The Best Red Packet System of Rebirth

Chapter 375 Mysterious Man

Chapter 375 Mysterious Man

At the moment when the terrifying breath descended, everyone was coerced and prostrated on the ground.The stronger the strength, the stronger the pressure.

"Is it the end of the world?"

Everyone panicked, not knowing why.Especially ordinary people in the mortal world turned pale with fright, thinking it was the end of the world.

But the monks knew that this was a powerful and terrifying aura!However, they don't know what kind of existence can exude such a terrifying breath?

Fortunately, this terrifying aura was withdrawn the moment it appeared.

At this time, near Shengxiantai, countless monks watched the ascent of Shengxiantai.

I saw more than a dozen figures flying down from the sky.Although they had restrained their aura, the faint aura still shattered the void around them, very terrifying.


At this moment, no one doubted the identities of these people. They were all immortals, immortals who descended from the immortal world.

But, why did the immortal set foot in this world?Didn't it mean that after ascension, you can't come to the realm of comprehension again?After all, the immortal is so powerful that one person can destroy a cultivation world.

"There must be something they need in the realm of comprehension." At this moment, this idea appeared in the hearts of all the monks.It's just that those monks on the Ascension to Immortal Platform didn't look good.

They beat life and death, and even killed millions of monks, originally thinking that they could ascend to the fairy world with the help of the Immortal Ascension Platform.However, they never expected that the appearance of Shengxiantai would not allow them to soar to the fairy world, but to welcome the immortals from the fairy world.

All of a sudden, these cultivators had a murderous intent in their hearts. If they didn't know the situation, these people would probably attack these immortals.

"Is this the cultivation world? These ants are so weak."

More than a dozen immortals descended to the sky above the Ascension to Immortal Terrace, looking down at the many monks in the Ascension to Immortal Terrace, and one immortal looked at these monks with disdain and said.

"Huh? Ants are ants, and you dare to show killing intent to me? You really want to die." Perhaps feeling the killing intent of the monks, the young immortal snorted coldly, and waved his sleeve violently, suddenly a terrifying force Lasing out.

boom! boom! boom!
Almost at the same time, in Ascension to Immortal Terrace, the bodies of three half-step immortals exploded violently.

These are all half-step immortals, the top existences in the cultivation world, those who survived the melee of millions of strong men, were wiped out by this immortal with a wave of their hands!
It's not that they are too weak, but that the immortal is really too strong!
Is there such a big gap between a half-step immortal and a real immortal?

For a moment, all the monks were taken aback, but the killing intent in their hearts soared.However, everyone forcibly suppressed the killing intent in their hearts.

"Ants are ants. You may be the top existences in the cultivation world, but you are still just ants and dogs in front of us. Killing you is like killing dogs!"

The immortal who spoke before glanced at all the monks indifferently, and continued: "So, don't try to resist us, or I will kill you like an ant!"

"Perhaps you were the overlords of this cultivation world before, but from today onwards, we are the overlords of this world. Don't try to resist, I can destroy you with a wave of my hand."

Another fairy said with a look of disdain.

Among the many monks in Shengxiantai, which one is not a strong one?In the cultivation world, which monk does not look up to them?
But now, these immortals who descended from the fairy world blatantly despise them and trample them on the ground.

This makes these people so tolerant?
People who have cultivated to their level, who is not a proud existence, suddenly asked them to admit that these immortals are the masters, it is impossible.

However, because of the great strength of the immortal, and the opponent has more than a dozen people, the Giant Ape King and the others are not opponents at all.Of course, if there were only one or two immortals on the other side, the Giant Ape King and the others would have already thrown themselves into trouble.


Seeing the Giant Ape King and the others, they didn't react, they were just silent, and the expressions of these immortals became gloomy.

Although their status in the fairy world is not high, it can even be said that they are only the lowest immortals.But in the realm of comprehension, even a half-step immortal can only bow his proud head in front of them!
With their strength enough to sweep the cultivation world, so when they came to the cultivation world, they became arrogant.They desperately need the thrill of being in control.

