Chapter 398
The system can tell these fairy artifacts at a glance, the worst ones are fifth-grade fairy artifacts!And the one with the highest rank even reached the Ninth Rank Immortal Artifact!
One of the immortal swords and an ancient tripod were ninth-grade immortal artifacts. When Chen Hao knew the level of these two immortal artifacts, he decided to regard them as the suppressing immortal artifacts of the Chaos Sect.

Such a powerful town-pai fairy artifact, probably has never been seen in the world of comprehension, right?It is definitely the most powerful township fairy weapon in the realm of comprehension!
"Using these more than 200 immortal artifacts to form the Great Immortal Formation, even a powerful immortal will not be able to break through the formation. Once the Great Immortal Formation is completed, the Chaos Holy Sect will definitely be the sect with the strongest defense in the cultivation world ,none of them.

"If Juexianjian swallows all these fairy swords, it should be able to repair a little bit?" Chen Hao felt a little pity when he thought of the damaged Juxianjian lying quietly in the red envelope world of the system.

The Absolute Immortal Sword, one of the Four Great Immortal Swords, is only severely damaged and needs to be repaired by devouring the Immortal Artifact.Therefore, Chen Hao never used the Absolute Immortal Sword after he got it.

The damage to the Juexian Sword was too serious, and Chen Hao didn't dare to use it, otherwise, if the Juexian Sword was broken, the gain would outweigh the loss.

Chen Hao also wanted to repair the Juexian Sword all the time, but he didn't have any fairy sword in his hand that could be swallowed by the Juexian Sword.Although the punisher gave him more than 200 celestial weapons, Chen Hao decisively used these celestial swords to set up the Great Immortal Formation for the Chaos Sacred Sect as a mountain protection formation.

The Chaos Saint Sect is the foundation of Chen Hao, and it is the most important thing. There will be opportunities after repairing the Juexian Sword.As for the Chaos Sect, Chen Hao didn't have much time to spend here.

With his strength, it is believed that he will be able to ascend soon, and then he will not be able to continue guarding the Chaos Holy Sect.Therefore, before ascension, Chen Hao tried his best to increase the power of the Chaos Sect.

Even if he ascends, he still has to guarantee that the Chaos Holy Sect is the most powerful in the cultivation world and will continue to grow and develop!
Therefore, after Chen Hao obtained these immortal weapons, he did not hesitate to set up a great array of immortals for the Chaos Sacred Sect.

At the same time, the news of the establishment of the Chaos Holy Sect has also spread in the cultivation world.Immediately, some small and medium sects nearby came to celebrate.

Even though the sect established by Chen Hao has only been established for a few days, it is definitely among the top ten sects in the cultivation world.As long as Chen Hao exists, the Chaos Sacred Sect is the most powerful sect in the cultivation world, bar none.

However, for these sects, Chen Hao never showed up even for the first-class sects, but let Zhang Ao and others welcome and receive them.

Because Chen Hao is arranging the Great Immortal Formation.

And a few days later, Zhao Zhiqing, the saint of Hidden Immortal Valley, came to celebrate the establishment of Chaos Sect on behalf of Hidden Immortal Valley.

At the same time, You Mengqing of Xuan Yuezong also brought people to celebrate.

Except for these two sects, no one came to celebrate the other seven sects among the ten major sects.

Obviously, the relationship between these seven sects and Chen Hao is not so good, or even hostile.They were always worried whether Chen Hao would destroy them like Xu Tianzong?
Since it is a hostile relationship, they will naturally not come to celebrate.Only Yinxian Valley has a good relationship with Xuan Yuezong and Chen Hao.

It took half a month for Chen Hao to successfully arrange the Great Immortal Formation!

The moment Chen Hao successfully arranged the Great Immortal Formation, a shocking loud noise came from the Chaos Holy Sect, and the next moment an extremely terrifying coercion erupted straight into the sky, which was very terrifying .

At this time, no matter it was the disciples of the Chaos Sect or other disciples who came to celebrate, they were all horrified and inexplicable to see that in all directions of the Chaos Sect, there were sudden bursts of sword light that contained a shocking murderous aura.

Trillions of sword lights shattered the sky and surrounded the entire Chaos Sect.The murderous intent of one after another terrifying air is overwhelming, and the murderous intent is awe-inspiring.

Everyone was shocked when they felt the terrifying aura that would destroy the world.They all ran out one by one, looking horrified.

