The Best Red Packet System of Rebirth

Chapter 348 The Great Hall

Chapter 348 The Great Hall
The headless monster was furious, and there was a muffled sound in his chest, and then he stretched out his big hand, directly broke through the void, entered the depths of the void, and quickly grabbed the big black dog along the position where it disappeared.

After Chen Hao grabbed the big black dog like a system red envelope, he disappeared in place with a thought.

The moment the system red envelope disappeared, the headless demon clan's big hand appeared in the void where the system red envelope was before.The big hand of the headless monster grabbed it fiercely, and the terrifying power exploded violently.


After the loud noise, the void there was directly exploded!Terrifying power erupted, and suddenly, the void within a thousand miles collapsed violently.

It's just that Chen Hao and others were not seen.

Seeing that the big black dog had disappeared, the headless demon clan was furious, and each one of them let out extremely dull growls from his chest.The headless monster clan began to show off their divine power, continuously bursting out with terrifying power.The sky shattered, the void collapsed, and the earth sank.

On the other side of the Holy Land, the system red envelope was hidden in the void, while the three Chen Hao inside the system red envelope were panting heavily.

"Fortunately, I realized that I left a lot of formations here, otherwise I would have to leave this holy place." Chen Hao said, wiping off the cold sweat from his forehead.

This headless demon clan is really too terrifying.His strength is definitely comparable to that of Ma Tianyun's guardian.With one punch, the sky collapsed and the earth shattered, directly sending Chen Hao and the three of them flying and injuring them!

If it wasn't just for the big black dog, and the speed of the big black dog was not slow, otherwise Chen Hao and the three would definitely be in tragedy.

Of course, it's also thanks to Chen Hao's fetish of system red envelopes.Otherwise, if someone else came in here, there would be no way out.

Even a half-step immortal would not be able to kill this headless monster easily.After all, this monster is already a dead body.And the corpse is very powerful, even if a half-step immortal wants to kill him, it is impossible.

Because they found out that Chen Hao and the others had disappeared out of thin air, the headless demon clan was furious and shattered the world.After a long time, the terrifying fluctuations over there gradually dissipated.

It must be that the headless demon clan went back after venting.

"Let's go to the tomb of the Heavenly Demon God." Chen Hao pondered for a moment, then walked towards the center of the Holy Land.However, they did not leave the system red envelope.

"The tomb of the Heavenly Demon God should be in front of it." Through the system red envelope, the three of Chen Hao saw a huge tomb that was thousands of miles high in front of them.

Such a huge tomb stands in the middle of the holy land, besides the tomb of the Heavenly Demon God, who else is buried here?

"Wang, damn it, that headless monster is on top of the tomb." The big black dog suddenly barked strangely and said angrily.

Chen Hao and Huoyan Jinyuan looked at the top of the tomb, and then saw the headless monster standing upright on the top of the tomb, motionless.

"It really is the demon clan guarding the tomb of the demon god."

"Don't worry about him, we are in the red envelope of the system, as long as we don't go out, he won't find out. Let's check to see if there is an entrance to the tomb of the Heavenly Demon God."

While speaking, Chen Hao had already controlled the system red envelope and slowly approached the tomb of the Heavenly Demon God.

"Woof! He's looking over here." The big black dog suddenly yelled, and the hairs all over his body stood on end in an instant, looking extremely ferocious.

Chen Hao and Huoyan Jinyuan were taken aback and looked over.However, they found that the headless demon clan standing upright on the top of the tomb had turned around at this time, facing their direction.


Even vaguely, Chen Hao seemed to see the eyes of the headless monster race, which made him break out in a cold sweat.

Immediately, Chen Hao stabilized the system red envelope and stopped moving.

The headless demon clan still stared at Chen Hao's side, and he turned his head again after a long time.

"What is the origin of this headless monster race? They can even find the system red envelopes hidden in the void?" Chen Hao was surprised.

First, Ma Tianyun's guardian directly attacked and entered the system red envelope, and the existing headless monsters found the system red envelope hidden in the void.

This shattered Chen Hao's thought that the system red envelope was absolutely safe.

It is not absolutely safe to hide in the system red envelope.

