Chapter 113 Victory

In the arena, the smoke cleared away.

Standing alone, it is Lu Bu, the strongest hero of mankind.

I saw that Lu Bu was holding his halberd obliquely, and there was also a person hanging on the halberd, it was Thor, the god of thunder.

Now Thor's right arm has disappeared, and the blood is dripping down, forming a pool of blood.

But the wound on his right arm was not the fatal wound on Sol's body. The real fatal wound was the halberd piercing his chest.

Just now, Chitu Mashe blocked Miaoernier who flew back for Lu Bu.

Mjolnir was blocked by the red rabbit horse and fell to the ground. Sol's lost weapon, subconsciously blocked with his right arm, was cut off by Lu Bu's blow.

But Lu Bu knew that cutting off an arm would not win the victory. This was a duel with life and soul at stake, and it could only end if one side died completely.

Therefore, Lu Bu's halberd stuck out again, piercing Sol's chest like a poisonous snake, piercing his heart.

Sol, who had no weapon, was unable to block, and was hit by Lu Bu with one blow.

All of this has also created the current scene.

With a little force on his arm, Lu Bu swung his halberd, and Sol, who was hanging on the halberd, was thrown to the ground like a rag bag.

During the rolling, large swathes of blood spilled, forming pools of blood on the uneven ground of the arena.

Shaking the blood off the blade of the halberd, Lu Bu held the halberd obliquely and came to Mjolnir's landing point.

He knelt down and stroked the broken body of the red rabbit horse, and then held the handle of Mjolnir's hammer.

In an instant, the scorching heat carried by Mjolnir caused Lu Bu's palm to be burned, and there was a "squeaky" sound, the sound of the soldering iron touching the flesh.

But Lu Bu didn't seem to feel the pain, he held Mjolnir tightly with his palm, and Muran exerted strength.

Mjolnir was lifted by Lu Bu with one hand and thrown aside.

With a "bang", Mjolnir landed on the ground, causing the entire arena to tremble slightly.

Lu Bu didn't bother Miaoernir anymore, let alone accept anyone's cheers, he just picked up the broken body of Chituma with both hands, and left the arena step by step.

After Lu Bu completely left the arena, Heimdall, as the host, finally reacted.

He quickly ran to Sol's side, checked Sol's status, and spoke in a trembling voice.

"Suo, God Sol is dead, the first duel, on the human side, Lu Bu wins!"

In an instant, the human side cheered even louder, weeping with joy, and some people even hugged each other to vent their emotions.

Male and female, female and female, male and female, and so on.

However, at this happy time, Su Ze and Hilde had already left the auditorium and went to the player lounge.

Sure enough, Lu Bu had already arrived at the lounge, sitting on the sofa, with the corpse of Chituma beside him.

After discovering that the two entered the players' lounge, Lu Bu spoke in a low voice.

"Lucky enough to live up to the mission."

Seeing Lu Bu's current state, neither Su Ze nor Hilde spoke, but watched silently.

After a long time, Lu Bu stood up again, picked up Chituma, and walked towards the door.

"It's our hero."

Hearing Su Ze's words, Lu Bu stopped, with an ugly smile on the corner of his mouth.

"Yeah, it's our hero, I want to give my old buddy a good burial."

After finishing speaking, Lu Bu didn't hesitate anymore, and left the player's lounge without looking back.

Just when Su Ze and Hilde wanted to follow.

Lu Bu's slightly hoarse voice came from outside the door.

"You don't need to follow, I and my soldiers are enough, I am no longer able to fight, and there will be battles to come, and you need to deal with them."

Hearing Lu Bu's words, Su Ze and Hilde stopped at the same time, looked at each other, and saw firmness in each other's eyes.

However, there is a difference in the firmness in the eyes of the two. The firmness in Hilde's eyes is determined to win.

But Su Ze is not the case. Su Ze's firmness is his firm belief that with himself, he can help mankind to win.

Taking a deep breath, Su Ze looked at Hilde and spoke softly.

"Valkyrie, is there any candidate for the second contestant?"

Hilde didn't speak, just waved lightly, and a holographic projection with a sense of technology appeared in front of the two of them.

The slender hand slid twice, and finally the picture stopped on a figure with a seemingly perfect body proportion.

According to the black figure in the picture, the incomparably perfect body proportions, and the known plot, Su Ze understands that the person in this picture is the ancestor of mankind in this world, Adam.

Sure enough, the next moment, the figure in the picture appeared, it was Adam who was completely naked, with only key parts covered by leaves.

"This is the second player I selected before. He is the ancestor of mankind and the closest human being to God, Adam."

When he said this, Hilde looked at Su Ze with burning eyes.

Su Ze understood that Hilde still had something to say, so he didn't make a sound, but waited quietly.

Seeing that Su Ze was silent, Hilde continued to speak.

"It's just that now, I have a better choice. Guess who it is."

The look in your eyes is already obvious, if it's not me, who else can I go to?
Looking at Hilde's fiery eyes, Su Ze complained secretly in his heart, with a slightly puzzled expression on his face.

"who is it?"

"Of course it's you." The corners of Hilde's mouth raised slightly, with an expression like a little girl who had discovered some secret, and said in a firm tone.

"I'm a Valkyrie. I can tell that you have some special secrets. Otherwise, with that kind of power, you shouldn't be able to kill two middle-level gods."

Hearing this, Su Ze was a little dazed.

Do you have a secret?

Of course there is,
But this secret doesn't seem to have anything to do with killing the gods.

But soon, Su Ze realized that the secret that Hilde was talking about should be his own god-killing skills.

Although I didn't take it as a secret.

Shaking his head slightly, Su Ze sat on the sofa and smiled lightly.

"You are right, I have a secret, but my secret should not be the same as the secret in your mouth. The secret in your mouth is not a secret with me."

"I have a special ability, which is to obliterate the divinity. I can temporarily touch the divinity of the gods and make its members an ordinary person with only power left."

"Therefore, the gods will appear extremely weak in front of me. I call this ability, killing gods."

After Su Ze finished explaining, Hilde's eyes lit up, looking at Su Ze's eyes, wishing to swallow it up.

"This kind of ability, this kind of ability, seems to be custom-made for this Ragnarok."

Putting his hands on Su Ze's shoulders, Hilde put his pretty face close to Su Ze's, nose to nose, and spoke with great anticipation.

"Please be sure to give full play to your ability to kill gods, frighten the gods, and win the chance for human beings to survive!"

(End of this chapter)

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