The Best Red Packet System of Rebirth

Chapter 363: Ascension to Sendai

Chapter 363: Ascension to Sendai

Fire-eyed golden ape, however, looked at the little ape king calmly, unmoved.In fact, as the Fire-Eye Golden Ape, he already knew that he was the royal family of the ape clan.

However, in this world where strength is the most important thing, so what if it is the royal family?Without equal strength, there is no equal status.Even if he is royalty.

Even if he is an ordinary ape, as long as he has super strength, his status will definitely not be bad!The Fire-Eye Golden Ape, who deeply understood this truth, didn't feel anything about this royal family at all.

Chen Hao also looked at the Fire-Eyes Golden Ape with some surprise. Although he knew that the Fire-Eyes Golden Ape was an ancient strange beast, he didn't know that he was actually the royal family of the ape clan.

"Whether the royal family or not, it's all floating clouds. I'm just the lord's subordinate now." The fire-eyed golden ape looked at the little ape king, and said lightly.

The little ape king looked at Chen Hao with surprised eyes, and he was shocked by Chen Hao again.Even the royal family in the ape clan can subdue, this person is really incomprehensible.

As monsters, they all have the arrogance of monsters in their hearts, and it is basically impossible for them to become subordinates of humans.Moreover, the fire-eyed golden ape is the royal family among the ape clan, and basically the royal family among the monster clan.Their arrogance is even worse than ordinary monsters!

"Okay, let's go back to Nanhuang City first. Otherwise, another immortal will come and we will be in tragedy." Chen Hao said lightly, and then flew back to Nanhuang City first.

In the best restaurant in Nanhuang City, Chen Hao and his party sat around a table, talking about it, looking very happy.

The friendship with the little ape king and the little lion king was made.Although the three of them had known each other for less than a day, after a joint battle, the friendship between the three of them was like old friends for decades.

Both the Little Ape King and the Little Lion King are genuine and forthright people.When dealing with this kind of person, don't worry about hypocrisy or conspiracy.

"It's so refreshing! This is the best day I've had in the past few months." The Little Ape King poured a jar of wine into his belly, and then burst out laughing.

Although his strength is not bad, he was still unable to get rid of after being chased and killed by Deng Hualin for several months, he was really aggrieved.

"I have to thank you, brother Chen Hao. If it weren't for you, I'm afraid I'm still on the way to be hunted down." The little ape king looked at Chen Hao and said seriously.

Chen Hao smiled lightly: "I'm just annoyed by the people who watch the Tianji Sect."

The little ape king and the little lion king were startled for a moment, and then they burst out laughing.

It's a good one to see their displeasure, and a one-step immortal who saw them displeased and slaughtered them.If the people taught by Tianji found out, would they cry to death?

"I think I'm already arrogant enough, but I didn't expect Chen Hao to be more arrogant than me." The little lion king looked at Chen Hao and said with a big laugh.

"I'm very low-key." Chen Hao said with a smile.


The little ape king, the little lion king and even everyone on the restaurant fell to the ground at once.

Chen Hao is low-key?

This guy has been shocking the cultivation world since his debut. Over the past ten years, countless strong men have died in his hands, and just now he even slaughtered a one-step immortal.

If this is also called low-key, then I really don't know what is high-key.

"You are too modest." The little lion king got up from the ground and said to Chen Hao with a blushing face.He blushed, he only now knew what real low-key was.

"It seems that we are not low-key enough, well, we must be low-key in the future." The little ape king and the little lion king looked at each other, then laughed, and said at the same time.

Looking at the little ape king and the little lion king, Chen Hao pondered in his heart: "The strength of these two guys is among the best in the younger generation. Shouldn't they be brought together to make a few big votes?"

"By the way, today we actually killed a one-step immortal. It feels really cool. Murong, when are we going to kill another one-step immortal for fun?" The little lion king looked at Chen Hao and said in a discussing tone, while the little ape Wang Ze kept nodding.

Chen Hao sprayed out the wine he had just taken.

"Kill a one-step immortal for fun?" These two guys really deserved to be the masters who feared the world would not be chaotic.However, with their combination, it is not difficult to kill a one-step immortal.After all, even a veteran one-step immortal like Deng Hualin was killed.

Hearing what the little lion king said, the monks at several tables near them left without a trace.

These guys are simply crazy!
Killing an immortal one step is just for fun?That is the existence of the most peak level in the cultivation world.In their mouths, it was just for fun.