Maybe it has something to do with your own strength!
Now that I am not strong enough to exert the true power of the system red envelope, people who are stronger than myself can feel the existence of the system red envelope.

If their own strength is strong, these people may not find out the existence of the system red envelope.

In the final analysis, it was due to Chen Hao's lack of strength.The strength is not strong, even if there is a peerless fetish, it cannot exert its power.

The headless demon clan could vaguely sense the existence of the system red envelope, so Chen Hao's attempt to find the entrance to the tomb near the tomb of the Heavenly Demon God was defeated.

Just leave the Holy Land just like that?

It's impossible, they have worked so hard to get in here, they are only one step away from entering the tomb of the Heavenly Demon God, if they leave here, they will be very unwilling.

"I can only take it slowly." Chen Hao thought depressingly.Started to slowly move the system red envelope.

Because he was worried about being discovered by the headless monster clan, Chen Hao not only moved slowly, but also stopped after moving a certain distance.

In this way, it took him half a month after he circled the huge tomb.

"No entrance? How is that possible?"

After turning around, they did not find the entrance to the tomb of the Heavenly Demon God.This hit them hard.

"Could it be hidden by formations or restrictions?" Chen Hao pondered.

"That headless demon clan has been standing on the top of the tomb and never left. Could it be that the entrance to the tomb is there?" Fire-eyed Golden Ape said suddenly.

On the top of the tomb of the Heavenly Demon God, the extremely powerful headless demon clan still stood there, with a straight body, protecting the tomb of the Heavenly Demon God like a loyal guard.

At this moment, after a long period of time, the cautious Chen Hao finally controlled the system red envelope and appeared near the headless demon clan.

However, he has been hiding in the void for three full days.

In the system red envelope world, Chen Hao, the big black dog, and the fire-eyed golden ape all stared at the headless monster outside through the system red envelope.

"He shouldn't have noticed us, right? Woah! I really want to eat him." The big black dog barked unhappily.

Since they appeared here three days ago, the headless demon clan seemed to have discovered them and turned around to face them.

This move of the Headless Monster Clan made Chen Hao more cautious, not daring to make any changes.Who knows if a strong player at this level can attack the system red envelope?

With Chen Hao's current strength, it is impossible to arouse the greater power of the system's red envelopes.If the system red envelope is attacked, the terrifying force may kill many Chaos members.

Therefore, he must remain vigilant at all times.Otherwise, the consequences are unpredictable.

"Aren't we being too careful? This guy has no head at all, and he's already dead, so it's impossible for him to see us, right?" Fire-eyed Golden Ape said in a hesitant tone.

"Why don't you go out and try to see if he can find you?" The big black dog said with a wicked smile.

"Get lost!" The Fire-Eye Golden Ape was furious, and almost fell down with a stick.

"Don't make trouble, if the Headless Monster Race is alarmed, all our previous efforts will be wasted." Chen Hao said with a slight frown.Immediately, the fire-eyed golden ape and the big black dog fell silent.

The body of the headless demon clan stood upright on the top of the tomb.And behind him there is a portal-like existence.If correct, this portal should be the entrance to the tomb of the Heavenly Demon God.

It's just that this headless demon clan has always held its hands here, even if Chen Hao and the others discovered this portal, they couldn't enter it.Unless the headless monsters leave here.

Otherwise, as soon as Chen Hao moved the system red envelope, the headless demon clan would find out.At that time, Chen Hao will be horribly attacked by the headless monster clan.

"Big black dog, I just saw that your speed is good, why don't you go out and lure this headless monster away?" Chen Hao turned his head to look at big black dog, and said with a smile on his face.

The fire-eyed golden ape's eyes lit up immediately, and it looked at the big black dog with hope.

"Wow, woof, woof..." The big black dog barked wildly, demanding that burly dog's head like a rattle: "Your uncle, why didn't you two go out and lure him away?"

The big black dog was very upset, and looked at Chen Hao and Chen Hao with fierce eyes.

"I'm not fast enough." The Fire-Eye Golden Ape said immediately.

"I can lure away the headless demon clan, but as soon as I go out, the system red envelope will follow me, even if I let you out. Can you guarantee that you will be able to enter the tomb of the sky demon god?" Chen Hao said in a deep voice.