"Are you not convinced?" An immortal took a step forward, and a horrible breath came out, and the monks in Shengxiantai who were directly suppressed couldn't lift their heads.

Everyone didn't say a word, they all became silent.The atmosphere is very depressing.It's just that many monks are angry at the coercion of the immortal's breath.

Usually they are the only ones who coerce others, so how can it be these immortals who coerce them?As a result, killing intent splattered in each of them, but it was well concealed by them.

"You are courting death!"

Seeing everyone's reaction, these immortals were furious.An immortal snorted coldly, and then slapped out a palm as fast as lightning.

There was a bang, and a powerful half-step immortal in the crowd was directly photographed into a cloud of blood mist, so dead that he couldn't die anymore.

Seeing this, the killing intent in the hearts of many monks could no longer be concealed, and it exploded instantly, heading straight into the sky.

Usually they fight desperately to live and die, but they are all fighting by their own people, and the one who dies can only blame their own lack of strength.But the immortals they are facing now are their common enemy, because they are all outsiders.

No matter how hard they fight, when these immortals start to attack them, they will unite to fight against them!Because these immortals are the common enemy of the cultivation world.

"Ant-like existence dares to show killing intent towards us! Well, if we kill you all today, there is no need for this cultivation world to continue to exist." A fairy was extremely angry, and a huge aura continued to emanate from him When he came out, a strong killing intent rose into the sky.

Hearing this fairy's words, Chen Hao and others were shocked.

They didn't take the fairy's words as a joke.With the strength of these immortals, it is very possible to destroy the cultivation world.

"How many mere immortals want to destroy the realm of self-cultivation? It's really shameless." Hearing the words of the immortals, the monks on the Ascension to Immortal Platform were also furious, but at this time the Giant Ape King raised his head, with a serious expression on his face. He looked at those fairies with disdain.

"It's over! How did the giant ape king stand out?" Seeing the reaction of the giant ape king, Chen Hao was shocked.But the little ape king was so frightened that his face turned pale.

An immortal took a step forward, and the violent force shook the void, causing some immortals to cough up blood.He looked at the giant ape king indifferently, with a disdainful smile on his face: "In that case, you should die."

While speaking, the celestial slapped lightly with a palm, slowly imprinting the image of the giant ape king, as if humans and animals were harmless.

The face of the giant ape king suddenly changed.He didn't think that the immortal's light palm was harmless to humans and animals.If it was imprinted on the body by the palm of the immortal, even if the giant ape king is the top powerhouse among the half-step immortals, he would be directly smashed into powder.

But even so, the Giant Ape King didn't react, he just looked at the immortal who shot with disdain.

Seeing the disdainful expression of the giant ape king, the immortal immediately flew into a rage.Given their status in the fairy world, they are often looked at with disdain and contempt.

But after all, it is in the fairy world, who made them low in cultivation?However, when they arrived in the fairy world, they were still despised and dismissed by others. How could this make them not angry?
The murderous intent skyrocketed, and the big hand quickly slapped the giant ape king like a thunderbolt.

At this moment, the little ape king almost exclaimed, and Chen Hao and others also changed their expressions drastically.


"Great Ape King!"...

Everyone screamed, seeing that the giant ape king was about to die under the hands of the immortal, at this moment...

"Hmph!" A cold snort suddenly came from afar.

Almost at the same time, the immortal slapped the giant ape king's hand as if it was suddenly blocked by someone, unable to advance an inch!
There was a bang from the immortal who shot, and the immortal seemed to be bombarded by a force or an electric current, his body trembled violently.

The immortal snorted, and actually stepped back a few steps, and Chen Hao and others even saw a trace of blood overflowing from the corner of the immortal's mouth.

This fairy was injured by the shock!

Seeing this scene, both the immortal and Chen Hao were all shocked.

