Chapter 397 Control
Wu Feng came to Chen Hao with a heartache on his face, and said, "Boss, there are still 30 people who are willing to stay. 50 people have left."

80 million!
Xutianzong actually has 80 disciples!

Chen Hao's heart skipped a beat.He knew that Xu Tianzong had many disciples, but he didn't know that his sect had almost reached one million disciples.Presumably, other sects should be similar.

However, the Xutian Sect with nearly 100 million disciples only has a few hundred experts who are one-step Immortals or above. This ratio is really shockingly low.

Seeing Wu Feng's heartbroken face, Chen Hao certainly knew why he was like this, and couldn't help laughing: "Those who leave will regret it. I believe that in the near future, more disciples will join us Sect. Remember, those Xutianzong disciples who have left, no matter how defiant their aptitude, cannot be allowed to join the sect."

Wu Feng nodded, and Chen Hao continued to ask: "How many people are left in the metamorphosis stage?"

"Not one." Wu Feng said depressingly.

Chen Hao was startled, a little speechless.

Although many cultivators in the metamorphosis stage were killed, many survived.No one was able to stay, but Chen Hao also felt that this was the most normal thing.

The monks in the metamorphosis stage are the elites of each sect. The sect spent countless resources on them to cultivate them. It is normal for them to be loyal to the original sect and not willing to stay.

"Zhang Ao, Wu Feng, Yang Man, you go and rectify these disciples of the Xutian Sect and settle them down. Our sect is here." Chen Hao handed Zhang Ao and some high-level members of the Chaos to Cong He. Released from Tuluoshu World, they started to rectify Xutianzong.

"Boss, what is our sect called? Is it also called Chaos?" Yang Man hesitated for a moment and said.Since Chen Hao wants to establish a sect, but this sect has no name yet.

"Chaos Sacred Sect. The sect is called Chaos Sacred Sect, and every suzerain of the Sacred Sect will be called the Holy Master in the future, and I am the first Sacred Master of the Sacred Sect, the founder of the Chaos Sacred Sect."

"Chaos Holy Sect!"

Everyone's eyes lit up immediately, they looked at each other first, and then saluted Chen Hao together: "Holy Lord!"

Chen Hao nodded, and ordered them to go down and settle down those disciples of Xutianzong, no, it should be said that they are already disciples of Chaos Sect.


Xutianzong was destroyed by Chen Hao alone, and Chen Hao accepted some of Xutianzong's disciples and created his own sect, Chaos Sacred Sect!

After the two news spread, the cultivation world was once again shaken.

Although Chen Hao was able to kill immortals, he was powerful.But the independent elimination of Xutianzong, one of the top ten sects, still surprised the world.

Especially the big sects like Yuanxu Sect who have a deep hatred with Chen Hao.

Chen Hao actually had the ability to destroy Xutianzong, and naturally he also had the ability to destroy them, which made them feel uneasy.Moreover, now Chen Hao has actually established his own sect.

Chen Hao has magic weapons that emerge in endlessly, and he is even more powerful. He can kill immortals and kill one of the top ten sects independently.Such a strong man created a sect, I am afraid that his Chaos Holy Sect will rise very quickly.

Moreover, with the backing of many resources of Xutianzong, Chen Hao is not like the general newly established forces, who lack resources.

Although, at the level of top masters, the Chaos Holy Sect is not as good as other sects.However, as long as Chen Hao exists for a day, other sects in the cultivation world will not be able to compare with Chen Hao.

Moreover, Chen Hao will definitely become an immortal. After becoming an immortal, Chen Hao's lifespan will skyrocket. If he does not ascend and continue to guard the Chaos Sacred Sect, it will be difficult for the Sacred Sect to not be strong.

However, if these people know that Chen Hao doesn't disdain the pills of Xutianzong at all, if they know that there are [-] transformation stage monks in the world of Hetu Luoshu, what will they think?
One hundred thousand metamorphosis monks, even among the top ten sects, there will never be so many strong ones.

