Chapter 115 Loki
After obtaining Su Ze's consent and confirming Su Ze as the second contestant, Brunhilde spoke solemnly.

"Thank you for your contribution to the continuation of mankind. I believe that mankind will always remember it."

"I am a human being, and this is what I should do."

Even so, the reason why Su Ze participated in this duel was not all for human beings.

Originally, it was to test his god-killing ability, and to reward the system after returning.

It can be seen that the rewards given by the system are related to the things you do in the world after time travel.

As the only major event in this world, Su Ze has no reason not to participate.

Complimenting each other a few words, Su Ze looked towards the door and said.

"Lu Bu is probably seeing off Chituma. Without Chituma, the result of the previous duel would have been completely different. Chituma is a hero, so let's see him off too."

"it is good."

He walked out of the lounge with Hilde, and walked outside the Valhalla Arena.

After all, it is impossible to build a tomb in the Valahalla Arena, it can only be built outside.

But when the two walked out of the Valahala arena, they happened to see an angel god destroying Chituma's tomb.

Both of them wanted to make a move, but the distance was too far and they were powerless.

One blow failed to kill the culprit who destroyed Chituma's tomb, and the culprit also uttered wild words. Lu Bu was really angry.

The end of the halberd was held again, and an air blade shot out like lightning.

The sound of a gas explosion sounded, and the clouds in the sky were separated at this moment.

Separated at the same time, there are several angel gods who are on the same line as the culprit.

Such a terrifying blow caused many angel gods who had lost their backbone to disperse.

Lu Bu wanted to chase after him, but unfortunately he had no ability to fly, so he was powerless.

At this time, Su Ze and Hilde also came here. After a brief understanding of the incident, everyone rebuilt the grave of Chituma.

Standing up, Su Ze patted the dirt on his hands, looked at Lu Bu, and spoke solemnly.

"Chitu's insult, I will bring it back and let the gods know what real terror is."

After finishing speaking, Su Ze looked at Hilde again and said.

"Valkyrie, I want to play consecutively. My ability allows me to do this. Is it feasible?"

Hearing Su Ze's request, Brunhilde hesitated, not whether it was operable, but hesitating. Can Su Ze really play consecutive games?
You know, the opponent is a god.


Hilde suddenly thought that Su Ze has the ability to kill gods, and it seems that he can really play consecutively.

"No problem, I will operate."

Nodding and showing a smile, Hilde agreed to Su Ze's request.

Clenching his fists, Su Ze looked towards the arena and thought to himself.

I don't know if killing a few more gods will give you refreshing rewards.

The second duel was placed on the second day, and there were a total of thirteen battles, which logically lasted for thirteen days.

Of course, no god thought Ragnarok would go on for thirteen days, because that required thirteen duels, and there had to be winners and losers.

Originally, the gods didn't think that the gods would be defeated in the battle with humans, but the reality is that they gave the gods a slap in the face.

But even so, the gods still believed that the gods would crush the human side severely in the next battle.

Shocked by Lu Bu's powerful strength, the group of angel gods understood that Lu Bu had the power to crush them.

But they are still determined human beings. Lu Bu won the duel because of cheating.

After all, they are nothing more than middle gods, and Thor is a high god.

The strength of high-level gods is quite different from that of middle-level gods.

If you really fight, the god Thor can beat a large group of middle gods to death with a hammer.

The angel gods who believed that Lu Bu had cheated in their hearts decided to report Lu Bu to the parliament.

At the same time, they also spread rumors of Lu Bu's cheating more wantonly among the group of gods.

In particular, the existence of the red rabbit horse is even more special to them.

Countless gods who were already dissatisfied with the results of the first round joined in as if they had found a reason to convince themselves.

In just one night, almost all the middle and low gods accepted Lu Bu's theory of cheating.

But at this time, they hadn't gone to Zeus to report Lu Bu, because there was no high-level god among them.

The gap between the low-level gods and the high-level gods is too large. In Valahara, the low-level gods have no right to speak.

Therefore, they want to find a high-level god to be the speaker. Only with the addition of a high-level god can Zeus take it seriously.

And their actions are all in the eyes of the higher gods.

It's just that the high-level gods didn't take it seriously. Even the discerning high-level gods could see that Lu Bu won the duel by virtue of his strength and luck.

There is no cheating at all. If there is any cheating, it may be that during the period when the duel was suspended, his physique improved a little.

But these increases are nothing compared to the divine body.

The nonsense of cheating made most of the higher gods disdain to participate in it, and they couldn't bear the shame.

After all, they are just mere human beings. If they lose, they lose. It's just a game, and it's just a matter of winning it back.

Of course, the vast majority does not represent all. Loki, the god of tricks, is a high-level god and the youngest son of Odin.

Before, because of Sol, he was not seriously injured by Odin.

After all, Loki is completely incomparable in front of Sol, whether it is strength or prestige.

More importantly, the gods advocate violence. Loki, who wants to intrigue, is not as majestic as Thor, who is crushing the enemy with his strength.

But now, Sol has completely died, becoming dust in the universe, not even leaving his soul.

Thus, a plot appeared in Loki's heart. Because of the loss of his beloved son, Odin is now very angry and sad.

Loki wants to avenge Thor, of course not because of any brotherhood, but because, avenging Thor, there is a high probability that he will win Odin's favor.

In that case, I can take advantage of these favors logically to replace my elder brother Saul's previous position in his father's heart.

And after avenging Thor, he can also receive the support of a large number of gods who originally had a crush on Sol, which is equivalent to inheriting Sol's previous political legacy.

At that time, wouldn't he be alive and well in the Nordic god system?
Even if it's not going to be prosperous, you can still live a much better life than you are now, and you can also receive glory and appreciation.

With supporters and some necessary experience, it is not impossible to completely replace Sol's position.

(End of this chapter)

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