Chapter 399 Rich
While everyone envied, envied and hated, a ninth-grade spiritual vein appeared again in the void.

"Could it be that he wants to suppress this spirit vein under the Chaos Sect again?" In the shocked eyes of everyone, Chen Hao suppressed this spirit vein under the Chaos Sect again.

So far, the Chaos Holy Sect has suppressed three ninth-rank spiritual veins.The aura within the Holy Sect is definitely several times that of the other ten sects.

However, Chen Hao's actions did not stop because of this.In the shocked and then numb eyes of the crowd, he continuously captured ninth-grade spiritual veins out of thin air and suppressed them under the Chaos Sect.

Seven, eight, nine!
Chen Hao has already taken out nine ninth-rank spiritual veins and suppressed them in the nine directions of the Chaos Sacred Sect. Together with the original ninth-rank spiritual veins, the Chaos Sacred Sect already has ten ninth-rank spiritual veins!
Ten ninth-grade spiritual veins, nine more ninth-grade spiritual veins than other sects.But the aura is not just nine times more, but countless times.

Under the influence of the ten ninth-grade spiritual veins, the aura of the Chaos Sect is at least dozens of times stronger than that of other major sects.

"The spiritual energy is still not strong enough." Murong Dan's faint voice came, and everyone in the Holy Sect almost fainted.The difference is that people outside of Shengzong fainted from shock, while people from Shengzong fainted happily.

During his trip to the Extreme Heaven Realm, Chen Hao obtained eleven ninth-grade spiritual veins, and after suppressing nine of them, there were two left after the Chaos Sacred Sect.

"Zhiqing, Mengqing."

Chen Hao suddenly looked at the two women, and then flipped his hands, and the remaining two ninth-grade spiritual veins appeared in his hands.

"Holy Master, what is this going to do?"

Seeing two ninth-grade spiritual veins appear again in Chen Hao's hands, this question still appeared in the hearts of everyone who had been numb from shock.

Soon, Chen Hao's next actions explained their doubts.I saw Chen Hao waving his hands, and the two spiritual veins flew out slowly.Soon, everyone found that these two spiritual veins flew in front of Zhao Zhiqing and You Mengqing.

The two women were shocked instantly, and looked at Chen Hao with disbelief.

"You take these two ninth-grade spiritual veins." Chen Hao said with a smile.

Zhao Zhiqing nodded, and directly took the Ninth Grade Lingmai, then she turned to look at You Mengqing who was not far away.The relationship between her and Chen Hao, it is normal for Chen Hao to give her a ninth-grade spiritual vein, but Chen Hao sent a ninth-grade spiritual vein to You Mengqing, which is a bit intriguing.

"Is this for me?" You Mengqing, who was in shock, looked at Chen Hao and asked softly, looking at the Ninth Grade Spirit Vein that looked like a small dragon in front of him.

"Accept the gift for you." Chen Hao said with a smile.

"Okay." Although You Mengqing was shocked, he simply accepted this ninth-grade spiritual vein.Since Chen Hao was able to take away the Ninth Grade Lingmai, she would naturally not be polite to Chen Hao.

Anyway, Chen Hao has more spiritual veins.

Everyone looked at Zhao Zhiqing's two daughters with envy, especially the monks from other sects were even more envious and wished they could transform into the two daughters.

That's a ninth-rank spiritual vein, even if it's the top ten sects, there are only one or two high-end ones.Now, Chen Hao sent it out without even frowning?

While lamenting the happiness of the two girls, he also lamented Chen Hao's generosity.At the same time, many people have already remembered the appearance of Zhao Zhiqing and You Mengqing.

Chen Hao actually gave them a ninth-grade spiritual vein, which means that the relationship between them must be unusual, and this person must not be provoked in the future.

As for the attention of anyone hitting the two women?This is necessary, since that is a ninth-grade spiritual vein, even the existence of the top ten sects would be jealous.

Sensing the fiery eyes of the crowd around them, the two one-step immortals Yinxiangu and Xuanyuezong frowned slightly while being happy.

