Chapter 349 Graves
The hall looked very plain, completely inconsistent with the tomb of an immortal emperor, let alone a tomb of a god.Moreover, the entire hall was empty, and there was nothing there.

"Wow! Golden Retriever Gorilla, why is your portrait printed here?"

The big black dog suddenly looked at the walls of the hall and barked strangely.

The Fire-Eyed Golden Ape rolled his eyes, this is simply impossible.But out of curiosity, he still approached the past.Seeing this, he was shocked immediately.

On the incomparably tall walls are murals.And the protagonist in the mural is the fire-eyed golden ape.

This is a monster race that is exactly the same as the Fire-Eye Golden Ape in front of him.It looks exactly the same, but it is definitely not the fire-eyed golden ape in front of you, because this tomb of the sky demon god has existed for no one knows how long.

Obviously, the murals here also have a long history.

One wall of the main hall is full of lifelike murals.The murals on the entire wall are roughly divided into three parts.

Chen Hao walked over and looked up.

This is the story of the Fire-Eye Golden Ape. The murals depict the Fire-Eye Golden Ape from birth. The powerful enemies, the thrilling battles, and the near-death scenes are constantly presented in Chen Haosan's eyes. in front of people.

Looking at these murals, the three of Chen Hao seemed to have dynamic portraits in front of them, as if they saw how the fire-eyed golden ape in the murals gradually grew up after going through all kinds of hardships.

"The fire-eyed golden ape is the protagonist of the mural, and this place should be the tomb of the sky demon god. So that means that the sky demon god may be the ancestor of the fire-eyed golden ape? Ancestor? If that's the case, the fire-eyed golden ape is still very likely Obtain the inheritance of the Heavenly Demon God!"

Chen Hao suddenly thought of this idea.At the same time, he looked at the fire-eyed golden ape beside him, and found that the fire-eyed golden ape also looked excited.Obviously there is such a guess.

"Here it is, woof! This fire-eyed golden ape is too terrifying. One-on-one can challenge the Ten Thousand Demon King alone." The black dog's scream came.

Chen Hao and Huoyan Jinyuan walked over, but they saw that this mural was the penultimate mural in the first part.

In the mural, the fire-eyed golden ape is full of golden light and blood, like a god.But beside him are countless demon kings.Under the feet of the fire-eyed golden ape, there were dead corpses.

Just as the big black dog said, this fire-eyed golden ape is fighting with one enemy ten thousand, and the sky is falling apart, and the corpse is lying for thousands of miles.

The Heavenly Demon God gradually became stronger from an ordinary demon clan in the cultivation world.

In the second-to-last mural in the first part of the mural, the Heavenly Demon God is bathed in blood, like a demon god with one enemy against ten thousand!In fact, the Heavenly Demon God faced more than just ten thousand masters?
In addition to those strong monsters, there are many human monks.Countless monks, almost all of them are at the level of the demon king.

Looking at this mural, the three of Chen Hao could even imagine how terrifying and tragic that battle was at that time.

The sky fell apart, the earth sank, and blood flowed into rivers.Countless strong men fell and were killed by the demon god.The bigger the demon god is, the more terrifying he becomes, and the more he fights, the braver he becomes!

In the end, after killing countless strong men, they came to the last mural.

In the last mural, there is no battle. The young demon god stood on the top of a mountain, while countless demon kings and even monks prostrated themselves under the mountain, expressing their submission.

The Heavenly Demon God made all the strong men in this world submit to him with his own power.Beat them to surrender and dominate the world!

"This kind of life is blood, and such a person is a man!"

Seeing the Heavenly Demon God go through all kinds of life-and-death battles from an unknown little demon clan, and finally dominate the world with absolute combat power, Chen Hao and the three felt their whole bodies boil with enthusiasm.

A monk, especially a male monk, who doesn't want to have absolute strength?Who doesn't rule the world like a demon god?
But, who can do it?
Looking at the Heavenly Demon God, Chen Hao felt ashamed.Not only in terms of strength, but also in other aspects.

How many dangers did the Heavenly Demon God encounter along the way as he grew from a small demon clan to a superpower who unified the world?Just the danger outlined in the mural made Chen Hao and others feel thrilled.Moreover, the real experience of the demon god is definitely not just those in the murals.

These murals are probably just the tip of the iceberg of all the experiences of the Heavenly Demon God.

