Chapter 340 Kill
"You dead dog, see if I don't beat you to death and eat black dog meat!"

A sound like thunder came, and a big golden ape was holding a golden stick like Optimus Prime, and it opened and closed with murderous intent.

On the opposite side of the ape was a big black dog like a mountain. The black energy lingered on the big black dog, and a wave of extremely fierce breath came out, shocking the world.

But the most shocking thing is the attack method of this big black dog.

The paw was shot, the void shattered, and the mountain was annihilated.But this is not the most amazing thing, the most amazing thing is its big dog mouth.

The big mouth opened, and with a click, a large piece of Void was bitten off.The originally good void suddenly showed a huge hole, which was very terrifying.

"These two monsters from the Demon Mountain are powerful monsters in the metamorphosis stage." Seeing these two monsters fighting, the expressions of the nearby monks changed drastically.

"Is it this dirty dog?"

Among the crowd was a cultivator who had seen the big black dog in the fairy tomb, and when he heard the big black dog's classics, he immediately recognized the big black dog's identity.

These people immediately gritted their teeth at the big black dog, after all, the big black dog's mouth is really cheap.All of a sudden, many monks felt murderous against this big black dog.

However, no one dared to attack the big black dog.After all, there is an old man beside the big black dog. That guy pretends to be a pig and eats a tiger, and his strength is very terrifying.

Maybe that old guy is nearby. If someone makes a move against the big black dog, then that old guy might make a move. If they unite with the big black dog, these people think that they are not their opponents.

The fire-eyed golden ape smashed down a mountain range below with a stick.Some monks who couldn't escape were also crushed to death.

But the big black dog was even more terrifying.The ferocious big dog opened its mouth, and directly swallowed countless mountain peaks and many monks.

Frightened by the ferociousness of the two powerful monsters, the nearby monks backed up frequently, for fear of being hurt by the fish in the pond.However, the two monsters who were fighting were flying towards Chen Hao and Ma Tianyun.

Ma Tianyun's face suddenly darkened, and he looked at the big black dog and the fire-eyed golden ape who were coming towards him with a murderous look. However, he relied on his own powerful strength and did not leave, but still stood at the peak. above.

On the other hand, Chen Hao, Gao Feng, who was facing Ma Tianyun, had already sacrificed the void mirror, suspended above the void, and sealed off the void.

Seeing this, Ma Tianyun gave a cold snort of disdain, thinking in his heart that Chen Hao was greedy for life and afraid of death.

"Golden retriever gorilla, don't run away, your dog master is going to eat you." At this time, the big black dog had already approached Ma Tianyun and Chen Hao.It first roared, and then opened its mouth wide, facing the Fire-Eyes Golden Ape, and even Chen Hao and Ma Tianyun were covered in its mouth, biting down fiercely.

A cold light flashed in the eyes of the big black dog, and suddenly turned its head, gave up attacking the fire-eyed golden ape and bit Ma Tianyun hard.

The big black dog did all this very secretly, after all, what he was chasing and killing was the Fire-Eye Golden Ape.But Fire-Eyes Golden Ape is very close to Ma Tianyun.

Looking at it this way, no one could find out whether the big black dog was targeting the Fire-Eye Golden Ape or Ma Tianyun.

Watching the big black dog crush the void with one bite, covering himself and biting down quickly.As the person involved, Ma Tianyun's face changed slightly, and then endless murderous intent erupted in his heart.

Let alone whether the target of the big black dog is himself or not, even if it is not him, Ma Tianyun will also raise his murderous intent if it hurts him.After all, no matter who it is, if they are attacked without reason and words, they will be upset and fight back.

Therefore, Ma Tianyun snorted coldly and fought back.He stretched out his big hand and slapped it upwards, facing the big black dog, intending to slap the big black dog to death.

"Damn dog, die for me!"

At this moment, the Fire-Eye Golden Ape yelled violently, and slammed down on the big black dog with a stick.However, during this process, Fire-Eye Golden Ape's golden stick suddenly turned a corner and hit Ma Tianyun directly.

"The target of these two monsters is me."

Ma Tianyun was furious and finally reacted.Although he didn't know why these two monsters wanted to kill him, he already had the intention to kill him.

With the other hand, he punched the golden stick that the Fire-Eye Golden Ape dropped.

The two sides fought together in an instant, and the terrifying impact force erupted violently. Immediately, the void of the three of them, including the mountains, was directly smashed by this terrible impact force at the first time.