However, among the [-] members of Chaos, although some of them are close to the half-immortal realm, there are no one-step immortals and half-step immortals, the top existences in the cultivation world.

Among the top level powerhouses in the realm of comprehension, the Chaos Sacred Sect only had Chen Hao, the Fire-Eyed Golden Ape and the Big Black Dog.If they left the cultivation world, the Chaos Sacred Sect would not be guarded by top experts. At that time, the Chaos Sacred Sect would probably be besieged by other sects and forces in the cultivation world.

Without top powerhouses and a large number of top powerhouses sitting in town, the Chaos Holy Sect is definitely not an opponent of other forces and sects, and will only be destroyed.

"Unfortunately, even if the time in Hetu Luoshu world is accelerated, there will be no more half-immortals, let alone one-step immortals and half-step immortals." Chen Hao thought helplessly.

With the support of infinite pills and spiritual veins, Chen Hao can use Hetu Luoshu to speed up a large number of monks in the metamorphosis stage.

But it is impossible to be a strong man above half immortal.

This is because even if time speeds up, it cannot make the immortal aura fall faster and transform their physical bodies.After all, the immortal gates they blasted when they crossed the four or nine heavenly tribulations determined the speed at which they transformed their immortal bodies.

Although the fairy gate is invisible and invisible, the fairy aura that flows down every moment is certain. Unless the speed of their outflow is accelerated, the acceleration time is completely useless.

"Unless there is an Immortal Immortal Pill." Chen Hao's eyes flickered.

Immortal Immortal Pill can speed up the transformation of the immortal body, has the same effect as the immortal spirit energy, and is even stronger than the immortal spirit energy.

Thinking of Shengxian Pill, Chen Hao couldn't help but began to curse in his heart.In the auction where he got the branch of the tree of life, there was also a Shengxian Pill.

At that time, Chen Hao was poor and poor, and almost all the money was used to auction the Breaking Realm Pill.Later, he basically could only watch helplessly as the Immortal Pill was taken by Zhuang Ningguang at the price of one trillion Yuan Pills.

However, after Chen Hao destroyed Xutianzong and occupied everything in Xutianzong, he did not find the Immortal Immortal Elixir from the treasure house of Xutianzong, nor did he find the Immortal Immortal Elixir from Zhuang Ningguang's storage ring.

"Could it be that Shengxian Pill was ruined by Zhuang Ningguang?" Chen Hao thought so.At the beginning, Zhuang Ningguang seemed to be only a half-step immortal, but before that he was a first-step immortal.

With Zhuang Ningguang's qualifications, it is absolutely impossible to break through a realm in just 20 years.

"Without Shengxiantai, there would be a large number of top experts. Well, after this matter, go to the Bada Chamber of Commerce to see if there are any."

In the following time, Zhang Ao and others rectified the disciples of the Chaos Sect, while Chen Hao, with the assistance of Hetu, began to strengthen the Chaos Sect's mountain protection array.

"This mountain-protecting formation is really useless. It is vulnerable to immortal-level powerhouses. It is best to set up a great formation outside the Holy Sect. Even if the immortals come, they will not be able to break in." Seeing that it has been strengthened He Tu said with some disdain.

Absolute Immortal Formation?

If it's just an ordinary Great Immortal Formation, it's useless at all. If you want to achieve a Great Immortal Formation that can resist immortals, you must use the Immortal Sword as the base and eye of the formation.

But, where did Chen Hao get the fairy weapon?His immortal artifacts were not enough, and now there are hundreds of thousands of disciples of the Chaos Sacred Sect to support.

Although Xu Tianzong also got a few fairy weapons after destroying Xu Tianzong, it is impossible for him to use these fairy weapons for formation.After all, the Chaos Holy Sect also needs the Immortal Artifact of the Suppressant.

"Maybe the punisher has one?" Hetu suggested.

