Chapter 414
At this time, whether it was the islands in the East China Sea or the void, there were densely packed monks everywhere.

They all came here because of Chen Hao's challenge to the immortal.

After all, it was a big deal for Chen Hao to challenge the immortal.The last time Chen Hao killed an immortal, many people did not witness it, which made them extremely regretful.

But now, Chen Hao challenged the immortal again. After hearing the news, the cultivation world went crazy, and countless monks flocked to him.The dense crowd of monks almost filled this world.

"Damn it, this Chen Hao is too bullying! He really thought that we immortals are easy to bully." An immortal said with murderous anger.

"You Hui, this time we must kill that Chen Hao! You little bastard! We don't want to trouble him, but he actually challenges us. He really wants to die." Another immortal said with a murderous look.

Because of the intimidation of the punishers, although these people have been stranded in the realm of comprehension for a while.But he has never dared to attack Chen Hao, not even the idea of ​​the Chaos Sect.

Therefore, for more than a year, they have gathered in the fairy tomb, trying to enter the complex of buildings deep in the fairy tomb.However, the passage of time there is really terrifying, even if they are immortals, they dare not rush in.

Otherwise, even if they are immortals, their lifespan will be exhausted.

"It's a good time for Chen Hao to challenge You Hui this time. We've been stuck in the cultivation world for too long. I'm afraid Qing Luo Patriarch will blame you. You Hui, no matter what method you use, you must kill Chen Hao!" Immortal looked at You Hui and said in a deep voice.

"My strength is about the same as Xu De's. Since Chen Hao can kill Xu De, I'm afraid I won't be able to kill him in a short time." You Hui frowned slightly, he knew his own strength very well.

"It's okay, we'll give you our respective fairy artifacts. Don't you have a secret method that can temporarily increase your strength? You can improve your strength, but as long as you kill Chen Hao, forgive the punisher and he won't dare to do anything to you. "The head immortal said with a sneer.

"Although my secret method can temporarily increase my strength. However, Chen Hao's speed is really terrifying, and I'm afraid I won't be able to deal with him for a while. Moreover, using the secret method to improve my cultivation base consumes a lot of power. I'm afraid I won't be able to support it. "

"It doesn't matter." The leader of the immortal probe took two immortal veins and handed them to You Hui: "These two immortal veins plus your original two, even if you cast the secret technique ten times, it is enough. Be sure to kill it this time." Chen Hao!"

You Hui nodded and took the immortal vein.At the same time, other immortals handed over some powerful magic weapons to You Hui.

in the East China Sea.

Chen Hao, Li Xu, King Xiaopeng, Big Black Dog, Fire-Eyed Golden Ape, and Little Ape King were all suspended in the void, talking and laughing, but they didn't look nervous at all.

That's right, Chen Hao's strength is enough to kill an immortal.Moreover, there is still a punishment enforcer in the comprehension world, and those immortals dare not kill Chen Hao directly.

So what are they worried about?
"Chen Hao, Li Xu, King Xiaopeng! The three most powerful people in the cultivation world are actually standing together. This is the strongest three people. I finally saw them all today." Among the crowd, a monk After seeing Chen Hao and the others, he suddenly exclaimed.

"What a fuss. I have met Chen Hao many years ago. Back then, Chen Hao was not strong enough for me." A monk said proudly.

"Although they are the strongest monks in the cultivation world, it is said that there is a mysterious strong man guarding us in the cultivation world. I wonder how Chen Hao compares with him?" Another monk said.

"That existence can kill an immortal with one palm. Although Chen Hao is strong, he is still not as good as her. Moreover, he has long been an existence of an immortal."

After the punisher made his move at Shengxiantai, people in the comprehension world already knew of his existence, but few people knew his identity.

Because of his great strength, and being an immortal, he is no longer a monk.Therefore, when the monk talks about the strong in the cultivation world, he will not be included in the list.

Therefore, Chen Hao is the strongest in the cultivation world, followed by Li Xu, and then King Xiaopeng.

