The Best Red Packet System of Rebirth

Chapter 341 pierce the sky

Chapter 341 pierce the sky

With only [-]% of the peak strength, Ma Tianyun's strength is still very terrifying. If it is an ordinary metamorphosis master, it is impossible to get close to him.

However, the three of Chen Hao are not ordinary masters.Especially the two monster beasts, the big black dog and the fire-eyed golden ape, the existence of the monster king level is not only powerful, but also terrifying in body.

A paw slapped out, and the sky fell apart, and it hit Ma Tiancheng's body, breaking his bones as well.And Fire-Eyes Golden Ape's golden stick was even more powerful, like a mountain of gods, hitting Ma Tianyun's body, making Ma Tianyun miserable.

If it weren't for the treasures on Ma Tianyun's body to protect his body, his body would have been smashed to pieces by the big black dog and the fire-eyed golden ape long ago.

"Could it be that this bastard is covered with a layer of turtle skin? Why is it so difficult to fight?" During the battle, the big black dog was very upset.

Although Ma Tianyun had already been suppressed and beaten by them, Ma Tianyun's body was shrouded in a faint blue light.It was this layer of faint blue light that resisted most of the attacks of the three of them, preventing them from killing Ma Tianyun.

However, under the attack of Chen Hao and the others, this layer of faint blue light has quickly faded.I'm afraid I can't support it.

Sure enough, it didn't take long before the fire-eyed golden ape smashed down with a stick, and with a bang, the blue light covering Ma Tianyun's body was completely shattered.

The magic weapon of protection was shattered, and Ma Tianyun immediately let out a scream.

Unlike other masters, Ma Tianyun does not have many powerful magic weapons such as fairy weapons.Because he doesn't need it.With his strength enough to walk in the realm of comprehension.

If you encounter those powerful enemies, if you are not an opponent, even if you have a powerful magic weapon, it will be in vain.Therefore, except for a protective fairy weapon, he no longer has a powerful fairy weapon.

If it was normal, even if Chen Hao had the Qiankun Yinyang Cauldron and Calling Soul Banner, the three of them would not be Ma Tianyun's opponents, and they would be beheaded by Ma Tianyun in the end.

However, Chen Hao showed a sneak attack, first cut off one of Ma Tianyun's arms, and cut off part of his cultivation.Therefore, he used the soul-calling banner and the Qiankun Yin-Yang cauldron to suppress another part of his power.

The most important thing is that the three of them shot very violently, making it impossible for Ma Tianyun to leave the void blocked by the void mirror.This finally led to this scene, where Ma Tianyun was suppressed by Chen Hao and the three.

"Ma Tianyun, don't even think about resisting, I'll send you to reunite with your brother today." Chen Hao sneered, and punched out the big diamond wheel marks one by one.

Whether it was Chen Hao's attack, the big black dog's attack, or the fire-eyed golden ape's attack, none of them could kill Ma Tianyun immediately.What makes Ma Tianyun scruples is the Qiankun Yinyang Cauldron and the Calling Soul Banner.

In particular, the soul-calling banner kept pulling on his soul, making his soul tremble and almost breaking Ma Tianyun.

"Do your best to kill him in the shortest possible time." Chen Hao shouted, no longer attacking, but began to urge the soul-calling banner with all his strength.

On the other side, the big black dog and the fire-eyed golden ape were even more ferocious.

The power flew across, the sky collapsed and the earth cracked, the earth trembled, and the sky trembled.

The battle between two people and two beasts was very terrifying, and the world collapsed and shattered as they fought directly.It can be described as earth-shattering.

It's just that their battle is earth-shattering, but it's not as frightening as the spectators around in the distance.

At this moment, the monks looked at the battle ahead and were already shocked.Especially when they saw Ma Tianyun being suppressed by Chen Hao and the other three to attack him madly, these people couldn't help being stunned.

After all, Ma Tianyun is the eighth super existence on the dragon and phoenix list, but now he is so vulnerable!Although Chen Hao gained this advantage by relying on sneak attacks, it was also Chen Hao's strength after all.

"It looks like Ma Tianyun will be in a tragedy today." Someone said so.

"Ma Tianyun is the eighth super master in the Dragon and Phoenix list. Although he is being suppressed and beaten now, there must be someone behind him. Maybe Chen Hao will be killed by them."

"Ma Tianyun will definitely die." Someone said with certainty.

