The Best Red Packet System of Rebirth

Chapter 377 Climbing the Ladder

Chapter 377 Climbing the Ladder

This is a golden ladder reaching a hundred miles wide!It is dozens or hundreds of times larger than other monks' climbing ladders!Shocking breaths emanated from the climbing ladder, and the overwhelming Chaos members kept retreating.

"It's so spectacular, such a grand ladder to climb to the sky!"

Seeing the appearance of the ladder to the sky, Zhang Ao and the others had dull expressions on their faces.They are all monks in the metamorphosis period, and they have also read the Four Nine Heavens Tribulation.But their climbing the ladder is far more shocking than Chen Hao's climbing the ladder!
"The leader deserves to be the leader, and climbing the ladder is hundreds of times more shocking than ours!" Looking at the ladder, the eyes of all Chaos members shone with brilliance, and Chen Hao shocked them very much.


At the same time as the Stairway to Heaven appeared, above the Nine Heavens, at the end of the Stairway to Heaven, a huge fairy gate that reached tens of thousands of miles appeared out of thin air.

Seeing the appearance of this fairy gate with a width of tens of thousands of miles, all the members of Chaos, and even the awakened Demon King in the Extreme Heaven Realm, were stunned.

At this moment, in the realm of comprehension outside the Extreme Heaven Realm.


A muffled loud noise rang out from above, and powerful, vast but soft auras swept across the realm of comprehension in an instant.At this moment, some monks were horrified to see that at the height of the sky, a ladder with a width of hundreds of miles appeared out of thin air, running across the sky and the earth.

"What a big ladder!"

I don't know the reason, no matter where in the cultivation world, I can see this huge and incomparable ladder.

"Who is crossing the catastrophe? The ladder to the sky has reached a hundred miles wide?" Seeing this huge ladder to the sky, those monks, including one-step immortals, half-step immortals, and even those immortals froze.

"There are such powerful people in this cultivation world?" The dozen or so immortals looked at each other in blank dismay, extremely shocked, even shocked!
As a fairy, although he is only the lowest level of heaven, he is still a fairy after all.Their knowledge is not comparable to that of monks in the cultivation world.

It's just that even they are shocked, let alone those people in the cultivation world?
Especially those who have survived the forty-nine catastrophe are even more depressed.

"When I crossed the catastrophe, the ladder to the sky was only the size of an ordinary staircase, and some strong people were only a few meters wide, but this ladder to the sky is as wide as a hundred miles!" A half-step immortal's eyes were shining brightly, and his heart was depressed thought.

Not only he thinks so, but everyone else thinks so.


They were already shocked when they saw the ladder to the sky.But the Immortal Gate that was ten thousand miles wide appeared immediately and completely shocked these monks and immortals.

A fairy gate with a width of ten thousand li, that is to say, each immortal door has reached five thousand li!
Five thousand miles, what is this concept?It takes the average person several months to walk!

"F*ck, a fairy gate thousands of miles wide! Is this the forty-nine heavenly tribulation?" Everyone was shocked by the huge fairy gate that appeared.Even those immortals looked dull.

After a long time, the leading immortal cursed angrily.It has never been heard that someone's fairy gate has reached thousands of miles wide.

"Ordinary people go through the tribulation, and the fairy gate is about the same size as the normal door. This fairy gate is as wide as thousands of miles. Who is going through the tribulation?" Those monks who have already passed through the tribulation looked at this fairy gate, feeling very big pressure.

"Haha, there is such a monstrous existence in the realm of comprehension, but I don't know if he has the ability to blast open the fairy gate?" Everyone was shocked by the climbing ladder and the fairy gate.

Immediately after waking up, they gloated one by one.

The fairy gates that appear when ordinary monks cross the catastrophe are as big as ordinary gates.However, even though it was such a small fairy gate, even though those monks tried their best, they barely opened a crack.

And the hugeness of the fairy gate means that it is more difficult for the fairy gate to be blasted open!The fairy gate, which is thousands of miles large, is more than a hundred thousand miles high!Such a thick fairy gate, how much strength is needed to blast it open?

Of course, if it can be blasted open, even if it is just a crack, it will be much stronger than other monks who have opened all the immortal gates.Even if it's just a crack, the fairy aura revealed is absolutely vast like a vast ocean.

If all the immortal gates that are thousands of miles wide can be blasted open, Chen Hao's physical body will be tempered in a short time, and all of them will be transformed into immortal bodies, soaring in the daytime.

"No matter what, let this person join our Qingluo Sect, otherwise he can only be killed." Seeing the ascending ladder and the fairy gate, those immortals were already stunned.After a long time, the leader Xianmen said lightly.

Such a monstrous person must be very powerful in the future.Then they have to win Chen Hao to the Qingluo Sect before Chen Hao has grown up. In time, it is possible for Chen Hao to surpass the ancestor of Qingluo.

If you can't bring it closer to Qing Luozong, then kill it.After all, no one wants to watch such a monstrous existence grow up.

Extreme heaven.

Chen Hao looked at the huge fairy gate with a heavy expression on his face, and he wanted to cry.

Such a large fairy gate is indeed very shocking, shocking the world like no one before or since!But how to blast open that fairy gate?

Perhaps, those immortals can blast open this fairy gate!
Chen Hao was thinking in his heart, feeling very depressed.

If he couldn't blast open the fairy gate, then he wouldn't be able to soar if he couldn't transform his fairy body without fairy energy to temper his body.

"Idiot! You are a Chaotic Celestial Physique, which is already billions of times stronger than those Immortal Physiques. There is no need to transform into an Immortal Physique!" When Chen Hao was frustrated, the system couldn't help shouting angrily.

Chen Hao was startled, then he reacted and said, "Does that mean that I don't even have to go through the tribulation?"

"Of course." The system continued with a bit of hatred for iron and steel: "As long as your strength is sufficient, you can cut through the void and enter the fairy world by yourself. You don't need the fairy world to guide you! With your growth rate, you want to reach that point It won't take long either."

Hearing this, Chen Hao felt relieved immediately.How worried he was that he would not be able to blast through that fairy gate.If you can't fly, it's really sad.


Chen Hao looked up at the climbing ladder and the huge fairy gate across the world, and a smile gradually appeared on his face.

"Since the Four or Nine Heavens Tribulations have already appeared, there is no need to rush through it. There is no harm in climbing the ladder." After letting go of the burden in his heart, Chen Hao decided to go through the legendary ladder, maybe Can he blast open the fairy gate?No matter how bad it is, you can use the power of Jielei to temper your body.

(End of this chapter)

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