Chen Hao's eyes suddenly lit up, and he slapped Hetu on the shoulder fiercely, then took Hetu and others into the world of Hetu Luoshu, and then teleported to Tianjue Peak.

"Old man, I see you are here."

Chen Hao walked straight into the hall of the punisher, said something, and then sat down on the chair next to him.

The punisher just glanced at him lightly, then closed his eyes again.

"Old man, you don't need to be too enthusiastic about my arrival, but you don't have to be so cold, right? Anyway, I am also the next punisher, and in a certain way, I am your successor. You shouldn't be very enthusiastic about me. ?"

Seeing the old man just glanced at him, then closed his eyes and didn't speak, Chen Hao couldn't help but said after all.

"Tell me, what's the matter?" The punisher opened his eyes and said helplessly.He would never believe that Chen Hao came to see him.This guy's character is to go to the Three Treasures Hall for everything, and he came to the door on his own initiative, and he was so enthusiastic, there must be nothing good.

"It's nothing serious, I just want to ask the old man if you want a few hundred fairy artifacts for fun."

"Hundreds of fairy artifacts, play?" The punisher couldn't help but have the urge to slap Chen Hao to death.Do you think fairy artifacts are like Chinese cabbages, they are everywhere?
Moreover, with the strength and status of the punisher, he can't even look down on a handful of immortal weapons.Everything that he can take a fancy to is a high-quality product.

"Why do you want so many fairy artifacts? The treasure in your hand is even better than fairy artifacts." The punisher said lightly.

"This..." Chen Hao chuckled: "Didn't I create a holy sect? As the founder of the holy sect and the first holy master, I want to plan for the holy sect, right? In fact, I am all for the sake of strengthening the holy sect." Zong, it is not easy to be the founder of the sect."

"What does it matter to me that you strengthen the Holy Sect?" asked the punisher.

Chen Hao jumped up involuntarily, and looked at the punisher with an angry face: "Why is the Holy Sect not related to you? I am the next punisher, and I am your successor. Now your successor establishes a sect, aren't you Should it be a little bit of a show? Hundreds of fairy artifacts are not much to you, right? You are too stingy."

"You kid, you really look like a rascal." The punisher couldn't help but shook his head and smiled bitterly. He knew that this was Chen Hao's character, so he didn't blame him, but continued: "No."

"Old man, you are too stingy. You don't have hundreds of immortal artifacts? Thanks to you, you are still a punisher. You are so powerful, why don't you go to the fairy world and kill a few sects for me, and grab their immortal artifacts?" ?Anyway, all immortals use immortal artifacts, and if a small sect is destroyed, there will probably be a lot of immortal artifacts."

As he said that, Chen Hao's both sides were radiant, and his blood was really boiling. If it wasn't for his lack of strength, he might have gone straight to the fairyland.


The punisher really wanted to slap Chen Hao to death.What idea does this kid come up with, go to the fairy world to destroy a sect and snatch their fairy artifact?Only this guy has such a wonderful idea.

But after thinking about it, it seems that this idea is not bad.But it is impossible for the punisher to do this, and it is not necessary.

Chen Hao rolled his eyes: "In that case, then I won't bother you."

While speaking, Chen Hao turned around and left neatly.

The black line on the punisher's face, this guy is too realistic, he was so shameless before he came, but when he saw that he didn't have a fairy weapon, he turned around and walked away without saying a word.

"This is a storage ring that I didn't get, take it." The punisher threw a storage ring to Chen Hao and said.

"Thank you old man, I will come to see you next time when I have a chance." Chen Hao laughed, and disappeared in a flash.Only the punisher who shook his head and smiled wryly was left behind.

"The old man's collection is all high-quality goods." Looking at the pile of powerful immortal artifacts in front of him, Chen Hao's face was full of smiles.

In a storage ring that the punisher casually threw to Chen Hao, there were more than 200 celestial artifacts in it!With Chen Hao's current strength, it is naturally impossible to see the grades of these immortal artifacts, but the system can.

(End of this chapter)

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