Chapter 373
Seeing the annihilated void, the expressions of Chen Hao and others changed instantly.

Just at that moment, at least dozens of half-step immortals slapped this side!Dozens of half-step immortals shot at the same time, one can imagine how much Chen Hao was hated.

It's just that these people are really vicious. Apart from wanting to kill Chen Hao, there are also the little ape king, the little lion king and Hu Tong.These three are different from Chen Hao, who are the descendants of the ten demon kings of the Demon Mountain.

These people made it clear that they wanted to kill them all.Otherwise, even if the Giant Ape King didn't leave, dozens of half-step immortals would be hard to resist.

If the Giant Ape King hadn't teleported Chen Hao and the others away before he left, Chen Hao and the others would have been turned into fans long ago.

"These old bastards are really vicious." The little ape king was furious.And Little Lion King and Hu Tong also looked angry.

"Wow! These shameless old bastards, let's eat all the disciples of their sect." The big black dog said loudly with fierce eyes shining, obviously very angry.

Chen Hao was also murderous.

"Let's get out of here first."

Although Chen Hao was very angry, he did not lose his mind.Although they were sent here by the giant ape king, since those half-step immortals have already made a move, they will definitely not be as simple as just making a move once.

"Let's go separately." Chen Hao said in a deep voice, and then grabbed the fire-eyed golden ape and the big black dog one by one, and rushed outside with one step.

The three of the Little Ape King had no choice but to teleport away.

The reason why they left separately was because Chen Hao knew that those people only wanted to kill him.The little ape king and others followed him, fearing that they would be implicated.And if they were hurt in any way, Chen Hao would feel guilty.


After the loud noise, the void above Chen Hao's head shattered violently.Then a big blue hand covered the world, locked onto Chen Hao and slapped it hard.

"You go back to the system red envelope first." Chen Hao snorted, and sent the fire-eyed golden ape and the big black dog to the system red envelope world.On the other hand, he stepped on the military formula, increased his speed to the limit, and flew towards the distance.

Facing the half-step immortal, Chen Hao didn't want to fight yet.The main reason is that there are too many people here who want to kill me. Once I am entangled by others, I will definitely die.

"Green Bat King, you are so old and immortal that you dare to attack the younger generation. I am really ashamed to be with you." A faint girl passed over, and then a big white hand traversed the void, and patted it from a distance, blocking it. That big blue hand.

"King Nine-Tails! You are looking for death!" The Blue Bat King was furious, and he slapped the King Nine-Tails, and both powerful hands exploded.However, when the Blue Bat King wanted to continue attacking Chen Hao, he found that Chen Hao had gone somewhere.

At the same time, a skinny old man appeared above the void, with an unfriendly expression emitting a huge amount of spiritual thoughts to shoot around.

A laugh like a silver bell spread, not far from the Green Bat King, a mature beauty appeared in the void, charming all living beings, it was the Nine-Tailed King, one of the ten demon kings of the Demon Mountain.And Hu Tong is next to King Nine Tails.

"Blue Bat King, you're so worthless, you know how to bully your back." At this time, a middle-aged giant also appeared in the void, looking at the Blue Bat King with disdain.

The little ape king and the little lion king were standing beside the middle-aged man.Obviously, this middle-aged man should be the Golden Lion King, one of the ten demon kings of the Devil Mountain.

"Blue Bat King, I heard that he just crippled a sliver of your divine sense, yet you still bear such a grudge?" The Golden Lion King looked at the Blue Bat King with disdain, and said with a sneer.

Among the top ten demon kings in the Demon Mountain, the Green Bat King is selfish, vicious and vicious, and has never been able to get along with other demon kings.Especially the Giant Ape King and others were even more displeased with him.

Therefore, after Little Lion King and others found them, they immediately took action.Blocking the Blue Bat King and preventing him from attacking Chen Hao is one aspect, but the main reason for them to attack is to block the Blue Bat King.Blocking the good thing of the Blue Bat King is what they are most willing to do.

Just when the Blue Bat King was furious, there was a sudden and loud noise from Shengxiantai.At this moment, countless monks fought for the place to ascend to Xiantai, and a great battle broke out.

Tens of thousands of half-step immortals, at least one hundred thousand one-step immortals, so many strong people stretched out their bodies and rushed towards Shengxiantai the moment Shengxiantai opened.

However, the number of places in Shengxiantai is limited.It is impossible for hundreds of thousands of monks to enter the Immortal Ascension Platform and ascend to the Immortal Realm.Therefore, when they saw someone rushing towards Shengxiantai, these people began to explode with great power, bombarding and killing those strong people who rushed towards Shengxiantai first.

