Chapter 362 Low-key
The little lion king, that is, the young man who shot and bombarded Deng Hualin before, is from the line of the Golden Lion King, one of the ten demon kings of the Demon Mountain.

The strength is very strong, ranking sixth in the dragon and phoenix list, and its strength is similar to that of Little Ape King who is fourth in the dragon and phoenix list.

It is the friend and enemy of Little Ape King.

"I saw that you were about to die, and the old man was upset, so I came here." The little lion king smashed the void with a punch, and the sky that he hit kept collapsing. He slammed towards Deng Hualin and said at the same time.

Looking at the little ape king and the little lion king, Chen Hao also showed surprise in his eyes.

These two guys have already cultivated to the semi-immortal realm at such a young age, and their strength is almost comparable to that of a one-step immortal.The cultivation speed is much faster than him.

Although Chen Hao's strength is already comparable to that of an immortal, his realm is far behind these people.If you just talk about realm, Chen Hao is not as good as these two top ten people in the dragon and phoenix list.

However, Chen Hao never thought that ever since he entered the world of comprehension, he relied on his own efforts for everything.And knowing the little lion king, the little ape king and other sects, the favored ones of heaven, they don't need to work hard for the resources they need.

With the huge strength behind them to provide various resources, and their talents are not bad, it is no wonder that their realm is not high.If you compare them seriously, Chen Hao's growth is countless times faster than theirs.

After all, who can have the strength comparable to a one-step immortal in the period of less than 20 years of cultivation?

Although Deng Hualin's strength is strong, he has been chasing and killing the little ape king for several months and has not killed him yet, but the strength of the little lion king is about the same as that of the little ape king.

The two joined forces and already had the power to fight Deng Hualin.Not to mention the addition of Chen Hao, a pervert who has the strength of a step into the realm of immortality.

Therefore, when the little lion king also joined the battle, Deng Hualin was immediately suppressed to the disadvantage.

Seeing that Deng Hualin was at a disadvantage, the three of Chen Hao fought harder.One by one, they bombarded and killed their own strength to their heart's content, making Deng Hualin roar again and again, suffering unspeakably.

"It's worth it today for the most outstanding monks of the younger generation to fight against the immortals one step at a time." In the distance, countless monks watched the battle here, all showing excited expressions.

Usually, how can it be so easy to see the battle of this level of powerhouse?Not to mention their battles, even a one-step immortal, or Chen Hao, a powerhouse at the level of the Little Ape King would be difficult to meet.

But today, these four people are fighting here!Just seeing them fight has their eyes wide open.

"That Chen Hao is really powerful. He alone can compete with Deng Hualin." A monk said in shock.

"Chen Hao is a pervert. He has such a strong strength after less than 20 years of cultivation, which really shames us." An old monk who had passed the tribulation stage said with shame on his face.

"Haha, you don't have to be so ashamed. You also said that he is a pervert. There are not many people in the entire cultivation world. Most of them are still the same as us." Another monk said with a smile.

In fact, like Chen Hao, there are not many strong men at the level of Little Ape King in the entire cultivation world.After all, to have such terrifying power at such a young age, his aptitude is too terrifying.

However, there is never a shortage of geniuses in the realm of comprehension, and they are the geniuses of geniuses, the top existence of geniuses.

"Young people of this generation are stronger than those of the previous generation." Some monks of the older generation said so.

Every generation has never lacked geniuses, and there is no shortage of geniuses like the Little Ape King.But a pervert like Chen Hao has never appeared before.

Even the Lord of the Magic Mountain is far inferior to Chen Hao.Of course, this refers to his aptitude, not the strength of the Lord of the Magic Mountain.In terms of strength, even a few more Chen Haos would not be enough to torture the Lord of the Devil Mountain.

"Chen Hao is enough to compete with Deng Hualin. Even if he is alone, although he cannot kill Deng Hualin, Deng Hualin can't kill him either. Although the little ape king and the little lion king are also very powerful, they must be slightly inferior to Chen Hao Ah." Someone commented.

"Doesn't that mean that Chen Hao's ranking in the Dragon and Phoenix Ranking has risen to at least fourth?" Hearing this, a monk said in shock.

"As long as there are no accidents, it should be so."