In the last mural of the first part of the mural, after the demon god unified his world, he didn't stay in this world for long, and then he tore the void and ascended to the heaven.

Originally, Chen Hao thought that after ascension to the heavens, a talented and powerful man like the Heavenly Demon God would be able to soar into the sky.

However, when he saw the second part of the mural, which was the part of the fairy world, Chen Hao became depressed.

Almost identical to the first part!
Fight, bathe in blood, desperately, survive from death!

Even, in the fairy world, the experience of the demon god is even more thrilling and dangerous.In the murals, Chen Hao saw many times that the gods and demons were hanging by a thread and almost fell.

Immortal giant!

I looked at the murals one by one.

After seeing the sky demon god soaring, the battle has not stopped.And at the same time, as the strength of the Heavenly Demon God became stronger and stronger, so did his enemies.

Enemy all over the world!

Chen Hao was speechless.

This fire-eyed golden ape sky demon god is really an existence that is more capable of causing trouble than him.Wherever you go, there will be battles, and rivers of blood will flow.

"No, it seems that the Heavenly Demon God didn't want these things, and he seemed to be forced to do it." Looking at it, Chen Hao suddenly discovered something was wrong.

Although the Heavenly Demon God is powerful, it is impossible for him to cause trouble all day long.And all of this seemed to be aimed at him, trying to eradicate him.

All of this, the Heavenly Demon God is forced to fight, and he really fights!
"What did the Heavenly Demon God do? He provoked even the immortals to eradicate him?" Chen Hao pondered in his heart.

Obviously, those giants in the fairy world don't want the monstrous existence of the Heavenly Demon God to continue to grow stronger.Maybe the potential of the demon god can threaten them?

Maybe the Heavenly Demon God has some secrets?
Everything is unknown.

In the end, the Heavenly Demon God fought all the way and climbed to the peak of the fairy world stepping on the corpses of countless powerful people in the fairy world.

On this day, the heavenly demon gods fought against the giants of the fairy world.This battle is very difficult, facing countless long-established giants in the fairy world, and countless unfathomable existences at the level of immortal emperors.

The Heavenly Demon God is happy and fearless.

This battle was so violent that even one side of the fairy world was broken.

The powerful strength of the Heavenly Demon God finally exploded.Even though he was facing the existence of long-established immortal emperors, the Heavenly Demon God still killed a person and turned his back on his back, with blood flowing like a river.

In this battle, the Heavenly Demon God won miserably in the end!Countless immortal emperors were directly killed and fell.In the end, after killing several existences at the level of the Immortal Emperor, the Heavenly Demon God became more and more courageous as he fought, and finally left safely.

From then on, the Heavenly Demon God became the famous Immortal Emperor in the Immortal World, the Heavenly Demon Emperor!
At this point, the Heavenly Demon Emperor has become a thing of the past. Although the giants in the fairy world can't wait to destroy him, they are powerless.

The murals of the fairyland part end here.

The Heavenly Demon God has finally become the Heavenly Demon Emperor, a super-giant-level existence who sits in the fairy world.It is different from the genius disciples of other sects who have cultivated to become the existence of the immortal emperor level.

Along the way, the Heavenly Demon God hardly had time to cultivate.On this road, he will always be alone!

Alone, step by step, he reached the level of the Sky Demon Emperor!Facing the stifling of countless giants, he finally relied on his indomitable will to become stronger, and finally became famous in the fairy world, breaking out of his own world in the fairy world.

Why do those giants in the fairy world want to kill the sky demon god?
And what secret does the Heavenly Demon God have?
Chen Hao didn't know, because there was no information about it in the murals of the Heavenly Demon God.

But no matter what, the Heavenly Demon God has always relied on his own strength, and used his own hands to create his own world step by step.

Such a person is a real strong man, Chen Hao couldn't help but be in awe!I am very reverent to this demon god in my heart.And the fire-eyed golden ape beside Chen Hao was even more admiring.After all, the Sky Demon God is also the Fire-Eyed Golden Ape, his clansman, his peer.

Even the big black dog who had been clamoring to eat the remains of the Heavenly Demon God was silent.For the super strong Sky Demon God, all they have is respect, without any blasphemy.

"How did such a strong person fall? In the fairy world, the sky demon god is almost invincible. How could he fall?"

With puzzlement and doubts, Chen Hao came to the third part of the mural.

The third part of murals, there is only one mural.