10,000+ one-step immortals, plus half-immortals, monks in the metamorphosis stage and even the fusion stage of the tribulation stage, there are at least several million monks near Shengxiantai!
Only a very small part of the millions of people just came to watch the excitement like Chen Hao.Most of them want to ascend to the Immortal Realm through Ascension to Immortal Platform.

After all, these people's qualifications are limited, and it is basically impossible for them to ascend.And if they want to ascend, the only way is to ascend to Xiantai.

In an instant, millions of monks shot at the same time, and the terrifying power shattered the void.

boom! boom! boom!
In an instant, countless monks were bombarded by this terrifying force. Even half-step immortals couldn't react at all, and were directly blasted into a cloud of blood mist and exploded.

The power attack of several million monks is extremely terrifying.

Standing in the void hundreds of thousands of miles away from Shengxiantai, Chen Hao looked at the bombarded and shattered monks in front of him, with a look of shock on his face.

Millions of people fight at the same time, and all of them are strong in the cultivation world, which is more terrifying than the war in the world.One by one, the powerful men who stood at the top of the cultivation world all fell under the bombardment of these terrifying forces.

Countless forces poured into the vicinity of Shengxiantai.The void near Shengxiantai turned into a vacuum, full of violent power, even half-step immortals would not dare to set foot in it.

However, these forces continuously shattered the void bombardment, but they had no effect on Shengxiantai.Even, Chen Hao saw an invisible force emanating from Shengxiantai, which isolated the outside force.

Even with a joint attack of millions of people, these powerful forces could not hit Shengxiantai, let alone kill it.

Seeing that Shengxiantai was blocked by countless terrifying forces, those strong men, especially those with near lifespan, were heartbroken.Even the Giant Ape King and the others dare not go in. Once they enter, they will be killed directly.

However, although Shengxian Terrace has been opened, no one knows how long it will be open?If the time is too short, then they will not be able to break through these power blockades, and will not be able to enter Shengxiantai, wouldn't that be a waste of time?
Seeing that Shengxiantai is within reach, but far away, these people are anxious.

"Kill all these bastards."

A half-step immortal roared, and threw a big move directly into the crowd.


After the loud noise, thousands of monks were directly blasted into powder.

Seeing this half-step immortal make a move, the eyes of the other powerhouses also brightened.If you want to enter Shengxiantai, you must break these power blockades, and the easiest way to break these power blockades is to kill all these people.

Terrifying auras erupted from the crowd, and these boards and wires unleashed the strongest attack, and began to slaughter the surrounding monks.

After the Half-Step Immortal took action, these monks near Shengxiantai began to fall in large numbers.

Perhaps the power of their joint bombardment made the half-step immortal dare not approach, but once they dispersed, they could only be slaughtered by the half-step immortal.

In just a few breaths after the half-step immortal made his move, hundreds of thousands of monks had already been killed.

After the half-step immortal made his move, the other monks also reacted and began to kill the monks around them.

They all know that if they want to get the quota to ascend to Xiantai, they must kill all these people.If he could kill everyone present, then naturally no one would compete with him for promotion to Xiantai.

Seeing a large number of fallen monks, Chen Hao in the distance shook his head.After this scuffle, even if someone successfully ascended, the strength of the entire cultivation world must drop by a level.

After all, most of the people who come here are the elites of the cultivation world.

Like Chen Hao, many people who were just watching the fun had already run out far away.Even some people who wanted to promote to Sendai also ran out.Waiting to reap the benefits of the fisherman.

The melee of several million monks was extremely terrifying. In a short period of time, the entire Lianluo Mountain Range, except for the peak where Shengxiantai was located, had been razed to the ground.

And the number of monks who were originally several million has also dropped by [-]% at this time.Of course, those who died were all weak monks.But even though half of the monks had died, the battle did not stop, on the contrary, it became more and more intense.

A monk smashed one of his enemies, and rushed towards Shengxiantai with a teleportation.

It's just that he hasn't approached Shengxiantai, but on the way to Shengxiantai, he has been beaten out of the void and turned into a cloud of blood mist.

During the scuffle, countless monks tried to fish in troubled waters and rush to the Ascension to Immortal Terrace, but they were directly bombarded and killed like this.

Whenever someone sees someone rushing towards Shengxiantai, the nearby monks who are fighting will give up their opponents by coincidence, and kill the monk who rushed towards Shengxiantai.

Because of this, no one can approach Shengxiantai.And the more so, the more intense the battle.They all know that if these people are not killed, no one will be able to reach Shengxiantai.

(End of this chapter)

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