Chapter 413 Lost
"I lost."

Looking at the concerned Dapeng King, Xiaopeng Wang said with a bitter smile.

"You lost? Didn't you?" King Dapeng was anxious for a while, "I told you not to mess around, this..." Thinking that King Xiaopeng was about to become Chen Hao's mount, King Dapeng felt anxious. Quite unpleasant.

No one wants to see their son become someone else's mount, trampled under their feet forever.And not to mention that the Golden Winged Roc clan has always been extremely arrogant, they think they are of noble blood, and they seldom call themselves brothers, let alone become someone else's mount?

"If I lose, I have to fulfill my bet, but Chen Hao told me that he doesn't want me to be his mount. He said that the me at this time is no longer the me I used to be. If it was the past, he wouldn't say anything." Saying so will make me his mount..."

Hearing King Xiaopeng's words, King Dapeng finally noticed the strangeness of King Xiaopeng.

If it was before, if King Xiaopeng was defeated, he would definitely be furious, thinking about how to defeat the opponent.Even, with his personality, once he loses to Chen Hao, he may commit suicide immediately and will not become Chen Hao's mount.

It's just that at this time, apart from the bitterness on his face, King Xiaopeng was very calm in other aspects, completely different from before.

King Dapeng suddenly realized that King Xiaopeng had indeed changed, or even transformed.

Although it was defeated this time, it was a good thing for King Xiaopeng.At least, King Xiaopeng has grown up.

"Chen Hao, what's the result?" On the way, Chen Hao met Li Xu, who immediately asked.

"King Xiaopeng is defeated, but I won't let him be a mount." Then, under Li Xu's suspicious eyes, Chen Hao told about King Xiaopeng.

"I see. Although you lost a top-quality mount, it's still a good thing." Li Xu smiled and didn't say anything else.

So, the two returned to the Magic Mountain.

After declining the invitation of the Golden Lion King and others to stay as guests, Chen Hao took the little ape king and the little lion king, and even Hu Tong followed, and everyone returned to the Chaos Sacred Sect.

"Sure enough, as in the legend, the aura inside the Holy Sect is like a thick fog that lingers for a long time, and the fairy aura is also very strong!" The little ape king exclaimed as soon as everyone stepped into the Sacred Sect.

The rest of the people also looked at the Shengzong who was surrounded by a strong aura with surprise on their faces, and they all looked at Chen Hao as if they were looking at a monster.

Chen Hao didn't care: "Those spiritual veins have no effect on me, and it's just a waste to keep them on my body. It's better to be a disciple of the Holy Sect."

"If every sect thinks this way, it will be a blessing for the monks of all sects." Li Xu sighed, feeling that the gap between him and Chen Hao was really big.

At least, in terms of heart, he is far inferior to Chen Hao.

"Even if it is your own sect, there will always be selfishness. It is impossible to dedicate everything to the disciples of the sect." Chen Hao smiled.

Don't look at how generous he is, those spiritual veins are really useless to him.Otherwise, if it is of great use to him, it is impossible for him to suppress all the immortal veins and all the nine-rank spiritual veins.

And other sects, such as the top spiritual veins of the ninth rank, they don't have them.Even if there are, they will not all be suppressed by the sect, this is extremely normal.

"Such a rich aura and fairy aura, if you practice in such a place, you will definitely get twice the result with half the effort. Chen Hao, I plan to practice here, you won't drive him away like the others, will you?" Hu Tong turned her beautiful eyes and looked Looking at Chen Hao, he said with a smile.

"Do I look like that?" Chen Hao glared at Hu Tong.

"You don't look like that, but you are that kind of person." Hu Tong giggled.

"Then you don't want to practice in the Holy Sect, go back to the Devil's Mountain."

"Look, you still said that you don't look like that kind of person, and you have issued an expulsion order before I practice here..."

Chen Hao laughed, and then said: "Beauty, our Holy Sect just needs a saint, how about I give you a saint if you join our Holy Sect?"

"I want to be the Holy Master."

"Okay. As long as you join the Holy Sect, once I ascend, I will pass on the position of suzerain to you." Chen Hao said indifferently.

Hu Tong gave Chen Hao a blank look: "I won't join your holy sect. I won't tell you anymore, I'm going to practice." While speaking, Hu Tong had already risen into the sky and was about to choose a place to practice.

"Go to the depths of the Holy Sect." Chen Hao said to her, then looked at the three little lion kings next to him and said, "The fairy spirit energy also has a great effect on you, if you don't mind, go to the depths of the Sacred Sect to practice. "

"Haha, of course we don't mind." The little ape king laughed, and the little lion king soared into the air, and chased after Hu Tong.

"When is Tu Xian, tell me in advance." Li Xu also said something, and then hurriedly chased after him.

