Chapter 376 Killing
The strength of the mysterious strongman made these immortals feel very aggrieved.They are celestial beings in the fairy world, and they are powerful enough to sweep the entire cultivation world.

In their minds, their coming to the realm of comprehension should be glorious.Those beings who are like ants in their eyes should be extremely flattering to themselves. In this world, they can call the wind and rain, and do whatever they want. Even if they are unhappy, it is possible to destroy the world.

It's just that they didn't expect that there would be a Shangxian in this cultivation world!A powerhouse countless times stronger than them.

With this strong person in this world, they will have scruples about what they do, and they can't do it to their heart's content.This is an extreme of the ideal state they had before they entered the world of comprehension.

"Hmph! It's just a mere immortal. If you dare to disobey our Qingluo Sect's wishes, then wait to bear the wrath of Qingluo Patriarch." An immortal with a livid face finally couldn't help but said in a cold voice.

"Patriarch Qingluo is a Daluo Jinxian-level existence, and he can destroy this so-called cultivation world with one breath. He is just a mere immortal, and he dares to oppose us." Another immortal said disdainfully.

The patriarch of Qingluo, that is, the suzerain of Qingluo Sect, has reached the realm of Daluo Jinxian, and he can be regarded as a strong man even in the fairy world.

However, no matter whether it is a celestial immortal, a Shangxian or a Daluo Jinxian, Chen Hao and others are not clear about the classification of these immortal worlds.After all, they have never been in contact with the fairy world.

However, listening to the words of those two immortals, the patriarch Qingluo is the suzerain of a sect, so how could he be weak?
For a moment, the hearts of all the monks present sank.After all, the opponent is a sect in the Immortal Realm, even if they devote all their strength to the cultivation world, they may not be their opponents.

"System, what kind of existence is the Da Luo Jinxian in the fairy world?" Chen Hao didn't know the status of the Da Luo Jinxian in the fairy world, so he asked the system.

The disdainful voice of the system came: "Da Luo Jinxian is barely considered a master in the fairy world. He can start a sect, but his strength is not very good."

Listening to what the system said, Chen Hao felt a little disdain for the system.

He is considered a master in the fairy world, and he can establish a sect. Such a person is not very strong?Of course, if Zhao Yun is used as a comparison, those people are not even counted as ants.

However, compared with Chen Hao and others, it is a super existence that Chen Hao can't even look up to.

"In the world of self-cultivation, I am the master. What about Daluo Jinxian? What about Nine Heavens Profound Immortal? In my world, I must abide by my rules!" The faint voice came out slowly, containing a strong sense of disdain.

Nine Heavens Profound Immortal!

Listening to the trace of this voice, it seems that the Nine Heavens Profound Immortal is still above the Daluo Golden Immortal.However, this mysterious strong man disdained them!Could it be that this mysterious strong man is stronger than the Nine Heavens Profound Immortal?

What kind of realm is that?
Chen Hao couldn't help being very curious about who this mysterious strong man is, a person who doesn't even despise the Nine Heavens Profound Immortal, how powerful and terrifying can he be?
Not only Chen Hao and others, but other monks in the cultivation world also looked excited.None of them knew that there was such a powerful person in their own world.

A super strong man who doesn't even disdain Daluo Jinxian and Nine Heavens Xuanxian.With such a strong man as the patron saint of the cultivation world, why would they be afraid of these people from the fairy world?
For a moment, each of them stood upright and looked at those immortals.With the backing of such a strong man, if their waists cannot be straightened, it would be a shame, he is greedy for life and afraid of death.

"Your Excellency speaks so loudly. Could it be that you, a small cultivation world, still dare to fight against Qing Luozong? Maybe you are the strongest in this world, but if you dare to ascend to the fairy world, it is your time of death!" A The fairy said disdainfully.

"Maybe, but in my world, what I say is the rule." The faint voice came slowly.At the same time, a big black hand suddenly appeared above Shengxiantai, and then patted it down.

The immortal who spoke before was shot to death by this immortal before he even reacted.

