Dan Road Xianhua

Chapter 201 Victory in the First Battle

Chapter 201 Victory in the First World War

In mid-air, Qingyi and Lan Fengli were flying towards Tianyuzong on the flying magic weapon.

"Brother, we came back just in time."

"Well, all the demon cultivators have come, as well as those from the Yin Corpse Gate. They will all be wiped out at once, saving a lot of trouble."

"Should we help the demon cultivators?"

"You are relaxed, and you are still in the mood to joke. The sect must be very nervous now."

"Actually, there is a cat, so there is no need to be too nervous. I wonder how his insanity is going after his transformation?"

"Today you will see."

As Lan Fengli spoke, he accelerated his flight speed, and soon arrived in front of the Tianyu Sect.

"Haha, as long as you attack once or twice, the formation will be broken. At that time, you can kill as much as you want."

Gray Eagle's second child laughed haha, as if the next moment, the most difficult Tian Yuzong also became their territory.

However, his laughter stopped abruptly in the next moment, and a layer of frost covered his body. Although he broke through the ice layer in a short breath, he heard the sound of countless thumping heavy objects falling to the ground.

As far as the eye can see, all the ghost cultivators who have not transformed have turned into ice blocks, rolling down in front of the mountain gate, and those demon cultivators who have transformed are still trying to break the ice.

It's just that, while panting, those Nascent Soul stage metamorphosis demon cultivators were once again shrouded in a sword array formed by countless Qi swords. To make matters worse, a large number of them died soon.

The two gray eagles at the transformation stage instantly turned into real bodies, and several extremely angry eagle cries shocked Qingyi so much that she almost vomited blood.

Beside the main hall of Tianyuzong, Yu'er saw everything outside, and immediately shouted excitedly: "Master, let's go out quickly, it's mother and master who are here."

Yiyang also knew it long ago, and thought, these two apprentices are really fierce, they wiped out more than half of the demon cultivators with one move, so many people here insisted on maintaining the formation just now, why is it a bit...

In an instant, Yiyang and other four cultivators at the transformation stage appeared in front of two gray eagles, two against one, directly away from the battlefield, and flew high into the sky.

In front of the mountain gate, there were less than thirty metamorphosis demon cultivators of the Nascent Soul Stage left. They were lucky not to be covered by Lan Fengli's Qi Sword Formation.

Just after breaking through the ice layer, he saw that the situation was not good and wanted to run away, but a big eye suddenly appeared on it, and nearly half of the running posture was instantly frozen.

They only felt that their primordial spirit stagnated for a moment, and their souls seemed to be taken away.

The more than 20 Nascent Soul cultivators of Tianyu Sect who came with the cat took the opportunity to kill all these sluggish demon cultivators, and then continued to chase those who were not captured by the cat.

It was Qingyi's first time to use ice spells, thousands of miles of ice, but she didn't expect the effect to be so good. Those with a lower cultivation level than her would be frozen to death immediately, and those of the same level would be trapped for a few breaths of time.

After she and Lan Fengli made a move, seeing Master and the others come out, they directly lured the two God Transformation Demon cultivators away, and they took aim at Taoist Qinggu.

Last time, Qingyi hadn't conceived a baby yet, and she didn't even have a chance to fight back against Daoist Qinggu, but this time it's different, since her conceived baby, her Yuanshen has reached the late Yuanying stage, and if she faces him again, she will definitely fight back. Can fight back.

Lan Fengli has also advanced to the first level now, reaching the middle stage of Nascent Soul, and has a deeper understanding of sword intent and Dao.

The two had a tacit understanding, Lan Fengli held the sword and met Taoist Qinggu.

Daoist Qinggu, who was full of confidence today, brought the seven Nascent Soul stage monks from their sect to Tianyuzong with Yaoxiu.

Just waiting for Tianyuzong to perish, he will avenge himself, and Yinshimen can also obtain more cultivation resources in the Western Continent.

However, the situation was changing rapidly. I didn't expect that it was not Tian Yuzong who was strewn with corpses, but their aggressive side. The seven Nascent Soul Stages he brought had also been killed.

Taoist Qinggu had already seen Lan Fengli and Qingyi who suddenly appeared behind him, his anger went straight to his forehead, he didn't expect that the Yin Corpse Gate would be destroyed in his hands, it was caused by these two people.

Seeing that the two of them still dared to take the initiative to meet them, he couldn't help laughing, the smile was dark and weird, he must kill them today.

Thinking of this, his whole body exploded with momentum, and with a raised hand, five more people appeared, no, it should be five corpse puppets.

The five corpse puppets met Qingyi directly, while he himself met Lan Fengli.

Qingyi sent out five long dragons in one breath, and met the five corpse puppets without hesitation. The corpse puppets struck out with both palms, and were instantly covered in gray, like two groups of gray mushroom clouds, heading straight for the dragons in circles.

The huge dragon's mouth opened, swallowing most of the gray gas, but soon the gray gas passed through the dragon's body and emerged again, slowly disappearing the shadow of the dragon, leaving only a large piece of gray gas, and continued to move towards Qing Yi Piao went.

Qingyi quickly withdrew her spiritual power, took a tonic pill, and ran backwards. These five corpse puppets were all at the late stage of Yuanying, and she could deal with one, but with five together, she felt that she could only run.

But soon, a helper came, and the cat flew over, wanting to show his prestige in front of Qingyi.

In the end, his soul-absorbing was useless against the five corpse puppets. Mao'er curled his lips unwillingly, and muttered: "It turns out that there are five soulless puppets."

Along with the cat, there were five monks at the peak of the late Nascent Soul who were often with Lu Bei, and two of them flew directly to Lan Fengli's side to deal with Taoist Qinggu together.

Qingyi let out a sigh of relief and came to help, she didn't want to run away, now she only needs to deal with two, corpse puppets can't be beaten to death, even if a limb is broken, it can recover instantly.

Qingyi thought of using fire to burn, this should be feasible, she took a deep breath, felt the spiritual energy in her body recover almost, and silently performed Feng Xiao Jiutian's kung fu.

A fiery red phoenix appeared directly in midair as if traveling through space, and met the two corpse puppets that were chasing after it.

The phoenix's huge wings flapped lightly, and countless fire rains poured down like a big net, turning into a sea of ​​flames, which directly submerged the two corpse puppets, and a little bit of gray could also be seen emerging from the sea of ​​flames.

It was not until there was no trace of gray gas in the sea of ​​flames that Qingyi withdrew her spiritual power, and a trace of blood oozed from the corner of her mouth.

The sea of ​​flames dissipated and there was no shadow of the puppet anymore. Qingyi breathed a sigh of relief. She looked at the three monks. Although she could not win quickly, she would not lose either.

Qingyi looked at Lan Fengli again, Taoist Qinggu was one-on-three, and he was gradually losing. If Qingyi didn't go to help, they would definitely be able to kill Taoist Qinggu.

She needed to recover her spiritual power before helping those three people. At this time, there were corpses everywhere in front of the Tianyu Sect's mountain gate, and none of the demon cultivators who came came escaped.

Daoist Jiedan, who was left behind by Tianyuzong, had already started to dispose of the corpses. Daoist Ruyi led more than ten Nascent Soul stage monks to surround them and joined the two battlefields.
No matter how powerful Taoist Qinggu was, he was not a cultivator of Huashen. In the end, he was cut in half by Lan Fengli's sword.

So far, except for the two demon cultivators who have transformed into gods, all the demon cultivators and the Nascent Soul Stage of the Yin Corpse Gate have been left in Tianyuzong.

(End of this chapter)

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