In fact, Chen Hao's strength has indeed overwhelmed the little ape king and the little lion king.As for the monks after the Little Ape King, if they didn't reach the level of immortality, they might not be able to suppress Chen Hao.

"I don't know how big the gap is between Chen Hao and the top three on the dragon and phoenix list?" Someone said inwardly.

"Not long ago, Chen Hao was vulnerable to Xue Chen, but now, it's hard to say."

"Chen Hao's strength has improved too fast, but Xue Chen is not bad. As for the second Xiaopeng King, especially the first Li Xu, it is too mysterious. It is said that no one knows what level of strength he is. .”

The three people in the top three of the dragon and phoenix list are too strong, if there is no comparison, it is difficult to distinguish between strong and weak.However, there is no doubt that Chen Hao has already entered the fourth place in the Dragon and Phoenix Ranking.

"The winner is about to be decided, and Deng Hualin is about to suffer a tragedy." At this moment, the surrounding monks all focused on looking at the past.

In the distance, under the joint bombardment of Chen Hao, the Little Ape King and the Little Lion King, Deng Hualin was already in a state of collapse.


Chen Hao hit a Great Vajra wheel seal, slammed down fiercely, and forced Deng Hualin to retreat violently.At the same time, the attacks of the little ape king and the little lion king also strangled away swiftly.

At this time, whether it was Deng Hualin or Chen Hao, or the little ape king and the little lion king, they were all covered in blood!Especially Deng Hualin, under the bombardment of Chen Hao's three strong men, he was even more embarrassed, revealing many shocking wounds.

Among the four, only Chen Hao is considered better.Because of the tree of life, even if he was injured, he could recover immediately, which shocked Little Ape King and others.

"Deng Hualin, you can die."

Chen Hao sneered, and then shouted loudly: "The God of Darkness Wisdom!"

Chen Hao finally performed the strongest form of Dragon Elephant Prajna Kung Fu!

This is Chen Hao's all-out bombardment!

Immediately, above Chen Hao's head in the void, two huge and extremely terrifying figures appeared.One gold and one black, two figures, the phantom of gods and demons!

The moment the phantoms of the two gods and demons appeared, they punched Deng Hualin directly.

At this moment, the breath of death suddenly rose in Deng Hualin's heart, and he was frightened immediately!But the little ape king and the little lion king were also taken aback, and retreated violently in a flash.

Deng Hualin was terrified in his heart, and he teleported away just like the little ape king.But he found that he had been locked by those two phantoms of gods and demons.There is no way to escape, only to fight hard.

Taking a deep breath, Deng Hualin suppressed the fear in his heart and began to increase his strength crazily.He knew that if he couldn't accept this move, then he would definitely die.

Deng Hualin concentrated all his strength on his fist, and then directly punched the phantom of the gods and demons that came from the bombardment.


As soon as the strength of the two sides came into contact, Deng Hualin's fist shattered instantly.And the phantom of the gods and demons was also slightly shocked, but the power blasted by the phantoms of the gods and demons was indomitable, and it directly hit Deng Hualin.


Deng Hualin spat out a mouthful of blood and flew out backwards, and the crisp sound of fractures came from his body, probably his bones were all smashed to pieces.

Chen Hao stood where he was, and saw that although Deng Hualin was blown away by him, he couldn't kill him with one blow, which made him feel very sorry.He wanted to rush forward to kill Deng Hualin, but the blow just now had consumed all his strength.

Even with the tree of life, the power Chen Hao consumed could not be restored in a short time.Therefore, he could only stand in the void, leaving Deng Hualin to the little ape king and the little lion king.

"not dead?"

Seeing that he was not dead, Deng Hualin was happy but at the same time couldn't help being frightened.Although he didn't die, he was severely injured.At this time, either the little ape king or the little lion king can easily kill him if they rush forward.


Although Deng Hualin was not reconciled, his life was at stake, and he wanted to teleport away in a blink of an eye.

However, at this moment, a golden light suddenly appeared from the void above his head, and then directly hit Deng Hualin's head with a "bang".

Deng Hualin's head suddenly shattered, his brain burst.A generation of strong, one-step immortals were killed just like that!
He was not killed by Chen Hao, the little lion king, and the little ape king, but he was beaten to death by someone?It was so aggrieved to die.

In an instant, countless monks, including Chen Hao, were stunned.

