Chapter 116 God Shiva

The next day, before the duel began, those middle and lower gods received the favor of Loki, a higher god.

Although Loki, as the god of tricks, is not very popular among those who advocate violence.

It is the same even among the middle and low nerves.

But Loki is a high-level god after all, and these middle and low-level gods are still very respectful on the surface.

What's more, if you ask for Loki, you respect Loki even more.

As for whether it is because Loki is Sol's younger brother, I'm sorry, there really isn't one.

The gods, even the middle and lower gods, did not regard the God of Trick and Thunder God as brothers. The difference was too great. Even if the two were related by blood, it would be difficult for others to connect them.

With the foundation, when Loki walked into the arena, he no longer walked in the dark like usual.

In the past, Loki, because of the god of tricks, didn't like the light, but liked being in the dark.

Minimize one's own sense of existence, even high-level gods are not paid much attention.

But this time, Loki, who entered the arena openly, no longer walks in the shadows, but walks in the sunshine.

Along the way, countless middle and low gods, after seeing Loki, stopped and saluted Loki.

All the middle and lower gods understood that it was all up to Loki to get Zeus' attention this time.

After all, Loki is the only high-level deity who pays attention to the middle and low-level deities.

No matter what he was, now, Loki has the expectations of almost all the lower gods present.

Seeing Loki's uncharacteristic behavior, many high-level gods were a little puzzled.

As the father, Odin frowned slightly at first, and then stretched his brows, showing a somewhat relieved expression.

Loki's change made Odin feel relieved.

Although my own son is a very good person, he still likes to hide in the dark and is very different from himself.

Being not like himself is also the biggest reason why Odin once disliked Loki.

But now, Loki has obviously changed, and Thor is dead, Odin's expectations for the younger generation can only fall on Loki.

Now, seeing Loki's change, how could he be unhappy.

Although it is not clear why Loki had this change, Odin, as an old father, has decided in his heart that no matter what Loki wants to do or why, he must support Loki as much as possible.

As the audience all entered the arena, the entire arena fell into silence. The host Heimdall stood in the arena and greeted the high-level gods in the audience of gods, and then spoke with a slightly heavy weapon.

"Now, it's the second duel. Yesterday, the god Sol, who was a god, was defeated by the human Lu Bu."

After Heimdall's words fell, there was a commotion in the auditorium of the gods.

Many middle and low-level gods gritted their teeth and looked at the human auditorium opposite, whispering words like cheating.

For a moment, there was a "buzzing" sound in the auditorium of the gods.

The human beings in the human auditorium showed a smile at this moment, and a sense of pride rose from the bottom of their hearts.

After feeling that the emotions were almost set off, Heimdall then spoke in a high-pitched tone.

"However, Ragnarok is not a game that decides the outcome. We still have a chance, and we can regain the glory that belongs to the gods. Everyone said, right!"


In an instant, all the middle and lower gods spoke in unison.

Even some high-level gods clenched their fists slightly.

Obviously, even the high-level gods felt a little uncomfortable with the defeat of the first god yesterday.

After getting the answer he wanted, Heimdall placed the realization on the door belonging to the gods, and gestured with his hand.

"He is one of the three gods of Tianzhu! He symbolizes creation and destruction! He is the representative of the gods of our second Ragnarok, Lord Shiva!"

The heavy door opened at this moment, and behind the shadow of the door was a four-armed god.

He put his hands behind his head, put one hand on his hips, and waved the other hand towards the audience. His posture was a little lazy, but his face was glowing with excitement.

"Let us welcome Lord Shiva, come on stage!"


There was an uproar in the auditorium of the gods, and countless gods shouted, asking Lord Shiva to kill the human contestants and regain the lost face.

There are also gods shouting, telling Lord Shiva to be careful of human players, because despicable human beings like to cheat.

The god Thor was defeated in the field because of the lowly human player Lu Bu cheating.

Enjoying the cheers of the audience, Lord Shiva came to the center of the arena, and his figure suddenly became erratic.

Immediately afterwards, music with Tianzhu characteristics sounded in the arena, and Lord Shiva also danced with Tianzhu characteristics.

The audience of the gods who saw this scene became more enthusiastic. The dance with the characteristics of Tianzhu danced by Lord Shiva was very cheerful, which made people feel like celebrating the victory in advance.

At this moment, some Tianzhu people danced to the music, and some Tianzhu people knelt down on the ground immediately, praying sincerely with tears in their eyes.

Praying to your own gods, you can make yourself a high-caste person in the next life.

There are even a few Tianzhu people who have already started to beat their backs with short whips with thorns in their hands.

After a few whips, his back was already dripping with blood.

The surrounding humans involuntarily backed away, for fear that these lunatics would hurt themselves.

These self-harming Indians actually don't hurt others, they just hurt themselves.

They believe that human beings are born full of sins, and only by feeling the pain personally can they be able to wash away their sins and receive God's forgiveness to be born into a higher caste.

Now, God is right in front of them, and they can see it with their own eyes. Of course, they must show their sincerity, let God see it, and forgive themselves.

It's just that everything they have done is destined to be useless. Let alone whether there is an afterlife, let's talk about Lord Shiva.

He didn't pay attention to the thoughts of the human auditorium at all now, but was immersed in the joy of the upcoming battle.

I don't know how many years, I haven't fought well, this time I must seize the opportunity.

If you can, you have to pay attention to it, and you can't kill your opponent in one shot.

It would be a pity if a human being who dared to tease Aphrodite died instantly.

Lord Shiva, who became more and more excited when he thought about it, became more energetic when he danced.

Finally, after 5 minutes, Lord Shiva stopped dancing and the music also stopped.

Heimdall stood up in a timely manner, pointed to another door, and spoke loudly.

"As humans, humans who challenge the gods, you won the last duel, will you still win this time?"


Without the slightest pause, there was a sky-shattering roar in the human audience, and countless humans all spoke in unison at this moment.

Except those Indians.

(End of this chapter)

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