Chapter 132
"Yes, is there anything wrong with winning?"

"Of course there is nothing wrong!"

"Among the rules set by the gods and the positions prescribed by the gods, we human beings have won our victory in an open and honest manner by virtue of our own talents. If this is considered a mistake, then the world itself may be a mistake."

Such deafening words made all the gods in the court look in the direction of the sound.

I saw that a group of human beings gathered at the door made a way for one person to pass through from the middle, and everyone had expressions of admiration and excitement on their faces.

Su Ze came slowly from there, with a faint smile on his face, and spoke again.

"What do you think? All the gods."

Hearing such a question, the originally very noisy hall became silent, and the gods looked at each other silently.

What Su Ze said makes sense. Whether it is the formulation of rules or the selection of locations, human beings follow the arrangements of the gods.

If there is something wrong with winning under such circumstances, then it is really a big joke to slip the world.

The gods who had no ability to refute lowered their heads one after another.

The performance of the gods made Hilde see the hope of getting the rights.

She looked at Zeus, the father of the gods, on the main seat, and she spoke with a bit of confidence.

"No matter what my status is, as the representative of the human side of Ragnarok, I need to protect the rights and interests of the human players."

"God Atura is dead, so we won't pursue what God has done."

"But in order to allow the players to compete with peace of mind without any worries, I hope that Lord Zeus can issue a decree to protect the rights and interests of the players, so as to save some guys who can't see the situation clearly and lose their lives."

After the words fell, Hilde clearly felt the emotional changes of the gods.

Especially after the last sentence was uttered, the gods became angry.

But Hilde didn't have the slightest cowardice, even though his strength was mediocre, he still glanced at the gods with warning eyes.

Finally, Hilde looked to Zeus, the father of the gods, hoping that his request would be met.

"There is nothing wrong with winning, but revenge is a completely private act. You humans have said that you can still take revenge for ten generations. Is it wrong to take revenge for your own use?!"

But at this time, a voice suddenly sounded, it was the black crow on Odin's shoulder, the voice was very harsh, but the words that he said made all the gods nod their heads.

As the words of the black crow fell, Zeus looked at Hilde with deep eyes, waiting for her rebuttal.

"Fairyland legend itself is about seeing life and death in the arena, how can you seek revenge under the arena, you are completely preposterous!"

Hilde clenched his fists together, his eyes were full of anger, as if he was about to spew fire.

"Tell me, which rule can't seek revenge?"

"That rule?"

"Don't accept it, let's fight!"

The white crow standing on Odin's other shoulder raised its head proudly and shouted.

Recalling the laws of Ragnarok in the Valahalla code, Hilde's face became a little ugly.


In the Valahalla code, there is really no rule that after the battle is over, it is not allowed to take revenge on the players in private.

It just stipulates that before the battle begins, the life safety of the players needs to be maintained.

However, if it is necessary to say that Su Ze has already participated in the battle and belongs to the post-war period, it is not impossible.

Hilde was also caught in an irrefutable situation, and looked at the humans at the door with pleading eyes.

And the humans at the door didn't have any good rebuttals.

Just when disappointment flashed in Hilde's eyes, Su Ze spoke again.

However, this time, Su Ze didn't come to refute, but to reply.

Su Ze is not interested in chatting with them here, it's not too much trouble.

"Since that's the case, then, come if you want revenge. You just have to be careful about your lives. Human beings also have the pride of human beings, and it's not so easy to be manipulated."

After speaking, Su Ze pulled Hilde straight away from the court, followed by a group of humans who came to join in the fun.

After the humans in the court left, the gods made the hall noisy again, venting their anger in their hearts,

Su Ze's words just now undoubtedly declared war on all the gods present.

How can a mere human being speak such nonsense, who are gods, not to be angry.

On the main seat, Zeus looked at the gods below calmly, and Hermes beside him had a proper smile from beginning to end.

After an unknown amount of time, Zeus, who was calm and motionless, suddenly yawned.

As if he had understood something, Hermes picked up the judge's hammer.

There was a "boom", the sound of the hammer head and the base striking, echoing in it.

"That's enough, let's all go back, old man, I'm tired."

Zeus's voice was not too loud, and it was abnormal, but it was heard by all the gods.

No matter how angry they were just now, the gods who heard this didn't say any more, but got up and left the scene one after another, even the higher gods were no exception.

Because, all the gods know that Zeus, the father of the gods, is an old-hearted god, and most of the time, he expresses various emotions outside.

And when his emotions converge, it means that Zeus's heart is very restless now.

Of course, it could also be called anger.

After all, Lord Zeus' elder brother, God Poseidon, was defeated and killed by humans just now.

No god would believe that Zeus was not angry.

An angry father of the gods, no god would want to offend him again at this time, even the high gods are no exception.

If Zeus used it as a tool to vent his anger, life and death would be unpredictable.

After all the gods left, only Zeus and Hermes remained in the hall.

Zeus rubbed his neck and whispered.

"Hermes, you go down too, I want to be quiet."

In the human player lounge, Hilde said in an apologetic voice.

"I'm sorry, I'm useless. I've been slowing down and I can't fight for the rights you should have."

Shaking his head indifferently, Su Ze was half lying on the sofa.

"It doesn't matter, if they want to take revenge, they will come. My title of God Slayer can just add some weight."

Pursing his lips, Hilde turned on the projection, pointed to the picture frame of the players in the fourth round and opened his mouth.

"You are still in the fourth game, but the gods didn't give a choice of players. I think the gods may choose to deliberately target your players. For the sake of safety, is it necessary to replace this fourth battle?"


Su Ze's expression was a little surprised, he didn't expect Hilde to have such an idea.

(End of this chapter)

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