Chapter 112 The Red Rabbit
The red shadow galloped again, and with the impact of the red rabbit horse, Lu Bu poured all his strength into the halberd.


The continuous attacks made Thor tired of coping, completely unable to release any attacks again.

Under the ravages of the air blade released by Lu Bu, there were hideous wounds on Sol's body.

Lu Bu used his human body to suppress the gods, causing all the human audience in the arena to roar excitedly, non-stop,
"Wen Hou Lu Bu!"

"Wen Hou Lu Bu!"

"Wen Hou Lu Bu!"

Different from the excited roar of the human audience, Thor was suppressed by a human in the arena.

All the gods and audience fell silent.

Until a god who looked very young shouted.

"God Sol! We believe in you!"

It seemed that the powder keg, which had reached its peak of depression, was ignited at this moment, and a boiling cry came from the auditorium of the gods.

"God Thor!"

"God Thor!"

"God Thor!"

Sol, who was very embarrassed in the field, if you observe carefully, you will find that even though he is covered with bruises, there is no fear in Sol's eyes, but thinking.

Finally, at the moment when shouts sounded from the auditorium of the gods, Sol moved.

The body made a roundabout one by one, relying on the centrifugal force, and threw the Mjolnir in his hand.

Mjolnir's target was Lu Bu who was galloping.

According to Sol's calculations, Mjolnir should be able to hit Lu Bu.

If this blow can hit, Lu Bu will lose most of his strength. The human body is so fragile in front of the gods.

Mjolnir, who was like an ordinary comet, carried huge kinetic energy, and slammed into Lu Bu, who seemed to be unavoidable.

At this moment, whether it is a human audience or a god audience, they all raised their hearts to their throats.

This powerful meteor hammer seems to be able to decide the outcome.

The spinning meteor hammer carried enormous force, as long as it could hit Lu Bu, it could almost be said that Lu Bu would surely die.

Knowing this, all the audience held their breath, not daring to take a breath, for fear of affecting the two in the arena.

Just before Mjolnir approached, Lu Bu made a movement that no one expected.

I saw Lu Bu sticking out his halberd, stabbing the ground, using the halberd as a support, it bounced off Chitu's horse's back.

Miaoernir flew across the gap between Lu Bu and Chituma like a shooting star.

The deadly atmosphere of the audience was shattered at this moment, and the human audience cheered like crazy, as if they had seen a miracle.

The audience of the gods were stunned and couldn't accept that Lu Bu was able to avoid Sol's fatal blow in this way.

The atmosphere was a little silent for a while, I don't believe it.

But at this time, some careful gods also noticed that the fiery red hair on the back of the red rabbit horse under Lu Bu's crotch was now scorched black.

The moment Lu Bu rode back, a large piece of flesh was even peeled off.

Apparently, the red rabbit horse's back had already been scalded by the scorching heat carried by Mjolnir himself.


The red rabbit horse neighed full of pain, and its speed also dropped. Miaoernir's damage to the red rabbit horse was obviously more than that.

Lu Bu noticed the strangeness of Chituma, but there was only a flash of sadness in his eyes, and there was no other expression, and the original chill and indifference returned.

However, Lu Bu looked at Sol with a more stern look.

Sol also noticed the change in Lu Bu's eyes, but he didn't care.

The end of the long halberd in his hand was held by Lu Bu again, as if feeling the master's intentions, Chituma ran towards Sol, enduring the pain in his back.

Sol, who has no weapon in his hand, in Lu Bu's view, is the best time to kill, and he can't let it go.

Infusing all the killing intent towards Sol into the next blow, Lu Bu's eyes brightened fiercely, and the halberd slashed at Sol from top to bottom.

But when the long halberd was about to slash at Sol, Lu Bu suddenly felt something strange behind him, and instantly thought of Su Ze's move that Su Ze had said to him.

A look of pain flashed in his eyes again, and Lu Bu pinched the horse's belly forcefully.

Under Lu Bu's enormous strength, the red rabbit horse's bones were directly smashed, and blood was sprayed from the mouth.

But in Chituma's eyes, there was no resentment towards Lu Bu, but a look of enlightenment appeared in his eyes.

The next moment, Lu Bu jumped up from Chituma, and Chituma stopped.

Because of the excessive force of the impact, he stopped abruptly, causing Chituma's two forward kicks to snap.


He neighed again, but there was no pain in this neigh.

Maybe other people couldn't hear it, but Lu Bu could tell that this was his old buddy saying goodbye to him.

In the air, Lu Bu's eyes flashed with pain, and immediately filled with firmness and murderous intent.

In front of him, Sol's face full of indifference and arrogance showed a change of expression for the first time, which was stunned.

Behind him, the red rabbit horse used its only two remaining hind legs to leap high and block Lu Bu's back.

And in front of the red rabbit horse was Mjolnir who had come back with berserk power without knowing when.

At this moment, this picture is imprinted in the eyes of all humans and all gods.

Rao Su Ze, when he saw this scene, he wasn't quite on the spot.

Chituma is number one in the world!

With a roaring sound, the field was filled with dust and smoke.


Amidst the dust and smoke, an air blade flew out and slashed at the wall of the arena again, more powerful than before.

A gust of wind blows, and the smoke and dust in the arena dissipate.

"Lu Bu!"

"Lu Bu!"

"Lu Bu!"

The scene in the arena made all the human audience in the arena stand up and cheer.

"Woo~ sister, we won! We really won!"

Gray hugged Hilde, crying with joy, unable to control herself.

"No, it's impossible, Master Saul can't lose."

The body of peace of the Nordic gods sat slumped on the ground, unable to accept the scene in front of them.


At this moment, Odin, the highest god in Northern Europe, smashed the armrest of his seat, and the broken pieces in his hands instantly turned into powder.

On the delicate face of Aphrodite, the god of beauty, her small mouth was slightly opened, full of surprise.

"How, how is it possible..."

The highest seat in the auditorium of the gods, the excitement that was written on Zeus's face from the beginning to the end disappeared at this moment.

In the deep eye sockets, a pair of golden pupils appeared, clenched his fists, Zeus diffused.

"Humans are beyond my expectations."

Shiva, who was lying cross-legged on his seat, sat up again, with excitement on his expression that seemed to overflow.

"Really, it's really interesting. I hope, I hope my opponent can be as strong!"

(End of this chapter)

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