"Death for sure?" Someone sneered, "Ma Tianyun is the chief disciple of Xutianzong, one of the top ten sects. He is not only extremely powerful, but also has a very high status. How could he be killed so easily?"

"Looking at this, what cards does Ma Tianyun have?" someone said in a deep voice.

In the distance, Ma Tianyun was in a very embarrassing state, covered in blood, and was killed even more miserably.It's just that this guy is worthy of being a superpower of the younger generation, and he still survived after being bombarded for so long.

Even though Chen Hao used the Soul Calling Banner, he couldn't be killed.It is conceivable that Ma Tianyun's soul must be very strong.

The stronger the strength, the stronger the soul.

But no matter how powerful the soul is, it will be attacked by the soul-calling banner.The stronger the soul, the more able it is to resist the attack of the summoning banner.However, if the summoning banner keeps attacking, no matter how powerful the soul is, it will undoubtedly die.

Unless Ma Tianyun escaped.But now it seems that Chen Hao has trapped him.

"Today, you all must die, all of you must die!" Ma Tianyun roared, the light on his body shot up into the sky, and he was extremely angry.

"You bastard, you talk so much nonsense when you're about to die, and you, Lord Tiangou, will swallow you up later." The big black dog yelled angrily, and slapped Ma Tianyun's head fiercely with its paw, almost Ma Tianyun's head was smashed into pieces.

Ma Tianyun was furious: "You bastard, I will kill you first!"

While speaking, Ma Tianyun ignored the attacks of Fire-Eye Golden Ape and Chen Hao, and rushed straight to the big black dog.

But the big black dog was happy and fearless. With a bark, it turned into a black light and charged forward, fighting Ma Tianyun.

"Uncle Tiangou, if you don't show off your power, you will treat me like a sick cat, you bastard little boy, let's see if I don't shoot you to death." The big black dog swears wildly and uses both hands and feet, killing Ma Tianyun very brutally.

At this time, Chen Hao was a little anxious.

This battle has taken a long time.It has alarmed many strong people nearby.More and more powerhouses have come over.

If it is still impossible to kill Ma Tianyun, if someone interferes and leaves Ma Tianyun, all previous efforts will be wasted.

"Ma Tianyun must be killed as soon as possible! Only part of the power can be exposed." Chen Hao gritted his teeth, and at the same time sent out a voice transmission: "Every member of Chaos listens to the order..."

"Ma Tianyun is in danger. If there is no strong person in Xutianzong, he will definitely die today." Seeing that Ma Tianyun was getting more and more injured, the monks in the distance shook their heads, thinking that Ma Tianyun might be killed today.

"Chen Hao is very powerful, and he wounded Ma Tianyun with a sneak attack. But it was only wounded. It is impossible to kill him." An old monk said lightly.

"You seem to be very sure?" Someone nearby came over and asked.

The old monk smiled faintly: "Don't you know about guardians? Like the younger generation of superpowers and monks with heavenly talents, their sects will send them a guardian to protect him."

"With Ma Tianyun's strength and status, the strength of his guardian must be terrifying. Now that Ma Tianyun has been severely injured, if I guessed correctly, it's time for his guardian to act."


The people around were all in a daze, they had never heard of it at all.He was only dubious about what the old monk said.

"Enough is enough, this is the end of the matter."

Not long after the old monk's voice fell, a faint and slightly old voice appeared in the world.At the same time, a big hand suddenly protruded from the sky above the sky, covering the sky and covering the earth, and slapped Chen Hao and the others with terrifying coercion.

"finally come."

Chen Hao's eyes flashed sharply.

The one who made the move must be Ma Tianyun's guardian.At least one step of immortal powerhouse, this kind of powerhouse can slap Chen Hao to death with a single palm.

The only thing Chen Hao can do now is to give up killing Ma Tianyun and run away immediately.Otherwise, they will be killed by Ma Tianyun's guardians.

However, although Chen Hao's face changed slightly, he didn't have the thought of running away, let alone the thought of panic.

At this time, Ma Tianyun's eyes erupted with radiant light.

He knew it was his guardian who shot.He knew that his guardian would strike at a critical moment, so even though he was almost killed by Chen Hao three times before, he didn't run away, nor was he frightened.

It is because he has confidence in the strength of his guardian.

"Today you are all going to die." Ma Tianyun sneered, and the aura in his body began to surge.It seems that with the appearance of the guardian, his strength has also been improved.