"Could it be that the enemy came to attack and kill the Chaos Sect?"

The disciples of the Chaos Holy Sect and the monks of other sects all looked at all this with pale faces.The hundreds of millions of sword glows surrounding the Chaos Sect and enveloping the entire Chaos Sect are truly terrifying.Even the monks in the metamorphosis stage or even at a higher level were so frightened that their faces turned pale.

The aura contained in these sword glows is really terrifying, making them unable to raise the slightest desire to resist.

For a moment, many people thought that the Holy Chaos Sect was attacked by other sects or immortals, and everyone was panicked, not knowing why.

"Everyone, don't panic. I am the Holy Lord Chen Hao. These sword lights are not from foreign enemies coming to attack, but from our Holy Sect's great formation of protecting the mountains! From this formation, our Sacred Chaos Sect is the master of cultivation. The sect with the strongest defense in the world, even ordinary immortals can't break through the Great Immortal Formation!"

When everyone panicked, Chen Hao's voice came over.At the same time, the raging sword light gradually disappeared.In the end, the Chaos Holy Sect once again restored the clear sky.

However, a flash of sword light can still be vaguely seen in the void of the Holy Sect and its surroundings, telling the world that the Holy Sect of Chaos is being protected by a large formation with incomparable power.

Seeing this, everyone's hearts were finally relieved.At the same time, they did not doubt Chen Hao's words.Even immortals can't break through the Great Immortal Formation!
They also felt the terrifying aura, which was just an aura unintentionally emitted by the Great Immortal Formation.If you use all your strength to mobilize the Great Immortal Formation, even killing immortals is possible!
However, what everyone doesn't know is that this Great Immortal Formation uses more than 200 pieces of immortal artifacts above the fifth-grade level as the base and eyes of the formation. It is certain death.Even if it is a Shangxian, a Jinxian can kill it.

It's just that they don't know much about immortals, they just need to know that even immortals can't break through this big formation.

The original Xutian Sect was one of the top ten sects in the cultivation world, and many spiritual veins were suppressed under the sect's land, making the aura within the sect many times stronger than the outside world.

However, the entire Xutianzong has only one ninth-rank spiritual vein!It is conceivable that the number of ninth-grade spiritual veins is rare.

"This aura is still too weak." Chen Hao stood in the void, frowning slightly.Immediately, he grasped in the air with his big hand, and suddenly he grabbed a ninth-grade spiritual vein from the system red envelope world.

"That's the Ninth Grade Spirit Vein!"

Seeing the spirit vein in Chen Hao's hand exuding terrifying aura, a step-by-step immortal from the Hidden Immortal Valley couldn't help but exclaimed.

As the top expert in Hidden Immortal Valley, he was fortunate to have seen the ninth-grade spiritual vein, so he immediately recognized the level of the spiritual vein in Chen Hao's hand.

The elder's exclamation was not loud, but it spread far away.For a moment, many monks looked at the spiritual vein in Chen Hao's hand in shock, not knowing what Chen Hao wanted to do.

"Is that the ninth-grade spiritual vein? I also have the opportunity to see the ninth-grade spiritual vein today!" A disciple of the Chaos Sect said excitedly.

No one despised this excited disciple, because almost everyone present had never seen a ninth-grade spiritual vein.

Chen Hao in the void made a few seals...

After the loud noise, a sound like a dragon's chant came from afar.Then a dragon-shaped creature like a long river appeared in front of Chen Hao.

This is a ninth-grade spiritual vein as big as a river.After the spirit veins recovered their real bodies, they continued to let out roars one after another, and the incomparably rich spiritual energy even emanated from the ninth-grade spirit veins, covering the entire Chaos Sacred Sect.

Feeling the dense spiritual energy like mist, many monks have started to practice greedily.However, it didn't take long for them to stop their cultivation, because Chen Hao had driven this ninth-grade spiritual vein into the ground in a direction of the Chaos Sacred Sect.

"Xutianzong originally suppressed one ninth-grade spiritual vein, and now it is the second one. From then on, Chaos Saint Sect is definitely the one with the most aura among all sects." A step-by-step immortal of Xuanyuezong said Admired, there is no lack of envy in the tone.

People who are not from the Chaos Sect are very envious, but these disciples of the Chaos Sect are extremely proud.Because this is their sect, this is their home, and they will practice here in the future.

(End of this chapter)

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