Chapter 342 Anger
One can imagine how terrifying Ma Tianyun's strength is.

This is only due to the fact that Ma Tianyun can only exert half of his strength. If he can exert his peak strength, Chen Hao and the others are no match for him at all.

However, Chen Hao's meticulously designed sneak attack doomed him to his defeat today.

Chen Hao controlled the Qiankun Yinyang Cauldron and quickly suppressed it, forcing Ma Tianyun to retreat.At the same time, a crack suddenly opened in the void above the heads of the three of them.

A huge mountain-like hand protruded from the void out of thin air, and the terrifying power spread out like a tide, shattering everything within a radius of several thousand miles, and even a large piece of the sky was crushed.

"Ma Tianyun, die!"

Chen Hao roared, and immediately, this big hand that appeared out of thin air carried terrifying power and quickly suppressed Ma Tianyun.

Ma Tianyun was taken aback, with a terrified look on his face.At this moment, an extremely strong feeling of death rose from the bottom of his heart.

He knew that if he couldn't stop this big hand, he would have nothing but death today.

The big hand quickly pressed down, and the terrifying force unexpectedly crushed the void mirror that had been floating above their heads in the void.

Ma Tianyun roared, and at this moment he completely gave up his cultivation to fight against the soul-calling banner and the Qiankun Yin-Yang Cauldron, and raised his strength to the limit, blasting and killing the big hand that was shot above the sky.

The forces of both sides collided rapidly.Ma Tianyun's all-out force was totally vulnerable to a single blow, even before it hit the big hand, it was already shattered by the endless coercion emanating from the big hand.

With a whoosh, the big hand quickly snapped it with a world-shattering coercion.

Ma Tianyun roared, his figure flickered, and he disappeared in place with a teleportation.


After the loud noise, the big hand had already slammed it down, but Ma Tianyun was allowed to leave here without any trouble.Although the coercion of the big hand is terrifying, but without the Xutian mirror to seal the void, Ma Tianyun can teleport.

However, although Ma Tianyun teleported away at the first time, he just felt uncomfortable.The moment he teleported, the terrifying power erupted from the big hand smashed half of his body to pieces!

It even forced him out of the void.

The Fire-Eye Golden Ape rushed forward with a teleport, and maimed Ma Tianyun with a stick.At the same time, the paw of the big black dog slapped Ma Tianyun's head fiercely, smashing half of his head into pieces.

However, even so, Ma Tianyun is not dead yet.

Chen Hao's face was indifferent, and he rushed forward stepping on the military formula, only to see that he only grabbed the soul-calling banner with both hands and shook it quickly.One after another of devilish energy erupted with eerie power, strangling Ma Tianyun.

Half the body, but half the head was smashed.Although Ma Tianyun did not die, he was severely injured.Facing Chen Hao and the others, he had no power to fight back.

With a wave of the soul-calling flag, Ma Tianyun's soul was immediately pulled out of his body.

Ma Tianyun is dead!
At the same time, on the other side, Ma Tianyun's guardian fought hard, and finally broke through the blockade of several guardians.

However, at this moment, he happened to see Ma Tianyun's body falling from the void.

Shua! Shua!Swish!
Seeing that Ma Tianyun was dead, the guardians of the various sects who had blocked him earlier withdrew their attacks at the same time.They wanted to kill Ma Tianyun, but why didn't they want Chen Hao to die?

Now that Ma Tianyun has been killed, they will naturally stop blocking Ma Tianyun's guardian.They even hoped that Ma Tianyun's guardian would kill Chen Hao.

After all, the speed of Chen Hao's rise is really too fast, even more terrifying than Ma Tianyun's generation.

"Chen Hao, you deserve to die!" Ma Tianyun's guardian roared and disappeared instantly.At the same time, a terrifyingly large hand appeared above the heads of Chen Hao and the others out of thin air, and it shot down like a thunderbolt, intending to kill Chen Hao and the others.


Chen Hao's face changed drastically, he grabbed the big black dog and the fire-eyed golden ape one by one, and rushed into the red envelope world of the system.During this process, Chen Hao did not forget to use his strength to condense a big hand to take Ma Tianyun's storage ring into his hand.

"Even if you escape to the ends of the earth, I will kill you!"

Ma Tianyun's Taoist guard was very furious. He slammed his big hand, shattered the void, plunged directly into the void, and chased after Chen Hao.

