Super Seminary begins with the immortal body

Chapter 107 Waiting for me to take the head of the enemy general!

Chapter 107 Waiting for me to take the head of the enemy general!
When Su Ze was talking about the strength of his body, he felt that he was supported by two soft but absolutely strong hands.

Needless to say, it was definitely Hilde's hand.

But Gray's hands were already pushing on Lu Bu's abdomen, and he was still shouting anxiously and angrily.

"Lu Bu Fengxian, what are you doing? You attacked your teammates!!"

Lu Bu, who was pushed, didn't even shake his body, and didn't care about Grey. Instead, he stared at the wound under Su Ze's torn clothes, which had healed almost in the blink of an eye.

The reason why Lu Bu didn't have any hesitation when he heard Su Ze let him go was because Lu Bu felt that since Su Ze made this request, he must have some confidence.

It may be because of his high physical strength that he can defend against his own attacks, or it may be because Su Ze has the means to quickly recover from injuries.

I am Wen Hou Lu Bu, not a mother-in-law.

Therefore, Lu Bu stabbed it without the slightest hesitation.

When the halberd pierced Su Ze's abdomen, Lu Bu was stunned for a moment.

Lu Bu never expected that Su Ze's body would be easily pierced by him.

But after pulling out the halberd, Su Ze's injury quickly recovered.

After seeing that Su Ze's injury could recover quickly, Lu Bu understood the reason why Su Ze let him stab him.

Since he could recover quickly, he naturally wouldn't be afraid of getting hurt.

Pushed Lu Bu, but Lu Bu didn't move, Gray, who was almost knocked to the ground, found Lu Bu's eyes.

After looking along, Gray's expression suddenly became confused.

Two small hands wiped Su Ze's exposed abdomen, murmuring in confusion.

"The wound, the wound is gone."

Gray could clearly see that Lu Bu stabbed the halberd into Su Ze's abdomen. Such an attack would definitely result in a very large wound.

Hearing Gray's murmur, Hilde was also taken aback, and quickly looked at the position where Su Ze was injured just now, the angry expression on his face also turned into confusion.

"You, why is your wound gone?"

Patting the hand on his shoulder, Su Ze took it for granted.

"I have a special physique, and I can recover from injuries quickly. A small injury will not get in the way."

"No wonder you let Lu Bu Feng attack you first, it really scared me to death."

After Hilde finished speaking, Lu Bu, whose eyes were shining brightly, opened his mouth to speak.

"You mean, you can let me have the ability to quickly recover from injuries?"

When he said these words, Lu Bu's tone was unprecedentedly excited. As a fierce general who has been fighting for a long time, Lu Bu understands the benefits of quick recovery from injuries.

Being able to recover from injuries quickly means that you can attack regardless of everything, don't care about open and hidden arrows, don't care about injuries, and cut any enemy under the horse.

However, Su Ze's answer is destined to disappoint Lu Bu. Quick recovery from injuries is the ability of the immortal body, and Su Ze does not have the ability to bestow the immortal body on others.

Shaking his head slightly, Su Ze casually opened the little hand that was still groping in his abdomen, and said with a smile.

"I'm afraid this will disappoint General Lu. This is my talent and cannot be bestowed on others."

"Then how do you increase my physical strength?"

Hearing Lu Bu's words, sisters Hilde and Gray also looked at Su Ze suspiciously.

Facing everyone's doubts, Su Ze smiled and said nothing.

But the next moment, Su Ze's body began to change, and in an instant, Su Ze activated his dragon form.


Lu Bu looked at the dragon horn on Su Ze's forehead, and spoke uncertainly.


Hilde and Gray also spoke in unison.

"That's right." Su Ze nodded, and pointed at his thunder dragon horn: "I have the blood of a dragon, and the physical strength of a dragon. Needless to say, everyone should be able to think of it."

"But what does this have to do with Lu Bu Fengxian?"

Gray questioned.


After knocking on Gray's little head, Su Ze continued to explain.

"Dragon blood can increase the strength and physical fitness of any creature. What if Lu Bu's blood is all dragon blood?"

Half an hour later, Su Ze and Lu Bu were lying on the same bed, with a machine made by Hilde and driven by divine power in the middle.

From Su Ze's body, the ice-blue blood enters the machine, and then enters Lu Bu's body.

Not long after, Lu Bu's entire body surface was covered with a layer of ice crystals and was frozen.

But Su Ze knew that this kind of ice couldn't make Lu Bu feel bad.

Moreover, to say it is blood is actually a more acceptable term. In fact, most of the ice-blue liquid is blood power, to be precise, it is a kind of energy.

Only a small part of it is blood, or the kind that is inactive.

An hour later, the blood transfusion was completed. Su Ze looked at Lu Bu with dragon scale tattoos on his body, and knew that it was time for the last step.

This last step is to help Lu Bu digest the blood power that does not belong to him in the body, so that the blood power can completely become Lu Bu's power, and transform Lu Bu's body.

Before these powers are exhausted, Lu Bu is equivalent to having a weakened version of the Dragon Man form.

After depleting all his strength, Lu Bu's physique will also be enhanced to a certain extent.

For Lu Bu, there is no harm at all.

For Su Ze, there is actually no benefit, but there is no harm either.

Su Ze just didn't want to look at Wen Hou Lu Bu, because of his physical strength, in the arena, he was in the hands of Thor.

If both have divine bodies, Lu Bu should be sure to beat Sol.

Su Ze doesn't know how much Lu Bu's physique will be enhanced, but it will definitely be much higher than before.

After all, the current Lu Bu is in the form of a dragon man.

Another ten minutes passed, and with Su Ze's help, Lu Bu finally absorbed all his strength.

After doing all this, Su Ze stepped back with a smile.

The next moment, the ice crystals on Lu Bu's body exploded directly, splashing across the entire lounge.

Seeing Lu Bu clenching his fist to feel his strength, Su Ze spoke softly.

"How does it feel?"

"It's better than ever, full of strength."

While speaking, a light flashed in Lu Bu's hand, and the long halberd was smashed to the ground by Lu Bu, and the halberd sank into the ground.

"From now on, the entire battlefield will be dominated by me alone!"



Hearing this, Su Ze almost didn't break his defense to keep up.
My mink, where is the cicada?

Fortunately, Su Ze held back.

I also know that it is impossible for Lu Bu to play the king. This is exactly the same as the line, but Lu Bu said it out of feeling.

Feeling the passing of energy in his body, Lu Bu looked at Su Ze.

"How long can I last in this state?"

"About an hour."

Su Ze didn't get stuck, but gave Lu Bu as much energy as possible, just in case.

"Too much", murmured in a low voice, and when Lu Bu walked out of the lounge, the domineering voice came again.

"Wait for me to take the head of the enemy general!"

(End of this chapter)

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