"Who hit the sap to kill the one-step immortal Deng Hualin?" Everyone looked at the void in front of them in doubt.

But Chen Hao had a smile on his face at this time, he already knew who beat Deng Hualin to death with a sap.

The void shattered, and a figure slowly appeared in front of everyone.But it was a golden-haired ape with a toilet paper gold stick.

Not long after the golden ape appeared, the void shattered, and a big black dog appeared beside the golden ape.

"Woof! ***, golden retriever gorilla, you are so quick." The big black dog looked at the fire-eyed golden ape and barked wildly, and then he slapped Deng Hualin's body immediately. inside the stomach.

Seeing the appearance of the fire-eyed golden ape and the big black dog, the faces of the little ape king and the little lion king suddenly showed vigilance.Thought that due to the battle with Deng Hualin, although they didn't have too serious injuries, they kept getting minor injuries, and their strength was also seriously consumed.

The most important thing is that the strength of Fire-Eye Golden Ape and Big Black Dog is not bad, at least they are at the level of half-celestial beings.If they were their enemies, the Little Ape King and Little Lion King might not be their opponents at this time.

"A demon race again?"

Seeing the two big black dogs, the monks around were startled.

"It shouldn't be the Yaozu, these two should be Chen Hao's two subordinates." A well-informed person said.The news that Chen Hao killed dozens of half-immortals in the Immortal Tomb has already spread.

Naturally, the fire-eyed golden ape and the big black dog had already spread as Chen Hao's subordinates, but for a while, many monks hadn't reacted yet.

"Two subordinates of Chen Hao?" The people around couldn't help but gasped.

Chen Hao's strength is already abnormal.And just now, the Fire-Eye Golden Ape knocked to death the one-step immortal Deng Hualin with a stick, so his strength should not be bad.

Otherwise, even if Deng Hualin is seriously injured, he is still a one-step immortal after all, and cannot be killed by ordinary people.

"Chen Hao is getting stronger and stronger, and the two subordinates are at least half-immortal." In the distance, countless monks looked at Chen Hao with awe.

It's just that, these people are so shocked.If they knew that Chen Hao had [-] metamorphosis monks, wouldn't they all be scared to death?

"Haha, you two don't have to be like this, they are my subordinates." Seeing the vigilance on the faces of the little ape king and the little lion king, Chen Hao said with a smile.

At the same time, the fire-eyed golden ape and the big black dog have also come behind Chen Hao.

"The two of them are your subordinates?" The little ape king sized up the two big black dogs, and looked at Chen Hao in shock and said.As monster races, they are clearer than other human race monks.

They could tell at a glance that the fire-eyed golden ape was different from the big black dog, they were both ancient beasts, especially the fire-eyed golden ape.

As the grandson of the giant ape king, one of the ten demon kings of the Demon Mountain, the little ape king is not an ordinary ape, but a relatively advanced bloodline among the apes.

However, from the Fire-Eye Golden Ape, he felt a kind of coercion from a superior, a kind of noble aura in his blood.The little ape king knew that it was because the blood of the fire-eyed golden ape was nobler than his.

The little ape king kept looking at the fire-eyed golden ape, and when he saw the eyes of the fire-eyed golden ape, he couldn't help exclaiming: "Fire-eyed golden ape, you are actually a fire-eyed golden ape?"

"Fire-eyed golden ape?" The little lion king looked at the shocked little ape king with a strange expression, not knowing why.Because he had never heard of the Fire-Eye Golden Ape.

"Fire-eyed golden ape is the royal family among our ape clan!" The little ape king shook his head and smiled wryly.Maybe others don't know, but as a member of the ape clan, he is very aware of the status of the Fire-Eyes Golden Ape.

The fire-eyed golden ape has extremely rare blood, but it is the royal family among the ape clan.Although there are few bloodlines, each of them has great achievements, surpassing all the apes, and is the emperor of the apes.

If the fire-eyed golden ape returned to the magic mountain at this time, he would be regarded as a guest of honor by the giant ape king immediately, and even treated like an emperor.

"Golden-haired gorilla? Are you the royal family of apes? This really makes Master Tengu laugh." The big black dog stood up, pointing at the fire-eyed golden ape with its dog paw, and couldn't help laughing stand up.

(End of this chapter)

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