Chen Hao's reaction speed was fast enough. After killing Ma Tiancheng, he immediately entered the system red envelope world.

In the red envelope world of the system, the void collapsed, and three phantoms rushed in quickly, but behind them was a monstrous hand following closely.

boom! boom! boom!
The system's red envelope world closed instantly, cutting off Ma Tianyun's big hand, but even so, that big hand hit Chen Hao and the others hard.


The three spurted blood wildly, and were sent flying like cotton wool.

Chen Hao didn't dare to hesitate, and with a thought, they left Luoxing City.

The strength of Ma Tianyun's Taoist protector is so terrifying that he was able to penetrate into the red envelope world of the system and injure Chen Hao and the three of them.

If the system red envelope world hadn't been closed immediately and cut off Ma Tianyun's big hand, Chen Hao and the three of them would have been killed by him.Even the system red envelopes may be stolen.

It can be seen that the system red envelope is not the safest, as long as the enemy is strong enough, they can still enter the system red envelope!

Unable to kill the three of Chen Hao, Ma Tianyun's protector roared again and again, and after tidying up Ma Tianyun's body, he left Luoxing City.

"You guys are very good, very good. I will definitely pay back ten times and a hundred times what happened today."

When leaving, Ma Tianyun's guardian said through gritted teeth, the target is naturally those guardians who stopped him.

Under the circumstances of the guardian's attack, the chief disciple of Xutianzong was killed by a monk who only had the state of integration in full view!
When this news spread throughout the cultivation world in a short period of time, everyone was shocked and felt that the cultivation world was about to change.

This day was pierced by Chen Hao.

Don't want to use it at all, almost everyone can imagine Xu Tianzong's anger.

Who is the chief disciple?He is one of the strongest members of the younger generation in a sect, and he is one of the heirs of the next generation suzerain.

Ma Tianyun is the strongest of the younger generation in the Xutian Sect. If there is no accident, as long as Zhuang Ningguang steps down from the suzerain position, he will immediately ascend to the throne and become the suzerain of the Xutian Sect.

It can be said that Ma Tianyun is the next suzerain.

Moreover, Ma Tianyun has the talent of the sky, even if he does not take over the position of suzerain, he is still a person who may ascend to the sky in the Xutian sect.

Fly to become a fairy.

This is the common wish of all monks in the entire cultivation world.

As a monk, who wouldn't want to ascend to immortality by himself?Enter the legendary fairyland?It's just that if you want to ascend, it's extremely difficult.Even in the hundreds of thousands of years, no one in the comprehension world was able to ascend.

In Xutianzong's view, Ma Tianyun is very likely to ascend, and soon, he will be the first immortal of Xutianzong to ascend in tens of thousands of years.

There is a huge gap between immortals and half-step immortals. If someone soars, then this sect will naturally rise.And if someone is in the Immortal World, Xutianzong will become stronger and stronger in the future, and the resources will be obtained more and more.

In the future, there will be more and more immortals ascending. This is the so-called ascension to heaven by one person.

Even though Ma Tianyun was still unable to ascend, it was a certainty that he would become a half-step immortal.As long as you become a half-step immortal, you can protect Xu Tianzong for hundreds of thousands of years.

However, all of this burst like a bubble.It shattered when Ma Tianyun was killed.

Xu Tianzong was furious immediately.

Countless masters and even masters of the older generation left the sect one after another, and began to look for Chen Hao's traces in the cultivation world, and once they found Chen Hao, they would kill him!
Chen Hao turned against Xutianzong before, and even killed Xutianzong's candidate saint son, none of which would make Xutianzong angry.

After all, as one of the top ten sects, Xutianzong has hundreds of thousands of disciples, and the death of a candidate saint son will not cause them any loss.

But the death of Ma Tianyun, the chief disciple, was the anger that made Xu Tianzong leave.Not only did he lose this strong young man, but he was also slapped in the face by Chen Hao.

Killing their chief disciple, and still under the condition that the Taoist protector took action, what is the difference between Chen Hao and hitting Xu Tianzong in the face face to face?
The anger is soaring, and the anger is burning in the nine heavens!
Chen Hao must die!

Xutianzong's anger must be endured by Chen Hao. If Chen Hao cannot bear Xutianzong's anger, then he will be completely burned by Xutianzong's anger.