There were footsteps on the stairs, and several monks came up, and finally sat on a table near Chen Hao, but a monk lowered his voice and said: "It is said that the Ascension to Immortal Terrace reappears in the cultivation world, and I don't know if it is true or not."

"Ascension to Xiantai reappears in the realm of comprehension?"

Although the speaker deliberately lowered his voice, but all monks above the restaurant have excellent hearing, and he could hear clearly immediately.

Chen Hao naturally heard what these people said, but he didn't show any expression at all as he knew nothing about Shengxiantai.However, he noticed that the faces of the little ape king and the little lion king who were at the table with him were shocked.

Not only that, but most of the monks above the restaurant are like this, with a look of shock on their faces.

Although Chen Hao still didn't take it seriously in his heart, he knew that this so-called Shengxiantai was definitely not a mortal thing.Otherwise, the little ape king and the little lion king wouldn't have this expression either.

"Ascension to the Immortal Terrace, with a word for Immortal, maybe it has something to do with Immortals?" Chen Hao pondered in his heart, looking at the two little ape kings.

"What is Shengxiantai?"

I heard those guys talking about Shengxiantai, but they only knew that Shengxiantai seemed to reappear in the cultivation world, but they didn't know anything about it.After all, Chen Hao couldn't help asking.

The Little Ape King took a deep breath, suppressed the shock in his heart, then looked at Chen Hao with shocked eyes and asked, "You don't even know about Shengxiantai?"

"If I knew, I would ask you?" Chen Hao glared at him.

The little lion king and the little ape king looked at each other, and they both felt miraculous in their hearts. Chen Hao's strength is comparable to that of a step-by-step immortal. Could it be that he really doesn't even know about Shengxiantai?

Just looking at Chen Hao's expression, they were convinced that Chen Hao really didn't know about Shengxiantai, which made them even more surprised.

What the two of them didn't know was that Chen Hao had been practicing for less than 20 years.Although the strength is strong, but the time to enter the realm of comprehension is short, and the most important thing is that there is no teacher.

As a result, Chen Hao was extremely lacking in many rumors and knowledge about the cultivation world.He doesn't even know about some relatively secret legends and the like.

"The so-called Shengxiantai is an existence with the same function as the ladder to heaven and the fairy gate. The Shengxiantai connects the cultivation world and the fairyland. According to legend, as long as you enter the Shengxiantai, you can directly reach the Tao.

"Wouldn't it mean that anyone can enter the Immortal Realm through Ascending Immortal Terrace without hard training?" Chen Hao was taken aback, his voice was a little louder, which attracted the attention of everyone above the restaurant.

If they didn't know the identities of Chen Hao and the others, these people would have ridiculed them long ago.

This is the case with Shengxiantai.A bridge that connects the world of comprehension and the world of immortals, through the Shengxiantai, one can directly enter the world of immortals, without waiting for the body to completely transform into an immortal body.

All the physical bodies are transformed into fairy bodies, so they can naturally ascend without any danger.However, for hundreds of thousands of years, or even longer, almost no one in the cultivation world ascended.This is because the transformation of the immortal body is too slow. Almost all people in the metamorphosis period cannot transform their physical bodies into immortal bodies after their lifespan is exhausted, and then ascend in the daytime.

The reason why monks in the realm of metamorphosis were unable to transform their physical bodies into immortal bodies was because there was too little spirit energy.If they ascend to the fairy world, relying on the fairy spirit of the fairy world, they can quickly repair their physical bodies and become real immortals.

In this way, their lifespan and strength will increase dramatically.

It is conceivable that the reappearance of Shengxiantai will cause much shock in the cultivation world!
The world of self-cultivation, which was already not very peaceful, is afraid that because of the appearance of Shengxiantai, there will be bloody storms again, and blood will flow like rivers.But all monks probably want to enter the fairyland through Ascension to Immortal Platform.

After all, Chengxian not only has a longer lifespan but also has more powerful power.And longevity and strength are exactly what all monks pursue.

All of a sudden, the restaurant, which was almost full, had tea, and all the monks had already left.Hearing the news about Ascension to Xiantai, none of these people wanted to plan to ascend to Xiantai.

However, although Chen Hao was a little shocked at the table, he didn't move.

"Both of you, can you elaborate on the relevant information about Shengxiantai?" Chen Hao was only shocked by the appearance of Shengxiantai, but soon calmed down.

"Don't you have any plans?" Little Ape King looked at Chen Hao suspiciously.

