Dan Road Xianhua

Chapter 232 Earned a lot of Lingshi

Chapter 232 Earned a lot of Lingshi
The two old men smiled and sat on the high platform built next to the competition platform.

"I didn't expect us two old men to be on the judging table so soon. This year's Bapin Pill competition has an extra girl. How old do you think she is? Can she really refine Bapin Pills?"

"It looks very clever, and the cultivation base is already in the early stage of becoming a god, so don't underestimate it!"

"And the new alchemist recruited by Dark Night City is not easy, and it is very likely that he will be the next alchemist who breaks through to the ninth rank."

The conversation of the two old men was set up with a soundproof cover, so of course the five people on the stage couldn't hear it.

Qingyi immediately took out the alchemy stove, Yang Xuhui next to her couldn't help being taken aback, why is this alchemy stove so familiar?He frowned and didn't think about it for a while.

For the sake of fairness in the competition, the five people refined the same kind of elixir, and the result of the competition of course depends on the quality of the elixir and the elixir.

Under the stage, many monks were also discussing:

"Master Yang will still win." A female cultivator's voice said.

"Not necessarily, those three are alchemy elders of the big family, how much older is Dan Ling than him?"

"Why didn't you say that the female cultivator can win?" I don't know who said that.

"Haha, are you joking? How can a monk from nowhere compare to the alchemists of those four forces?"

"That's not necessarily the case. I'm also an alchemist. It's not easy to see her melting the medicinal materials just now."

"How about we make a bet, too?"

"Okay, just bet."

So a group of monks cheered and ran to the side to gamble. Yu'er and Mao'er glanced at each other, got up and followed.

Looking at the bets placed above the five people, the four people were almost evenly divided, only Qingyi was a poor monk, and she was regretting it because she misplaced it because of a trembling hand.

Even the monk who was optimistic about Qingyi at first did not choose to bet on her in the end.

Yu'er and Mao'er directly bet 100 million top-grade spirit stones on it.

Some monks watched with wide-eyed eyes, how rich they are to dare to bet like this, the monk next to him who bet on Qingyi was a little relieved seeing this.

The competition on the stage had already started, and Yang Xuhui was next to Qingyi again. His attention was not on her side, but he unconsciously glanced at her from the corner of his eyes.

This glance made him sweat all over, and he really wanted to jump off the stage right now, it turned out to be her!Her flames, as well as the speed at which the medicinal materials were melted, left a deep impression on him.

He thought today would be a glorious day for him, but unexpectedly he met her. At this time, he regretted taking out so many spirit stones, which he won with great difficulty yesterday, so he gave it away like this, very unwilling.

Although he has always been very confident, Qingyi's ten top-grade pills still hit him deeply. At this moment, he has no confidence in winning at all. Why does he meet her every time he wants to shine? ?
The huge gap in mood directly affected his alchemy, and also reminded him of those gloomy days.

Qingyi quickly closed the furnace lid, flipped her white hands quickly, and began to enter the alchemy formula. This time she did not use the soul to condense the alchemy, fearing that the impact would be too great.

The alchemy elders of the three families had only half of the medicinal materials melted at this time. Their faces were calm, their expressions were leisurely but confident, immersed in their own alchemy, as if they were carving a work of art, and their movements were exceptionally coordinated and graceful.

They also knew about Qingyi's early entry into the alchemy formula, and they all shook their heads secretly. They are really young. The comparison of alchemy is the result, not the speed.
As soon as the three alchemy elders thought so in their hearts, they heard a "bang", and couldn't help but smile in their hearts. Look, this is the quick result, right?Young people are too impulsive!

They still glanced over there sympathetically, trying to comfort the little girl with their eyes, but it turned out that the boy who saw the fryer turned out to be that boy, how could it be?
They also watched Yang Xuhui concocting alchemy yesterday, with that posture and technique, they would never be able to fry the furnace so quickly!
Look at that little girl again, although the Condensing Pill Shoujue is dazzling, it is complicated but not chaotic.

Yang Xuhui didn't expect that because of Qingyi, his heart would be so fluctuated that he would blow up the furnace. This time, he felt relieved.

Even if there is still time for him to refine it again, he doesn't want to come again, anyway, he can't get the first place, so it's better to let it go and save her from refining the pill for free.

Thinking of this, Yang Xuhui let go instead, and stood on the stage with a calm demeanor, acting as an audience.

He thought about it, but everyone below was annoyed, especially the monk who bet on him.

"What's going on? Master Yang actually blew up the furnace, so what about my spirit stone?"

"That's right, what happened today? According to his alchemy speed yesterday, he can start over. Why didn't he stop practicing?"

"If I knew this before, I might as well bet on that female cultivator. You see, she entered the alchemy formula, and it's like flowing water. Hey! I regret not having started!"

The two ninth-rank alchemists watching on the stage were also amazed by Qingyi's alchemy speed and technique. It turns out that this little girl is a genius in alchemy. Do they want to abduct her?

Qingyi played the last pill formula, and then tapped the furnace cover with her hand, the restless ten pills inside became quiet, now she can make ten pills even if she doesn't use her soul to congeal the pills.

She looked at the three people on the stage. They were entering the Condensing Alchemy Art at this time, with a focused expression and natural and smooth techniques.

She glanced at Yang Xuhui who was standing there again, Qingyi knew when he was blowing up the furnace, and she roughly understood the reason in her heart, and she was narcissistic for a while, so it turned out that she still has such a great influence on him!
She looked down the stage again, and couldn't hear what she said, but some people's expressions were very exciting, is it regret?hi?it hurts...

Seeing Yu'er blinking at her again, smiling so annoyingly, Qingyi closed her eyes, ignoring everything outside, she just waited for the result, took away the Lingshi, and left Yuexian City.

An hour later, those three people finished alchemy almost at the same time. They glanced at each other, tacit understanding, and this time they were evenly matched.

Although Qingyi ended early, they didn't think she would win. Those two level nine alchemists soon arrived in front of them, and the first one to open it was Qingyi's alchemy furnace.

Looking at the ten pills lying inside, the two old men who had been refining pills for a lifetime were not calm anymore. They were thinking about whether they could abduct her back and become an apprentice or something, but in this way, when their master still almost.

Of course, the result of the competition was that some people were happy and some were sad. The monk who accidentally bet the spirit stone on Qingyi was full of joy.

I was overjoyed to get back double the number of spirit stones. Next time I encounter a betting situation, should I shake my hands first?
Qingyi happily put away the 400 million high-grade spirit stones, and also put away the elixir refined by those three people, looked at Yang Xuhui with a smile, and floated off the stage like a breeze.

When they knew that Yu'er and the others had won so many spirit stones, they even rolled their eyes with a smile. This Danby is really a bargain, did they get rich overnight?You have to leave quickly.

(End of this chapter)

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