Not far in front of Chen Hao, a dozen immortals stood in the void with indifferent expressions, looking at the surrounding monks with disdain.

In their eyes, monks in the realm of comprehension are nothing more than ants.Except for a few people, they didn't even bother to look at the others.

"You Hui, go ahead and kill Chen Hao." The leading immortal said indifferently.

You Hui nodded, took a step forward, came not far from Chen Hao, and looked at Chen Hao with disdain.

"You are You Hui?"

Chen Hao waved his hands to make Little Ape King and others retreat, but Li Xu and Xiaopeng King didn't move, they still stood where they were.

"Exactly. Cut the nonsense, Chen Hao, I will kill you today!" You Hui sneered, and the aura on his body began to increase crazily.

You Hui did not deliberately suppress his strength.Suddenly, the incomparably huge aura spread out in all directions like a stormy sea.

boom! boom! boom!
Wherever the breath passed, countless monks were blown away.Even if they were separated by thousands of miles, they were sent flying.

"***, this bastard is too hateful. If I show up one day, I will definitely kill him. Of course, the premise is that he is not killed by Chen Hao today." A monk was oppressed and fell directly into the Under the vast ocean below, he was ashamed and very embarrassed.

"Hold on."

Chen Hao took a step forward and suddenly shouted.

You Hui sneered: "Are you afraid? If you are afraid, hand over the magic weapon of space and the ancient cauldron, and you will be saved from death today."

A cold light flashed across Chen Hao's eyebrows, and then he said lightly: "I just want to ask, do you have any immortal veins in your body? I don't want to kill you and get nothing."


You Hui laughed angrily, he was really laughed at by Chen Hao.Who did he think he was?It was just a fluke to kill Xu De, thinking that he could kill himself?It's just so overwhelming.

"I can tell you that I have more celestial veins than Xu De, four in total! Moreover, I have many celestial artifacts! If ### can kill me today, these celestial veins and celestial artifacts will be Yours. However, what I can tell you is that you must be the one who dies today!"

"Four immortal veins? Many immortal artifacts?" Chen Hao's eyes lit up immediately. "You Hui, you really understand me. You know what I lack, so you gave me something. Well, for the sake of your understanding of me, you just need to give me all these immortal veins and immortal artifacts. How about I spare your life?"

"You're looking for death!" You Hui was furious, and he stretched out his big hand, grabbing Chen Hao in the air.

"Old man, I hope you can calm down other immortals, otherwise we really can only ask for luck today." The moment You Hui made a move, Chen Hao said a word in his heart.


At the same time, Chen Hao shouted loudly, and disappeared in a flash.At the same time, Li Xu and Xiaopeng Wang who had been standing behind Chen Hao also flickered and disappeared.

The three of Chen Hao appeared near You Hui in an instant, and three terrifying forces shattered the void, attacking You Hui swiftly.

This was the strongest attack the three had accumulated for a long time, and it was extremely terrifying in both speed and strength.

"You three! Court death!"

Seeing Chen Hao's three shots at the same time, You Hui was taken aback for a moment, and then reacted.The next moment, his face changed suddenly.

Except for the fact that King Xiaopeng was a little weaker, both Chen Hao and Li Xu's strength could kill immortals.Especially Chen Hao was even more terrifying.

If You Hui was bombarded by these three forces, even if he had many immortal weapons to protect him, he would probably be killed by the bombardment.

"These three shameless things are attacking You Hui in groups. They really want death!" Seeing this scene in the distance, more than a dozen immortals gritted their teeth one by one, and were about to rush over and kill Chen Hao and the three of them directly.

But at this moment, an extremely terrifying coercion descended on them, killing them directly.

"This is their business. If anyone of you dares to intervene, I will kill him." The indifferent voice of the punisher came slowly.

"Punisher! How dare you protect them when it's so unfair? Don't tell me you're really going against our Qingluo Sect?" the leader of the immortal shouted angrily.

(End of this chapter)

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