It is believed that the news that the two women have ninth-grade spiritual veins will soon spread in the cultivation world.And once they leave the Holy Chaos Sect and embark on their way home, they may be in danger.With the strength of the two of them, they must not be able to save the two women.

"I can only invite the strong men of the sect to come." The two quickly ordered the disciples of the sect to pass on the information to their respective sects.

While everyone was still in shock, a deafening loud noise came from the void.Everyone looked up, but they saw a dragon-shaped life that was countless times larger than the previous ninth-rank spiritual vein, exuding a more terrifying aura, making dragon chant sounds, moving towards the chaotic holy sect deep flew over.

At this moment, a vast ocean-like spiritual energy scattered down, covering the entire Chaos Holy Sect.

A monk in the stage of metamorphosis took a deep breath and swallowed the spiritual energy like a vast ocean. The next moment, his face changed drastically!

"This is fairy energy!" The metamorphosis monk exclaimed.

The monks in the metamorphosis stage are all strong men who blasted open the fairy gate, and the fairy spirit of the fairy world flows out from the fairy gate they blasted open all the time, acting on them and transforming their physical bodies.

For them, general spiritual energy cannot transform their physical bodies, it can only restore their strength.Only the spirit of the fairy can transform their physical body, making their physical body closer to the fairy body.

And the metamorphosis monks who absorb fairy spirit energy all the time are naturally very familiar with fairy spirit energy. Therefore, they immediately discovered that the spirit energy emanating from that terrifying vein turned out to be fairy spirit energy.

"It really is fairy spirit energy! This is fairy spirit energy! Could it be that one is the legendary fairy vein?" Everyone stared blankly at the spirit vein that had been suppressed by Chen Hao in the depths of the Chaos Sect. .

And most of the monks in the metamorphosis period or above have already sat down on the spot and started to absorb the fairy spirit to practice.For them, every time they absorb more fairy energy, their physical bodies will be transformed into fairy bodies, giving them hope of ascension.

"Ten ninth-grade spiritual veins and one immortal vein are the foundation for my Chaos Sect to gain a foothold in the cultivation world. As long as my disciples of the Sacred Sect cultivate within the Sacred Sect, their cultivation speed is a hundred times faster than outside!"

"I hope that the disciples of the Holy Sect will work hard and strive to ascend to the fairy world as soon as possible. Our stage is not the cultivation world, but the fairy world! Chaos Holy Sect is not only the number one sect in the cultivation world, but also the number one in the fairy world Sect! All of this requires the joint efforts of you, me, and all the disciples of the Holy Sect, and together we will create our own brilliance!"

Chen Hao's voice was neither passionate nor provocative, but at this moment, all the disciples of the Holy Chaos Sect were moved.

This is their Holy Master, the Holy Master of the Chaos Sect, their Holy Master.

He first set up a great formation in Shengzong that even immortals could not break through, then he suppressed nine spiritual veins in Shengzong, and finally suppressed even one immortal vein in the sect.

In all of this, Chen Hao was not doing it for him, but for the vast number of disciples of the Holy Sect.For the Holy Zong, Chen Hao devoted too much effort, and for the Holy Zong, Chen Hao spared no effort to improve the cultivation environment of the Holy Zong.

Is this the legendary big devil?Is that the selfish guy in the legend?
At this moment, all the hundreds of thousands of disciples of the Holy Sect were all moved.

Maybe some people chose to stay and join the Chaos Sacred Sect before, but they were not so willing, and they still resisted in their hearts, unable to fully replace themselves as the disciples of the Sacred Sect.

However, from now on, they have truly become disciples of Shengzong, and Shengzong is their home, their sect!

They will live and die with the Holy Ancestor, live and die together!Because this is their sect.

The monks from other sects looked at the excited disciples of the Holy Sect, and they were all envious.Many people even had the urge to leave their sect and join the Holy Sect.

After all, how could the aura in the Holy Sect be a hundred times stronger than the aura in the top ten sects?
At this time, within the entire Holy Sect, the immortal aura overflowing from the immortal veins and the ten ninth-grade spiritual veins shrouded like a faint mist.