For half-step immortals and one-step immortals like them, fairy spirit energy has a great effect on them.Even Li Xu couldn't help it.After all, if one can absorb more fairy energy, the flying time will be earlier.

Immortal, who doesn't want to become an immortal?Who wouldn't want to ascend?

Seeing that they had all left, Chen Hao's face suddenly showed joy.As long as these guys practice in Shengzong, then Shengzong will have a few more top powerhouses. Although it is not for a long time, at least in the near future, it can improve the strength of Shengzong.

"It's time to slaughter the immortals too. Only by improving the strength of the disciples of the Sacred Sect can the Sacred Sect become stronger." Chen Hao pondered for a moment, then walked towards the depths of the Sacred Sect.

"Wang, Lord Tengu is suffocating. When will this day be?" Chen Hao just approached the temple, when he heard the big black dog's displeased shouts.

"You can leave the holy sect and go outside to have fun. If I'm not wrong, once you leave the holy sect, you will be watched by people, even those immortals. Then you can wait to be stewed with dog meat." Huoyan The voice of the golden ape came slowly, but it made the big black dog shut up immediately.

Hearing this, Chen Hao secretly laughed in his heart.

The current enemy of the big black dog is almost the same as Chen Hao.When this guy sees anyone, he says a shit, and offends all those people. How can those people not beat the dog after seeing the big black dog?
Chen Hao smiled and walked in.


Only the big black dog and the fire-eyed golden ape were in the hall.When seeing Chen Hao, Fire-Eye Golden Ape saluted immediately.The big black dog just rolled its eyes at Chen Hao and barked.

"Your strength has improved again." Chen Hao glanced at the two of them and said with a little surprise.

Especially the Fire-Eye Golden Ape, after receiving the inheritance from the Heavenly Demon God, its strength has improved day by day, and its strength has been steadily rising.

Chen Hao nodded, sat down on the Holy Master's seat, and asked, "Is there nothing going on in the past few days?"


"Very good, you guys go down and practice too."

"Cultivation? It's so boring to practice all day. What we want most is a colorful and adventurous life. Why don't we go outside?" The big black dog suddenly regained energy, looked at Chen Hao and said bewitchingly.

"I won't leave these few days, but if you want to leave Shengzong, I won't stop you." Chen Hao smiled.

"Forget it then." The big black dog suddenly shook its head, he went out alone?Isn't that courting death?Immediately, he dragged the Fire-Eye Golden Ape to practice.

In the following time, Chen Hao dealt with Shengzong's affairs in Shengzong, and at the same time began to practice "Chaos Celestial Record".

It's just that this technique is too profound and subtle, and the first stage is still a little bit short, and it still can't achieve great success.However, in the process of cultivation, Chen Hao did not gain nothing. Although his realm failed to break through, his strength has improved.

"Holy Master, there is someone outside the Holy Sect who calls himself Xiaopeng King and asks to see you." On the third day after returning from the Devil's Mountain, this year Chen Hao was in the Holy Palace, and a disciple actually reported.

"King Xiaopeng?"

A strange smile appeared on Chen Hao's face, and he said, "Please come in."

Soon after, King Xiaopeng was invited to the temple.

"I have seen the Holy Master." After entering the main hall, King Xiaopeng bowed to Chen Hao.

"King Xiaopeng, why did you come to Shengzong today?" Chen Hao asked lightly.

"I am fulfilling the bet between you and me. Since I am defeated, I will be your mount." King Xiaopeng said calmly.

Chen Hao frowned slightly: "Didn't I say that the matter of the mount is over?"

"The bet is between both parties. If I lose the battle, I will naturally fulfill my promise. You said it's your business to let go, but I don't agree with it." Xiaopeng Wang still said calmly.

Chen Hao was helpless, he found that this King Xiaopeng was so stubborn besides being arrogant and arrogant.But this guy has indeed undergone a transformation, and he even took the initiative to ask himself to be a mount. How much courage does it take to do it?
Chen Hao not only admired him a little bit.

"King Xiaopeng, from today onwards, don't talk about the mount. If you are still stubborn about this matter, then you can follow me. When you want to go back someday." Chen Hao had no choice but to Can say so.

"Yes." King Xiaopeng responded, then exited the temple, and then stood in the temple sect, like a guard.

"This guy is hopeless." Chen Hao thought helplessly.

However, King Xiaopeng has also come to the Holy Sect, so the matter of killing the immortal is more secure.

"It's time to make an appointment with You Hui." Chen Hao pondered.

You Hui, one of the dozen or so immortals, is currently the weakest person.

Half a month later, on the East China Sea, outside the Immortal Tomb, Chen Hao made an appointment to fight the immortal You Hui!
Suddenly, such a news came out overnight in the cultivation world, and the cultivation world was once again shaken by it.

Above the East China Sea, outside the Immortal Tomb, the originally rare world became lively because Chen Hao wanted to challenge the Immortal.

(End of this chapter)

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