An immortal was slapped to death by this big hand without even realizing it!And the owner of this big hand is the master of this world!
Seeing this scene, everyone was shocked and shocked.But the cultivators in the comprehension world suddenly felt very happy and relieved their anger.

After all, when these immortals descended, the aura pressure first gave them a disarm.Then they killed a few half-step immortals, which made them feel aggrieved.

And now seeing this lofty immortal being slapped to death with a single palm, how could they be unhappy?
"No matter what your purpose is in the cultivation world, I hope you will follow my rules, otherwise you will be killed without mercy." The faint voice came again, but it made the immortals feel extremely frightened.

The other party is not afraid of Patriarch Qingluo, and killing them is like slaughtering dogs, how can he not be so frightened?
"Ascension to Immortal Terrace has already been opened, no matter..." The mysterious strongman sighed, and then continued: "Giant Ape King, you wait for the monks who have reached the limit to take this opportunity to go to the fairyland. Those who have not reached the limit leave Bar."

Before the voice fell, Chen Hao said that the giant ape king who was standing in the void, and some strong men who were also exuding death suddenly disappeared in place.

It was actually teleported away by that mysterious strong man, maybe he has already entered the fairy world.

"People from the fairy world cannot intervene in the battle between the cultivation world, otherwise they will be killed without mercy." The voice of the mysterious strong man came from afar, making the expressions of those immortals change again.

However, after hearing these voices in the ears of many monks, they had another idea.

This mysterious strong man has always existed in the cultivation world, and he has never cared about the struggles in the cultivation world.And the meaning of what he said now is also obvious.

People in the fairy world can't get involved in their fights, but the fights between them... the mysterious strong will not intervene.

It seems that the existence of this mysterious strong man is only protecting the realm of comprehension.

At the same time, the glaring golden light in Shengxiantai also disappeared, and the hazy world above the sky had long since disappeared.

It seems that the relationship between Shengxiantai and Immortal World was cut off by the mysterious strongman.

One immortal was beheaded, and another was severely injured, and the faces of those immortals were all ugly.

The leader of the immortal snorted coldly, and with a dark face, he led the rest of the immortals away from the Lianluo Mountains and disappeared into the distant sky.At the same time, Chen Hao felt waves of murderous divine thoughts swept over him.

Chen Hao's face suddenly changed: "These bastards actually want to attack me."

Chen Hao gritted his teeth and cursed inwardly, then disappeared in a flash.

Seeing Chen Hao disappear, the rest of the people also rose into the sky and flew away into the distance.All of a sudden, the Lianluo Mountains became extremely deserted.

If it wasn't for the flattened Lianluo Mountains and the river formed by the blood, no one would have known that a tragic battle had taken place here.

And not long after, the immortal came, and the disappearance of the mysterious strongman guarding the cultivation world also spread in the cultivation world.Once again, the comprehension world was shocked.

"I don't know who that mysterious strong man is?" After learning about this mysterious strong man, everyone guessed the identity of this mysterious man.However, no one knew who this person was.

But what reassures them is that the mysterious strongman here did not interfere with their fight.And although the arrival of those immortals shocked the comprehension world, but under the threat of that mysterious strong man, they did not dare to do anything, so they were gradually forgotten.

Of course, no one really forgot about these fairies.

These immortals came down from the fairy world.

What do people from the fairy world come down to the cultivation world?There must be something in the world of comprehension that they can appreciate.That is something that immortals also covet, how can monks not be moved by it?

As a result, many people began to inquire about these immortals.However, after these immortals came down to the realm of comprehension, they became silent.Moreover, with their strength, it is not easy for the various sects to investigate clearly.

"What is the identity of that mysterious strong man? Is he really that powerful? He is not even afraid of the Nine Heavens Profound Immortal?" In the red envelope of the system, Chen Hao asked the system with a frown.

"That mysterious person should not be that powerful. As he said, in the cultivation world, he is the master of this world! Moreover, people from the fairy world cannot enter the cultivation world casually. Even if the Nine Heavens Xuanxian enters the cultivation world, his strength is also It will be suppressed in a low level. And if that mysterious person is really the master of the cultivation world, he can easily kill those immortals with low strength."