One side came prepared, while the other side responded hastily.In addition, the strength of the fire-eyed golden ape and the big black dog are not weak.Therefore, the big black dog and the fire-eyed golden ape were just blown away.

But Ma Tianyun was also sent flying, and blood was sprayed from the mouth of the bombardment.Under the sneak attack of two powerful monsters, even Ma Tianyun was injured.

However, he was only injured, and with the strength of the big black dog and the fire-eyed golden ape, he was still unable to kill him.

Ma Tianyun was furious in his heart, endless murderous intent soared into the sky, and the murderous intent filled the world, it was very terrifying.At this moment, a very strong sense of danger came from behind him.

Ma Tianyun was taken aback, and immediately slapped it with his backhand.

Terrifying power erupted, and the magic weapon that came in a sneak attack was directly blasted away by him.However, Ma Tianyun also let out a scream, and saw that the big hand he slapped disappeared instantly.

Ma Tianyun became more and more furious.With a shock of strength, his arm was shattered.Just now when he slapped backhand, although he knocked away the magic weapon for the sneak attack, the strange power contained in the magic weapon also burned his arm into powder.

Moreover, those terrifying forces spread rapidly along his severed hand towards his body.If he didn't cut off his severed hand, his body would also be burnt to powder.

With a thought, Ma Tianyun would teleport away from this place.But the next moment, he discovered to his horror that the void here had been blocked and he could not teleport.

"Chen Hao!"

Ma Tianyun roared angrily.Blocking the void, this is the supernatural power of the void mirror.Reminiscent of Chen Hao's sacrifice of the void mirror before, Ma Tianyun thought that Chen Hao was greedy for life and afraid of death, but he did not expect that the other party was just for this moment.

All of this was directed by Chen Hao.The two monsters were also arranged by Chen Hao for Ma Tianyun.

Ma Tianyun was furious and roared, the aura on his body began to increase crazily, becoming more and more terrifying.

"Ma Tianyun, die for me!"

Chen Hao once again sacrificed the Qiankun Yinyang Cauldron and directly suppressed and killed Ma Tianyun.Just now he used the Qiankun Yinyang Cauldron to sneak attack and destroy one of Ma Tianyun's hands.

At the same time, both the Fire-Eye Golden Ape and the Big Black Dog charged over again, attacking and killing Ma Tianyun with the strongest force.


Terrifying power continued to erupt, and the three of Chen Hao launched the strongest means, bombarding and killing Ma Tianyun frantically.And Ma Tianyun is worthy of being the chief disciple of Xutianzong, the eighth superpower in the dragon and phoenix list, even though he was injured first, even though he was bombed and killed by Chen Hao and the three, he is still very brave.

I saw that he was full of murderous aura, his body was full of divine light, and the terrible breath erupted from him like a tide.With every punch, kick, and movement, the void was continuously shattered.

"What exactly is going on?"

Seeing the sky-shattering and earth-shattering battle of the four people in front of them, the sun and the moon were darkened, and the nearby monks didn't react for a while.

"Chen Hao and those two monsters are in the same group, and Chen Hao is going to kill the chief disciple of Xu Tianzong." Someone finally reacted.

"The strength of Chen Hao and the three is good, but Ma Tianyun is even stronger. Although he was injured first, Ma Tianyun is faintly suppressing the three of Chen Hao at this time. The combination of the three of Chen Hao is not his opponent, it is truly terrifying."

"Not necessarily, Chen Hao is extremely cunning and cunning. If he is not sure, how could he take such a big risk?"

"Look, I believe there will be a result soon."

Chen Hao punched out Ma Tianyun directly.However, he was also kicked by Ma Tianyu.

A burst of force came, and Chen Hao was instantly sent flying.In the process, he even saw several of his own bones being broken.

His physical body was already comparable to a fairy weapon, and even a few bones were broken. One can imagine how terrifying Ma Tianyun's power is.

If it wasn't for the help of the Fire-Eyes Golden Ape and the Big Black Dog, Chen Hao would have been defeated long ago.

But even so, they are not Ma Tianyun's opponents.At this time, although the fire-eyed golden ape and the big black dog roared and fought with Ma Tianyun upside down, if their physical bodies were not very strong, they would have been blasted to pieces long ago.

"Today, Ma Tianyun must die!"

Chen Hao let out a low cry in his heart, stepped on the military formula, and rushed forward again.

A huge banner appeared in the sky above Chen Hao's head, billowing with devilish energy and gloomy energy.It was the soul-calling banner that was taken from Ma Tiancheng.

