Super Seminary begins with the immortal body

Chapter 131 Victory, Is It Wrong?

Chapter 131 Victory, Is It Wrong?

In an instant, Hilde noticed that the atmosphere in the auditorium of the gods had changed.

It was no longer the disbelief and discouragement just because of the failure of the duel, but an atmosphere of common hatred and hatred.

Hilde was a little confused about what was going on, let alone what the gods were thinking now.

If you share the same hatred, let's share the same hatred. After all, the invincible gods lost three games in a row at the hands of mere human beings.

More importantly, being able to make the gods whose eyes are higher than the top share the same hatred means that human beings have really made the gods abandon their arrogance.

Human beings are no longer a race created by the gods at will, but truly stand on the same level as the gods.

Thinking of this, the corners of Hilde's mouth couldn't help but twitch.

Such a result is not just about wanting to win 1000 years of existence for human beings.

When humans and gods stand on the same table, the gods will not have the guts to destroy humans.

Although by that time, the gods may regard human beings as a threat and launch wars and the like.

However, that is better than being destroyed without even being able to express an opinion.

Afterwards, the smile at the corner of Hilde's mouth disappeared again, and was replaced by solemnity.

Hilde has not forgotten what he promised, and he wants to seek justice for the players.

After the show ended, Hilde came to the Valahalla court alone and rang the alarm bell there.

The not-so-big bell echoed throughout Valahara.

All of a sudden, all the gods set off and went to the court.

While it's unknown who will need the court's help at such an important time for Ragnarok, it's a must-see now that the alarm bells are ringing.

The Valahalla Code clearly stipulates that when the alarm bell rings and the court opens, all the gods in Valahalla must be present.

Similarly, the human audience can also hear the bell, but the human audience does not understand what this means, and only a small part of them go to the place where the bell rings.

Because of the legend of Ragnarok, all the gods are in Valahara, so this time the court is full of gods.

Human beings who came over out of curiosity did not enter the court.

Whether it is human beings or a large part of gods, they also failed to enter and could only wait outside the court.

The one at the top is not a judge, but Zeus, the father of the gods, sitting on the judge's seat, looking at Hilde below with deep eyes.

The gods who entered the court were whispering, not understanding why the Valkyrie wanted to ring the alarm now.

There are also some gods who think that the Valkyrie Hilde is a traitor to the gods and is not worthy of ringing the alarm.

But now that Hilde has sounded the alarm, there is no point in saying anything, let's take a look at what the Valkyrie wants to do.

As the court officially began, after reading the prologue of the main law, Zeus' majestic voice echoed throughout the hall.

"Valkyrie Hilde, please explain your purpose."

After the voice fell, the audience was silent, and the eyes of all the gods were focused on Hilde.

Although he looked down on these gods, he had to admit that the gazes of so many gods still caused a lot of pressure in Hilde's heart.

Moreover, Hilde could feel the dissatisfaction hidden in these gazes.

Beads of sweat emerged from Hilde's forehead. Taking a deep breath, Hilde opened the box at his feet.

After seeing the things in the box, the silent hall suddenly became noisy.

"Corpse? Why did the Valkyrie bring a corpse?"

"This corpse seems to be a god."

"What do you mean? Did the Valkyries come to demonstrate against us?"

"It may also be from surrender."

"Who is this god? Do you know anyone?"

"He is our God of India, God Shiva's good friend, God Athara."

The mighty judge hit the base with his hammer, making the sound in the entire hall quiet.

"Hilde, why did you bring the body of the God of Atura with you?"

"Master Zeus, it's like this..."

Although a little nervous, Hilde still recounted what happened yesterday.

When the gods figured out the situation, they immediately became angry.

In their view, there was nothing wrong with what Adura did, and it was perfectly normal to avenge their friends.

And Hilde actually prevented Adolo from avenging his friend, and even caused Adolo to be killed by humans.


This is definitely a traitor to the gods.

If we say that at the beginning, the gods were very upset to see the Valkyrie helping humans, and felt that Hilde was a traitor in their hearts.

But only a small part will speak out, because Hilder was also ordered by Zeus anyway.

But now it is not the case, Zeus only let Hilde summon the strong from human history to participate in Ragnarok.

Hilde was not allowed to help humans anytime and anywhere, let alone Hilde was not allowed to help humans deal with gods outside Ragnarok.

As a god, Hilde has misplaced his position, which is outrageous.

For a time, the crowd was furious.

"I said a long time ago that the Valkyrie is a traitor. You see, I'm right."

"Valkyrie, you traitor, eat inside and outside!"

"God Atura avenged his friend, yet you still help humans, traitor!"

"Master Zeus, let's judge, judge the Valkyrie, she is a traitor!"

"Yes, Master Zeus, let's judge!"

All the gods shared the same hatred and completely believed that Hilde was a traitor in the true sense, clamoring for Zeus to judge Hilde.

Hilde's complexion became very ugly. She did not expect such a situation to happen. Originally, Hilde thought that even if the court could not find the fairness that Su Ze should have, at most it would be ignored.

But the current situation is obviously beyond expectations.

The gods who thought they were wrong did not realize their mistakes at all, and instead blamed themselves.

Moreover, looking at the emotions of the gods, it seems that they want to kill themselves directly to vent their anger.

As for whether he vented the anger of being betrayed by himself, or the anger of three defeats in three battles, or both, it is not known.


Hearing the abuse, Hilde finally couldn't help it, and slapped his palm on the fence in front of him, angrily.

The sudden roar of anger made the angry gods, a little surprised, quiet down.

At this time, Hilde spoke again, full of air.

Seeing the ugly faces of these gods, Hilde completely let go of the tension in his heart.

"Is it wrong to win Ragnarok's victory and give your race a chance to survive?!"

"Is it possible to risk your life to win the battle, and after getting out of the ring, do you still need to bear the revenge of the loser friend?!"

"Is it a crime to win the battle?!"

"Then what Ragnarok is going to be held?! What are you talking about to win the chance of survival?!"

"You won't even admit defeat, you still have the face to call yourself a god?!"

(End of this chapter)

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