The aura has been atomized!
Such a strong aura is simply too terrifying.Practicing here, the speed of cultivation will definitely get twice the result with half the effort!Moreover, the most important thing is that there are immortal veins here.

Although it is not possible to practice directly in the immortal veins, only the immortal aura exuded from the immortal veins can transform the physical body of a strong person at the metamorphosis stage or above into an immortal body at a faster rate.

Practicing in Shengzong, the chance of becoming an immortal is several times higher than other sects!
It is conceivable that, cultivating under such a rich aura environment, the Chaos Sacred Sect may soon have a large number of masters rising.

It won't take long for the top-level masters to catch up with the other sects, and it's only a matter of time before they even surpass them.

"With the existence of immortal veins, the probability of our Holy Sect's ascension is several times higher than that of other sects. However, in view of the embarrassing situation that no one has ascended in the cultivation world for hundreds of thousands of years, I decided to open a secret realm deep in the Holy Sect. I will The last celestial vein will be suppressed in the secret realm. In the future, all disciples of the Holy Sect, those who have made major contributions to the sect, or the disciples that the sect focuses on training, will have the opportunity to go to the secret realm and practice directly in the celestial vein. , Even immortals are flocking to it, even if it has a great effect on immortals, it is even more effective on monks. I hope the disciples of the Holy Sect will work harder."

Chen Hao's voice came slowly, and everyone was shocked, excited, excited, and even fainted again!
"Damn it, is the Holy Sect still accepting disciples? I have decided to quit the current sect and join your Sacred Sect." Finally, a disciple from another sect gritted his teeth and said to the Sacred Sect disciple next to him.

"I'm sorry, the Holy Master has ordered that our Holy Sect only accept casual practitioners who have no sect, or directly accept disciples from the world." A disciple of the Holy Sect said calmly.

"Why? Why are you all disciples of Shengzong and I am not? This is too shocking." Many disciples of other sects envied and hated each other.

It's just that the Holy Sect doesn't accept them at all.

There are two immortal veins and ten ninth-grade spiritual veins within the Holy Sect. The aura within the Holy Sect is so strong that it is like a thick fog that cannot be dispelled. The matter spread throughout the cultivation world within a day.

For a moment, the entire cultivation world boiled up.While everyone lamented Chen Hao's wealth, they were also very envious.

Cultivating under such a strong aura, even a pig can cultivate him into a strong man, let alone monks with good aptitude like them?

Of course, some of them wanted to attack the Chaos Sacred Sect, but they only dared to think about it, not to mention the supernatural formation that was passed on by people, even if Chen Hao was in the town alone, they would not dare to set foot Chaos Holy Sect.

Even, for a while, many casual cultivators flocked to the Chaos Holy Sect, wanting to join the Holy Sect and become their sect.However, when they rushed to Shengzong, they were told that Shengzong would not accept disciples for the time being. If they did, they would face the entire cultivation world.

At this time, when they knew that the aura in the Holy Sect was like a thick fog that would not go away, and there were even immortal veins, those disciples who were unwilling to join the Holy Sect after the previous Xutian Sect left were full of regret, and fiercely Smacking his own mouth: "Damn it, why did you leave the holy sect?"

And when these people returned to the Sacred Sect and asked to join the Sacred Sect, they were also told: "The Sacred Chaos Sect does not want any disciples of the original Xutian Sect, including their relatives and friends!"

Shengzong did this, but it made these people feel even more remorseful and wanted to die.And Wu Feng and the others finally understood what Chen Hao meant by saying that they would regret it after they left.

When the world envied and regretted the Xutianzong disciples who were unwilling to join the Holy Sect, Chen Hao summoned Zhang Ao, Wu Feng, Yang Man, Sima Ruyu and others to carry out the Holy Sect establishment on the Holy Palace. of the first meeting.

"The Shengzong was only founded, and a lot of waste is waiting to be reborn. This is not my own Shengzong, but ours. I hope that in the days to come, everyone will work together to carry forward the Shengzong." Chen Hao sat Looking at the crowd above the position of the Holy Master, he said in a deep voice.