Chen Hao frowned slightly, and after pondering for a while, he asked, "You mean, this mysterious man may be a very powerful monk. But those who came down from the fairy world were all suppressed at extremely low strength?"

If that's the case, the mysterious people really don't have to be afraid of them.Even if the legendary Immortal Emperor entered the realm of comprehension, he might not be the opponent of that mysterious person.

"Exactly." The system nodded.

"Who is that mysterious person? Why does he claim to be the master of the cultivation world?" Chen Hao is still curious about the identity of the mysterious person.

People who come down from the fairy world can be suppressed, why is he not suppressed?And this is the first time he heard that there is such a fierce person in the cultivation world.

But these are not what the current Chen Hao can know.This time he killed so many strong men, there must be countless strong men from all the major sects chasing and killing him, and there are still immortals in the realm of comprehension!

"My own strength is still not enough! Improve your strength first!" Chen Hao pondered for a while, and then appeared in the Extreme Heaven Realm.

During the Shengxiantai incident, the immortal came, and the powerful strength of the immortal shocked everyone in the comprehension world.The power of the immortal, the half-step immortal is like an ant in front of the real immortal!
It must be known that those immortals are just the most ordinary angels with the weakest strength in the immortal world.

The Immortal gave Chen Hao a very shocking feeling.But what shocked Chen Hao the most was the mysterious strong man, the ruler of China's cultivation world!

People don't know where they are, and they seriously injured an immortal with just a cold snort. Such strength is much stronger than those immortals.

Moreover, Chen Hao suspected that the mysterious strong man was most likely not there at that time, but in some corner of the cultivation world.

The power of the immortal and the appearance of the mysterious strongman both stimulated Chen Hao and made him stronger.

Before, he already had the strength to fight against a one-step immortal, and he could even kill a one-step immortal by himself.Before the immortal came, Chen Hao was quite proud.

After all, at his age, it was unprecedented for anyone to be able to kill a one-step immortal.Chen Hao once felt that he was considered a strong man.

It's just that the appearance of immortals and mysterious strong men completely shattered Chen Hao's pride.

Chen Hao couldn't even match the weakest half-step immortal, let alone an immortal?Or the mysterious strong man?
"Since there is that mysterious strong man in the cultivation world, is there a second mysterious strong man? Who are they?"

"Almost all the top experts in the cultivation world gathered near Shengxiantai, but Li Xu, who was number one on the dragon and phoenix list, and King Xiaopeng, who was second, didn't show up. Are they disdainful or are they practicing in seclusion?"

In a vague way, Chen Hao felt that the strength of these two mysterious young strong men must not be bad, at least Chen Hao felt that he could not be their opponent with his current strength.

"Strength! I don't know what level my strength will soar after going through the four or nine days of calamity?"

Stimulated by the mysterious strong man and the immortal, Chen Hao deeply realized that he was not strong.With his current strength, it is extremely difficult to destroy Xu Tianzong and others.

"Through the four or nine heavenly tribulations, although others will not interfere, it's still safe to go through the tribulation in the extreme sky realm." Chen Hao appeared above the void of the extreme sky realm.

No one can interfere when crossing the forty-nine heavenly tribulation, but Chen Hao is still cautious and crosses the tribulation in the extreme sky.

"I don't know how powerful my Heavenly Tribulation is?" Chen Hao had a thought, and then all the [-] Chaos members were transferred out of the system red envelope world by him.

Looking at the dense crowd of people on the ground, Chen Hao smiled. The reason why he let these people out of the red envelopes from the system was because Chen Hao wanted them to see his catastrophe.

With a thought, Chen Hao instantly released his power seal.Suddenly, a monstrous aura burst out from him like a stormy sea.

The terrifying power pressured the members of Chaos around them back and forth, the trees in the mountains were destroyed, some hilltops were even shattered by the terrifying breath, and countless monsters fled in panic.


Just when Chen Hao raised his aura to the limit, the world trembled, and then a golden ladder appeared in front of Chen Hao out of thin air.

(End of this chapter)

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