Dan Road Xianhua

Chapter 202 Continental Stability

Chapter 202 Continental Stability
Lan Fengli came to Qingyi's side, gently wiped off the trace of blood left at the corner of her mouth, and looked at the distant sky, where the battle was still going on, two groups, one eagle, were divided into two groups to fight fiercely.

"Brother, can Master and the others kill those two gray eagles? If they are allowed to escape, it will still be a disaster in the future."

"It's very difficult to kill. After all, these four people have just transformed into gods, and the two gray eagles are already in the middle stage of transforming into gods."

After Lan Fengli finished speaking, he turned his gaze to her.

"You want to help?"

"Think about it, but it's a pity that you don't have enough strength."

"Junior Sister is already very powerful. If I fight against you now, I may not be able to win."

"But against the God Transformation stage, it can only be ants."

"Not necessarily."

Lan Fengli looked at the battlefield in the distance, and his tone was full of confidence.

Qingyi looked at him suspiciously, "Could it be that you can still beat Gray Eagle in the transformation stage?"

"Can't beat it."

Lan Fengli answered very simply.

"Then what did you mean just now?"

"Outsmart, or with the help of external force, you forgot the magic cultivator of the Chu family, and the ones in the fusion stage were also beheaded."

"Where is the time to set up the formation now?"

Just after Qingyi finished speaking, she remembered that she still had an eighth-level formation disk, and now that she is a baby, it is not very useful to her, and the formation disk can only be used five times, and the power will be less every time it is used.

She has already used this formation plate twice, and if it is detonated, it should still hurt a gray eagle.

Knowing what she was thinking, Lan Fengli pulled her and said, "Let's go over there. If you detonate the array, you can seriously injure that Gray Eagle, and then Master and the others can kill it."

"Do you still have one? Last time you dealt with that fusion period, you already detonated one."

"I can detonate the air sword, and it can also hurt him."

Qingyi nodded, and the two got up and flew towards the battlefield in the distant sky.

Soon they were near the battlefield. Yiyang and Chu Mulou were fighting against the second child of the four-winged Gray Eagle.

Yiyang's eyes caught Qingyi's eyes, and he also knew that the battle situation in front of the mountain gate had been settled, but why did his two disciples come here?He just wanted to drive Qingyi away, but Qingyi's voice came from his consciousness.

Yiyang listened while facing the enemy, and knew what she was thinking, and Chu Mulou also heard Qingyi's voice transmission.

So after the two attacked again, they flew to both sides together, Gray Eagle's second child, a little confused, so these two were not defeated, why did they retreat instead?

He just wanted to take the opportunity to escape, but something flew in front of him. Before he had time to slap this thing away, he was overwhelmed by a huge explosion and a group of powerful energy.

Over there, Lan Fengli also detonated his Qi Sword Formation, and two loud noises exploded in the air almost simultaneously. The monks who were still processing the corpses in front of the sect stopped to wait and see.

Lin Peifeng glanced at Mu Wanrou beside him, smiled and said:
"The gap between us and them is getting bigger and bigger. No matter how hard we practice, we will still be far behind."

"Don't be discouraged, we are also in the late stage of alchemy, and we will be able to conceive a baby in more than 20 years. It turns out that Qingyi also has ice spirit roots. Her ten thousand miles of ice is really powerful. Even if I conceive a baby, I won't have the same effect as hers .Hey! Yunyang Peak is full of geniuses.”

Lin Peifeng stopped talking and looked at the distant sky.

The energy dissipated, and the two gray eagles looked miserable. Two of their four wings were broken, and their bodies were stained red with blood. The huge eagle body wobbled, as if it would fall if they were not careful.

Before they could stand firmly in the eagle shape, they were hit by two powerful attacks. Their eagle shape could no longer be stabilized, and they fell directly to the ground.

Bang, bang two loud bangs, two deep pits were smashed out of the ground, the two eagles regretted it at this moment, they might as well stay in that space, although it was boring, they could survive.

Is it because they have been locked up for a long time and their strength has declined?Or are humans too powerful now?I wanted to occupy the mountain as king and enjoy all the good things in the world, but why did I kill Qingqing?

In the end, he had no choice but to close his eagle eyes unwillingly.

So far, the demon cultivators who have been released, except for a few who are guarding in the occupied sects, have all been wiped out.

Those Nascent Soul Stages of the Tianyu Sect took advantage of the situation to go to the original three major sects and beheaded the remaining demon cultivators. So far, the Western Continent has once again returned to peace.

Fortunately, the Fire Cloud Sect, the Qinghua Sect, and the Jade Moon Sect have not been exterminated. There are still many disciples, and even most of the Nascent Soul Stage monks are still alive.

They were just controlled by the demon cultivators and became slaves of the demon cultivators to serve them. Now that the demon cultivators die, the control disappears, and all the monks are free. The sect has once again recovered, but it still needs many years of recuperation.

The most unfortunate thing is the Jade Moon Sect, because they are all female cultivators, so most of the female disciples have become the playthings of demon cultivators recently, I wonder if their Dao heart will be dusted in the future?

The Dragon Sword Sect is safe and sound because of the nine-level clan protection formation passed down from their ancestors.

Some of the Nascent Soul stage monks who came out with Qingyi belonged to those three sects, so they returned to help revive the sect.

The rest who have nowhere to return can choose on their own. In order to balance the strength gap between the sects, most of them still choose to stay in each sect. Among them, three female cultivators went to the Jade Moon Sect.

Tianyuzong suffered the least loss this time, three Nascent Soul cultivators fell, and Ye Qing was added, so only the late Nascent Soul cultivator who was the best with Ye Qing remained in Tianyuzong.

The Yin Corpse Gate is no longer in the Nascent Soul Stage, but they did not destroy the Yin Corpse Gate. Since it has existed for many years, it should be allowed to develop...

The chaos of demon cultivators has finally been resolved. Although the monks in the Western Continent now know that the barrier between the Western Continent and the Central Territory has disappeared, and the interface suppression does not exist, there are still few people who are willing to go to the Central Territory.

In the wooden house of Yunyang Peak, Yiyang looked at the family sitting beside him, and couldn't help sighing that in a few years, maybe their cultivation base would surpass his.

This one cultivated faster than the other, and had an understanding beyond ordinary people, which made him wonder if Qingyi and Lan Fengli were from this continent?

He remembered that when he picked up Lan Fengli, he was only one year old, and he fell in love with it after just one glance. What a delicate child, and he has the body of a sword heart, why was he thrown away?
He was always busy and troublesome, so he carefully carried the child back to the sect and raised him himself. Unexpectedly, with his special physique, he could practice quickly, and his understanding of formations was unrivaled.

Sometimes, he suspected that Lan Fengli had fallen from the sky.

Yiyang drank a cup of tea, put aside the thoughts in his heart, he glanced at Qingyi and said: "This time the sect has returned to normal, shouldn't we make up the birth ceremony for you?"

Qingyi shook her head hastily, "The grand ceremony is not going to be held, after all, those three sects are in the period of renovation. Isn't it a bit too high-profile for our Tianyu Sect to hold the baby ceremony at this time."

Yiyang seemed to be thinking, glanced at Lan Fengli, and said with a smile: "How about holding your weekend ceremony?"

Qingyi raised her head and looked at Yiyang in surprise, what does Master mean by this?
"Don't be surprised, and don't lie to me anymore. In fact, I have already guessed it. What do you think?"

"It's not that good, master should take care of himself first." Qingyi shook her head again.

"Look, the two of you even talk about the same thing, hey! You really have the same mind!"

(End of this chapter)

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