"What's the plan?" Chen Hao was taken aback, since Shengxiantai didn't have any treasures, what plans could he have?
The little ape king and the little lion king looked at each other, and then the little lion king said: "Ascension to the Immortal Platform is a bridge directly connecting the cultivation world and the fairy world. You can enter the fairy world without ascending. Don't you want to go to the fairy world?" ?”

Chen Hao shook his head, and laughed: "I haven't crossed even the forty-nine days of calamity, and only crossed the realm of the tribulation period. This meager strength is not enough in the realm of cultivation. Wouldn't it be cruel to go to the realm of immortality?"

"You really think so?" the little ape king continued to ask.

Chen Hao rolled his eyes: "Otherwise, don't forget, I have only practiced for more than ten years, I have more time to cultivate, and I will always have a chance to enter the fairy world."

Chen Haocai has such terrifying strength after practicing for less than 20 years.The most important thing is that he still has 1000 million years of life.

If thousands of lifespans are unable to ascend, Chen Hao can wipe his own neck and stop living.Therefore, when he heard the appearance of Shengxiantai, he was just shocked and didn't have any thoughts.

"Hehe, although we are not as perverted as you, we don't need to plan to ascend to Xiantai. Ascension, it's interesting to ascend by ourselves." The little ape king said with a smile.

Chen Hao was not surprised either. With the qualifications of these two guys, if neither of them could ascend, then no one in the cultivation world could ascend.

"However, I think Shengxiantai must be very lively. I'm afraid those old monsters in the cultivation world will come out." Chen Hao said with a smile.

The existence of the old monster level has been practicing in seclusion to transform the fairy body.Now that Shengxiantai appeared, they didn't all jump out?After all, many old monsters are already approaching their end, who wouldn't want to seize this opportunity to ascend now?

"It is said that the Great Ape King is also sprinting to become an immortal, so he should go this time too?" Chen Hao heard that the end of the Great Ape King is approaching, so he announced the impact of retreat.Otherwise, the little ape king was hunted down by Deng Hualin for several months, and the giant ape king didn't even respond?
The little ape king frowned slightly, he naturally knew the situation of the great ape king better than ten thousand people.

As outsiders said, the Great Ape King was indeed in retreat because of the imminent deadline.If you succeed, you will soar, and if you fail, your soul will fly away.

The moment he heard that Shengxiantai appeared, the little ape king knew that the giant ape king would definitely go!After all, it may be the only chance.

"I wonder if you are interested in seeing what the legendary Ascension to Immortal Terrace looks like?" the Little Ape King looked at Chen Hao and the others and said.

"What's there to see? The place in the fairy world is not very good." The big black dog who had been working hard said suddenly.

This guy came from the Immortal Realm. Although he was young at the time, he knew far more about the Immortal Realm than people from the Cultivation Realm.

"Big Black Dog, can this Immortal Terrace really connect to the Immortal Realm?" Chen Hao asked with a thought.

"Of course. However, those who are not strong enough to enter the fairy world are only looking for death." The big black dog said with some disdain.No matter what world you are in, strength is the most important thing. If a monk enters the fairy world, it will be murderous every step of the way. Even the Immortal Emperor Juexian and even the Heavenly Demon God will fall, let alone these little monks?

However, what if the fairy world is a hundred times more dangerous than the cultivation world?For a longer lifespan and strength, monks still want to enter the fairy world!
Especially for strong people like Chen Hao, even the fairy world is not their final stage.

"It must be very lively at Shengxiantai. If we don't join in the excitement, wouldn't it be much quieter?" Chen Hao smiled slightly.

"Okay, then let's join in the excitement." The little lion king and the little ape king also looked excited.

Xianyang City is one of the five largest cities in the cultivation world, located in the north of the cultivation world.

After many days of traveling, Chen Hao and his party finally appeared in Xianyang City.Because of the relationship between the little ape king and the little lion king, Chen Hao didn't use the system red envelope to send it directly, but flew over directly.

"The world of comprehension is too big." After entering Xianyang City, Chen Hao rolled his eyes. He had never tried to walk such a long distance before.

"It's not bad, at least no one was hunted down on this road. I was hunted down by that old bastard Deng Hualin for a few months, and I went around all five big cities in the cultivation world."

When talking about being chased and killed back then, the little ape king still gritted his teeth.Obviously, being chased and killed for so long has cast a shadow over the Little Ape King.

(End of this chapter)

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