Chapter 412 Change
But soon, King Dapeng found that the distance between himself and Li Xu was getting farther and farther.

This had to make King Dapeng a little discouraged.

None of them are immortals, one is a half-step immortal, and the other is only in the stage of transformation, but the speed of the two of them completely compares with the speed that their Golden Winged Roc clan is proud of.

This made King Dapeng extremely uncomfortable.

"Run, run, I'd like to see where you can go." With his hands behind his back, Chen Hao covered hundreds of thousands of miles in one step, easily following behind King Xiaopeng, and remained unchanged from King Xiaopeng all the time. distance.

But King Xiaopeng was gnashing his teeth at this time.Because he found that no matter how much he increased his speed, he couldn't increase the distance between him and Chen Hao.

"Could it be that his speed is really faster than his own?" King Xiaopeng couldn't believe that his speed was actually surpassed by a human race.

"If you lose, you will become my mount." Such a sentence suddenly appeared in King Xiaopeng's mind.

He cannot be defeated, otherwise he will become Chen Hao's mount, this is impossible!

As long as he beats Chen Hao in terms of speed, and as long as Chen Hao can't catch up with him, then he is not defeated!Thinking of this, King Xiaopeng secretly made a decision.

Chen Hao, who had been following behind King Xiaopeng like a shadow, suddenly found a more powerful aura erupting from King Xiaopeng, and his speed also increased instantly, before disappearing in front of Chen Hao with a swish.

"Using secret methods to improve your cultivation? Interesting!" Chen Hao smiled slightly, his figure flickered, and his speed also increased.

It is very common in the cultivation world to use secret methods to improve one's cultivation. Even Chen Hao has secret methods to temporarily increase one's strength.

It's just that although this secret method can temporarily increase strength, it often has side effects.If it is light, it will lose its cultivation in a short period of time, and if it is serious, it will directly burn life essence.

Therefore, for a long time, even if Chen Hao lost the enemy, he would not use secret methods to improve his cultivation.

Obviously, King Xiaopeng used the secret method to improve his cultivation, and the powerful secret method raised his cultivation by a few points.When he challenged the immortal that day, he relied on the secret method to increase his strength to injure the immortal, and finally escaped.

After using the secret method to improve his cultivation, King Xiaopeng's speed suddenly increased a lot, and he disappeared in front of Chen Hao with a bang.

Seeing this, Chen Hao's expression became serious.Immediately, he also increased his speed and quickly caught up.

"The speed is almost doubled by before. Although Chen Hao's speed is strong, he still can't catch up with me." Seeing that he got rid of Chen Hao in an instant, King Xiaopeng couldn't help sneering with disdain, feeling that Chen Hao Hao is nothing more than that.

But very quickly, the sneer on King Xiaopeng's face was replaced by shock before it faded away!Because he found that Chen Hao appeared in his line of sight, and approached at an extremely fast speed, gradually closing the distance between the two sides.

"Is Chen Hao's speed so terrifying?"

King Xiaopeng was completely shocked, and he was so shocked that he really didn't want to believe it.

"Hmph! I want to see if you are really that powerful!" King Xiaopeng growled angrily in his heart, his speed soared again, and he flew towards the front.

Seeing this, Chen Hao behind him also accelerated.

"King Xiaopeng, you should obediently admit defeat and be my mount. You are no match for me in any respect." Chen Hao's voice came slowly, making King Xiaopeng gnashing his teeth.

"Let's talk after you catch up with me." King Xiaopeng gritted his teeth and said, he would never be Chen Hao's mount.

Chen Hao just smiled lightly and didn't attack, but just spread out and followed behind King Xiaopeng.He wants to see how long King Xiaopeng can last after casting the secret technique, and, in terms of sustaining power, no one in the cultivation world can match him.

After all, other people can't absorb the spiritual energy between heaven and earth when they attack or use body skills.It's just that the billions of roots of the tree of life in Chen Hao's dantian have always been rooted in the void, constantly absorbing the free chaotic power.

In other words, as long as Chen Hao's power is not consumed too much, it is impossible for him to consume too much power.But King Xiaopeng is different, he does not have the existence of the tree of life, and he has cast a secret method, his strength is simply not enough to support him for a long time.

Between the two chasing and fleeing, I don't know how far the cultivation world has passed.When passing through certain cities, everyone just felt two fleeting powerful auras above their heads.

However, when they wanted to see who it was, they found nothing.

However, when they didn't realize it, just as they gave up, a figure flitted across the void again.Still so powerful, still so unable to see the other party's appearance, he has already passed by.

"Are these the immortals in the legend?" While many monks were wondering, another figure flew past.This time, a strong man could see clearly.

It was a golden-winged roc hundreds of miles in size!
"The Dapeng King, one of the ten demon kings of the Demon Mountain! What does he want to do?" Some older half-step immortals saw the golden-winged Dapeng, and at the same time they were surprised, soaring into the sky involuntarily, chasing after the golden-winged roc. up.

However, how could the speed of these four people be able to catch up with them?Soon, these strong men discovered that there were no footprints left by King Dapeng and others in the void, and finally, these people flew back helplessly.

However, many people felt confused because of this incident and began to ask what happened.

At this time, King Xiaopeng's face was ashen, and he was very upset.Because even though he used the secret method to increase his speed, he still couldn't get rid of Chen Hao!

Although at this time Chen Hao no longer had the kind of leisurely strolling in the garden, but it seemed that he had not reached his limit.