Chen Hao killed Ma Tianyun by relying on tricks, and his own strength was not very strong.But Xu Tianzong still did not underestimate him.This time, many half-immortals and even step-immortals of Xutianzong left the sect for the purpose of looking for Chen Hao.

As for the monks in other realms of Xutianzong, they searched for Chen Hao in the realm of comprehension overwhelmingly.

However, what surprised the world was that Xutianzong did not want Chen Hao in the cultivation world this time.

In the past, he was able to arrest Chen Hao with the Yuanxu Sect, but in the end, nothing happened.

According to speculation by interested people, this time the power of Xutianzong has been fully activated, even if they don't need to be wanted, they can still find Chen Hao.

Chen Hao had to die, and at the hands of Xu Tianzong.

Xu Tianzong's fury almost shook the entire comprehension world.And Chen Hao shocked the world again.

A monk who has the courage and ability to kill the chief of Xutianzong, who is only at the stage of integration, is this person arrogant or has absolute confidence in himself?

No matter what intentions Chen Hao had, he finally pierced the sky and was remembered by the world again in a short time.

Not to mention Xu Tianzong's outburst of anger and the shock of the world.

That day, after Chen Hao killed Ma Tianyun, he immediately rushed into the system red envelope world.However, Chen Hao never expected that the strength of Ma Tianyun's Taoist protector would be so terrifying. With a big hand shot, he would follow Chen Hao into the world of system red envelopes.

With one palm, Chen Hao, the big black dog and the fire-eyed golden ape were all severely injured, and all spurted blood!If the system red envelope hadn't cut off Ma Tianyun's protector's big hand at the moment it closed, then the three of Chen Hao would have been killed.

boom! boom! boom!
The three figures suddenly fell from the void, like a mountain descending from the sky, shaking the whole earth violently.

In an instant, three deep pits with invisible bottoms appeared on the ground.

After a long time.

"This shit, Master Tengu was almost slaughtered." The big black dog cursed from the depths of the ground, and then the big black dog wobbled up from the ground.

However, the big black dog at this time is very embarrassed. The original black and shiny dog ​​hair is now dull and dull, and even the dog hair has fallen off in many places, revealing shocking spots that are still flowing. Bloody wounds.

When climbing up, the big black dog was still sticking out, obviously a dog leg was broken.

"Fuck! This is a big loss, the leg is broken, the bone is also broken, alas." The big black dog spewed out a breath of foul air, lay on the ground, bleeding from the corner of his mouth, and really had no energy to move around.


Not long after, a curse sound came from another deep pit, and then the figure of the fire-eyed golden ape also appeared on the ground.However, just like the big black dog, the fire-eyed golden ape was not much better. His whole body was covered with deep bone wounds, and he did not know how many bones were broken.

"Dead dog, you're not dead yet?" Fire-eyed Golden Ape caught a glimpse of the dead dog lying on the side pretending to be dead, and couldn't help laughing.

"Wang! Your uncle, how could you die so easily, Lord Tengu? You should die quickly, and let your Lord Tengu eat you, maybe it can repair the injury."

"Silly dog, do you believe that I beat you to death with a stick?" Fire-eyed golden ape said angrily.

"Wang, you don't believe me, Lord Tengu, so beat me to death if you have the ability." The big black dog played a rogue.

The fire-eyed golden ape's eyes showed anger, and then he lay helplessly on his back on the ground. Now let alone killing the big black dog, it is extremely difficult to even move it, let alone pick it up with a stick that weighs as much as A golden stick like a mountain.

The existence of the two demon kings was lying on the ground like a dead dog, unable to even move.Seriously injured.

"I don't know how the lord is doing." Fire-eyed Golden Ape said suddenly.

"Master Tiangou was almost beaten to death. Boy Chen's small body is probably already dead." Tiangou said with a grin.

It's not that it looks down on Chen Hao, in fact, the physical bodies of the two of them are actually somewhat stronger than Chen Hao.Even their bodies were almost smashed, let alone Chen Hao?

"Big black dog, I'm afraid I've disappointed you, I'm fine at all."

Before the voice of the big black dog fell, Chen Hao's voice came over.

The big black dog and the fire-eyed golden ape were taken aback. Hearing Chen Hao's voice, they didn't seem to have suffered any trauma.

(End of this chapter)

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