"We must work hard to carry forward the Holy Sect and become the biggest sect in the cultivation world!" Everyone said in unison.

Chen Hao nodded and continued: "For a sect, only by uniting as one can it develop stronger and stronger, and looking at the major sects in the cultivation world, there are no cliques and cliques, and the sects are scattered. , fighting each other endlessly. Our Holy Father must put an end to this situation."

"We encourage competition among sect disciples, but unfair competition is absolutely prohibited. For the sake of the development of the Holy Sect, after thinking for a long time, I decided to set up the Eight Guardians, the Eight Elders, and the Penal Court!"

Everyone was surprised, wondering what the specific responsibilities of these law protectors, elders and punishment courts were?
Only very soon, under Chen Hao's explanation, everyone finally understood the difference between a guardian and an elder.

Dharma protector, as the name suggests, is the guardian of a sect.Living outside, that is to say, their main purpose is to protect the sect and fight against the sect.

As long as there are foreign places that are unfavorable to the Holy Sect, the guardians will be dispatched to eradicate all these threats and protect the sect.Because of their responsibilities, the eight guardians have extremely high requirements for their strength, and only those with the highest strength in the Holy Sect can be employed.

Otherwise, if the Dharma Protector is not strong, how can there be any protection for the Holy Sect?To deal with foreign enemies?If the protectors are not strong enough, and they will be wiped out as soon as they go out, wouldn't that be a laughing stock for others?

It's just because the Chaos Holy Sect was established not long ago, but there is no one in the Holy Sect who can take up the post of guardian.After all, although Zhang Ao and others are strong now, they are only at the stage of transformation.Such strength is not enough to act as a guardian. Anyway, now that Chen Hao is guarding the Holy Sect, he is not in a hurry to need a guardian.

When the Holy Sect develops, the position of the Eight Great Dharma Protectors will naturally not continue to be vacant.

Opposed to the eight guardians are the eight elders.

The Eighth Elder is the leader of the ordinary elders in the sect, who is in charge of everything in the Holy Sect.In addition to the eight elders, there are also ordinary elders of the outer sect and elders of the inner sect within the sect.

And those powerful Supreme Elders.

The Supreme Elders are those strong men who no longer care about their affairs and concentrate on cultivating.Every sect has never lacked the Supreme Elder.

"Yang Man, Pei Peiyu, Sima Ruyu, you will serve as the eighth elders for the time being, and the remaining five will be selected later." Chen Hao looked at the three girls and said slowly.

The three women have always been leaders in the chaos. Their qualifications are not bad, and their ability to do things is very strong, which also makes Chen Hao feel at ease.That's why Chen Hao asked the three of them to be one of the eight elders of the Holy Sect.

The three of Yang Man were immediately inexplicably excited, and at the same time thanked Chen Hao one after another, and said that they would do everything in the future to develop the Holy Sect.

"The Punishment Court is a special existence in the Holy Sect that deals with punishment. Zhang Ao, Wu Feng." Chen Hao looked at Zhang Ao and the two, and suddenly shouted.

"Here." Zhang Ao and Wu Feng came out.

"Zhang Ao, you are the chief elder of the penalty court, and you are fully in charge of the penalty court. Wu Feng, you are the elder of the penalty court, and you will fully assist Zhang Ao in his actions. Moreover, you can select some subordinates from among the Chaos members to serve as members of the penalty court. At the same time, Yang Man, you can also select some members from the Chaos members to serve as elders in the sect and other positions. As for the Chaos members, I will arrange them into the Holy Sect and be directly led by the Holy Lord."


Yang Man, Zhang Ao and the others quickly accepted the order with great joy.In Chaos, each of them has a team with more than 2 subordinates.Those people are not only powerful, but most importantly, they are absolutely loyal to Chen Hao.

As long as these people are arranged in the various positions of the Holy Sect, there is no fear that the disciples who originally belonged to the Xutian Sect will have any disagreements.

