The Best Red Packet System of Rebirth

Chapter 374 Immortal breath

Chapter 374 Immortal breath
After half a day of fierce melee, the number of monks who were originally several million has dropped by ninety-nine percent.

Except for those monks who were far away from the battle area, all the monks below the level of immortals, including the powerhouses of the half-immortal level, have all fallen, and there is not one left!
Even one-step immortals and half-step immortals have fallen countless.There were less than half of the one-step immortals who originally numbered one hundred thousand.

The half-step immortals are better, and many have fallen, but there are still most of them, about seven or eight thousand.

From the millions of fallen to 5 to [-] people, this scuffle was really tragic.The mountains were flattened, blood flowed into rivers, and minced meat was everywhere. The pungent smell of blood spread far away, and the streams of blood gathered into a river of blood, which slowly flowed into the distance.

It was terrifying, more terrifying than any war in the world.

Seeing this scene, even Chen Hao couldn't help but change his face.It was too tragic.Chen Hao just changed his expression, he didn't sympathize with these people, after all, this is the world of comprehension.

In a world where the strong are respected, to die is to die.It is the law of this world that the weak eat the strong.Those who died were just because they wanted to be promoted to Xiantai, but their skills were not as good as others, so they had to be killed.

At this time, the scuffle continued.Who knows how many places there are in Shengxiantai?

Many monks can only kill!kill!kill!

During the melee, the one-step immortals began to fall in large numbers, and the half-step immortals also began to fall quickly.

There are still [-] monks left!
There are [-] monks!

There are still [-] monks!

Finally, the millions of monks have been drastically reduced to only [-] for you to control.These are the top powerhouses in the cultivation world, and the monks who survived the melee of tens of thousands of powerhouses are all extremely powerful.

"Millions of powerful people have fallen, and the overall strength of the cultivation world has dropped by several levels." Looking at this scene, this thought arose in the hearts of those who were far away from Shengxiantai.

But now there are no foreign enemies in the realm of comprehension, even if the overall strength drops, it's nothing.After all, almost every sect suffered heavy losses.

It's just that if you want to recover your vitality, I'm afraid it will take hundreds of thousands of years, or even millions of years.

Finally, a monk kicked his opponent back with a punch, and with a flick of his body, he teleported directly to the Ascension to Immortal Platform.

Seeing this, countless monks immediately locked him, and immediately, countless forces poured down, trying to smash this half-step immortal.However, what surprised him was that when their power hit the vicinity of Shengxiantai, they couldn't hit it no matter what.

Shengxiantai erupted with an invisible force, blocking the bombardment of the crowd.

Everyone was stunned for a while, in fact, they had already discovered that their power could not bombard Shengxiantai.After all, the previous attacks of millions of people couldn't damage Shengxiantai, let alone only 2 of them?
However, before, their power blocked the surroundings of Shengxiantai, and no monk was able to break through the blockade and enter Shengxiantai.

And now, the first person has entered Shengxiantai, and they can't attack.

After a moment of stupefaction, some people had already teleported and rushed straight into the Ascension to Immortal Terrace.

Finally, everyone came to their senses, stopped attacking each other, and rushed to Shengxiantai one after another.In an instant, 2 people had already entered Shengxiantai.

After all, Shengxiantai has a size of hundreds of miles, not to mention only accommodating 2 people, even tens of 10 people will have no pressure.

At the end of the sky above Shengxiantai, there is still that hazy and vast world.However, to the disappointment of these monks, although they entered Shengxiantai, there was no change in Shengxiantai.

"Did you get tricked?"

Everyone looked at each other.

"Or is there too many people?" All of a sudden, countless monks looked at the people around them with hostile eyes.A wave of terrifying fluctuations continued to emanate from them, and the scuffle was about to begin.

After all, Shengxiantai has not appeared in the cultivation world for too long.Although they knew that the Ascension Terrace was opened, they didn't know how the Ascension Terrace allowed them to ascend.

"Is it possible to rush up directly along the golden light?" Everyone looked up at the hazy but vast world at the end of the void.

At the same time, some monks had already risen into the air and flew towards the top.

No one hesitated, everyone soared into the sky, rushing to the world at the end.If that is the fairyland, they will always enter the fairyland through the golden light.


However, at this moment, there was a loud noise erupting from the end of the void in Shengxiantai!

After the loud noise, a vast aura that was countless times stronger than the half-step immortal erupted violently, oppressing the world and suppressing it.

The violent aura was suppressed instantly like a stormy sea. Under the action of this terrifying aura, the void was constantly annihilated!

The first to bear the brunt were those strong men who rushed to the front. Under this coercion, they spurted blood one by one, and the whole person was suppressed from above the sky.

Not only these people, but all the monks in Shengxiantai were suppressed by this terrifying aura, and they were all bombarded from the void, and some weaker people were coughing up blood continuously.Only people like the Giant Ape King can see and resist these terrifying auras.

However, seeing the change in Shengxiantai, their faces were very ugly, and they did not forcefully rush up, but landed on Shengxiantai again.

"What a terrifying breath!"

The monks who were far away from Shengxiantai, when the pressure of those breaths came down, their expressions changed one by one, and they were involuntarily pushed to the ground by the pressure, unable to continue to fly.

"This is the breath of a fairy!"

One side of Chen Hao's expression became fierce.When he fought Xue Chen back then, he felt this kind of breath from Xue Chen.However, the immortal aura on Xue Chen's body is less than one percent of the immortal aura of today.

"Could it be that there are immortals coming?"

All the monks looked at the sky, because they all understood that even half-step immortals couldn't resist these breaths, so who else could they be except immortals?

In the hazy world at the end of the sky above Shengxiantai, phantoms rushed out from the depths of the hazy world.Just when these people rushed out of the hazy world, a more terrifying aura erupted violently...

At this moment, all the monks in the entire cultivation world felt a shocking effect on themselves.

At this moment, all monks, even mortals in the mortal world, no matter whether they are cultivating, retreating, fighting, or eating, etc.

(End of this chapter)

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