"You were overjoyed too soon. Your daddy protector took action, but it couldn't save your life." Chen Hao sneered.

Ma Tianyun disdains.


The moment that monstrous big hand appeared, another big hand appeared in the distant sky.Traversing the void, blocking the big hand of Ma Tianyun's guardian.

"Looking for death." Furious, Ma Tianyun's Taoist guard slapped him with a palm, and fought with the big hand that suddenly appeared.Shatter half the sky.

"Haha, these are the games of the juniors, we old guys don't need to get involved." A loud laugh came, and another big hand came out from the crowd, and met the big hand that Ma Tianyun's guardian patted.

Seeing this, Ma Tianyun was shocked, and Chen Hao was also a little surprised.However, what surprised him was still behind.

The void shattered violently, and a terrifying breath came out, shocking the sky and the earth.A big hand suddenly protruded out of the void, and met Ma Tianyun's guardian.

This is the third Daoist to make a move.

The three guardians took action to trash Ma Tianyun's guardians. Obviously, these people wanted Ma Tianyun to die.

Ma Tianyun is the chief disciple of Xutianzong, he is powerful, and he is the third in the dragon and phoenix list.This level of powerhouse, unless those old monster-level existences make a move, the younger generation will rarely be able to kill them.

However, usually the powerhouses of these major sects can't make a move.Otherwise, once discovered, it will definitely cause a war between the two sects.

At that time, the entire comprehension world will be messed with.

However, they can't do it, but they don't want to watch the disciples of other sects grow up.Therefore, when they saw that Chen Hao might kill Ma Tianyun, these guardians took action.

They didn't kill Ma Tianyun directly, and they didn't even interfere with the battle between Chen Hao and Chen Hao at all.They just need to temporarily stop Ma Tianyun's guardian, so that he cannot save Ma Tianyun in time.

At that time, Ma Tianyun was killed, and it had nothing to do with them.Moreover, even if Xutianzong was furious at that time, he would only trouble Chen Hao.

Therefore, when the first guardian shot to intercept, then several guardians shot one after another.

"You are looking for death! Are you trying to provoke a war between Xu Tianzong and you?" Ma Tianyun's guardian was very angry, roared, and wanted to break through the blockade of everyone and go to rescue Ma Tianyun.

"Haha, what are you talking about? We just want to get together with you. We don't want to get involved in the fights between those young people." A Taoist guard laughed loudly, but his shots were very sharp. The sky-shattering and earth-shattering punch between the palm and the punch, it seems that it is not just as simple as blocking.

It seems that he still wants to destroy this guardian.

After all, the strength of Taoists is also ranked first in the sect.If this protector is also killed today, and Xu Tianzong's chief disciple is also killed, then Xu Tianzong will definitely be hit hard.

This is exactly what they like to see.It is their favorite thing to do to trample other sects under their feet.

Ma Tianyun's guardian roared again and again, quickly improving his strength, but was stopped by several guardians of young strong men from other sects, and he was still unable to break through their blockade, so he could only act in a hurry.

At this time, Ma Tianyun roared again and again on the other side of the battlefield.

When he saw someone blocking his protector from taking action, he felt that something was wrong.

It is clear that today these people wish themselves dead.In addition to Chen Hao, there might be Xue Chen among the crowd, who is a strong young generation from various sects.

Although these people seem to have no hatred on the surface, if given the chance, they would not mind stabbing Ma Tianyun in the back a few times.

If Chen Hao couldn't kill him, then those strong men of the younger generation would definitely attack.After all, today is the best chance to kill Ma Tianyun.If this opportunity was missed, it would be impossible to kill Ma Tianyun.

Ma Tianyun is naturally aware of the current crisis.

I saw him roaring again and again, constantly improving his strength, trying to break through the three blockades of Chen Hao and escape.However, the horror of the Qiankun Yinyang Cauldron and the Calling Soul Banner made him very afraid, and he was still unable to exert a stronger power, so he was still unable to escape the bombardment and killing of Chen Hao and the three of them.

However, at this time, the three of Chen Hao were also a little embarrassed.Chen Hao is not bad, because of the tree of life, no matter what injuries he receives, he will recover in the shortest time and return to his peak.

It's just that the big black dog and the fire-eyed golden ape were covered in blood from the bombardment.The bodies of the two of them were very strong, but they were also wounded, causing shocking wounds.

(End of this chapter)

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