The most important thing is that these people will never betray Chen Hao, nor will they betray Shengzong.At the beginning of Shengzong's establishment, they could assist Chen Hao in managing Shengzong and strengthening Shengzong.

There are elders, guardians, and punishment courts.Now there is only one chief disciple, the Holy Son and the Holy Daughter.It's just that the Holy Sect has just been established, and there is no chief disciple at all...

The chief disciple is the most powerful disciple in the sect, and he is the candidate for the Holy Master.

"Li Ling."

Chen Hao looked at Li Ling who was drowsy and let out a low drink.

Li Ling was taken aback, and woke up instantly. He glanced at Chen Hao, but when he was about to speak, he was interrupted by Chen Hao.

"The No. 1 Holy Son of the Holy Sect is Li Ling, and Li Ling is also the next successor to the Holy Master. As for the chief disciple and the Holy Maiden, there are temporary vacancies."

"No way, I will be the Holy Son? Or the next successor to the Holy Lord? Uncle, you are making too much of a joke." Li Ling jumped up, completely sleepless, and looked at Chen Hao with a shocked face, shaking his hands again and again. swing.

The Holy Son, the Holy Lord's successor sounds very attractive, but ordinary people might not be too happy.However, when he thought of those chief disciples and holy sons who died at the hands of Chen Hao... Li Ling couldn't help shivering.

"What? You don't want to?" Chen Hao looked at Li Ling, his expression darkened.And the other people in the hall also looked at Li Ling with strange expressions on their faces.

If it was an ordinary person, he would wish to be the Son of God.It's just that Li Ling is unwilling, which is really abnormal.

Seeing that everyone's eyes were on him, Li Ling couldn't help but feel embarrassed, and said, "Well, uncle, you also know that there are not a few holy sons who died at your hands, such as chief disciples. If I were If you choose this holy son, will you be chased and killed by other strong men?"

"The most important thing is that the Holy Son represents the Holy Zong. If I just become a disciple of the Holy Zong, once I am defeated, the face of the Holy Zong will be damaged. This is too much pressure, so I still don't do it." freedom."

Everyone smiled, and what Li Ling said seemed to make sense.

However, Chen Hao looked at Li Ling with a sullen face: "This holy son, you deserve to be the successor of the Holy Lord!"

Li Ling's face turned bitter. He really didn't want to be the Holy Son. When he thought of being the Holy Son, he would be missed by others once he left the cultivation world, and he would be hunted down by countless people. His expression became even more bitter.

"Of course, you can do it if you don't want to. Unless you ascend to the Immortal Realm, the Holy Sect will still be in your hands after I ascend to the Immortal Realm."

"Uncle, you said this. As long as I ascend, you can't force me to be the Holy Son or even the Holy Lord?"

Chen Hao nodded.

"Uncle, you can't go back on your word." Li Ling looked at Chen Hao, gritted his teeth and said, "In order not to be the holy son and the holy master, I will fight! I will work harder in my cultivation in the future, and strive to ascend to the fairy world as soon as possible!"

Looking at the way Li Ling gritted his teeth, if someone who didn't know saw it, he might think that Li Ling was a holy son, but Chen Hao refused without hesitation.

However, who would have imagined that what he was gnashing his teeth just didn't want to be the Holy Son, or even the Holy Lord?
"I just heard that people practice hard and want to be a holy son, but you don't want to be a holy son." Chen Hao was also a little helpless, and continued: "I keep my word, as long as you ascend to the fairy world, I will I won’t let you be the Holy Son. However, if you still can’t ascend when I ascend, the position of the Holy Master is still yours.”

"Don't worry, I will definitely work harder to cultivate and strive to ascend to the fairy world before you ascend." Li Ling said through gritted teeth.

Then Chen Hao discussed with everyone how to develop the Holy Sect...

A few days later, some sect regulations in the Holy Sect, the Holy Son, the Eight Guardians, the Eight Elders, and the Penal Court were promulgated by the elders.

Naturally, the disciples of Shengzong had no objection to these.Moreover, there are not many sect rules of the Holy Sect, which are similar to the previous Xutian Sect, only slightly different.

(End of this chapter)

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