan Peak?" Chen Hao looked at Huangfu Ranxue, not moved by the other's beauty, but asked in a deep voice.

Huangfu Ranxue was startled at first, then smiled slightly, and saw she stood up slowly, looked at Chen Hao and said with a smile: "You found out? Since you have already found out, I won't keep it from you anymore? You What do you think Hidden Immortal Valley means?"

Chen Hao shook his head, and said in a deep voice, "No matter how I guess, it's still just a guess. I just want to know the answer."

Huangfu Ranxue didn't speak, but just looked at Chen Hao, and after a long time, she said: "Zhao Zhiqing is one of the two saintesses of my hidden fairy valley, you should know. Moreover, Zhao Zhiqing is one of the special physique fairy Body, you know better than me."

Chen Hao nodded slightly: "Of course I know, the reason why I decided to send Zhiqing to the Hidden Immortal Valley was because you saw Zhiqing's physique, and I also believed that you would fall in love with teaching Zhiqing. But..."

I saw Chen Hao looking at Huangfu Ranxue, and then said solemnly: "As a fairy body, she has achieved great achievements, and her cultivation speed is also amazing. With my help, Qingxuan Peak has also developed rapidly. .If Yinxian Valley makes any plans for Zhiqing because of this, I absolutely disagree. Elder Huangfu, you should know what I'm talking about."

Huangfu Ranxue was slightly taken aback, Chen Hao's words were a little low.But there was a hint of fierce killing intent between the words.

Huangfu Ranxue's heart trembled, she was much, much stronger than Chen Hao.But at this moment, hearing Chen Hao's murderous words made her feel cold.

It took her by surprise.

But it turned around very quickly, and Huangfu Ranxue felt relieved.

Chen Hao's cultivation speed is really too fast.Before, it was only in the state of distraction, and it was already possible to kill monks in the state of transformation.And once he cultivated to the metamorphosis stage?
It must be known that it has only been about ten years since Chen Hao stepped into the world of comprehension.With the speed of his cultivation, he can reach the stage of metamorphosis within a few decades.

At that time, with Chen Hao's strength, I am afraid that no one in the cultivation world will be his opponent.

If you offend such a strong man for nothing, even the top ten sects can't afford it.

Moreover, with his affection and character towards Zhao Zhiqing, as long as someone dares to hurt Zhao Zhiqing, then Chen Hao will retaliate with all his strength!At that time, even Yinxian Valley will not be able to bear Chen Hao's anger.

But fortunately, Hidden Immortal Valley will not be disadvantageous to Zhao Zhiqing.On the contrary, Hidden Immortal Valley did everything possible to protect Zhao Zhiqing.

"In a few years, Chen Hao will fully grow up. If he can join the Hidden Immortal's a pity." Huangfu Ranxue sighed, because it was a pity that Chen Hao didn't join the Hidden Immortal Valley.

She smiled slightly, looked at Chen Hao and said, "Zhao Zhiqing is one of the saintesses. We in Yinxian Valley will only do our best to cultivate her and protect her. There is absolutely no intention of monitoring her. You can rest assured."

"I don't want Zhiqing to suffer any harm. In some matters, if she is unwilling, I hope you will not force her. Otherwise, I will be very impulsive." Chen Hao said lightly.

Huangfu Ranxue smiled, "Don't you believe me?"

Chen Hao laughed: "Of course I believe Elder Huangfu. If it's okay, I'll leave first." After finishing speaking, before Huangfu Ranxue could speak, he stepped forward and disappeared on Huangfu Ranxue's mountain peak.

Huangfu Ranxue shook her head: "This kid, really..."

When he reappeared, Chen Hao had already returned to Qingxuan Peak.After confirming from Huangfu Ranxue that these powerful spiritual thoughts were not monitoring Qingxuan Peak, Chen Hao felt relieved.

At this time, Zhao Zhiqing was still outside and hadn't come back.

"This time Zhiqing also appeared in the Immortal Tomb. With her strength and the strong man from the Hidden Immortal Valley beside her, she also collected some spiritual veins. However, without the Qiankun Yinyang Cauldron, the Yuanhui Pill on her body should have been consumed almost."

Although Lingmai can be exchanged back to Yuandan, how can it compare to Chen Hao's transformation speed?Moreover, Zhao Zhiqing's spirit veins should not be as many as her own.

During this trip to the fairy tomb, Chen Hao got hundreds of spiritual veins, close to a thousand spiritual veins.Although there are so many spiritual veins, although they are not comparable to the survival of the major sects, Chen Hao is no longer a poor man in terms of personal property.

"Since Zhiqing hasn't come back, I can't give them the Pojie Pill. Then let's raise the aura of Qingxuan Peak first." With a thought, Chen Hao soared into the sky and appeared above Qingxuan Peak.

"Who is rushing into Qingxuan Peak?" The moment Chen Hao appeared in the void, two soft voices came, and then two female monks at the fusion stage rose into the air, one after the other. Sandwiching Chen Hao in the middle, he looked at her murderously.

Although Chen Hao appeared here twice before, he was not discovered by anyone.Now he just appears above the void, as long as he is not blind, he can see it, let alone these are monks?
Seeing these two women looking at him with murderous looks, Chen Hao felt a little depressed.These women were all disciples who joined Qingxuan Peak later, and they didn't know Chen Hao at all.

Moreover, Zhao Zhiqing, Hua Wei and others are not here now.

It's hard to explain.Chen Hao's thoughts turned, thinking about how to explain his identity to them.

"Leave Qingxuan Peak quickly, or we won't treat you politely!" Seeing that Chen Hao didn't answer, one of the women turned cold and shouted angrily.

At the same time, a few more women in the Fusion stage rose into the air nearby, and they all looked at Chen Hao with murderous intent, but at the same time they were a little puzzled.

The entire Qingxuan Peak was shrouded in the Great Immortal Formation, except for the disciples of Qingxuan Peak, other people would not know how to get in and out.Moreover, even if someone sneaked into Qingxuan Peak, it was only sneaky, but this guy appeared in the void as if the whole world knew about it.

Isn't this courting death?
"I'm Chen Hao." Chen Hao had no choice but to say this.These people are all disciples of Qingxuan Peak, if they were disciples of other sects, Chen Hao would have slapped them away long ago, regardless of whether he was a man or a woman.

"What? You are Chen Hao? That's the notorious big devil Chen Hao?" Hearing this, all the girls changed their faces instantly, and then almost unanimously stepped back a few steps, looking at Chen Hao with a look of surprise. .

"Am I that scary?"

Chen Hao smiled embarrassingly.Usually when those people see him, they are not murderous, or they just come up with weapons and yell at him.How could anyone be scared off by himself?
"Chen Hao, we Qingxuan Peak does not welcome you, please leave here. Otherwise, we will launch a formation to strangle you. This is the Valley of Immortals, and you cannot tolerate your presumptuousness." The girls did not disperse after being shocked. .

One of the women took a step forward, looked at Chen Hao and said in a deep voice.

"I'm too lazy to talk to you." Chen Hao shook his head, not paying attention to what this woman said.

(End of this chapter)

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