That's a fairy, although it's just the most ordinary fairy in the fairy world, but this is not the fairy world, but the cultivation world!With their strength, they could definitely sweep a cultivation world, but at this time they were shocked!

Just a cold snort hurts!

Such an injury to an immortal, could there be someone stronger than him in the realm of comprehension?
Chen Hao and other monks were extremely shocked, but those immortals were shocked and angry.None of them thought that there would be immortals in the realm of cultivation, and there would be people much stronger than them.

Especially the immortal who had been shaken back looked around in surprise, with resentment in his eyes.

At the same time, an aura like a spring breeze suddenly swept across the world like water patterns.At this moment, the terrifying coercive aura given by those immortals disappeared instantly.

Without the terrifying coercion from the immortals, Chen Hao and the others finally stood up naturally without resisting their coercion.

At the same time, the monks in Shengxiantai also started teleporting and left Shengxiantai.Being with these people who are much stronger than yourself, the pressure is still relatively high.

Moreover, these immortals were really arrogant, and they shot at every turn, making these strong men feel that their lives were seriously threatened.

"It turns out that there is a senior Shangxian here. I will take the liberty of waiting, and I will offend you." A fairy who looked like a leader glanced around, saw that he didn't find it, and finally saluted in the air, and said in a deep voice.

However, no one responded.It seems that the person who rescued the giant ape king just now does not exist.But these immortals don't think that person doesn't exist. After all, a monk who can injure an immortal with just a cold snort must be much stronger than them.

Although they came down from the fairy world and their strength was suppressed to a certain extent, but those who can make their voice shock them are at least the existence of the immortal level.That was a strong man who easily killed them.

Seeing that no one responded, the leader immortal was also furious.Thinking of the one behind him, the immortal couldn't help becoming proud again.

So what about Shangxian?Is it the opponent of that one?
It's just a realm of comprehension, don't they dare to fight against that one?

"Senior, your strength is indeed stronger than ours. But we are ordered by the suzerain to come down to the cultivation world to handle affairs, so please don't embarrass us." The leading immortal suppressed the anger in his heart and said in a deep voice again.

However, the surrounding area was still silent, and the strong man who made the move earlier still didn't move his head.

This made many immortals furious.Although their strength is not strong, their Azure Luo Sect is considered a big sect in the cultivation world, and there is even a Da Luo Jinxian in their sect.

This time in the lower realm, it was under the orders of their suzerain, the Da Luo Jinxian!Da Luo Jinxian, even in the fairy world is a master.

"Our suzerain is a strong man at the level of Daluo Jinxian. This time we are under the order of suzerain to do things in the lower realm, and we hope that seniors will not stop us. Otherwise, we will bear the consequences." A fairy stepped forward and said coldly.

"Are you threatening me? Huh?" A faint voice came over.

Almost at the same time, the celestial being who threatened seemed to be hit hard, and his whole body was immediately blown away, and blood spurted wildly in the void.

Seeing this scene, the faces of many immortals changed instantly!At this moment, they no longer doubted the strength of this mysterious man.But it was Chen Hao and others who were different from many immortals. They all felt very happy to see these incomparable strong men vomit blood by a voice.

"This world is my world. I don't want anyone to destroy it here. Otherwise, I will kill you without mercy!" A faint voice came over, causing many immortals to change their expressions again.

"You can find what you need in the cultivation world, but if I find out that you are killing innocent people and destroying the cultivation world, then you will never have to go back to the fairy world."

Although the voice was flat, the faces of the immortals were very ugly.They all knew that with the strength of this mysterious strong man, it really wasn't difficult to kill them.

It's just that when they think of their mission this time, their faces become even uglier.Originally, without the intervention of this mysterious strong man, with their strength, they should be able to complete the task very quickly.

But now that there is this mysterious strongman, they dare not engage in unrestrained activities in the realm of comprehension, let alone attack those sects.

Undoubtedly strengthened the difficulty of their task.

(End of this chapter)

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