The Heavenly Demon God continued to be bathed in blood, and there were countless corpses lying under his feet.A surge of murderous intent seemed to burst out through the mural, and even Chen Hao could smell the blood coming from the mural.

"These people are stronger than those giants in the fairy world. Could it be that the sky demon god has already ascended to the heaven?" Chen Hao was a little shocked.

Immortal world is not the highest world plane.And there is a heaven above the fairy world.Heaven is the final destination of all monks.There is the world of gods!

The demon god has become a god.

The corpses lying at his feet are all gods, and the strength of the sky demon god can easily kill the existence of the god level.

Shocked expression appeared on Chen Hao's face, and he continued to look at the mural.

However, facing these incomparably powerful gods, although the Heavenly Demon God is still so powerful, so invincible.But I also saw that he was injured.

Suddenly, a big hand in the void suddenly shattered the sky, and quickly bombarded the sky demon god.

At this moment, Chen Hao's pupils shrank suddenly, as if he felt the horror of that big hand from the mural, and the monstrous and terrifying aura made Chen Hao almost suffocate!

Even the face of the demon god in the mural became serious.

This shot must be a strong man in the heavens.A strong man who cannot be underestimated even if he is a demon god.

In the mural, the Heavenly Demon God soars into the sky, facing the big hand that bombarded down from the void.

In the next scene, the Heavenly Demon God just rushed up, but was quickly repelled.In the mural, a huge hole was blasted out of the chest of the Heavenly Demon God.

His heart was broken by that big hand!

The Heavenly Demon God was hit hard!It is not the opponent of the strong man in the sky who shot.

Chen Hao continued to look down.

There was a look of panic on the face of Tian Yaoshen - this was the first time Chen Hao saw the expression of panic on Tian Yaoshen's face.At this time, Tian Yaoshen was seriously injured, tearing the void with one hand, and escaped.

But that big hand still didn't want to let go of the Sky Demon God, and chased straight into the void, intending to kill the Sky Demon God.

The murals came to an abrupt end here, and there was nothing more to say.

The barb on the mural is over, is it possible that the sky demon god has fallen like this?
Chen Hao felt a little heavy.

Although he has nothing to do with this Heavenly Demon God, but out of respect for a strong person, especially the Heavenly Demon God is still a grassroots strongman, step by step, until he ascends to the heaven, every ounce of his strength is his It was obtained by stepping on the corpses of countless strong men and bathing in blood countless times.

Such a strong person is respected.

It is also a very regrettable thing that such a strong man has fallen.After all, the Heavenly Demon God is not some treacherous and evil person.Although he killed a lot of people, this is the law of survival in this world.Moreover, those people were all people who wanted to kill the Heavenly Demon God. Although the Heavenly Demon God killed many people, most of them were counterattacks.

"Did the Heavenly Demon God just fall like this?"

Fire-eyed Golden Ape's heart was very heavy.After all, the Heavenly Demon God is his ancestor.

He was very happy to have such a powerful ancestor.But at the end, he found that his ancestor was killed by someone.

He was naturally unwilling and angry.

"The Heavenly Demon God should not have been killed by that person. Otherwise, where would the Heavenly Demon God's grave come from?" Chen Hao pondered for a moment, then said in a deep voice.

The tomb of the Heavenly Demon God is here, but this is the world of mortals!The Heavenly Demon God at that time was already a god!

How could his grave be in the Extreme Heaven Realm?And what happened to the Extreme Heaven Realm?What happened to the Lord of the Extreme Heaven Realm in the Extreme Heaven Realm?

A lot of doubts appeared in Chen Hao's heart, and he couldn't get rid of them.

The rise of the Heavenly Demon God has been bloody and bloody all the way.

Along the way, countless strong men wanted to kill the Heavenly Demon God.But these enemies, whether they are weak cultivators in the cultivation world, giants in the fairy world, or powerful people in the heavenly world, have all become the stepping stones for the heavenly demon gods to reach the peak.

It's just a pity that the Heavenly Demon God still fell after all.

The rise was too sudden, and the fall was too strange.

There are many conspiracies involved.Otherwise, why do so many giants want to kill the Heavenly Demon God?Could it be that the Heavenly Demon God really did something that caused Heaven's wrath?

As long as the Heavenly Demon God doesn't want to destroy the world, there won't be so many giants who want to kill him, and even the last two giants of the heavens will take action.It was the existence of that giant in the heaven that killed the sky demon god.

It's just that all of this exists like a mystery.

(End of this chapter)

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