Chapter 133 Reasons
After Hilde's consideration, she wanted to replace Su Ze with Adam, the ancestor of mankind.

Adam is the ancestor of mankind in this world, and this identity must represent his specialness.

According to the legend, Adam was a human being created by the gods himself, and he was also the most perfect human being who was closest to the gods.

His body is a replica of the body of a god, even surpassing most of the middle and low gods.

In addition to having no divine power, it is okay to say that he is a god.

More importantly, Adam has an extremely domineering ability.

His eyes can reproduce all the tricks of the gods, and they can be used without divine power, and they are even better.

The name of this ability is false vision.

With the blessing of False Vision, no matter which god it is, Adam can use it to not lose the wind, and even win the battle.

Originally, in Hilde's heart, Adam was another hole card after Lu Bu, which could anchor a victory.

But now, because of Su Ze's appearance, Adam is still one of the trump cards in Hilde's heart.

But the importance is that they need to be placed one row behind.

Otherwise, Hilde would not have said that in order to prevent Su Ze from being targeted, he changed people.

Hilde was afraid that Su Ze would be targeted, but Su Ze was not afraid.

I haven't used all my abilities yet. Su Ze has everything from melee to long-range.

With the blessing of killing god skills, Su Ze is not afraid of being targeted at all.

Therefore, Su Ze rejected Hilde's proposal without hesitation.

In Su Ze's view, the next god to appear will most likely be Zeus.

Because the gods have lost three games in a row, if they fail again in the next game, the gods will completely fall from the altar.

The current gods urgently need a victory to reclaim the status of the gods and show the power of the gods to humans.

Moreover, I have already said that I will play in the next game.

With the victory of the first two battles as a proof of combat effectiveness, the gods can only send more powerful gods to play.

On the bright side, there is one and only one god who is more powerful than Poseidon, and that is Zeus, the father of the gods.

The next god to fight is Zeus. According to the original book, there is no doubt that Adam is powerful.

But Adam's physical fitness is a flaw after all. In the original book, Adam was also defeated because his physical fitness was not as good as Zeus.

Su Ze can indeed increase Adam's physical fitness and give Adam the possibility of victory.

But there is no need, I am here.

The reason why it is necessary to increase physical fitness for Lu Bu is because Lu Bu has already played and there is no way to make substitutions on the spot.

But Adam didn't play, didn't even announce that he was going to play.

That being the case, why bother?I am not afraid of being targeted, and the gods have not thoroughly figured out their own methods, so there is no need to target them at all.

Su Ze rejected his proposal, although after listening to the explanation, he felt that what Su Ze said made sense, and he also had confidence in what Su Ze said.

But Hilde is still a little worried, and hopes that Su Ze can think about it again, there is no need to be brave.

After all, this is a matter related to the entire human race, and all the pressure cannot be placed on Su Ze alone.

There are still many candidates on my side, and they can also share the burden for Su Ze.

Although Hilde's words moved Su Ze a little, Su Ze still couldn't agree.

It's hard for me to die, let alone, even if I die, I don't really die, it's just a return.

According to my speculation, the system rewards are based on what I did after the time travel.

Now that I have participated in two Ragnarok duels, the reward for this return must be inseparable from the Ragnarok duel.

Then you must participate more, even participate in all the remaining Ragnarok, so that the rewards will be more intense.

Is there a problem?

no problem.

At least Su Ze thinks so.

Seeing that Su Ze still insisted on his own opinion, Hilde also sighed helplessly, let Su Ze have a good rest, and he would watch the night for Su Ze, so as not to let some caring people disturb Su Ze's rest.

On the other side, a conspiracy against Lu Bu has already begun.

From Loki's point of view, after tomorrow's battle is decided, there will be a huge change.

Lord Zeus, as the father of the gods, will definitely not fail.

And after Lord Zeus' victory, it means that the gods have regained some of their lost dignity, which will let the gods vent most of the breath they are holding in their hearts.

At that time, if I kill Lu Bu again, the increase in my reputation will be greatly reduced.

Loki didn't want to lose more than half of the prestige that was at his fingertips.

So, planning starts early.

Tonight is the time for me to lead the gods, avenge the god Sol, and vent my anger for all the gods.

Hundreds of gods, under the cover of night, headed towards the human resting area. Even though the gods' expressions were extremely ferocious and their moods were even more surging, they did not make any sound to alarm anyone.

Although it is a human rest area, because Lu Bu led his own army, he did not live in the house, but lived in the military tent with the soldiers to relive the glorious years of the year.

In the camp of Lu Bu's army, everything was laid out according to the original war, and there were even patrolling soldiers.

Therefore, when the gods really approached the barracks, there was no possibility that they would not be discovered.

In the military tent, Lu Bu and his former subordinates had a big bowl of wine and meat, and the atmosphere was extremely hot.

It was already the second day with such enthusiasm.

Because, everyone knows that he has already died once, and now he is temporarily resurrected from history by Valkyrie in a special way.

After the end of Ragnarok, the self who came back from history will sleep in history again.

There may be only one chance to reunite in this way and see the former brother and lord.

All the soldiers of Lu Bu's army, like Lu Bu, did not want to waste any time.

But when the atmosphere in the tent was warm, a mournful roar resounded through the entire barracks.

"Enemy attack!"

The drunken Lu Bu soldier, after hearing the word "enemy attack", subconsciously touched his waist and drew out the short knife from his waist.

In the camp, there was a lot of fighting.

When Lu Bu arrived with a large army, he happened to see a deity with a goat's head pulling out the heart of the last soldier on duty at night.

"Master...Master, you are here, I entrust..."

Before the words fell, the soldier's life was completely cut off.

The god with a sheep's head and a human body also saw Lu Bu approaching, first took a step back subconsciously, and immediately realized his gaffe.

Taking two steps forward again, with a ferocious smile on his face, he stuffed the warm heart in his hand into his mouth, and said in a vague voice.

"Lu Bu Fengxian, today is your death day!"

(End of this chapter)

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