Both the big black dog and the fire-eyed golden ape were silent, the big black dog opened his mouth, and when he wanted to say something, he was interrupted by Chen Hao.

"You have also seen it before, big black dog, you are the most likely to attract the hatred of the headless demon clan. If you appear, you can definitely lure this headless demon clan away. As for the two of us, I am afraid that we will not be able to lure him away."

"Wow, woof! You are discriminating!" The big black dog was very upset, and looked at Chen Hao and the two fiercely.Even if he was beaten to death, he would not go out.

The scene of being chased and bombarded by the headless monsters before still clearly emerged in his mind, and the strength of the headless monsters has become his shadow.

"It would be great if all those demon kings could come in." Chen Hao sighed. In fact, he was not sure whether this portal was really the entrance to the tomb of the Heavenly Demon God.

And the most important thing is that even if this headless demon clan is lured away, once he reacts, he can also rush into the tomb of the sky demon god.

The tomb of the Heavenly Demon God is at least the tomb of an immortal emperor.There might even be a god's tomb!
What kind of existence is God?
God is an existence above immortals.The relationship between gods and immortals is like the relationship between immortals and mortals.

As for the tomb of the Heavenly Demon God, no one knows if there is any danger inside.Once the space inside is blocked, they will not be able to enter the system red envelope.At that time, it will be blocked by this headless monster clan, and it will really have to wait to die.

Therefore, even if someone lures away this headless monster clan, it is useless, and maybe they will die because of it.It would be better not to go in.

It's just that I and the others are right in front of the tomb of the Heavenly Demon God. There may be a tomb of a god here, a higher-level existence than the fairy tomb. Maybe there is a divine weapon in it?
Artifacts are magical weapons used by gods, and they can definitely kill immortals in seconds.

"I can only move slowly."

Chen Hao was depressed, so, about a mile away from the portal behind the headless demon clan, Chen Hao began to slowly move the system red envelope.

However, with such a move, a month has passed!

It took a full month for Chen Hao and the others to move a distance of one mile.In such a long time, even a snail can cover far more than a mile.

Moreover, in this process, Chen Hao's mind can be raised to the extreme.While moving the red envelope of the system, at the same time paying attention to the headless monster race...

After a month, Chen Hao almost collapsed from exhaustion.

"It's only one step away from entering this portal, but it will take a while." Chen Hao took a deep breath, and then carefully moved the system red envelope.

However, the moment he moved, Chen Hao felt that the system's red envelope was blocked.

"Damn it, there are restrictions!"

Chen Hao shouted loudly, and at this moment, a layer of ripples appeared in the void in front of the portal of the Heavenly Demon God.


The headless monster instantly realized that an earth-shattering roar erupted from his chest, and at the same time terrifying power erupted from him, and the headless monster stretched out its big hand to quickly grab the red envelope of the system.

"It's over." Chen Hao's face turned pale for a while, and he worked hard for a month, but was blocked by a small restriction.

With a thought, Chen Hao was about to leave here... At this time, even though he was extremely unwilling, he had no choice but to leave.After all, lives matter.

However, just as he wanted to teleport away, a huge suction force spread from behind the portal.Then Chen Hao and the three saw the scene in front of them change...


At the very moment, they heard the extremely angry roar of the Headless Monster Race, and even saw the terrifying power of the Headless Monster Race's palm to smash the void near the portal.

The scenery in front of them changed, and the headless monster race disappeared from their sight in the next moment.Entered an unfamiliar space.

"Where is this place?" The big black dog barked strangely.

At the same time, Chen Hao and Fire-Eyes Golden Ape have seen clearly in front of them... This is an incomparably huge hall.From the system red envelope, it can be seen that this hall is almost a hundred miles in size, which is really terrifying.

"Could this be the tomb of the Heavenly Demon God? Go out and have a look." Fire-eyed Golden Ape said excitedly.

"It may be inside the tomb of the Heavenly Demon God, but unexpectedly, the tomb of the Heavenly Demon God is another space." Chen Hao shook his head, and with a thought, the three of them appeared in the hall.

"Be careful, this is the tomb of the Heavenly Demon God after all, there may be some danger." Chen Hao warned, and then looked at the hall.

(End of this chapter)

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