"Ma Tianyun, this soul-calling banner is your brother's magic weapon, and he was also killed by me, and his soul was swallowed by the soul-calling banner. Today I will send you to reunite with your brother." While speaking, the soul-calling banner Controlled by Chen Hao, it shook quickly, and a wave of force rushed directly towards Ma Tianyun, trying to tear Ma Tianyun's soul out of his body.

Ma Tianyun's mind was shocked, and the moment he looked up and saw the Soul Calling Banner, he became even more angry.

"Death to me!"

Ma Tianyun let out a roar, and punched out, the sky fell apart and the ground shattered, and he quickly bombarded Chen Hao.Terrifying power erupted, and the void was continuously annihilated.

Chen Hao sneered, stepped on the military formula, and avoided Ma Tianyun's attack in an instant.

After the strength breakthrough, Chen Hao's speed was comparable to teleportation.While the void here is blocked, Ma Tianyun cannot teleport.Ma Tianyun, who couldn't teleport, was still not slow, but it was far behind Chen Hao.

The power of the soul-calling banner finally attacked Ma Tianyun, and began to frantically pull Ma Tianyun's soul, making him scream again and again.At the same time, the attacks of the big black dog and the fire-eyed golden ape became more and more sharp.

Calling the soul banner, Qiankun Yinyang tripod.

When there was only one Qiankun Yinyang cauldron, those Yinyang fires already made Ma Tianyun very afraid.Although relying on his powerful strength, he couldn't get the Qiankun Yinyang Cauldron close, but it also cost Ma Tianyun a part of his mind to deal with the Qiankun Yinyang Cauldron.

At this time, there are even more soul-calling banners.The power of the summoning banner is even more terrifying than the Qiankun Yinyang Cauldron.

Although the yin and yang fire is said to burn the world, it is also a tangible and qualitative flame.But the power of the soul-calling banner is invisible and qualitative, and it is impossible to guard against it.

As soon as the summoning banner came out, Ma Tianyun suddenly felt pressure doubled.In particular, the power of the soul-calling banner kept bombarding his soul, making his soul tremble and shudder unceasingly.

The soul is the foundation of a life, and the soul has been violently attacked. Naturally, Ma Tianyun's attack and even his strength have been greatly affected.

Especially Chen Hao's attack of one man and two beasts is still so sharp.

The fire-eyed golden ape hit Ma Tianyun's head hard with a stick, and the terrifying force almost smashed Ma Tianyun's head into pieces.But Ma Tianyun also has a powerful magic weapon, which blocked most of the attacks.

Otherwise, his head would be crushed by the fire-eyed golden ape with a stick.But even so, Ma Tianyun was ruthlessly smashed deep into the ground.

Ma Tianyun's head roared for a while, and he lost his mind for a while.

But at such a moment, Chen Hao, the big black dog, and even the fire-eyed golden ape seized this opportunity and crazily poured their attacks and power on Ma Tianyun.

In just an instant, the three of Chen Hao hit hundreds of thousands of attacks, and Ma Tianyun, who was directly killed, roared again and again, and was injured again.

Ma Tianyun was very angry at this time, roaring again and again.

First, he was beaten by the big black dog and the fire-eyed golden ape, and suffered a little injury.Then he was attacked by Chen Hao again, and one hand was destroyed.Since then, his strength has dropped by at least [-]%.

And in order to be killed by the Qiankun Yinyang Cauldron, he allocated part of his strength to resist the Qiankun Yinyang Cauldron.In the end, a part of the strength was allocated to resist the attack of the soul-calling banner.

As a result, his strength has dropped by at least [-]%.

They were not the opponents of Chen Hao and the three of them at all.

"Great Vajra wheel print!"

With a loud roar, Chen Hao shot out a magic seal like a mountain to kill Ma Tianyun.At the same time, he vigorously urged the Soul Calling Banner, attacking and killing Ma Tianyun frantically.And Qiankun Yinyang Cauldron continued to chase and kill Ma Tianyun like a shadow, trying to suppress and kill him.

Under Chen Hao's crazy attack of one man and two beasts, and the void was blocked, he couldn't teleport.Suddenly, Ma Tianyun, the chief disciple of Xutianzong, was in danger frequently.

boom! boom! boom!
Both the big black dog's attack and the fire-eyed golden ape's attack were very violent.If Ma Tianyun was in the whole province, the attacks of the two big black dogs might not be able to hurt him.

But now Ma Tianyun has been injured.Under Chen Hao's crazy attack, under the strong attack of Qiankun Yinyang Cauldron and Summoning Banner, Ma Tianyun's strength was weakened by at least half.

(End of this chapter)

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