Chapter 106 Suspended Duel

It's just one person...

Just one person...

Nothing more...

Su Ze's leisurely words and his dislike for Lu Bu made the surrounding humans glare at him.

"What big talk are you talking about on your own!"

"Lu Bu is a hero. He fought for mankind. I don't allow you to say such things here!"

"Traitor, you must be the traitor sent by the gods to attack us!"

Although expressing their anger, no one dared to stand up and attack Su Ze. After all, what happened in the auditorium of the gods and the death of the two gods let them know Su Ze's strength.

But these people don't do it, it doesn't mean that everyone doesn't do it.

I saw a young man in armor angrily picked out from the LV square and grabbed Su Ze by the neckline.

"I don't allow you to say that about my lord! My lord is invincible, any gods and gods will be killed by my lord!"

This person Su Ze knew was Chen Gong. After Lv Bu was killed by Thor, he led many soldiers to launch a desperate charge towards Thor and followed Lv Bu.

Su Ze respects his beliefs and deeds, but does not agree with his blind self-confidence.

Pushing away his hand grabbing his neckline, he spoke in a low voice.

"You don't understand what I said, you just don't want to admit it."

Chen Gong who was pushed away took a few steps back, looked at Lu Bu in the field of vision, and looked at Su Ze as if suddenly thinking of something.

"You, since you know this and tell this problem, there must be a solution, right? Right?"

Chen Gong's tone was unusually eager, and at the same time, Hilde's eyes lit up when he heard it.


As the person who brought up this crux, Su Ze must have a solution, otherwise, why would he bring up a problem that cannot be solved.

Can Su Ze solve the problem that human beings are not strong enough compared to gods?Su Ze didn't know, but just had an idea, waiting to be verified.

I have the blood of the dragon, if I attach the power of the blood of the dragon to others, it can increase the physical strength to a certain extent.

Regulating the body, isn't it a kind of enhancement of physical fitness, it's just how much Su Ze is willing to enhance.

Facing Chen Gong's pleading gaze and the light in Hilde's eyes, Su Ze nodded.

In an instant, a burst of ecstasy lingered in the hearts of Chen Gong and Hilde. Even the human audience who had glared at Su Ze just now changed their previous attitude and looked at Su Ze earnestly.

In the arena, Lu Bu, who observed the opponent and had a rough judgment on the opponent's strength, was about to move forward.

But at this moment, a clear female voice resounded throughout the arena.

"Master Zeus, there is a problem with the human player's body. The human side requests to suspend the duel and recuperate the player's body!"

The voice echoed throughout the arena, reaching the ears of every spectator, and reaching the ears of Thor and Lu Bu, the God of Thunder in the arena.

Lu Bu, who was about to show off his talents, was taken aback and stopped in his tracks.

Have a problem with your body?No, the feeling I have now is better than ever.

But after only a moment of confusion, Lu Bu reacted, covering his abdomen directly, half squatting on the ground, and making a painful appearance.

Although he didn't know why the Valkyrie said that there was a problem with his body, Lu Bu knew that the Valkyrie must have some other arrangements.

No matter what the arrangement is, just listen to it.

After all, this duel is about the life and death of human beings, and one must not act on one's will.


Zeus, who was watching the field with great interest, looked at Hermes next to him with some doubts, as if he couldn't hear Hilde's words clearly because of his age.

Hermes smiled helplessly, bowed slightly, and whispered in Zeus' ear.

"Master Zeus, the Valkyrie said that the human contestants are sick and need to suspend the duel."

"Oh~ that's right, it really makes the old man unhappy."

Even so, Zeus stood up, his old voice echoing in the arena.

"Valkyrie, I'll give you two hours. After two hours, the duel will continue."

After the words fell, Zeus sat back in his seat tremblingly, looked at Hermes again, and said.

"Hermes, it seems that the old man hasn't heard your music for a long time. Are you interested in playing a piece today?"

With a helpless smile on his face, Hermes bent down to salute.

"Master Zeus, I am very happy."

The moment Hermes straightened up, a violin appeared in his hand.

Just when all the gods and humans who didn't know the truth were whispering, making the entire Valhalla Arena extremely noisy.

A melodious violin piece suddenly reverberated in the entire arena, almost instantly, the entire arena fell silent.

This music seemed to reverberate directly from the bottom of my heart, sweeping away all the uneasiness and anxiety in my heart.

Make people, gods, and even animals who hear this music calm down at this moment and listen quietly.

Feeling that the entire arena was no longer noisy, Zeus narrowed his eyes comfortably, half-lyed on his seat, and quietly listened to Hermes' music.

On the other side, Lu Bu, who had already returned to the players' lounge, stared at Su Ze in front of him with some distrust.

Lu Bu could feel the power contained in Su Ze's body. In terms of power alone, Lu Bu felt that Su Ze might not be weaker than himself.

However, strong strength does not mean that Su Ze has the ability to help others become stronger in a short period of time. Lu Bu does not trust what Valkyrie said that Su Ze can make his body stronger.

Facing Lu Bu's distrustful gaze, Su Ze didn't show any abnormality, but pointed to the halberd in Lu Bu's hand and said.

"You poke me."

After the words fell, Lu Bu did not hesitate at all. The halberd in his hand had already pierced Su Ze's abdomen.

At the moment when the halberd pierced into the flesh, Lu Bu could clearly feel that Su Ze's physical strength was definitely beyond the reach of ordinary people, even if he was himself, it was incomparable.

However, Lu Bu's action without the slightest hesitation actually startled the two sisters Hilde and Grey.

Hilde is fine, Gray even took two steps back in fright, with tears in the corners of her eyes.

After Lu Bu drew out the halberd, Su Ze said without hesitation.

"You can feel the strength of my body. It may not be able to compare with the divine body, but it is definitely much stronger than you, General Lu."

Su Ze said this with absolute confidence. His physical strength has been enhanced a lot by fighting more and more bravely, and it has also been enhanced by the strength of blood.

Although it is impossible to resist the sharp weapon without breaking the defense, the toughness of the skin, muscles, and bones is definitely very different from ordinary people.

 Thank you book friends for "going out with a tiger" for rewarding 3000 book coins, thank you very much! !

  Boss atmosphere!The boss gets rich! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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