"This Chen Hao really deserves to be the most powerful person in the cultivation world. His speed is extremely terrifying. Even if he uses the secret method to improve, he can't get rid of him. And the time for the secret method is coming soon, and a lot of power is also consumed." While speaking, Xiaopeng Wang directly took out a spiritual vein and swallowed it.

There is not only a time limit for using secret methods to improve strength, but the consumption is much more serious than usual.At this time, King Xiaopeng had swallowed several spiritual veins.

Although he still has many spiritual veins that can provide him with longer consumption, the time for the secret method is almost over.After improving his strength, he is not Chen Hao's opponent, let alone after the secret method disappears?
The strongest thing about him is his sharp claws, which can even smash ordinary first-grade fairy weapons.However, in Chen Hao's collision, he was vulnerable and was directly shattered!
In addition, the speed that I am most proud of is far behind Chen Hao.

The two most powerful aspects of King Xiaopeng were ruthlessly crushed by Chen Hao.Chen Hao not only defeated him in these two ways, but also defeated King Xiaopeng's arrogance and let him know that he is not invincible.Let him understand what it means that there is a sky beyond the sky, and there are people beyond people.

King Xiaopeng was hit hard!
Talon!Speed ​​and his golden feathers, the feathers that he sacrificed to become almost a fairy weapon, possessed extremely strong defensive power.


King Xiaopeng smiled wryly in his heart. Although his feathers were powerful, he knew that he was no match for Chen Hao at all.Because Chen Hao is not only physically strong and has superb speed, but also his strength is not weak.

The most important thing is that Chen Hao still has a lot of treasures in his hands.

After such a comparison, King Xiaopeng suddenly realized that he was nothing in front of Chen Hao!

The physical body is not strong enough for him, the speed is not fast enough for him, the magic weapon is not enough for him, and the strength is not strong enough for him!

"It's because I have always been arrogant, and I always thought that the world is invincible, and no one in the world is my opponent. This is really ironic, and I don't know what it means." King Xiaopeng thought bitterly in his heart.

Suddenly, King Xiaopeng was taken aback. He actually had such an idea, which was absolutely impossible before.

Perhaps King Xiaopeng has not realized that after this battle with Chen Hao, he has come to his senses, and some physical and mental changes have taken place. At this time, King Xiaopeng is still the original King Xiaopeng, but it can be said that he is not the original King Xiaopeng. Xiaopeng Wang...

Chen Hao, who was chasing King Xiaopeng at a leisurely pace, suddenly found that King Xiaopeng in front of him had stopped moving. He was standing in the void, transformed into a human form again, and looked at himself bitterly.

"Huh? Is it time for the secret technique?" Chen Hao smiled slightly, stepped forward, and walked in front of King Xiaopeng.

"I lost." King Xiaopeng suddenly bowed to Chen Hao and said bitterly.

"You surrendered?" Chen Hao looked at King Xiaopeng in surprise, which surprised him.In his cognition, the proud King Xiaopeng would never admit defeat, because if he surrendered, he would become Chen Hao's mount, which would be an absolute shame to King Xiaopeng.

With his character, even if it is death, he will not surrender!

It's just that King Xiaopeng in front of him has a bitter face, and the arrogance on his body has disappeared, but he is not decadent.Everything seems to be that his arrogance, arrogance, and incomparable edges and corners have been obliterated.

"Could it be fraudulent?" Chen Hao narrowed his eyes slightly, feeling a little vigilant in his heart. "Are you really admitting defeat? Do you know that once you admit defeat, you will become my mount?"

King Xiaopeng was silent, and just looked at Chen Hao quietly.

All of a sudden, golden light erupted from King Xiaopeng's body, and the next moment, a golden-winged roc about ten meters in size appeared in front of Chen Hao.

"From now on, I will be your mount, and I will never complain!" King Xiaopeng's voice was full of bitterness, but it was very firm.

"Are you really willing to be my mount?" Chen Hao was surprised.

"No complaints!"

"It seems that he has undergone some kind of transformation, but this is a good thing." Chen Hao pondered in his heart.King Xiaopeng has lost his previous arrogance and arrogance, which is only a good thing for him.

"After all, you are the proud son of a generation, the strong man of the younger generation, let's let go of the matter of the mount." Chen Hao said lightly, turned his head and left.

King Xiaopeng chased after him: "I admit defeat, what do you mean? Don't you look down on me?"

King Xiaopeng asked a little angrily.

Chen Hao stopped, turned to look at King Xiaopeng, and said seriously: "King Xiaopeng, if you are still the same as before, I will let you be my mount without hesitation. Because it is you You have to bear the result. But now, you are no longer the previous you, and the current you has undergone some transformation, and it is precisely because of this that it shows that you are not just the annoying and arrogant Xiaopeng king."

"The people before, even if you became my mount, you deserve it. But if you become my mount now, it is an insult to you! A strong person must never become someone else's mount."

King Xiaopeng stood where he was, and fell into deep thought for a while, but he didn't even know when Chen Hao left.

In his mind, Chen Hao's words kept circling and lingering for a long time, but Xiaopeng Wang flashed past his past at this time. After a long time, he finally sighed and calmed down.

"Peng'er, what's wrong with you?" The moment King Xiaopeng woke up, he saw King Dapeng looking at him with concern.

King Dapeng had already arrived nearby, but he only saw King Xiaopeng and did not see Chen Hao.Moreover, King Xiaopeng seemed to be in deep thought. He thought something happened, so he kept protecting the Dharma nearby.
(End of this chapter)

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